2024-06-21 01:32:38


Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of 14 from Guangdong. He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province.

He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team. A year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.


Until 1988 Zhang Ge Zhuang had no school of its own. It was pretty hard for the children of the village who had to go to school in other villages which were all far away.

Now Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School has three teachers, teaching 48 pupils. The teachers had finished middle school education before they returned to teach here. The pupils are divided into five different classes, in which six subjects are taught. These are Chinese, Maths, Science, Music, Drawing and Physical Education. Education is free for all children in the village.


Ladies and gentlemen, I want to say something about trees.

As we know now trees are very important to human beings. First of all, they benefit our health. They send out oxygen for us to breathe. We cant live without trees.Secondly, trees can beautify our environment.


An Instructive Day

Today is March 12, our national Tree Planting Day. Our Claobserved the day by planting trees.

In high spirits we talked and smiled all the way. As soon as we got to a piece of wasteland far from the school, we began to work. Some were engaged in digging holes; some were busying themselves in covering the roots of the young trees with earth and watering the trees one by one. We worked so hard that soon each of us was wet in sweat.

On the way home we kept on singing up, because weve done a good thing to make our homeland green.


My parents live in the country. They keep a dog called Ah Fu. One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along. While they were working, my sister walked to a river nearby. Ah Fu followed her there. She was trying to pick a flower when she fell into the river.

Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.


On the way home, Mathilde found that the necklace was gone. She was frightened to death because it was too expensive for her. She and her husband hurriedly returned and looked wherever she had been that night, but couldnt find it at all.

What would they do? They had to buy a diamond necklace exactly like the one she borrowed from Jeanne and returned it to her. It cost them 36,000 francs.

In order to pay off the debts, they suffered hunger and cold day and night. Ten years of hard work made young Mathilde so old that Jeanne could hardly recognize her when they happened to meet one day in a park. It was then that Mathilde found out the truth: the necklace she had borrowed from Jeanne was not a real diamond necklace. It was made of glaand cost only 500 francs at most!


My mother’s name is Chen Fanghong. She is a pretty woman. She has long hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. My mother likes sports and eating. Her favourite sports are tennis and badminton. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and horses.

My mother is a computer engineer, she works very hard and does very well in the company.

My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!


In my good life, I want to eat some more food.

I want to go to the moon. On the moon, we will have supper. From the moon, we will go to the sun by a rocket.

In the world I want to go to my grandma and grandpa’s house. I play with my brother. My aunt and uncle will go around the world. I want to see at the wide grassland. I want to go to the sea to see the dolphins and the crabapples. And I like seafood very much, too.


There are some pandas in the zoo. They look like a bear, but they are not a bear. They live in China. They have a small tail and fat body.

They are black and white. They’re very clumsy, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping.

They look very lovely. Pandas are my favourite animals.



When I bring up the summer vacation, I will be so excited that I have a lot of fun during the summer vacation, and when I think about it, they play back in my mind like a movie.

I looked at my picture of hainan and saw the scene in my head: that day, we're going to hainan! I'm excited and happy: I can fly again! We flew to yalong bay in sanya, hainan, and went to sleep in the hotel.

The next day, I stretched myself in the sun, the wind and the beautiful scenery. My dad is still sleeping, and I can't wait to finish my meal and go to the beach. I called my father up. We finished our meal and came to the seaside. How comfortable I am, the sea breeze, the waves.





I went to sanya with my parents by plane.

Sanya is a seaside city in the southernmost part of our country. The landscape is like a painting, the sky is blue, the coconut trees are high, the water is clear, the beach is soft. I like building castles on the beach and drinking coconut water when I'm thirsty.

I also went to the tropical rainforest park, where it rains a little bit, and the sunny days are changing fast. There are many flowers and plants on the mountain, precious plants, and the world's most poisonous trees - the sight of blood to seal the throat, to see that it must be far away.

The beauty of sanya is so deep in my mind that I have a chance to visit sanya again.






