2024-08-17 03:20:25






同学们,我们是21世纪的主人,环保意识是现代人的重要标志。我们应当切实地树立起时代责任感。心系全球,着眼身边,立足校园。多弯弯腰捡捡果皮纸屑,首先是不要随地乱扔乱丢;多走几步,不要穿越绿化带,践踏绿地。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,从我做起,从小做起,从身边做起,从现在做起。保护地球母亲,净化绿色校园。 让我们的校园更加美丽吧!


























The school is the cradle of cultivating talents, the place where the pillar of the motherland grows, is the pure land of the beautiful soul. As our teachers and students, everyone's daily life and study are made up of small truths, we can't elaborate to these ordinary affairs. Remember: focus on details, and life is no small matter.

Let's see, in campus life, there are many small things around us. Have you done that? For example: if you go to school, you see paper chips, fruit skins, food bags, and pick up one? Ten minutes between classes, do you do not chase after the noise, gently walk through the corridor? Did you do it again, love the public, unite, help, listen, and finish your homework? You wonder how much I gained today when the sun sets.

These little things need us to have faith in what we do. Only in this way can we succeed and we will win.

Students, in March this polite month, the whole China is permeated with the fragrance of civility and politeness. And these aromas are coming from all kinds of flowers, and you are one of them, and believe in yourself, we can do it. We will carry on the mission of carrying on the etiquette, not to the future, but to the beautiful campus of education.






Today, sunny and sunny, I was playing alone in the garden.

The sky is blue and deep, and the air is fresh and sweet. There is also a flowerbed, and the flowers in the flowerbeds are blooming, and they are colorful, purple, blue, red, yellow and pink... That's remarkable! The most beautiful thing is the green grass, like a green carpet.

When I was in ecstasy, I suddenly saw a little girl plucking grass on the lawn, and I thought: I shouldn't let her spoil our beautiful home. So I angrily walked over, the little girl cried out, angry and said: "you should take good care of the grass, should not to step on it, back to the earth mother a" clean "white face!"

She listened to my words, seems to have realized his mistake, so he goes to the lawn next to the grass, said: "I'm sorry, lovely grass, I didn't beat you hurt?"

The little girl's face is like red apple, I say to her: "you are a bad boy that is wrong, also should let the mother earth mother wash the face clean."

Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility. From now on, let us all hand in hand, to nature, to protect the environment!








The green life, the environment around me, I don't have any of these concepts in my mind. Environmental protection, in my eyes have always been adults, what can we do for our children? We kids don't do it, right? But now people destroy it, destroy our resources continuously, in which we don't have a child, classmates, so we're going to link to protect it, to come together to present promotional events, and take concrete action, leaving the dense jungle, cherish the vast ocean, protect each space. It was then that I felt the protection of the environment was responsible for everyone.

As we walked along the road, we could see a lot of garbage bags hanging from the trees on both sides of the road. What is the net for studying abroad? Will we bring resources to the earth? It is because of our constant destruction, deforestation, pollution, and hunting that is the declining and declining resource. How will we survive in the near future? Can the earth still stay? Do we have any other resources? It is all evidence that humans will live on earth in the future. We must protect our environment and protect our homeland. No more damage to it.

People! Let us protect and protect our planet together. Make it a better earth than before! Stop making it more damaging and make our lives better!





Good afternoon, everyone!

We are studying in this school, and it is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It’s not good to spit in public places, such as in the school library, in the classroom, etc. We should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw rubbish here and there. I think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every day. If everyone tried his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure it will be more and more beautiful.

That’s all. Thank you.






















“空气清新,环境整洁,楼房林立,绿树环抱“,谁不希望在这样一个清洁、卫生、美丽的校园里健康成长学习呢?但是种种原因,我们的校园环境正逐渐被一些同学的不良行为所破坏。如今在我们美丽的校园中,出现了一些不文明的现象,有些同学随意乱扔的果皮纸屑、塑料瓶、瓜子壳等。每当淘气的风把这些垃圾抓起,东奔西跑,像个撒欢儿的孩子,我们只能束手无策,看着它们在校园 “翩翩起舞”,甚至有的同学在雪白的墙壁上和课桌上乱涂乱刻乱画、乱吐口痰等等.所有这一切,都跟我们美丽的校园极不相称.看到这些现象大家的感受会怎样呢?在这里学习生活能使大家开心吗?

