
唯一的信仰 中考英语词汇

prep.从…一端至另一端; 穿过; 贯穿; 透过…看到; 隔着…听到; 自始至终; 从头到尾
adv.从一端到另一端; 通过; 自始至终; 从头至尾; 通过(障碍、阶段或测试)
adj.(交通旅行)直达的,直通的,联运的,全程的; (火车)直达的; (道路或路线)直通的



从…一端至另一端;穿过;贯穿from one end or side of sth/sb to the other

The burglar got in through the window.盗贼是从窗户进来的。

The bullet went straight through him.子弹从他身上穿了过去。

Her knees had gone through (= made holes in) her jeans.她的膝盖把牛仔裤磨破了。

The sand ran through (= between) my fingers.沙子从我的手指缝间漏了下去。

The path led through the trees to the river.这条小路穿过树林通向河边。

The doctor pushed his way through the crowd.医生挤过人群。

The Charles River flows through Boston.查尔斯河流经波士顿。

透过…看到;隔着…听到to see, hear, etc. sth from the other side of an object or a substance

I couldn't hear their conversation through the wall.我隔墙听不到他们的交谈。

He could just make out three people through the mist.透过薄雾他勉强能看出有三个人。

自始至终;从头到尾from the beginning to the end of an activity, a situation or a period of time

The children are too young to sit through a concert.这些孩子太小,音乐会没完就坐不住了。

He will not live through the night.他活不过今天夜里了。

I'm halfway through (= reading) her second novel.她的第二部小说我看了一半了。

通过(障碍、阶段或测试);穿过past a barrier, stage or test

Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left.你穿过这道大门,就看到左面的房子了。

He drove through a red light (= passed it when he should have stopped) .他开车闯了红灯。

First I have to get through the exams.首先我必须通过这些考试。

The bill had a difficult passage through Parliament.这项提案费了一番周折才在议会上通过。

I'd never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you.假如没有您,我是绝对渡不过这个难关的。

直至,一直到(所指时间包括在内)until, and including

We'll be in New York Tuesday through Friday.我们从星期二到星期五将一直待在纽约。

以;凭借;因为;由于by means of; because of

You can only achieve success through hard work.你得孜孜不倦方能成功。

It was through him (= as a result of his help) that I got the job.我全靠他的帮助才找到这份工作。

The accident happened through no fault of mine.发生事故并不是我的过错。


从一端到另一端;通过from one end or side of sth to the other

Put the coffee in the filter and let the water run through.把咖啡放入过滤器里让水流过。

The tyre's flat─the nail has gone right through.轮胎瘪了,让钉子扎穿了。

The onlookers stood aside to let the paramedics through.围观的人闪开一条路,让医务辅助人员通过。

The flood was too deep to drive through.洪水太深,汽车开不过去。

自始至终;从头至尾from the beginning to the end of a thing or period of time

Don't tell me how it ends─I haven't read it all the way through yet.先别告诉我书的结尾,我还没有看完呢。

I expect I'll struggle through until payday.我想我会挨到发薪日的。

通过(障碍、阶段或测试)past a barrier, stage or test

The lights were red but he drove straight through.红灯亮着,但他开车闯了过去。

Our team is through to (= has reached) the semi-finals.我们队打进了半决赛。

直达;径直travelling through a place without stopping or without people having to get off one train and onto another

‘Did you stop in Oxford on the way?’ ‘No, we drove straight through.’“你们路经牛津时停车了吗?”“没有,我们一直开过来的。”

This train goes straight through to York.这列火车直达约克。

(电话)接通着connected by telephone

Ask to be put through to me personally.请接线员把电话直接接给我本人。

I tried to call you but I couldn't get through .我给你打电话了,可是怎么也打不通。

(用于形容词后)完全,彻底used after an adjective to mean ‘completely’

We got wet through.我们浑身上下都湿透了。


(交通旅行)直达的,直通的,联运的,全程的 through traffic travels from one side of a place to the other without stopping

(火车)直达的,直通的a through train takes you to the final place you want to get to and you do not have to get off and get on another train

(道路或路线)直通的a through road or route is open at both ends and allows traffic to travel from one end to the other

The village lies on a busy through road.那村庄坐落在一条繁忙的直达公路上。

No through road (= the road is closed at one end) .此路不通。

(使用)完成,结束;(关系)了结,断绝used to show that you have finished using sth or have ended a relationship with sb

Are you through with that newspaper?你看完那份报纸了吗?