Walk into this wonderful journey, protect our military instructor, instructor looked very serious, tough, dressed in camouflage uniforms, the skin is swarthy, start our military training training, instructor teaches us all kinds of action, not a little, just to correct us, let we learned a lot of knowledge. I also deeply feel their concern for us. And our guidance counselor, a very beautiful sister, we all like her very much, she will point out our shortcomings and let us correct them in time.

Rich and colorful summer camp, there are many game projects, such as slippery mud, making sand sculptures, painting sand paintings, making shell art and so on. The most happy is swimming at the beach, sand, sand sculpture is a real beauty, is the daughter of the sea, Snow White and the little match girl, and the king's castle...... It seems to be in the fairytale world. Seen after sand sculpture, we held a bonfire party at night, the vast sea, the classmates excitement run, sing ah, jump ah, leaving only small footprint on the beach.


my weekend英语作文篇一

I had a happy day last weekend. I liked my weekend.

I got up in the early morning, my mother cooked the breakfast, and we ate it. After then, I went to my grandma’s house with my father and my mother.

Because that day was my grandma’s the seventieth birthday. We celebrated for her. Before the dinner, I set the table. And then we had a great dinner together.

We sang the song “Happy Birthday To You” to my grandma. My grandma was very happy. I hoped my grandma would have a good body in the future .

This is my happy weekend. I like it.

my weekend英语作文篇二

I had a busy weekend.

On saturday morning,I ate breatfist.then,I walked to the library,In the afternoon,Iate for lunch,I did my homework.

I want a piano very much.I think It's very good to play the piano.

At night,I went to a movie at 7:00 p.m

On sunday morning,I played tennis,I read a book about history.in the afternoon,I watched TV and played comeputer games.at night,I cleaned my room.

This was my weekend! A very busy weekend!

my weekend英语作文篇三

I had a happy weekend last week. I liked my last weekend.

On Saturday, I got up at seven o’clock in the morning. I went shopping at half past eight. I bought some food with my friends. I played football for one hour.

At noon, I went to the People Park with my father and my mother. We ate some food and drunk some orange juice in the park. We were very happy.

On Sunday, I visited my grandpa and my grandma. They were very happy, because I visited them. My grandma cooked delicious food for me. I was so excited. In the evening, my father and I watched TV together.

This is my last weekend. It’s so busy, but very interesting.

my weekend英语作文篇四

I had a happy weekend.

On Saturday, I went to the library. I read some magazines and some comic books here. At noon, I ate a bowl of steamed noodles and some porridge.

After lunch, I did my homework and cleaned the room. In the evening, I watched TV with my sister. On Sunday, I played football with my classmates in the morning. After lunch, I washed the dishes and my dirty clothes.

Then I went to the park with my father and mother. We enjoyed ourselves here. In the evening, we went home happily.

It was a busy weekend, and a happy weekend, too.

my weekend英语作文篇五

I am going to have a busy weekend.

On Saturday morning. I am going to the English school. I am going to learn English and do homework there. Then I am going to go shopping. I am going to buy some gifts for my classmates, because today is his birthday.

In the afternoon, I am going to climb mountain with my parents.

On Sunday morning, I am going to go shopping with my sister. I am going to the park with my uncle. I am going to read many Chinese books.

In the afternoon, I am going to visit my grandparents. Then I am going to go to my school.

It will be a busy weekend.

my weekend英语作文篇六

Today is Sunday, I went downstairs to enthusiastically, ready to give me the composition of the weekend already looking for material, at this moment, I see a little yellow things in the distance, walked into a look, turned out to be nudiflorum opened, like yellow, seems to be in with a smile to greet the arrival of spring, flowers some have withered, it seems they may be opened for a long time, but I not found until today, the school and parents burden us doesn't even have some freedom.

Then I saw a flower open seems smaller than others, I walked in the past, only to find that the principal flower was caught in the blades, no wonder than other small flowers, but he is strong than other flowers, the seeds of his not fall in the fertile land, but the fall in the cleft between, if open on the land, he must be the biggest flower.

