
阳光男孩 中考英语词汇

n.颈; 脖子; 衣领; 领子; 领圈; 有…衣领的; 有…脖子的
v.搂着脖子亲吻; 相拥互吻




颈;脖子the part of the body between the head and the shoulders

He tied a scarf around his neck.他脖子上围着围巾。

Giraffes have very long necks.长颈鹿脖子很长。

She craned (= stretched) her neck to get a better view.她伸长了脖子,想看得清楚一点。

He broke his neck in the fall.他摔断了脖子。

Somebody's going to break their neck (= injure themselves) on these steps.会有人在这台阶上摔伤的。

衣领;领子;领圈the part of a piece of clothing that fits around the neck

What neck size do you take?你穿多大的衣领?

有…衣领的;有…脖子的having the type of neck mentioned

a round-necked sweater一件圆领毛衣

(物体的)细长部分,颈部a long narrow part of sth

the neck of a bottle瓶颈

a neck of land地峡

(烹制食用的)动物颈肉the neck of an animal, cooked and eaten

neck of lamb小羊颈肉


搂着脖子亲吻;相拥互吻when two people are necking , they are kissing each other in a sexual way


N-COUNT 颈;脖子Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body.She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly...她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热情地拥抱他。

He was short and stocky, and had a thick neck.他矮壮结实,脖子很粗。

N-COUNT 衣领;领口The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck....the low, ruffled neck of her blouse...她的打褶低胸的衬衫领口

He wore a blue shirt open at the neck.他穿了件蓝衬衫,领口敞开着。

N-COUNT (瓶子、吉他等的)颈状部位,细长部分,颈部The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it.Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle.凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。

...cancer of the neck of the womb.宫颈癌

V-RECIP 搂着脖子亲吻;相拥而吻If two people are necking, they are kissing each other in a sexual way.They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes...他们在车里又坐了10分钟,边说边搂着亲热。

I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend's wife.我意识到自己在帘子后面吻着至友的妻子。

N-SING (赛马)以微弱优势(获胜),险(胜)If a horse wins a race by a neck, it wins by a very small distance.Cee En Cee went on to win by a neck from Leigh Crofter.西恩西再次以微弱优势战胜莉·克罗夫特。

PHRASE 密切监视;紧紧盯住If you say that someone is breathing down your neck, you mean that they are watching you very closely and checking everything you do.Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks.大部分农场主的一举一动都受到银行经理们的密切关注。

PHRASE (尤指选举中)并驾齐驱,难分高低In a competition, especially an election, if two or more competitors are neck and neck, they are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning.The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck...最近的一次民意测验显示两个主要政党难分高下。

The party is running neck-and-neck with Labour.该党和工党目前是旗鼓相当。

PHRASE (常指为实现某事)冒险If you say that someone is risking their neck, you mean they are doing something very dangerous, often in order to achieve something.I won't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle.我不会让他冒险骑那辆摩托车。

PHRASE 保全(某人的工作或声誉)To save someone's neck means to prevent them from losing their job or harming their reputation.He had enough friends in the right places to save his neck and cover up for him...他有很多朋友能保全他,帮他打掩护。

He said the President was making a last ditch attempt to save his own neck.他说总统正在作最后的努力,希望保住自己的声誉。

PHRASE 担风险;找麻烦;惹祸If you stick your neck out, you bravely say or do something that might be criticized or might turn out to be wrong.During my political life I've earned myself a reputation as someone who'll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel.我在政治生涯中敢冒风险、有点叛逆是小有名气的。

PHRASE 担负;缠住If you say that you have something round your neck or around your neck, you mean that it is your responsibility and it causes you a lot of worry.No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck...任何人都不该身背债务开始工作生涯。

It's a legacy which will hang around the country's neck for some time to come.这项遗留问题在未来的一段时间内仍将困扰这个国家。

PHRASE 深深陷入,被卷入(麻烦、罪行等)If you say that someone is in some sort of trouble or criminal activity up to their neck, you mean that they are deeply involved in it.The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks...黑市繁荣,每个人都已堕落,深陷其中。

He is probably up to his neck in debt.他很有可能债务缠身。

PHRASE 地段;附近地区Someone or something that is from your neck of the woods is from the same part of the country as you are.It's so good to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods?见到你真高兴,哪阵风把你吹来了?

to have a millstone round your neck → see: millstone


Acupressure is used to release tension spots in the shoulders and neck. 指压按摩用于缓解肩部和颈部的紧张。

She had bare arms and a bare neck. 她的胳臂和脖子都露在外面。

I do special neck and shoulder exercises 我做专门的颈部和肩部运动。

The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats 科学家们已经在老鼠细小的颈动脉上做了实验。