Todd and I are through.托德和我吹了。


In addition to the uses shown below, through is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘see through’, ‘think through’, and ‘win through’.除下列用法外,through 还可用于 see through,think through,win through 等动词短语中。

The preposition is pronounced /θruː/. In other cases, through is pronounced /'θruː/. 介词读作 /θruː/,其他情况下在句中作重读。

PREP 穿过,通过(洞、口子、管道等);从…的一端到另一端To move through something such as a hole, opening, or pipe means to move directly from one side or end of it to the other.The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse...雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入,剧院的观众被疏散了。

Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign...从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。

Visitors enter through a side entrance...游客从侧门进入。

The main path continues through a tunnel of trees.主路继续延伸,穿过了树枝遮顶的林阴道。

Through is also an adverb.

He went straight through to the kitchen and took a can of beer from the fridge...他径直来到厨房,从冰箱里取出一罐啤酒。

She opened the door and stood back to allow the man to pass through.她打开门,退后一步让那名男子进去。

PREP (切)开;(割)断;(凿)穿To cut through something means to cut it in two pieces or to make a hole in it.Use a proper fish knife and fork if possible as they are designed to cut through the flesh but not the bones...如果可能的话,选用正规的吃鱼刀叉,因为它们是专门设计来切开鱼肉而又不会切断鱼骨的。

Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal.兔子还是找到办法进去了。我敢断定,有些兔子甚至已经用上了咬断金属的办法。

Through is also an adverb.

Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.先轻轻地划一道痕,然后再反复划,每次划得深一点,直到木板被割断。

PREP 穿过,通过(城市、地区、国家);遍及To go through a town, area, or country means to travel across it or in it.Go up to Ramsgate, cross into France, go through Andorra and into Spain.北行至拉姆斯盖特,然后横跨法国,穿过安多拉,进入西班牙。

...travelling through pathless woods...在人迹罕至的树林中穿行

The couple set off in August from Morocco, drove through the Sahara, visited Nigeria and were heading for Zimbabwe.那对夫妇 8 月从摩洛哥出发,驱车穿过撒哈拉大沙漠,游览了尼日利亚,正向津巴布韦进发。

...and Sue Cook takes her family on a motoring trip through Cornwall.而且休·库克开车带着家人在康沃尔兜了一圈

Through is also an adverb.

Few know that the tribe was just passing through.很少有人知道那个部族只是路过。

PREP 在…之间;在…之中If you move through a group of things or a mass of something, it is on either side of you or all around you.We made our way through the crowd to the river...我们挤过人群,来到河边。

Sybil's fingers ran through the water...西比尔的手指在水中划来划去。

Nancy kept running, plunging through the sand...南希一直跑啊跑,穿过沙地。

He hurried through the rain, to the patrol car.他冒着雨急匆匆地跑到巡逻车前。

Through is also an adverb.

He pushed his way through to the edge of the crowd where he waited.他一直挤到人群的边缘,然后就在那儿等着。

PREP 跨越(障碍等)To get through a barrier or obstacle means to get from one side of it to the other.Allow twenty-five minutes to get through Passport Control and Customs...留出 25 分钟过护照检查处和海关。

He was one of the last of the crowd to pass through the barrier...他是那群人里最后一批跨越障碍的。

Traders generally travel safely through the border.商人通常可以安全通过边界。

Through is also an adverb.

