2024-07-22 07:10:05














传授知识 impart() knowledge

灌输高尚的道德观 instill() high moral values (注意values复数表示价值观)

给学生以动力 Motivate the students to do

给学生以灵感 give the students inspiration

培养(某种素质) cultivate/foster/nurture()


promote the student’s physcial/mental/ intellectual and emotional development

心理健康 psychological soundness

塑造某人的性格 mould(vt) one’s character

责任感 a sense of obligation

能力(先天获得) talant

能力(后天学习得到) ability/skill



教学法 methodology

用填鸭式教学来教育学生 force-feed() the students


Students should not be treated as passive recepacles of predigested ideas

死记硬背 learn things by rote

为了记忆而记忆 memorise for memorisation’s own sake

应用 apply

盲从 follow something blindly

打击学生的积极性 sap(vts) the students’ emthusiasm

产生不必要的压力 creat undue pressure

把学生分开教育(如根据课堂上的表现)segregate() students


来自于其他同学的压力 peer pressure

适应(v) become accustomed to

适应能力 adaptability

逆境 adverse circumstances/adversity

团队精神 team spirit(n)

独立思考 thing independently(adv)

在理解的基础上学习 learn things through understanding

鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage students to think critically(adv)

学生的反馈 students’ feedback/input

学生评价老师的教学 students appraise/evaluate(vts) their teachers’ performance

学生对老师所教知识的掌握 students’ grasp/command(n) of what has been taught

学生学习的各门功课加在一起称为 curriculum(n)

具体一门课叫 syllabus

课外活动叫 extra-curricular activities

学校是社会的缩影 a school is society in miniature

不遵守纪律(n) indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief(n)

理论知识 theoretical knowledge

就业技能 employable/marketable skills

通才 generalist

专才 specialist

全面发展的 well-rounded/versatile(adj)

为社会健康发展作贡献 contribute to societal(adj) welfare(n)


人文学科(文学 ,历史 语言学等)humanities

社会学科(政治 经济学 社会学的) social sciences

艺术(音乐 雕塑等) arts


Task:Is it a good thing for the senior managers to have better salaries than other workers in a company or organization?To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

If Karl Marx was still alive in the word, chances are that he would frown upon the widening disparity between the well-paid senior staff, who are in charge of lifeblood of the company and other workers who are heavily exploited of the view that the salary should be in line with the hierarchy of staff in their

The staff who are in the relatively high level in companies assume more accountability of the operation of companies, which justifies the status qua that are supposed to be better The senior members' responsibilities do not only confine in the office trifles such as printing the files for the meeting, or work out a balance sheet for the financial Instead, they are under the massive pressure to be insightful policy makers who are seemingly at ease with daunting tasks, because one of the their minor mistakes is likely to trigger a blunder, bringing inevitable financial loss to their

On the other hand, the high salary of the senior staff can also serve as incentive to their Monetary reward, materialistic as it might be, can stir more motivation of staff, because it is a conspicuous fact that a decent salary is the foundation of the daily With the seductive payback, workers are more willing to fulfill their duties with higher quality and the talent of the able would be fully tapped to the benefit for companies and

Of course, the dark sides cannot be neglected due to its advantages the high salary Certain senior members share the lion’s share of benefit and the rest of it is then allocated to majority of junior This income gap is a dormant factor that can damage the rapport of the members and undermine the overall moral and collaboration of different levels of

In conclusion, the principle of “no pain no gain” still works as a maxim in the modern Egalitarianism is only a Utopian depiction, while utilitarianism has the final







相比而言,英文在这方面就不是这样,具体的说,大部分英语词都是有着非常确定的意思的,因此,那些在中文里面需要联系上下文才能端倪出的细微差别,也许在英文里面只是另一个单词而已。记住这点,笔者下面所说的也许会对诸位有用,在这里,笔者提供一个方法,就是如果你脑袋中有一个想法的话,仔细想想你到底想精确说的是什么意思。比如,当你想说某一个命题错误的时候,你最好想清楚它到底错在哪里,“illogical, irresponsible, biased, prejudice, fallacy, untrue”这些词之间都有着或大或小的差别,所以主要想看你到底想说的是什么。





