2023-03-01 17:34:46

Response to Chengdu City's 2020 Third-year High School English Exam
As a student who took the exam, I found it challenging but fair. The reading comprehension section was especially difficult, as it required a deep understanding of the text and critical thinking skills. However, I appreciated that the questions were not straightforward and required me to think beyond surface-level information.
The writing section was also challenging, as it required not only good grammar and vocabulary but also the ability to organize and express ideas effectively. The topic was thought-provoking and allowed me to reflect on my personal experiences and opinions.
Overall, I believe that the exam was a good test of our English proficiency and critical thinking abilities. It challenged us to think deeply and express ourselves clearly. I am grateful for the opportunity to have taken this exam and look forward to seeing my results.

2023-03-01 17:34:46