This branch flowers just how tenacious vitality ah, he is open between the stone, but never complained, quietly bloom and fade, ah, this is his life is so short, but he was in the silent dedication!

It's not just like people in life, like cleaners, like teachers... Thinking of it, I ran home to write my essay "the weekend."

People often say: "life lies in sports", early this morning, the air is very fresh, there is a faint smell of fresh fragrance, refreshing. My father and I crossed the road and came to the hundred flower park opposite my home.

my weekend英语作文篇七

The weekend was really exciting. Ha ha! Sleep in, eat snacks, play ping-pong, watch TV -- at this time, I'm "daydreaming".

When I was lying in my chair, I was planning all this -- "son! "At that moment, dad interrupted my brocade fantasy and walked up to me with the book of books. Oh my!! My weekend! The "play" plan has been ruined again! This is the fifth time we have not succeeded! "Well, son, it's easier to do the ratio and proportion. Well, finish these questions today and give them to me!" He sat on the bed and watched TV. I looked at it with my eyes and raised my voice, "that's too easy, dad!" I point to an example. Look, the formula is done, and what is the ratio? "Yes! Quick to do! Finish to take you to play table tennis!" I said yes, and there was hope for the weekend.

When the "ability to surf" below, I suddenly became stupid, this "invariant" but "changed several times"! Hard, hard... What a day! I looked anxiously at the clock. Ah, 11:00, and an hour, (including eating) it's not easy to have a "I designed" three-yuan indefinite equation, "beat" the problem. The more you go to improve your volume, the less you can do it. Why don't you go to the basketball class at 1:00 and what time do you play table tennis? ! ...... The score came out, wrong three! Dad also has no "time idea", slowly, I still dare not urge - "the mouth" also has time! I am really "dumb to eat yellow lotus - there is not enough to say!



After a short rest, I began my second secret operation, pulling the grass.

Since grandma moved into the new house, there are so many mosquitoes that they can't sleep well. I heard the uncle of gobi say that the grass below was the mosquito's nest, and was determined to destroy it. I took a small shovel from home and went downstairs to grandma's house. Though the grass is lovely, they are like enemies before my eyes. I bent down and grabbed the grass with my hands and pulled hard. Some grass is very obedient, the darling root is drilled out from the soil, but some are very naughty, dead and dead in the inside not come out, seem to press home in here. I pulled it out a few times, and I had to dig with a small shovel. After digging up the soil, I had to pull hard. I stood up and brushed the dust off my body and then pulled it out. I didn't get up until I pulled all the weeds out of the grass, and I felt a little bit of strength in my legs. You can think of the whole building being undisturbed by mosquitoes, and very happy.

I looked at my watch. Eleven o 'clock, I started my third secret operation -- helping my mother cook.

I took some rice from the meter and put it on the plate, and then I learned how my mother was washing my rice, and I rubbed the rice in the water repeatedly. Rub it clean, then pour the rice into the pan, add enough water, cover the lid, and turn on the power to cook. About twenty minutes later, the meal was finally cooked. I'm so happy.

I traded my own sweat for the rest of the people's lives and reduced the burden on my parents. I'm happy to serve them, but now I can't do it anymore. Because I still have to study, I will try harder to continue to serve them when the winter holiday is over


"Always know homework until before going to bed, do a little bit, always wait until after examination, didn't know the read the book has not read, the teacher said that an inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time" a familiar lyrics, a light tone, sing us a blur of childhood.

In spring, spring, spring, spring, spring, spring, summer, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, spring, autumn, autumn Into grade I, through ups and downs of the 15 spring and autumn period, looked back, that has been looking forward to the success of the already disappeared out of sight, busy learning career, always can see at the end of day and night in his chanting of "-- --" let us learn to grow, how many students are there in Buddhism: lighter and lighter and the reduction of the "rich"!