The scientists everywhere in the world are looking for the efficient methods to make the air clean and protect it from the pollution by all kinds of industrial harmful waste


We appreciate your words about the relations between our two


The hungry boy ate up everything he could have his hands on from the


The problem arose of how to fairly distribute the world natural





When I stayed in Guangzhou last month, you helped I am grateful for

Tom’s mother died when he was only two years old, so he did not remember

After we left China in 1959, the natural calamities happened one after another for three years in the While we read about it at home, we had been

It looked rain that evening, yet Dad came all the That made us very


I am very grateful for your help to me during my stay in Guangzhou last

Tom did not remember his mother who died when he was only two years

We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that happened one after another for three years after we left China in

It looked rain that evening, yet to our great joy, Dad came all the



I do not suppose he would have loved her if she had been poor when he first knew her, but the gratitude which he felt for the help which he owed to her kindly interest in him easily developed into a sincere (条件关系和多层因果关系的转换)


She came back yesterday from Hong Kong where she had gone shopping after the meeting in (时间顺序的转换)


总体而言,英文篇章,一般都采用直线型的形式,尤其是说明文和议论文,更是一般——具体式的。英语篇章是a writer-responsible pattern, 即作者在篇章中有责任、有义务向读者交代其主旨或目的。为使读者省时高效,英语篇章开门见山,一开头就直接点明段落的主题句 (topic sentence) 或全文的中心思想 (thesis statement), 即亮明作者的观点、态度、看法等;或者以引言开门,即“首先用一个熟悉的事实、观点、故事、引言等开头,然后直接见到作者全文的观点思想”。


因此考生们要知道,一种思维是一种文化长期的积淀,它已进入该民族的潜意识,根深蒂固,如果只学语言本身,不会知其所以然,一旦到了使用语言时,汉语思维自然突现,写出Chinglish, 浑然不知。此外,建议考生多背诵和模仿英语经典文章,如《新概念英语》第三册上的文章,笔者认为皆为语言的精华,不但文词优美,每课都是一篇范文,原汁原味,多读这样的文章,一定会有所启发。由此看来,老生常谈而又令人费解的“学会用英语思维”,倒不如换个说法——学会英汉思维转换,即懂得英汉思维的差异,在平时读书的时候去真实地领悟,久而久之,就能写出地道的英文来,至少不会写出那么多的Chinglish。



It is shown that many criminals have a low level of Some people argue that the best way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave Do you agree or disagree?




Crime from the juvenile to the adults, obviously, has become an serioussocial problem, which cannot be Gradually, more people focus on the future of criminal released from the prison, and believe that to provide them educational opportunities does help the reduction of crime; as for me, I am an advocate of this

As the major reason of high crime rate in today's society, low education level has been People without receiving enough education would be attempted easily, and do not have the equal and excellent skills to compete with others when looking for a job; besides, lacking sufficient moral knowledge to distinguish right from wrong contributes to go astray on their way to pursue the It is worth providing the prisoners, especially committing minor crimes, with education opportunities before free, which not only can give them another chance to learn some practical skills and accumulate certain knowledge to find a job and start again after the sentence, but also decline the risk that they would turn to crime

On the other hand, educational opportunities in prison cannot be the universal solution of all the problems the prisoners The huge life pressure and the attitude from other citizens could lead them to go back to the old lifestyle, or even cause more serious problems to both the society and the individuals financially and However, no one can doubt the function of education as the basic mean to provide people and the society a brighter future; thus, though education cannot solve all the problems at once, it is necessary for a long

In conclusion, in spite of many causes in high crime rate, our society should realize the importance of education, and give all the criminals the second chance to do something right and have a better development in the future


Task:Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?


