2023-02-28 18:25:41

Response to Jiangnan Ten Schools' 2020 Second Joint Exam for Senior 3 English
As a student who took part in the Jiangnan Ten Schools' 2020 Second Joint Exam for Senior 3 English, I would like to share my thoughts and experiences about the exam.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the examiners who carefully designed the exam. The exam was challenging yet fair, and it covered a wide range of topics from grammar and vocabulary to reading comprehension and writing skills.
In terms of the difficulty level, I would say that the exam was not easy, but it was not overly difficult either. There were some tricky questions, but overall, I think the exam was a good test of our English language proficiency.
One thing that I particularly appreciated about the exam was the reading comprehension section. The texts were interesting and engaging, and the questions were well-designed to test our understanding of the texts. I also found the writing section to be quite challenging, but it was a good opportunity to showcase our writing skills.
Overall, I feel that the Jiangnan Ten Schools' 2020 Second Joint Exam for Senior 3 English was a well-designed and challenging exam that tested our English language proficiency comprehensively. I hope that the examiners will continue to design such exams in the future to help us improve our English language skills.

2023-02-28 18:25:41