First three, the beginning of youthful vigor and vitality. On the third day, the "color and fragrance" life is busy and full. Now we, learn to bear! In the face of a pile of paper and problem sets, we still study hard in the face of the teacher's words. The young sky is half deep and half full. The sun was leaning down from the leaves, and the hot, cold air made me wonder what season it was. All those familiar people around, hurry up; Go, in a hurry.

The worm of a hundred feet is not stiff.


It's been a few weeks since the holiday, but remember what I did this summer vacation? What do you think? What is it? Every day, besides writing homework, or going out with a few people who know how to do it. But in retrospect, how foolish I was to have wasted my time on TV or on my computer every day. I think you've all been there

I just wonder if a problem these days, have a holiday so many day, what did I do, see what reason, but I brood, thinking about what did I do every day, in this summer vacation, I decided to write a diary for the first time, what happened to record every day, this is I am not under the supervision of the teacher, I think, this is the first time I did a correct decision. I looked at the diary, while remembering what happened, but I found I every day basically is in idle away our time, now, I think back on the day of the holiday, like or what happened yesterday, what happened is clear in my mind, didn't realise, summer vacation has already spent half. At this time, I was very helpless to talk about, time passes really fast, again in the eye, again soon school, I feel time very quickly disappear. I feel the horror of the light. Think of "zhuangzi" the sentence of the life between heaven and earth, if white and fleeting, suddenly.

In fact, I think, is not only for the summer vacation, let's relax, we should do more meaningful things, let our summer vacation life becomes more colorful, more meaningful, you say isn't it?



Protect the environment, early in "don't dry up the fish, don't burn the forest and hunt" the ancient training. Today, we should know how to protect the environment is to protect ourselves, we not only use resources rationally, whenever they better protect the environment, let environment eternal youth, always service for our human survival and development, as a student, is now mainly to create a green campus.

For a while, there was a lot of dust on the campus, and the faucet was dripping... Corridor between, not to mention the, everyone has experience, after the sweeping, turn round and then will find that the ground has been some people into different ornament, these things often let me hanging with ancient, these cases often let me deadly serious today, the campus is a small society, students in the campus of a management system cannot achieve good care environment, out of the campus into society, the environment, and how? That would be even more unassuming.

Boys and girls, save our planet! People should act immediately and start from the small things, starting from now, and taking care of the campus environment. We picked up a piece of paper, a drop of water, we save, a heap of rubbish, we clean the, we love a tree seedlings, a frog, a blade of grass, plant a tree, the environmental protection as own duty, use own practical action to protect the environment, to create a green campus.

For the green, for the green, "with my hands, with my cordiality, the green hope will go on, let us act together!


As you all know, due to excessive for mankind to nature, has led to a merciless retaliatory nature: hurricanes, rain, storms, floods, drought, pests, heat, forest fires, earthquakes and other disasters enters the room, all over the world due to reasons such as drought the migration of refugees is expected to reach 100 million people by 20xx.

The tragic ecological lesson has already drawn the attention of all countries and all mankind, and the international Olympic committee (ioc) assessment team has visited the city of the Olympic Games and made the improvement of eco-environment an important part of it. Our country attaches great importance to the environmental protection platform, has introduced many policies and regulations to protect the environment, and has carried out a lot of work and activities to protect the environment.

Also attaches great importance to the education of environmental protection in our country, to create "green schools" is one of important content, environmental protection and greening in our school has achieved fruitful results.

We often see many students picking up scraps of paper in every corner of the campus. Use your own hands to protect the beauty of the campus environment. But we still have some shortcomings: there are still scraps of paper and food bags. Still others trampled on the lawn; From time to time, the school's green belt finds deep footprints and even a path.

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, environmental consciousness is the important symbol of modern people. We should establish an era of responsibility. Mind the world, look around, stand on campus. The first is not to litter and litter. Take a few more steps and don't pass through the green belt and trample the green space. "Do not use the good and the small, do not, do not to the evil small but the", from I start, small start, start from the side, from now. Protect mother earth, purify green campus. Make our campus more beautiful!


