2024-10-26 00:45:56










I used to write very ugly words, so my mother decided to send me to a training and calligraphy place. My mother finally found a training and calligraphy place by all means. At first, I was very reluctant to learn to practice calligraphy, but later, I gradually became interested in practicing calligraphy.

Today, my mother took me to sign up for a total of 500 yuan. There are 15 classes. My mother settled me here to practice calligraphy after she paid the money. In the afternoon, she came to pick me up. The teacher took a piece of paper for practicing calligraphy and asked me to write it. The teacher said, "today we learn the number one, two and three." The teacher taught me one stroke at a time, and then went to teach other students. I wrote it carefully. After a long time, I finally finished it. At 11 o'clock, the teacher began to score. I thought, "there are scores here?" I was puzzled and gave the finished words to the teacher for grading. I was surprised to find that I got 98 points in the exam this time. When I came here for the first time, I got such a good score. My mother must be very happy to come home. My mother came to pick me up. I told my mother about my achievements in practicing calligraphy today. But my mother just smiled and said to me, "son, you did well in the exam this time, but don't be proud!" I replied, "well, I will." After a week, I came to learn to practice again. Something happened this time. When I was writing, one of my classmates threw the pen water on my clothes when there was no water. I cried anxiously, "what can I do? This is a new dress my mother bought for me." The classmate timidly said to me, "I'm sorry." Do you think a word of sorry can solve the problem? I said angrily. Then the teacher came, and he said to the two of us, "what happened?" I said at the beginning of that classmate's speech, "he has blackened my clothes." The teacher said to me calmly, "just for this little thing, it's not worth hurting the harmony." Finish saying, the teacher put our hands together, I wanted to take them back, but thought: "that classmate is also careless, forgive him once!" At last, we both laughed and became good friends.

Practicing Chinese characters brings me fun, harvest and laughter. I love practicing Chinese characters!


Since reading, I have been most impressed by almost every Chinese teacher who asked us to write well and practice. At that time, although I listened to the teacher, I didn't insist on it, but I only practiced occasionally. Now, the students' winter vacation plan, the primary school students' winter vacation plan, the middle school students' winter vacation plan, the college students' winter vacation plan, the practice summary of winter vacation life. Looking at my words, I really regret that I wasted too much time and didn't practice them well. It's just this year that the school principal gave us homework during the winter vacation. I think I'll use the time to practice calligraphy.

But after three days, I practiced two pages a day. On the fourth day, I felt a little itchy. Let's just think about it. Anyway, I can't write a good word at once, but another voice came to me again. I want to insist, don't give up. At last, through the conflict, I persisted. Especially when I encounter something unpleasant, I will take out the paper and pen and practice quietly. As a result, nothing bothers me. Now practicing calligraphy has become a habit of my life. If I don't practice one day, I feel like there is still something unfinished. After my own efforts, I have made some progress in my writing, and I will continue to stick to it in the future.


In recent days, an exam has been held, and what is the focus of the exam? Write!

I remember that in the exam, I have suffered a lot from poor writing. Because of the poor writing, I have deducted a lot of points. Therefore, we should try our best to practice calligraphy and ask ourselves for more points. We can read two articles on Mr. Peng's blog when we have time. One is "practicing calligraphy is imperative", the other is "practicing calligraphy again".

I'll talk about it with "practicing calligraphy is imperative"! One of the words let me wake up from my confusion - practicing calligraphy is a slow work, which is generally unreliable. What does that mean? It can't be said that practicing Chinese characters can be done in two days a day, but we should work hard to practice and write for several years. Even if there are people who are able to write, if they don't work hard, they will not be like Fang Zhongyong, who is "devoid of all people"? Mr Peng always emphasizes writing, but some students may not understand this, including me. There are too many questions. What's good about practicing calligraphy? Can't you just write It can be said that doubts "spread" to the coast like a tide! As the saying goes, only the meaning can be unspeakable. The answers to these questions can only be slowly realized in the practice time.

There are many ways to practice calligraphy. For example, as long as we write carefully, we believe that there will be some changes soon. Secondly, we can buy some more exercise paper by ourselves. As long as we want to practice, practice seriously and practice hard, there will be nothing bad.

First of all, we need to understand the characters before we can practice them. For example, calligraphers and their works - the first and second running script in the world do you know? We also need to know about the art, origin, proverbs and famous sentences of the relevant words. Famous people practice calligraphy little by little, as long as they stick to it, stick to it!