Does a child’s performance at the age of 3 decide whether he or she would be a criminal in the future? Personally, I partially agree that gene defects in some cases indeed cause some illegal actions, while it is unwise to attribute all crimes to the gene problem, and my reasons will be explored as

Admittedly, to the extent of Geneticism, this assertion is reasonable, because some of human behaviors, attitudes and characteristics are determined by DNA, and there is always homeotypical continuity from inappropriate behaviors in childhood to criminality in For example, symptoms of gene-based psychological abnormality, which stems from the imbalanced secretion of hormones in brain, can be reflected in the very young age as inattention, restlessness, apathy, the lack of guilt about wrongdoings, and unkindness to other In adulthood, there is a high possibility that these morbid emotional traits evolve into anti-social minds--specifically, disregarding of rights of others or rules of society, irresponsibility, aggressive personalities and misperceptions about the right and

However, I strongly believe this assertion is problematic, for the reason that it completely underestimates more fundamental influences of other aspects on children after their Firstly, parents always play a key role in children’s formative education that directly shapes behaviors, minds and values of For example, poor parenting skills in daily life, such as violence and corporal punishment, tend to make personalities of children aggressive and rude, even irritable, which might turn into dangerous behaviors and anti-social minds in

Besides, violent contents on the internet, TV programs and video games are also responsible for juvenile It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could twist the social values of young As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to

In conclusion, there are more factors that might result in delinquencies of the youth than genes, and the impacts from parents and media on children’s growth are bigger than that from


Task:Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the Discuss the causes and how to solve this problem?


Nowadays, it has been reported that there has been an increasing number of crimes committed by youngsters in major cities all over the What causes this phenomenon and what people could do to resolve the problem have been widely In this essay, I would investigate the reasons and suggest some possible solutions

There are two main reasons why this kind of crimes is on the Firstly, violence on the internet, TV programs and video games is responsible for this It is because youngsters, unlike adults, are lack of abilities to distinguish right from Therefore, too much violence in the virtual world could render young people As a result, they, more often than not, consider violence as the main or even only way to solve problems, thereby leading to Secondly, low employment rate in many big cities around the world could be another major Most countries are experiencing economic plateau or even backwards due to global economic crisis occurring a few years Consequently, many businesses and factories have decided to cut off their staff or ten d to employ experienced workers over young This means some youngsters become jobless spontaneously once they Some of them even turn to commit crimes to make a living or get revenge on

In order to solve the problem, some main methods are advised The first solution is to apply censorship and classification in issuing This means governments or non-governmental organizations should censor the violent and prostitute contents of programs and label them such as “adult only” or “viewers excluded below 14” before programs are This would help to keep youngsters from too much violence on programs Another method is to carry out free job training programs designed closely related to the demand of the job After training, youngsters, more of ten than not, can expect better chances of being Other ways could include tax-reduction policy for university graduates self-employment, providing paid social service positions for youngsters,

To conclude, methods such as censorship on programs and free job training for youngsters are strongly recommended too much violence on programs and low



Many people are afraid of leaving house because of Some think more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others think little can be What is your view?(题目来源:20XX年9月3日大陆雅思大作文)









An ongoing topic of debate in traffic safety world has been whether the age for driving should be raised or Typically, the legal age to drive alone needs to be 17 or so, but there is a proposal, underpinned by some

It is fairly hard to imagine that home has become the only place of safety in modern society, where residents are worried about various kinds of crimes, street robbery, car theft and even This is obligation of the government to protect the civil life and work, which, I think, could be classified into three

First, deterring potential crimes is considered as a direct way to improve living environment for Some strict laws and regulations should be imposed on specific crime For example, prolonging the term of imprisonment could be an effective way to deter crimes, like theft and Also, lowering the minimum crime age on punishment is another solution to ordinary crimes because younger criminals are liable to escape from

Second, the high rate of crimes is derived partly from the widening gap of living in Therefore, creating more job opportunities after investing in manufactures and public services could, to some degree, bring about stable Reduction in the number of the homeless and unemployed contributes to decline in the level of social chaos and When everyone is satisfied with the company they work for and the salary they are paid, there may be no need for them to risk committing

Third, popularity of primary and secondary education or opening more technical schools is an urgent People who live in slums with minimum education more probably commit crimes than those with decent education and comparatively higher social Therefore, the level of education reflects living condition and public security in communities, which for a long term is regarded as the foundation of civilized