Green grass, the shame of tread, green campus, civilized people.

As you all know, due to the human nature of excessive demand, has led to a merciless retaliatory nature: typhoon, storm, heavy snow, flood, earthquake, and terrible disaster enters the room, such as el nino caused by disasters of the world's refugee migration by 20xx could reach 100 million people. "The Great Wall of the Yangtze river, huangshan Yellow River, weighs a thousand pounds in my heart..." How many Chinese are touched by "my China heart". However, because of the deforestation of people, the Yellow River of the Yangtze river has become yellow and polluted, and even the phenomenon of breaking down. Human beings are the masters of nature, which can make nature full of life, and make nature as yellow as China. In recent years, people have been seriously damaged by nature in order to obtain more economic benefits, leaving many valuable plants and rare animals on the verge of extinction.

These painful lessons have drawn the attention of all countries and all mankind, and the international Olympic committee (ioc) assessment team has made a visit to the city of the Olympic Games, which has made the improvement of the eco-environment a major part of it.

We often see a lot of students picking up scraps of paper in some corner of the campus, using their own hands to protect the campus environment. However, there are still students who litter scraps of paper and food bags. Still some students trampled on the flower beds; There are still only green Spaces left in the back garden of the school, and there are deep footprints, and some even go down the path.

Students, we are the master of the 21st century, environmental consciousness is the important symbol of modern people. We should conscientiously establish an era of responsibility and focus on the world, and focus on the campus. Love the grass beneath your feet. "Do not use the good and the small, do not, do not to the evil small but for", environmental protection action from I start, small start, start from the side, from the present start. Protect the earth mother and purify the campus environment. Make our campus more beautiful!



On the day of the Spring Festival in the morning, I got up early and my grandma at six how long does it take to go shopping, go to buy fresh vegetables, I went down to see TV, the grandmother comes back, I went to the grandmother, said: "grandma, is there anything I can do?" Grandma said to me: "of course, sometimes make you do! I bought a chicken, you peel chicken with his big brother, with boiled water bubble, plucking again without effort." I nodded, and on his brother's room, hard, brother don't wake up soon, I pull a brother downstairs, and chicken "war" immediately.

I quietly run to the cock, I immediately jump down go to, the rooster flew away quickly, brother said: "what time can you catch, catch? Look at me." Brother immediately jumped up, cock pecking brother, brother fire emit three zhangs, said: "I can't catch you today, I can't believe this!" Brother the dickens of a catch the wings of the cock, the rooster is too naughty! I'll burn well water, peel the rooster, I went outside to play.


Dad bought a lot of firecrackers and fireworks on New Year's eve this day, my mother bought a kongmin light, etc., and finally look forward to in the evening, we have a big happy family reunion dinner to hotel, I can't wait to come up with Kong Min lamp began writing desire, because mother said today wish will come true! I hope next semester learning got full marks, hope grandma and grandpa longevity and health, wish mom and dad work is smooth, safe and healthy and dad don't drink and drive... Finally finished, it's my 20xx good wishes! I put kongmin light first, I saw kongmin light, slowly drifting high like the brightest stars in the world was beautiful! Soon everyone put kongmin light up the sky, the sky ornament more beautiful. I wish I wish can be true in this year.

By twelve o 'clock, we began to fireworks, fireworks is a lot of more phyletic, let out the fireworks colorful, sometimes like a beautiful rainbow girl, sometimes like a blooming flower, sometimes like a small white rabbit, sometimes like a kitten doggie. Many fireworks out of shape, round, square, triangle... .. Fireworks beautiful moment, fall disappeared.


