
朝花夕拾 高中英语

Unit four Movies from the east,views from the west

I think the basic message of this moveie is the power and importance of education.

Even though this village was wxtremely poor,

the adults felt it was so important to keep the school going.

They had children of all ages in one class,

hardly any supplies,a very poor building and an inexperienced teacher,

yet the kids learned something very important.

A hade stone is useless before it is processed;

a man is good-for-nothing until he is educated.-Chinese Proverb

Section 1 New words and ideas

Li Ming's new pen pal talking about Chinese Movies

From:Mary Carson


Subject:Chinese movies!

Dear Li Ming,Thanks for your e-mail.

I'm happy to be your pen pal,too!

I like your ideas about Hollywood movies.

Guess what I did last weekend?I watched my firs Chinese movie with Jenny!

I saw a Jacket Chan movie and I really enjoyed it.

I was a little surprised,though,

because it was different form a typical Western movie.

Boy,Chinese movies have a lot of action in them,don't they?

I couldn't believe how fast everything happened.

There was so much kung fu in the show.

Don't you guys ever get bored watching the same actions all the time:

Chop!Whack!Kick!Fall down and roo?I think it gets boring after a while.

And I get dizzy watching the people jump around so fast.

The reason I liked the movie was that it was so funny!

I laughed my head off all the way through the movie.

I think it is good to watch a movie to relax

and forget the real world for a while.

Western movies are often so serious and realistic.

When you watch them,you think a lot about the problem is in the world

and sometimes you feel depressed.

Sometimes the endings are very sad.

I think Chinese movies always have happy endings.

People who like Jackic Chan don't care if the ending is realistic.

They just care that everything is happy in the end.

The other thing I noticed about the movie was the fantastic special effects.

The movie was very high-tech.

Maybe Chinese filmmakers think that special effects

and action are the two most important things in a movie.

Different things are important to Western filmmakers.

For example,in Western movies you can see a lot of scenic shots,

beautiful pictures of the landscape,mountains,water,and the sky.

In the Jackie Chan movie,

the camera was moving so fast I had no time notice the scenery!

But the most important thing missing in Chinese movies is romance!

Why is there no romance in a typical Chinese movie?I like romantic movies.

Actually,they are my favourite kind of movie.How about you,Li Ming?

Well,it's time for me to go now.

I have an assignment fo finish for class tomorrow.

I have to do a movie review.

Last week in class we watched a great movie called Pay it Forward.

It was such a good movie!Now I have to write my impressions of the movie.

I don't mind doing this homework because,of course,the movie was so romantic!

Bye for now,Mary


Section 2 meaning through practice

C.Build your listening skills

[-1:00.00]Choose the correct answers as you listen.

[-1:-1.00]Section 4 Reading for meaning

[-1:-2.00]Responses to a Chinese movie

[-1:-3.00]To provide you with a true sample

[-1:-4.00]of how Western youth respond to Chinese movies,

[-1:-5.00]we organzed a group of North American high school students

[-1:-6.00]to watch Zhang Yimou's Not One less with English subtitles.

[-1:-7.00]Here's what they have written about the movie. [-1:-8.00]At first laughed when I the children were writing all the basic words...

[-1:-9.00]water,air,flower and then one wrote diligence.

[-1:10.00]It seemed hilarious.But then I realized that is an important theme in this movie.

[-1:11.00]The young teacher kept trying and trying;

[-1:12.00]she never gave up,even when everone told her she was wasting her time

[-1:13.00]and she would never succeed.

[-1:14.00]The movie encourages me to open my eyes and perhaps,

[-1:15.00]next time,I will choose a Chinese movie in the video store

[-1:16.00]instead of only American movies.-Hailey

[-1:17.00]I think the basic message of this movie is the power and importance of education[-1:18.00]Even though this village was extremely poor,

[-1:19.00]the adults felt it was so important to keep the school going.

[-1:20.00]They had children of all ages in one class,

[-1:21.00]hardly any supplies,a very poor building and an inexperienced teacher,

[-1:22.00]yet the kids learned something very important.