In conclusion, there are plenty of solutions to crimes and social problems, which depend on effectiveness of activities and continuous efforts from both government and


Street robbery街道抢劫

Car theft 偷车




Be imposed on强加于



Be liable to 易于做某事

Be derived from 由 而产生

Social chaos社会混乱








Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, there is an increasing concern that there are many young people who commit However, some people argue that these criminals should receive the same kind of punishment as I agree with the view that if they have done it more than once, there is little reason to protect them from harsh

Firstly, it is obvious that some underage criminals do not have a clear understanding of the consequences of behaviour when they make the mistake for the first The main point of punishment to this group is to educate them the importance of obeying the law, rather than punishing them for being ignorant of the Therefore giving them a softer punishment could be enough to prevent them from doing further harm to the

Moreover, the shortcoming in education is the root cause contributing to the growing juvenile Chances are that if children receive appropriate education in schools and families, they will get into trouble in the So the favourable education must be available before children having habit of unacceptable

That is not to say that if these underage criminals never learn the lesson and keep crossing the bottom line of the legal system, a severer treatment is still unnecessary in this The law could not forgive a law breaker again and again, which can trigger people’s doubt on legal So no matter how young they are, breaking the law seriously for the second time deserves the equivalent punishment as

In sum, I believe that those young people who have only committed a serious crime once deserve a less harsh and punishment and more rigorous education whereas those who keep ignoring the consequences of their wrong behaviour should be treated the same as Only in this way can the social justice be respected to a large


Task:Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, while others think parents need not do that, as children can read books, watch TV or movies by Discuss both views and give your






It has been rightly said that ‘There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell ’ The question of debate is whether parents should read or tell stories to children or whether children should come to know about stories themselves by reading books or by watching TV or In this essay I intend to discuss both views followed by my

There are many benefits of reading bedtime stories to First of all, it encourages family In this day and age of hectic lives and busy schedules, reading together is a simple and enjoyable way for parents to take time out and focus on the Children also feel wanted and What is more, it moulds children into becoming readers, and this significantly increases the child’s potential for academic success as well as lifelong success in It also helps children master language development as by listening to stories, children learn pronunciation and It also builds listening skills, increases a child’s attention span, and develops the ability to It develops children’s ability to express themselves more confidently, easily, and clearly in spoken and written It develops and fosters a child’s natural

Furthermore, it develops creativity and a child’s ability to use his own It expands children’s horizons by exposing them to new situations, and teaches them appropriate Reading children’s stories to children provides the best opportunities for true teaching moments as most of these stories have Reading picture books develops a young child’s appreciation for the arts through exposure to many different styles of art and

On the other hand, some opine that children should themselves read stories from books or watch them on TV and in When reading books and news on TV by themselves rather than by depending on parents, children have the freedom of making decisions and judgments, thus sharpening the ability of independent What is more, it is mainly freely reading books, magazines and TV programs in a diversity of subjects, from science to arts to sports that builds up the self-discovery for children, for example, figuring out what subjects and future careers might be suitable for their potentials, talents and

This would be much easier for the parents who are too busy nowadays, but then all the above benefits would not What is more, parents can start telling stories to children much before children can themselves Watching TV does not help the child to develop imagination and this may be detrimental in the long Moreover, it would be difficult to monitor what children are actually

To sum up, I believe that, it is always better for the parents as well as the children, if parents read aloud to their This would give them quality time together and loads of other benefits which I have discussed I pen off with a famous quote of Robert Mackee “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful They are the currency of human ”

(546 words)


Task:Today some person have to work away from his family, what are the advantages and disadvantages?