Every year, every family in the busy, my family is no exception. At that time, began to division of labor, my mother and I went to buy cakes, dumplings, couplet, Chinese knot. Dad went to buy fireworks and lanterns. Some big bags piled up for a while, the home. So I also spend up. I'm standing on the bench, on TV hang a big, red China section; Dad around the house all hang the red lanterns; Mother is busy making pastry. My father and I finished and glue paste couplets. The family harmony as busy as a bee. "Ah, finally call it a day!" I wipe the sweat said. "Mother, pastries ready?" My mother brought a plate of cakes and a large bowl of dumplings on the table. We have a mother at the table eating pastries and dumplings, us about gain and loss in this year. Dad said: "after a year, you again long one year old,, we are one year older. Do you want to study hard." Listen to father, I really don't want to grow up, every time my mom and dad, old age a long years. I wish forever young. Mom and dad also took out lucky money to me and said: "I wish you a happy New Year, healthy growth, every day happy!"



The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation, in the last few days, we usually want to go to visit relatives, elders will give children lucky money.

According to the plan, the fourth day, we went to my grandma's grandma's home in west gansu, we went by train. Through security check, we came to the waiting hall, there were so many people here. After a while, the bus came, I'm excited to jump on the car, the train go along, castle peak, green trees, blue sky, it's a beautiful picture of flow! The hills in the distance was holding a few families, hung with red lanterns, everywhere decorated, is permeated with festive atmosphere, immersed in a festival atmosphere.

Distance is very short, less than an hour to my grandma's. The festival atmosphere in a small town, bold, couplet and red lanterns and firecrackers. Night comes, which looked from a distance, red lanterns like a blossoming flower bloom, like the stars, is really very beautiful.

Early the next morning, I and my cousin was went to the town yangko, beating drums, here in the strong taste. Was dressed as a lion, a moment later, he got them from the steward a wardrobe, he put on his shaggy, clothes take a lion, like magnified toys. The little lion body orange hair, a big mouth shut, the location of the snowy teeth on the forehead and a small red! Although it is the king of the jungle, but you don't let a person feel afraid, but feel very warm, very cute.


The Spring Festival, every family decorated, beaming. This year's Spring Festival, I had a particularly interesting. Until today, I remember.

In the morning, our family made haste. Mother puts up spring couplets on the door. Greets me is "Japan Korea spring resident, and fuyong leave". Said the family harmony happiness. For me, I have to help my mother to stick "f" word, were posted on the door. Mother hurriedly stop me and said, "" f" word should be negative, is the "f" to the harmonics, blessing to our family. Post during the Spring Festival couplets are festive, type, auspicious meaning." Once I listen to, hurriedly (" f "word. Dad are carefully prepared, hang the YiZhanZhan red lanterns.

In the evening, it's time to eat dinner. Fragrance filled the kitchen; There is big dinner table, make the person saw, mouth water. Table there is a fish, that means more than every year. The guests have arrived, gladly sitting in front of the table, taste with relish the family reunion dinner. Mom and dad smiling greeting the guests. The whole family happy, the house is full of happy atmosphere.


Year after winter vacation is my long-expected holiday, I like the Spring Festival, because it is so jubilant, so let a person feel the charm of traditional customs.

Because I like is the Spring Festival can wear new clothes; The Spring Festival can stick couplets; The Spring Festival can worship to pray for the family in peace and healthy; Can eat delicious family reunion dinner on Spring Festival; The Spring Festival can eat sweet rice cakes.

I like watching the Spring Festival gala is the Spring Festival because they can; Can give grandpa's grandmother grandpa grandma happy New Year Spring Festival, I wish grandpa's grandmother grandpa grandma happy New Year! The Spring Festival can also turn to their parents or elders, teachers and classmates would like to extend season's greetings; The Spring Festival can return home; Children can receive a lot of New Year red envelopes during the Spring Festival. Of course, I also received a lot of red envelopes, very happy.



We have many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, qingming festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn festival. My favorite is the Lantern Festival.