...a maze of concrete and steel barriers, designed to prevent vehicles driving straight through.专为防止车辆直行通过而设计的迷宫似的钢筋混凝土障碍物

PREP 闯过,硬闯(红灯)If a driver goes through a red light, they keep driving even though they should stop.He was killed at a road junction by a van driver who went through a red light...他在交叉路口被一辆闯红灯的小货车撞死了。

We drove through red traffic lights, the horn blaring.我们鸣着喇叭,闯过红灯。

PREP 穿过,通过(某物内部)If something goes into an object and comes out of the other side, you can say that it passes through the object.The ends of the net pass through a wooden bar at each end...网的两端各穿过一根木棒。

Zita was herself unconventional, keeping a safety-pin stuck through her ear lobe.齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。

Through is also an adverb.

I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.我钻了个孔,好让固定插销穿过去。

PREP 通过,经过(系统)To go through a system means to move around it or to pass from one end of it to the other....electric currents travelling through copper wires...通过铜导线的电流

What a lot of cards you've got through the post!你们收到了多少寄来的贺卡啊!

...a child's successful passage through the education system.孩子顺利完成学业

Through is also an adverb.

It is also expected to consider a resolution which would allow food to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.预计还将考虑通过一项决议,将减少限制使食品迅速通过。

PREP 透过,通过(…感知)If you see, hear, or feel something through a particular thing, that thing is between you and the thing you can see, hear, or feel.Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass...艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃神情忧郁地凝视着窗外。

They could hear music pulsing through the walls of the house...透过墙壁,他们能听到有节奏的音乐声。

I am sure I can feel a vibration through the soles of my feet.我敢肯定我能感到脚底下有震动。

PREP (感觉、态度、品质)遍布,遍及,贯穿If something such as a feeling, attitude, or quality, happens through an area, organization, or a person's body, it happens everywhere in it or affects all of it.An atmosphere of anticipation vibrated through the crowd...期待的心情在人群中弥漫开来。

The melody that ran through his brain was composed of bad notes...回荡在他脑海里的旋律都走调了。

What was going through his mind when he spoke those amazing words?...他说出那些令人诧异的话时,心里都在想些什么?

A mood of optimism swept through the company and its customers.公司上下及其顾客都洋溢着一股乐观情绪。

PREP 自始至终;从头到尾If something happens or exists through a period of time, it happens or exists from the beginning until the end.We're playing in New Zealand, Australia and Japan through November...整个 11 月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。

Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year...“传奇”旅行社为老年人提供全年的国内外旅游服务。

She kept quiet all through breakfast.早饭时,她从头到尾一声不吭的。

Through is also an adverb.

We've got a tough programme, hard work right through to the summer...我们有一个难啃的项目,需要一直奋战到夏天。

He worked right through.他参与了整个过程。

PREP 直至;一直到If something happens from a particular period of time through another, it starts at the first period and continues until the end of the second Monday through Sunday from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm...开放时间:周一到周日,每天早晨 7: 00 到晚上 10: 00

During her busy season (March through June), she often completes as many as fifty paintings a week.她忙的时候(从 3 月一直到 6 月),常常一个星期完成多达 50 幅画作。

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 to

PREP 经历;度过If you go through a particular experience or event, you experience it, and if you behave in a particular way through it, you behave in that way while it is happening.Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women.男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。

...a humorous woman who had lived through two world wars in Paris...在巴黎经历过两次世界大战的幽默女人

Why was I putting myself through all this misery?...我为什么要如此自找苦吃啊?

Through it all, Mark was outwardly calm.自始至终,马克表面上都显得很镇定。

ADJ 完成的;结束的;(与…)关系了结的If you are through with something or if it is through, you have finished doing it and will never do it again. If you are through with someone, you do not want to have anything to do with them again.I'm through with the explaining...我不想再解释了。

Training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through...她接受的婚姻指导师培训能保证她学业一结束就找到工作。

They were through. They wanted out. Forever...他们受够了,他们想要解脱,永远的解脱。

I'm through with women.我这辈子都不会再和女人交往了。

PREP 进行到一半/一直到底You use through in expressions such as half-way through and all the way through to indicate to what extent an action or task is completed.A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon and died shortly afterwards.一名 39 岁的马拉松参赛者跑到一半时瘫倒在地,没过多久就死了。

Through is also an adverb.