As we usually do when we are free, we can practice, draw the font on the palm of the other hand or on the surface of the clothes, in the air and other places with empty hands, so as to increase our interest in the characters.

The most important point of practicing Chinese characters is to insist on it. The other day, I heard from Mr Peng that practicing Chinese characters can improve my scores. I was moved when I heard it! Can you give me more points, OK! I began to practice calligraphy, but within a few days, I had no interest. I believe that I can succeed as long as I have these days and firm faith!

Learn from Miss Peng and practice hard every day. Always do not give up, will be able to do as you wish.

It's imperative to practice calligraphy!


Just after summer vacation, my father saw that my writing was crooked, so he told me to practice for half an hour every day in summer vacation, and I said, "it's not easy to practice, it's just a piece of cake.".

I said practice. My father said, "to practice calligraphy, we need to practice" horizontal ". "Skim". "Vertical". "Na" and other basic strokes. " I nodded. He sat on the chair and opened Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy and copied it with pen and pen. After a few days of practicing like this, I felt that the words were very well practiced, and they were very similar to the words on the calligraphy post. So I wrote several "yellow" words, and compared them with the words on the calligraphy post. Oh, my God, they were totally different! I was immediately discouraged and my elation vanished. "It's too hard," he said impatiently. "I'll never write again." As he spoke, he slammed the door down. Just then, my father saw it and said amiably, "Jiayu, be patient when practicing. As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. When I was a child, I was also like you. I was restless when I practiced calligraphy. But when I thought of the importance of practicing calligraphy, I made up my mind that it took nine cows and two tigers to practice a good calligraphy! " I retorted with the back of my mouth, "but I write obscene words. For example, I always write the third stroke of the word" chicken ". How can I not make people angry?" My father said to me, "son, failure is the mother of success. You have to remember that "nothing is difficult in the world, just fear the intentional person." I nodded and thought that Dad's words made sense. Immediately confidence increased. So, I sat on the chair again and imitated Yan Zhenqing's words one by one, thinking while looking, thinking and reading, writing again, writing again, writing twice Until my words are almost the same as calligraphers. I've been practicing like this for more than a month. During this period, I practiced calligraphy whenever I had free time, even in my sleep. Finally, time waits for no one, I practice a good word.

At the beginning of school, my father praised my great progress, my mother praised my beautiful words, and my heart blossomed! It's more joyful than honey. I think: practicing calligraphy is so interesting! I also want to copy Liu Gongquan. Wang Xizhi and other calligraphy masters with different styles will surely become a great calligrapher in the future.





布置完了,就去玩吧,打开电脑,打开电视,这些是必要的,不知为什么,没了这 些,就让人感到很无聊。





只要再坚持一天,那么就会再离得近一点,人总是贪心的动物,总想要更多更多,也不例外,只有今天有了改变,那么我想明天的我一定会继续坚持下去的!我是一个兴趣爱好十分缺乏的人吧?别人都是喜欢,看电视啊玩游戏等等,可我却独独只喜爱这写作和练字。写作,已经坚持将近一月了,练笔只坚持了4天,不过我想,一个月对于现在的我应该是没有问题的吧。真期待明天的自己,总应该会比今天的自己更精彩吧。每天努力一点点, 不需要多么大的付出只要那么一点点,每天坚持一点点,多那么一点点,就算是坚持一个月,我想也会比别人要好上那么一点的吧?毕竟上天对谁都是公平的,你每天做的事情,总会记录在他的眼睛里。他赐予给谁多一分幸运,那么也是这个人背后的默默付出。

有时候,自己的付出又为何要让别人知道呢?都说士别三日当刮目相待,难道别人士别三日是每天都关注别人吗?那是绝对不可能的,就是因为我们每天不知道对方是怎么样的,每天的努力,点点滴滴聚集在一起,才会让人别人刮目相看啊。就和我们的身高是一样的,我们每天其实都长了那么一点点。所以,几个月后,别人看到我们都会赞叹一句,孩子长得真快啊。可我们的父母却和我们一样吧?都很奇怪,都觉得自己明明没有长高啊。这是为什们呢?因为他们每天都看着我们的人, 每天那么微小的变化是不会留意的,自己当然也不会知道了。其实这就和士别三日当刮目相待差不多的意思了……
























