On the night of the Lantern Festival, the people from the far gate came back. Our family hurried back home. The sun is setting and people eat yuanxiao, and they all live in front of the ancestral temple. When we went to the ancestral temple, the ancestral temple was a mountain of people, a drum and a drum, very busy. The temple was lit up with lights and incense, and people put on the most abundant food, with pig's head, chicken, duck, incense coil, rice cake... Come and worship the ancestors, pray for a safe and safe year. At the left of the temple, the opera stage was set up, and the old men moved to the long chair to see god. On the right is a puppet show. A group of children is watching with relish. A tall turret is built nearby, and brother elder brothers are playing the exciting "cannon city". The sound of firecrackers, the sound of singing, the sound of drums, and the sound of cheering... The little mountain village was boiling. At about eight o 'clock, the front of the ancestral temple was bursting with firecrackers. People were jumping and jumping in the fire. Some of them carried shimizu, raised flags, and oil lanterns bearing paper paste. The long swimming lights were like a giant flaming dragon swimming on a winding mountain road. All the lights went through every family in the village. Every household must hang red lanterns, whip guns, fire and fire, and greet the parade. As soon as the lights were on, the lights were blazing and the fire was burning and the people were beaming with joy. The village turned into a sea of joy.

I like the Lantern Festival and enjoy the Lantern Festival and the Lantern Festival. I hope the Lantern Festival will come soon.


There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Mid-Autumn festival, Spring Festival, qingming festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Lantern Festival, etc. I like Mid-Autumn festival most.

When I mention the Mid-Autumn festival, I think of the great poet li bai's "silent night" :

Before my bed a pool of night

Can it be hoarfrost on the ground

Looking up, I find the moon bright

Bowing, In homesickness I'm drowned

The poem is marvelous! In the Mid-Autumn festival on this day, every family can enjoy the moon, the moon, my mother said to me: "the word" moon cakes ", as early as in the southern song dynasty wu in dream Liang Lu negundo, at that time, it also just like diamond flower cake of bread shaped food. Later, people gradually put the Mid-Autumn moon and enjoy moon cakes together, and a symbol of family reunion "I look at the bright moon in the sky, feel is really like a white plate. Eating mooncakes! There are many patterns in the mooncakes, some of them leaping out of the water, some of them a monthly flower, and some people are eating mooncakes. The patterns of these mooncakes are so varied, so interesting!

Mid-Autumn day is a very custom and varied festival!


My favorite holiday is Mid-Autumn day. The Mid-Autumn festival is a traditional festival in China, with the four traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the qingming festival. It originated during the tang dynasty, when it was the center of the moon. In the qingming period, became the "folk festival".

On the evening of the Mid-Autumn festival, our family will enjoy a full moon together, eat moon cakes and watch the Mid-Autumn festival on TV. Last year's Mid-Autumn festival, our family reunion together, tell a smile, but happy. On this full moon, we share delicious mooncakes, moon cakes symbolize reunion, and are a necessary sacrifice for the Mid-Autumn festival and the worship of the land. The moon was not as bright as the Mid-Autumn festival. But it was beautiful. The moon sometimes looks like a shy girl, the wind brother praises her a few words, hides behind the clouds, a layer of gauze, looks more delicate, really charming; Now and then, like a naughty child, he peeked out at us for the holiday! This is fun!

Every time I go to the Mid-Autumn festival, I always think of one thing that happened to me as a child. At that time, my mother often told me the story of chang e. I've heard it many times, but I still can't hear it. As long as it's the story of the moon, I feel new and new. I hope one day I can fly to the moon and fly to the moon to play with chang 'e and watch the stars together. When I grew up, it was not so wonderful. I just thought I had a good time when I was a little girl.



What a warm home needs? The most basic is the family. My family members are: intelligent virtuous competent mom and dad, lively studious petite younger sister and me.

In the home, the oldest is daddy, he goes to work in the telecommunications, is an engineer, he is very high to the requirement of moral character, is the guidance director home, although the father's job is very busy, but the holiday is often take us go out to play, the "driver" of tourism is the family.

Next, is mother, she is a housewife, and I and my sister's family teacher, she is very particular about the font neat degrees, you must do your best, not only in this way, she also attaches great importance to the health and life etiquette, and the level is very high, the mother hard transfer on my sister and I, every day, class is our "the exclusive school", write my homework every day, my mother like a human dictionary, to help me do difficult work.