I also had a strange feeling in my neck 我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。

She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me. 她突然张开手臂搂住我的脖子,然后吻了我一下。

Happily, his neck injuries were not serious 很幸运,他脖子上的伤并不严重。

Foley raised his chin and jerked his neck as if his collar were too tight. 福利抬起下巴,伸了伸脖子,仿佛领子太紧了。

He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck 他伸手松了松脖子上的围巾。

She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly 她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,热情地拥抱他。

He was short and stocky, and had a thick neck. 他矮壮结实,脖子很粗。

He wore a blue shirt open at the neck. 他穿了件蓝衬衫,领口敞开着。

Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle. 凯瑟琳紧握着破裂的瓶颈。

They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes 他们在车里又坐了10分钟,边说边搂着亲热。

I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend's wife. 我意识到自己在帘子后面吻着至友的妻子。

Cee En Cee went on to win by a neck from Leigh Crofter. 西恩西再次以微弱优势战胜莉·克罗夫特。

Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks. 大部分农场主的一举一动都受到银行经理们的密切关注。

The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck 最近的一次民意测验显示两个主要政党难分高下。

I won't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle. 我不会让他冒险骑那辆摩托车。

He had enough friends in the right places to save his neck and cover up for him 他有很多朋友能保全他,帮他打掩护。

He said the President was making a last ditch attempt to save his own neck. 他说总统正在作最后的努力,希望保住自己的声誉。

During my political life I've earned myself a reputation as someone who'll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel. 我在政治生涯中敢冒风险、有点叛逆是小有名气的。

No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck 任何人都不该身背债务开始工作生涯。

It's a legacy which will hang around the country's neck for some time to come. 这项遗留问题在未来的一段时间内仍将困扰这个国家。

The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks 黑市繁荣,每个人都已堕落,深陷其中。

He is probably up to his neck in debt. 他很有可能债务缠身。

It's so good to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods? 见到你真高兴,哪阵风把你吹来了?

Playing against Zebre in England's first outing, he suffered a whiplash injury to his neck. 在英格兰队首次对阵热布里的比赛中,他颈部受了挥鞭伤。

I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck 我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了。



be up to your neck in sth

深陷于;忙于应付to have a lot of sth to deal with

We're up to our neck in debt.我们债务累累。

He's in it (= trouble) up to his neck.他遇上了麻烦,难以解脱。

by a neck

以微弱优势(领先)if a person or an animal wins a race by a neck , they win it by a short distance

get it in the neck

受到严厉责骂;受重罚to be shouted at or punished because of sth that you have done

neck and neck (with sb/sth)

(比赛中)势均力敌,不分上下,平手level with sb in a race or competition

neck of the woods

某地方;某地区a particular place or area

He's from your neck of the woods (= the area where you live) .他是你那一带的人。

put/lay your head/neck on the block

冒(失业、损失名誉等)的险to risk losing your job, damaging your reputation, etc. by doing or saying sth

brass neck/nerve

自以为是;傲慢无理a combination of confidence and lack of respect

I didn't think she would have the brass neck to do that.我本以为她不会胆大妄为地去做了那件事。

breathe down sb's neck

紧盯着某人看;看得某人发毛(或心烦);监视to watch closely what sb is doing in a way that makes them feel anxious and/or annoyed

a millstone around/round your neck

难以摆脱的沉重负担a difficult problem or responsibility that it seems impossible to solve or get rid of

My debts are a millstone around my neck.债务成了我难以摆脱的负担。

a pain in the neck

极讨厌的人(或事物)a person or thing that is very annoying

risk life and limb

risk your neck

冒死;不惜受伤to risk being killed or injured in order to do sth

save sb's bacon/neck

解救某人摆脱困境to rescue sb from a very difficult situation

by the scruff of the/sb's neck

揪着动物(或人)的脖颈儿roughly holding the back of an animal's or person's neck

She grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him out.她一把抓住他的脖子,将他扔了出去。

stick your neck out

做不保险的事;说不保险的话;冒险to do or say sth when there is a risk that you may be wrong

wring sb's neck

(表示愤怒或气恼)拧断…的脖子,非掐死…不可when you say that you will wring sb's neck , you mean that you are very angry or annoyed with them



an opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer

Synonym:neck opening

a narrow part of an artifact that resembles a neck in position or form

the banjo had a long neck

the bottle had a wide neck

the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body

he admired her long graceful neck

the horse won by a neck


a cut of meat from the neck of an animal

a narrow elongated projecting strip of land


kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion

The couple were necking in the back seat of the car

Synonym:make out

心若磐石 2023-01-06 20:02:49


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