Stir the pork about until it turns white all the way through.不停搅动猪肉,直到它全部变白为止。

PREP 因为;由于If something happens because of something else, you can say that it happens through it.They are understood to have retired through age or ill health...据知他们是因年龄或健康问题而退休。

The thought of someone suffering through a mistake of mine makes me shiver.想到有人因为我犯的错误而吃苦头,我就不寒而栗。

PREP 通过;凭借;依靠You use through when stating the means by which a particular thing is achieved.Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment...企图通过暴力夺权的人理应受到惩罚。

You simply can't get a ticket through official channels.通过官方渠道是压根儿搞不到票的。

PREP 经过;经由If you do something through someone else, they take the necessary action for you.Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct?...我必须经过我的医生呢,还是可以直接预约?

Speaking through an interpreter, he called for some new thinking from the West.他通过译员发出呼吁,希望西方能采取一些新的思维。

ADV (提议、观点)获得通过,得到批准If something such as a proposal or idea goes through, it is accepted by people in authority and is made legal or official.It is possible that the present Governor General will be made interim President, if the proposals go through...如果提案获得通过,现任总督可能被任命为临时总统。

The secretary of state during the Nixon-Ford transition did not wish to push the proposals through.尼克松-福特过渡时期的国务卿不希望推动那些提案得到通过。

Through is also a preposition.

They want to get the plan through Congress as quickly as possible.他们想让该计划尽快获得国会的批准。

PREP 通过(考试);(在比赛中)胜出If someone gets through an examination or a round of a competition, they succeed or win.She was bright, learned languages quickly, and sailed through her exams...她头脑聪明,学语言学得快,各门考试都顺利地通过。

All the seeded players got through the first round.所有种子选手都闯过了第一轮比赛。

Through is also an adverb.

Nigeria also go through from that group.尼日利亚队也在那个小组中胜出。

ADV (电话)接通,打通When you get through while making a telephone call, the call is connected and you can speak to the person you are phoning.He may find the line cut on the telephone so that he can't get through...他可能会发现电话线被切断了,所以打不通。

Smith tried to get through to Frank at Warm Springs the next morning.第二天早上,史密斯试图打电话给在沃姆斯普林斯的弗兰克。

PREP 彻底地(查看或检查)If you look or go through a lot of things, you look at them or deal with them one after the other.Let's go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible...我们一起把这些数目过一遍,看能不能找出个可行方案。

When you have finished your list of personal preferences, go through it again...等你列出个人喜好的单子后,从头到尾再看一遍。

David ran through the agreement with Guy, point by point...戴维和盖伊一起把协议逐条看了一遍。

He, too, had a lot of paperwork to get through.他也有很多文书工作要处理。

PREP 从头到尾(阅读)If you read through something, you read it from beginning to end.She read through pages and pages of the music I had brought her...她一页一页地翻看我带给她的乐谱。

I only had time to skim through the script before I flew over here.我在乘飞机来这儿之前,只来得及把稿子浏览了一遍。

Through is also an adverb.

He read the article straight through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.他将那篇文章从头读到尾,寻找先前可能漏看的任何一点零星信息。

ADJ (火车)直达的A through train goes directly to a particular place, so that the people who want to go there do not have to change trains....Britain's longest through train journey, 685 miles.英国行程最远的直达列车路线——685 英里

ADV (湿)透If you say that someone or something is wet through, you are emphasizing how wet they are.I returned to the inn cold and wet, soaked through by the drizzling rain...我回到小旅馆时身上被毛毛雨淋透了,感觉又冷又湿。

She went on crying, and cried and cried until the pillow was wet through.她还是哭,哭呀哭,一直哭到枕头都湿透了。

PHRASE 彻底;完全Through and through means completely and to the greatest extent possible.I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through...我双脚湿透,感觉都冻到骨头里了。

People assume they know me through and through the moment we meet.人们一见到我,就自以为对我了如指掌了。


The theatre was evacuated when rain poured through the roof at the Liverpool Playhouse 雨从利物浦剧院的屋顶倾泻而入,剧院的观众被疏散了。

Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign 从“安全出口”标志下的那道门直穿过去。

Visitors enter through a side entrance 游客从侧门进入。

The main path continues through a tunnel of trees. 主路继续延伸,穿过了树枝遮顶的林阴道。

Use a proper fish knife and fork if possible as they are designed to cut through the flesh but not the bones 如果可能的话,选用正规的吃鱼刀叉,因为它们是专门设计来切开鱼肉而又不会切断鱼骨的。

Rabbits still manage to find a way in. I am sure that some have even taken to gnawing through the metal. 兔子还是找到办法进去了。我敢断定,有些兔子甚至已经用上了咬断金属的办法。

Go up to Ramsgate, cross into France, go through Andorra and into Spain. 北行至拉姆斯盖特,然后横跨法国,穿过安多拉,进入西班牙。

The couple set off in August from Morocco, drove through the Sahara, visited Nigeria and were heading for Zimbabwe. 那对夫妇8月从摩洛哥出发,驱车穿过撒哈拉大沙漠,游览了尼日利亚,正向津巴布韦进发。

We made our way through the crowd to the river 我们挤过人群,来到河边。

He was killed at a road junction by a van driver who went through a red light 他在交叉路口被一辆闯红灯的小货车撞死了。

The ends of the net pass through a wooden bar at each end 网的两端各穿过一根木棒。

What a lot of cards you've got through the post! 你们收到了多少寄来的贺卡啊!

Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass 艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃神情忧郁地凝视着窗外。

An atmosphere of anticipation vibrated through the crowd 期待的心情在人群中弥漫开来。

We're playing in New Zealand, Australia and Japan through November 整个11月,我们都在新西兰、澳大利亚和日本巡回演出。

Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women. 男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。

I'm through with the explaining 我不想再解释了。

A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon and died shortly afterwards. 一名39岁的马拉松参赛者跑到一半时瘫倒在地,没过多久就死了。

They are understood to have retired through age or ill health 据知他们是因年龄或健康问题而退休。

Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment 企图通过暴力夺权的人理应受到惩罚。

Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct? 我必须经过我的医生呢,还是可以直接预约?

It is possible that the present Governor General will be made interim President, if the proposals go through 如果提案获得通过,现任总督可能被任命为临时总统。

She was bright, learned languages quickly, and sailed through her exams 她头脑聪明,学语言学得快,各门考试都顺利地通过。

He may find the line cut on the telephone so that he can't get through 他可能会发现电话线被切断了,所以打不通。

Let's go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible 我们一起把这些数目过一遍,看能不能找出个可行方案。

She read through pages and pages of the music I had brought her 她一页一页地翻看我带给她的乐谱。

I returned to the inn cold and wet, soaked through by the drizzling rain 我回到小旅馆时身上被毛毛雨淋透了,感觉又冷又湿。

I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through 我双脚湿透,感觉都冻到骨头里了。



through and through

完全;彻底;地地道道;彻头彻尾completely; in every way

He's British through and through.他是地地道道的英国人。



having finished or arrived at completion

certain to make history before he's done

it's a done deed

after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up

almost through with his studies

Synonym:donethrough with(p)


throughout the entire extent

got soaked through in the rain

I'm frozen through

a letter shot through with the writer's personality

knew him through and through

boards rotten through and through

Synonym:through and through

over the whole distance

this bus goes through to New York

in diameter

this cylinder measures 15 inches through

from beginning to end

read this book through

to completion

think this through very carefully!

猎虎 2023-01-06 20:03:04














一派胡言是汉语词汇。拼音:yī pài hú yán。释义:指不切实际的言语。最早出自明末作家冯梦龙的《警世恒言》。


理直气壮,汉语成语,读音是lǐ zhí qì zhuàng,意思是因为理由充分,所以说话气势壮。出自《古今小说》卷三十一:“便捉我到阎罗殿前,我也理直气壮,不怕甚的。”




“拜谢”是汉语词汇,拼音:bài xiè,释义:行礼表示感谢;十分感谢。出自《韩非子·外储说左下》:“解狐荐其雠於简主以为相,其雠以为且幸释己也,乃因往拜谢。”