2023-02-26 20:11:25

1. A
2. B
本题考查的是从文章中推断细节的能力。根据文章第二段“He had to struggle a lot to get out of a small town in the United States and attend Harvard University.”可以知道,比尔·盖茨从小生活在美国的一个小镇上,因此可以推断,比尔·盖茨出生在美国小镇,故正确答案为B。
3. C
本题考查的是理解文章细节的能力。文章第三段提到:“At Harvard, he started his own computer software company, Microsoft, with his friend Paul Allen.”可以知道,比尔·盖茨是在哈佛大学和朋友保罗·艾伦一起创办微软公司的,因此可以推断,比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦是微软公司的联合创始人,故正确答案为C。
On the way to school, I saw a beggar who sat on the ground and helplessly begging for food. Stop by him, I felt very sad and moved. I wanted to help him but I had no money to give him. So I decided to make him a bowl of noodles, and I said to him: “You must feel hungry. Here are some noodles I made. Please take it.” Hearing this, the beggar was surprise and thanked me from the bottom of his heart.
On the way to school, I saw a beggar who sat on the ground and helplessly ①begging for food. Stopping by him, I felt very sad and moved. I wanted to help ②him but I had no money to give him. So I decided to make him a bowl of noodles, and I said to ③him: “You must feel hungry. Here are some noodles I have made. Please take it.” Hearing this, the beggar was surprised ④and thanked me from the bottom of his heart.

2023-02-26 20:11:25