Again is to introduce myself, I am a sister "English translation machine", still remember last year, more than three years old just read small sister, because just contact with English, pronunciation is not clear, like a Martian language, at this time, I will come in handy, after my translation, mom and dad can the understanding of the meaning of my sister, my role as a bridge, with hard work.


My house is a intellectual, dad science but does best, mother of a foreign language is more worth mentioning, fluent speaking English again, and have feelings, my grandfather's calligraphy better, not like me, write the word like a little puss-head, that word, like a the blooming flower, brilliant, beautiful!

Because my home is an intellectual, dad to my request is very high, even let me out of breath. It's not, this math problem do wrong, dad that call an angry, I swear that if my father put on a set of demons, this face, go out at night, will frighten people! In this way, it is no problem, dad talked a few times so impatient, but never scold, oh my god! Everybody has not place ah, need it to be so fierce, and so, after the math problem, didn't dare ask dad. But anyway, I still very love my dad.

Mom and dad, by contrast, can have a big difference. Mother basically didn't scold me, often in a foreign language to communicate with me, English won't, mom also patient counseling, so my English is great, or an English lesson representative! This must thank my mother carefully, but were her contribution!


Remember one day in the evening, I read in his room, mother came to help me check my homework. Suddenly, the mother shouted at me loudly shouted: "6 calculate crossing Gao Tengxiao, what's the matter with you? You're wrong 3 way! Shame!" That was my mother found I calculate the mouth of the wrong too much, spirit not dozen 1 come. Mother said in good condition, also conveniently picked up a pencil hard knock my head. I was indignant think: "do not calculate three crossings are wrong! You need it to be so scold me, also hit me so hard and heavy?" To think that I will jump up and shout to mother rang rang way: "why are you hitting me? Why did you hit me?" Mother has been in a huff, saw me like this, especially, the worse. Angry mother again to I loudly shouted: "do you still dare to talk back..." , picking up next to a small stick on me, until I pain of keep call, mom didn't stop hitting me.

When mom went out of the room, I also have been angry, anger has made me to burn in the heart faint. I infatuated said open the drawer of the desk, not hesitate to pick up my mother and I dialogue notepad, dialogue and exchanges the mind, "splitting crash" the notebook to shreds, lying on the floor. My heart is so happy, finally put the gas all to spit it out. But after a while, I began to regret again: this is my mother and I heart dialogue book! I how can literally tear? I really want to fan a slap.



Books are one of the important components of our life (Books are the most popular (stable/lasting) media through which we acquire knowledge). We can acquire various types of knowledge from them. But not every book is worth reading. The English philosopher Francis Bacon said that some books are to be tasted, some am to be swallowed. But only a few books are to be chewed and digested. Some books really contain poisonous things that are not healthful to the mind so that you'd better not to touch them.

To select a really good book, I have some advice. First, you should think about what kind of books you want to read and what your needs are before you choose one. Second, read the preface fast to determine whether this book is the one that you really need. It is of great importance because the titles of some books may not match their content. As the old saying goes, we should never judge a book by its cover. Third, read books efficiently, or you will get lost, for it is not very easy to find where you were if you do not have efficient reading methods (To keep a continuous line of the story or of your thought, you should read effectively and efficiently).

With the suggestions listed above, I am sure you can find a really good book and read it effectively.


Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing computer games or other unmeaning matters. . They don't realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. It’s a sign of cherishing time. Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don't wait, because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.


The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.



As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Bird there is less and less fresh water in the world.Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do? How to protect our environment? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike instead of taking a car. We had better use shopping basketbets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. We should use both sides of the paper when we write. Do't use paper cups. At our school dinning room, use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones. We can reuse the water and save the electricity.In a word, if everyone pays more attention to ourenvironment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

"There is only one earth", I hope everyone will protect our environment well.