2024-06-09 04:33:30



Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is true that we are increasingly surrounded by advertising by companies that want to sell us their To some extent I agree that advertising has an impact on sales, but I would also argue that we do need most of the goods that we

Advertisements can certainly tempt people to buy products that they might not otherwise A good example could be the mobile Every year people can be seen queuing to buy the latest models, even when they already have a perfectly good phone that does not need Perhaps it is the influence of marketing that leads us to make these kinds of decisions; we want to stay up-to-date with the latest fashions or own the newest high-status The high sales of the iPhone seem to support this

On the other hand, I believe that most people do not buy products because of the advertising There are other good reasons why we make these choices, and there must be some kind of need before a person makes a New versions of products almost always have improved features that buyers may A new car, for example, may have greatly improved safety features, or it may be more economical to run, or it may pollute A new phone may allow the user to communicate more quickly or effectively, thus enhancing their quality of

In conclusion, while advertising obviously influences our buying behaviour, I do not agree that people make decisions that go against their real

(261 words)


雅思写作常见话题:Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?


此类雅思写作题目是典型的blended essay的写法,开头结尾相对容易,body paragraphs分为两段展开,按照雅思写作题目提问的先后顺序:首先,第一问可以写广告所带来的诸多benefits,比如:广告让我们更加清晰了解产品特点getting a better understanding of how the products work;成为大多数企业的收入来源sources of revenue;部分广告向人们宣传健康生活方式,让人们生活更加幸福快乐more contented。当然也可以写drawbacks,例如:很多商业广告的虚假宣传误导了消费者消费misleading customers;部分广告内容低俗,对青少年的身心发展不利negative effects on mental health;广告泛滥使广告形象大打折扣contribute to a bad self-image。其次,针对问题提出解决的solutions,这里可以从政府的角度切入,广告利弊兼有,政府应当积极引导,以便广告更好地服务于民众。


First thing first, accept that sending criminals to prison is an effective, if not the only way, to protect Stop thinking in terms of education as "punishment" for a moment and instead think about safeguarding innocent people from incorrigible violent sex offenders, trigger-happy drug dealers, and cold-blooded Education does reduce crimes to some extent; however, it is doubtful if most of them would choose to live a life that is


Since most inmates eventually return to the community, it seems not a bad idea to help them learn a trade and gain skills to make a decent And that is why training programs are often believed to be positive in changing criminal Nevertheless, most statistics tend to tell a different As it is, rather than becoming productive members of society, they turn themselves into more skilled So it is one thing that rehabilitation offers opportunities; it is quite another whether career criminals make good use of their prison In most cases, after serving their terms they continue commiting offences of a more sophisticated


Education is more a romantic option than an effective solution for crime At this point, it must be made clear that the argument is not against education in correctional facilities, considering that most inmates are Rather, the case is concerned about a control policy to strictly supervise specific released prisoners for at least two years to observe what might happen to Here, skeptics claim that, in many cases, prison education produces nothing more than "better-educated criminals", only more That the violent crime wave is raging while most prisons are over-crowded certainly does not reflect a significant decrease in It merely shows the fear and impotence of innocent people in the


The point is that sending criminals to prison is effective, if only by moving them away from the On the other hand, to regard prison education as an effective "punishment" is simply wishful-thinking, in view of relevant evidence that underlies In all events, education provides opportunities, however limited, but it depends on the way those repeat offenders see these opportunities, the rest being pure




If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it, so advertising is unnecessary and no more than an To what extent do you agree or disagree? 人们购买商品是因为需要,广告没有作用,仅仅是娱乐,是否认同?

点评: no more than = only adv 仅仅


Nowadays, customers are facing increasing advertisements with the competition of different To what extent do you think customers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect the customers? 现在广告愈来愈多,广告在多大的程度上影响了消费者,如何保护消费者?


Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are To what extent do you agree or disagree? 产品销量的提高反映了广告的作用,不是社会需求,是否认同?


Some people believe that advertisements should be banned since they serve no useful purpose and can even be To what extent do you agree or disagree? 广告应不应该被废除?





广告的教育性: 公益广告扮演了教育者的角色,例如,希望工程的广告唤醒了人们对偏远地区的失学儿童的关注。