Nowadays, working in a new place or a foreign country distant from homes has been a heated trend in In my view, this change simultaneously brings benefits and risks to these people leaving home, and my reasons would be explored as

The main relevant benefits are the improvement of independence and interpersonal Firstly, being away from the comfortable and safe zone built up by parents and friends in homeland, people in a strange environment, especially the youngsters, have to take responsibility for daily affairs, tasks, behaviors, health care and These efforts can improve their self-care skills and decision-making Moreover, living in a different cultural circumstance, frequently inevitable interactions with local peers and residents who have different skin colors, social manners, lifestyles and religions serve as a catalyst for increased In other words, after encountering with cultural diversity, these outcomers would become more independent, flexible, patient and adaptable, and acquire proficient social skills as Lastly, for people who live and work abroad, they can stay a foreign language immersion for a long term, thus helping them to master how to speak a second language

However, the demerits associated with this kind of emigration should never be For one thing, as many people, especially young adults, leave hometowns for far-away places, they leave family As a result, extended family systems begin to The result is often a lack of childcare and eldercare for family When a younger person leaves, marriage prospects for young adults who decide to stay sill

For another, the second demerit is about a challenge on the spiritual Being isolated from family and motherland, an immigrator tends to be troubled in the mental Specifically, the homesick, loneliness, frustration caused by cultural conflicts, and fear about the future always surround these helpless people, and give them psychological suffering all the

In conclusion, it is very hard to decide that advantages of this issue outweigh the disadvantages, or the reverse is Although such experience is beneficial for the form of independent and social abilities, as well as mature mind, the absence from home is detrimental to the people and their

(367 words)


Task:Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other,while others say that individuals are becoming more independent of each Discuss both views and give your own




更依赖的原因1 : 在一个后工业时代,每一个社会个体都被教育和训练在某一个领域精通,这意味着他们的工作必须依赖其他同事和行业的合作; 他们的生活必须依赖来自他人提供的产品和服务。


Should the level of interdependence between people of today be up or down? This question has been a heated social issue in debate, and resulted in opposite views among the Personally, I believe current human is more independent than before, and my reasons will be explored as

In terms of information communication, the thriving Internet today has reduced the level of people’s connection with others, because this technology can provide more abundant, timely and objective information to every social In other words, modern people are used to relying on the Internet for the acquirement of news, knowledge, social experience and even answers of school tasks, rather than face-to-face questioning, talking or discussing with Therefore, the common interdependent human relationships, such as the ones between students and teachers, between children and parents, between the youth and elders, are

Machinery automation has also contributed much to the independence of people, because this technology makes people For example, by using artificial intelligent devices like Auto Teller Machine, Vending Machine, microwave ovens, sweeping robots and face recognition access control system, people can deal with day-to-day transactions and household chores, or obtain common goods and services by themselves, with no more reliance on service personals, such as clerks in shops, tellers in bank counters, chefs in restaurants, or doormen in the

However, the main reason why people become more dependent is about the specialization in the post-industry Today, every social individual has been educated and trained to be expert at only one certain That is to way, a contemporary employee needs the technological communication and cooperation with co-workers in other departments or with another companies in different subjects, for the purpose of accomplishing the whole working Similarly, daily-life running and management are far beyond the limitation of any individual’s In other words, all people have to seriously depend on others who provide food, news, transportation, entertainment and maintenance of

In conclusion, I strongly believe the increasing independence of people is dramatic and should not be Although we are becoming specialized in narrow directions of careers, we have more independence and self-sufficiency, by the support of the Internet and automatic

(372 words)



criminals 名词,罪犯(值得注意的是,该词有形容词性)。

offenders 名词,罪犯,违法者。

convicts 名词,罪犯,囚徒(前段时间很红的一套书《囚徒健身》,"Convict Conditioning")。

culprits 名词,犯人。同时,本词可以指的是被指控犯罪的人。

outlaws 名词,罪犯。也有动词词性,并且为及物动词,译为宣布某事为不合法。

suspect (criminal suspect)名词,犯罪嫌疑人。其实,在法庭最终宣判之前,我们口中的罪犯多数情况下应该用这个词表达,更为严谨。

prisoner 名词,犯人,囚犯。

juvenile criminals 名词,青少年罪犯。

minor criminals 名词,未成年罪犯。

juvenile delinquent / juvenile offender 名词,少年犯,或行为不端的青少年



commit a crime ( commit crimes ) 动宾,犯罪

violate the law / break the law 动宾,犯罪,违法

offend against the law 动宾,违法

violent crimes / non-violent crimes 形容词 + 名词,暴力犯罪 / 非暴力犯罪

delinquent behaviors / illegal acts / lawless behaviors 形容词 + 名词,不法的行为

juvenile delinquency 名词,特指青少年的不法行为

illegality 名词,泛指所有违法行为。此外,immorality 名词,指的是不道德的行为,其实近似于违法行为,但是略有区别。同理,副词 illegally 和 immorally 也是类似的区别