[-1:23.00]This movie had a very slow plot

[-1:24.00]that led up to a small climax and a quick ending.

[-1:25.00]This was very different.

[-1:26.00]The ending was not as developed as Western movies usually are.

[-1:27.00]An ending like the one in this movie would not go over well in Western countries.

[-1:28.00]The part about the flag was interesting to me.

[-1:29.00]Chinese people seem to be more patriotic than we are.

[-1:30.00]The mayor stopped the kids from singing the anthem

[-1:31.00]until they actually put up the flag.

[-1:32.00]They couldn't jsut go through the motions.-Jolene

[-1:33.00]I found this movie more different than what I am used to.

[-1:34.00]It helped me to understand China and Chinese entertainment,

[-1:35.00]and also to understand the differences

[-1:36.00]between their behaviour and actions and ours.-Allan

[-1:37.00]I found this to be an interesting movie.

[-1:38.00]It showed me that the way of education in Canada

[-1:39.00]is quite different from that in China.

[-1:40.00]Young people are young people though.

[-1:41.00]As I watched the film,I slowly became aware of the fact

[-1:42.00]that even though everything seemed so foreign

[-1:43.00]-the culture,the language,the way of education

[-1:44.00]-when I looked really closely

[-1:45.00]I could understand the young people and their teacher.

[-1:46.00]Take away the language barrier and cultural differences,

[-1:47.00]and you find a group of students and their teacher

[-1:48.00]working hard to have a quality education.

[-1:49.00]I think I could learn quite well in a class such as theirs.-Sandy

[-1:50.00]On the whole,I found the movie somewhat interesting,

[-1:51.00]especially the character of the teacher.

[-1:52.00]She was so young;was she even a teacher?

[-1:53.00]But then,of course we see that it didn't really matter

[-1:54.00]if she was a real teacher or not.She taught the children.

[-1:55.00]I don't even think she knew how to do math as well as the kids

[-1:56.00]but she kept asking them to do the calculations and so they learned.

[-1:57.00]It made me ask myself"What makes a good teacher?"

[-1:58.00]When she first came to the school and the old teacher asked what she could do,

[-1:59.00]she just said,"I can sing."That's not true.

[-2:00.00]She did much more than that.-Renee

[-2:-1.00]Charlie Chaplin

[-2:-2.00]Ninety years ago,the life-cardboard figure of a small tramp

[-2:-3.00]would appear every few weeks outside the movie theatre

[-2:-4.00]in almost any American town.

[-2:-5.00]The figure wore torn,baggy pants,a cutaway coat and a vest.

[-2:-6.00]It had huge,worn-out shoes on its feet,and it wore an old,

[-2:-7.00]damaged that on which was written I AM HERE TODAY.

[-2:-8.00]The cardboard figure represented Charlie Chaplin,

[-2:-9.00]the most famous and loved actor of his time.

[-2:10.00]An advertisement for a new Charlie Chaplin film

[-2:11.00]was a promise of happiness and of laughter.

[-2:12.00]His fans knew they would leave the theatre

[-2:13.00]smiling even when Chaplin played a sad or lost character,

[-2:14.00]as he often did.He gave Americans something precious and beautiful. [-2:15.00]He gave them the gift of art.

[-2:16.00]Ninety years later,long after his death,Chaplin is still winning fans.

[-2:17.00]In a 1995 worldwide survey,

[-2:18.00]film critics voted him the greatest actor in movie history.

[-2:19.00]He was the first,

[-2:20.00]and to date the last,person to control every aspect of filmmaking process.

[-2:21.00]He founded his own studio and produced his own movies,

[-2:22.00]including the casting,directing,writing,scoring and editing in every film.

[-2:23.00]Chaplin was born on April 16,1889 in London,England.

[-2:24.00]His father died when he was young.

[-2:25.00]His childhood was marked by poverty,hunger,and loneliness,

[-2:26.00]which later became major thems in his silent movies.

[-2:27.00]At the age of 21,Chaplin became a memeber of a travelling music hall company.