wrongdoing / misconduct / delinquency 名词,都是指的是行为不端


There is no denying that everyone should be punished due to his/her illegality, no matter how old he/she Notwithstanding, this does not imply that juvenile culprits should be treated as equally as adult Juvenile detentions ought to be the place for those minor offenders instead of common jails, and besides juvenile suspects should be on trial in juvenile court where their right can be protected much

Juvenile convicts with violent crimes should be detained in juvenile detentions as they might be potential threats to our society, and on the other hand minor culprits with non-violent crimes can be punished with more flexibility such as being forced to do social

PS: Juvenile detentions 名词,少管所

juvenile court 名词,未成年人法庭

detain 及物动词,羁押


Crime rate / incident of crime


Unbelievably high juvenile crime rate is plaguing many countries all over the world, and how to reduce it has become prime task for those governments for a long

criminals / reform criminals 动宾,改造罪犯

Main function of prisons is not only punishing culprits with locking them up but also rehabilitating them as everyone no matter what he/she has done deserves a second 监狱的功能不仅是限制犯人的自由,还要给这些犯人提供一个改过自新的机会。


Lack of moral education 名词性,缺少德育教育(lack 一词在实际写作中是考生们常犯错误的地方,请看后面的注解。)

Inappropriate parenting 名词性,不恰当的家庭教育

Being exposed to misleading information from media 动名词性质,暴露于媒体的诱导性信息

Lack of ability of telling right from wrong 名词性,缺少辨别是非的能力

Blindly imitate what they often see or read in media 动宾结构,盲目模仿在媒体中看到的或者听到的事物

PS: 关于 lack

首先,可以是及物动词。例如:With stress from exams, students lack enthusiasm on learning any kind of

其次,名词,多用于词组 be lack of / be lack in = be short of 例如:Generally speaking, high crime rate, to a great extent, can be attributed to lack of law enforcement capacity of

再次,lacking 形容词,常用词组 be lacking of / be lacking in 例如: Fresh graduates are usually lacking in working experience that is required badly on majority of job


雅思写作范文:犯罪审判该不该在电视上播放。In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on the television and the general public can watch Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Write at least 250




优点: 公众教育(降低犯罪率);法制监督(公正,用语); 司法公信力(信任与安全感;鼓励法律途径)

缺点: 嫌疑人安全; 隐私;


The mass media of some nations including mine has entitled to access some court trials so that the public can watch and review law suits on TV, internet and Although the privacy or even security of suspects may be invaded or threatened in certain cases, this progressive policy definitively benefits more not only for the persons on trial but for normal ones in the national

The drawbacks of the enforcement mainly focus on men in Apparently, suspects’ privacy is to be respected before the sentence which means the deprivation of its political rights and even some victims are unwilling to expose their tragedy to the public, toughening the aftermath and What is more, it is easy to assume that the vindicated sometimes get hurt out of court when he or she is innocent but the public believe him or her

Despite the previous two factors, the progress this decision has made is prominent in three The first comes from the easier access of law issues and the public learn the principle and details about laws and decrees, knowing the legal limits and thus bringing down the crime Another profit for both the public and suspects is that this performance online is a kind of supervision in a much larger scale incomparison with the jury, which enhance judge’s level like expertise and Last but not least, this implement gain much public trust so citizens feel secured and would turn to lawyers and courts for help when

In conclusion, this action educates the public, monitor the legal system and win the The merits obviously outweigh the demerits and it could be better when the will and privacy of interested parties like juveniles can be considered and