[-2:28.00]Later he went to America,where he began his career in the movie industry.

[-2:29.00]It was in films that he created the famous image of the lonely tramp

[-2:30.00]that people love to this day.

[-2:31.00]Here's how the character was born,according to Chaplin himself.

[-2:32.00]Mack Sennett,the movie producer,

[-2:33.00]was looking for some fun stuff for one of his shows.

[-2:34.00]"I was in my street clothes and had nothing to do,

[-2:35.00]so I stood there where Sennett could see me,"said Chaplin[-2:36.00]The producer noticed Chaplin and said,

[-2:37.00]"Put on comedy make-up,anything will do."

[-2:38.00]"I had no idea what make-up to put on,"siad Chaplin.

[-2:39.00]"However,on the way to the wardrobe,I though I would dress in baggy pants,

[-2:40.00]big shoes,a cane and a hat...I had no idea of the character."

[-2:41.00]But the moment Chaplin was dressed,

[-2:42.00]the clothes and the make-up seemed to have turned him into the character

[-2:43.00]Sennett was looking for.

[-2:44.00]In the years to come,Sennett and Chaplin would work on 35 films together.

[-2:45.00]Chaplin starred in many silent and black -and-whiet movies.

[-2:46.00]In 1972,he won and honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievement.

[-2:47.00]Read on Movie industry in China

[-2:48.00]It is believed the movies,also called motion pictures,

[-2:49.00]were introduced in China near the end of the 19th century.

[-2:50.00]The Chinese movie industry,however,did not start until the early 20th century.

[-2:51.00]In 1913,Zheng Zhengqiu and Zhang Shichuan made the first Chinese movie,

[-2:52.00]called The Different Couple.It was a silent,black-and-white movie.

[-2:53.00]In 1931,China produced its first"talkie" film,Red Peony,starring Hu Die.

[-2:54.00]The film was produced by the Star Studio,

[-2:55.00]at the time the largest film production studio in Shanghai.

[-2:56.00]During the 1930s,a number of movies produced by the more progressive filmmakers

[-2:57.00]established a solid base on which a Chinese film industry could grow.

[-2:58.00]In the 1940s,a number of films now regarded as classics were made.

[-2:59.00]These included Spring River Flows Eastward(1947),

[-3:00.00]Light of Million Hopes(1948),and Crow and Sparrow(1949).

[-3:-1.00]They set a higher standard for Chinese movies in terms of screenplay writing,

[-3:-2.00]performing,directing,music,and art design.

[-3:-3.00]With the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,

[-3:-4.00]the Chinese movie industry experienced rapid growth.

[-3:-5.00]In the 1950s and early 1960s,over 600 feature films and more than 8000 newsreels

[-3:-6.00]and documentaries were made.

[-3:-7.00]Chinese movies entered a new era in the nid-1980s.

[-3:-8.00]A new generation of directors came onto the stage.

[-3:-9.00]A series of experimental films,including Zhang Junzhao's One and Eight(1987),

[-3:10.00]Chen Kaige's Yellow Earth(1984)and Zhang Yimou's Red Sorghum(1987),

[-3:11.00]brought worldwide attention to Chinese cinema.

[-3:12.00]Since then,many Chinese movies have own various awards

[-3:13.00]at international film festivals.

[-3:14.00]Meanwhile,movies made in Taiwan and Hong Kong,

[-3:15.00]such as Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon(2000)by Ang Lee,

[-3:16.00]have achieved international fame.

袅袅烟云 2022-09-25 17:15:41
















言有物而行有恒(yán yǒu wù ér xíng yǒu héng)是一个文化术语,说话要言之有物,做事要持之以恒。“言有物”即说话或写文章要有实际根据和内容,语言、文字要与实际情况相符,不能想当然,不能假大空;“行有恒”即做任何事情都应该有恒心、有原则,说到做到,专心一意,坚持到底,不朝三暮四或半途而废。此术语实际所包含的是一种务真求实的科学态度和专一持守的诚信精神。