为了让我们拥有绿树成荫、环境整洁、草地如茵的美丽校园,请大家快快行动起来吧!用自己的双手去保护校园环境的优美。通过广播、黑板报、演讲赛、知识竞赛、开展主题班会等形式,大力宣传保护校园环境的重要性、必要性,形成“实小是我家,美丽靠大家”的好氛围;养成人人从自己做起, 从身边的小事做起。俗话说:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”养成不乱丢垃圾,不乱吐口痰,不乱涂乱画,不肆意践踏草坪,动一动手,弯一弯腰等等好习惯。亲爱的同学们!让我们携起手来,共同努力,给我们自己创造一个优美整洁的学习生活环境吧!!难道这样不好吗?




Let me introduce our school. Once inside the school gate, two rows of straight palm trees stand on each side, like two young pioneers, guarding the campus. Two beautiful little gardens behind them, the flowers in them are beautiful. The willow tree in the playground, graceful, the spring comes, she was combing her hair, as if in waved to us, one side of the Holly and poplar have also show their new clothes. The pleasant scenery of the campus has created a comfortable learning environment for us to grow healthy and lively.

However, there are a few students behavior, let we see what we don't want to see: the playground, there will always leave some on the corridor, corridor confetti and small bags; On the lawn, the green belt occasionally discovers the deep footprints left by the students. Others have turned the desks in the classroom into "cat faces"; Not to save water, to lose precious water, and to make the flower bed a playground...

If we don't take care of our lovely campus and make it hurt, we will suffer harm and harm our health.

Today, we need to protect the environment as our obligation to protect the environment with our actual actions. We should know how to protect the environment is to protect ourselves, we should not only use resources rationally, whenever they want to protect the environment, as a student, we should create more green campus. Starts from the minor matter, starts from now, starts from the care for the campus and protect the environment, picked up a piece of paper on the ground and save every drop of water, cherish every inch, walk more, don't cross the green, the grass. I believe that in the near future, our life will be another scene!

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, the environmental awareness is not limited, we are looking at the campus. "Do not be good and not evil," for our common campus, let us act immediately.


I went to the gate of the primary school in shangjia city, and I was like walking into my other home, where I studied, lived, grew up, and my school was my home.

Lush trees, clean corridors, white walls. However, there are a few students on our campus who break the beautiful environment at will. The campus stairs and the various food packaging bags in the hallway, the various drink bottles of the flowers, the prunes in the classroom, the melon seed shells... The environment that makes us beautiful is destroyed, and it feels like a blank sheet of white paper. Taking care of the campus environment is the duty and responsibility of each of us.

So what can we do to make our campus environment civilized?

To set up the campus is the idea of home, the campus is my home, everyone loves it. Students should love the campus as much as they love their new clothes.

On the campus, the behavior should be standardized, from the little things, from a little bit, the daily behavior standard is every day, every time, everywhere.

We will comply with the regulations of the elementary school children's daily behavior and strictly observe the institutions of the school. Be a good boy at home, be a good student at school, and be a civilized citizen in society.

4, do not break the environment of the school carelessly, should not throw waste to the ground; You shouldn't leave a mark or a handprint on a white wall. Consciously pick up every piece of paper or food bag on the floor; Stop unethical behavior.

To correct bad behavior, we can't just rely on our teachers and consciousness. Use concrete actions to protect and protect our campus environment. Start by myself, start by yourself, start every day, protect the campus environment.








同学们,我们是21世纪的主人,环保意识是现代人的重要标志。我们应当切实地树立起时代责任感。心系全球,着眼身边,立足校园。多弯弯腰捡捡果皮纸屑,首先是不要随地乱扔乱丢;多走几步,不要穿越绿化带,践踏绿地。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,从我做起,从小做起,从身边做起,从现在做起。保护地球母亲,净化绿色校园。 让我们的校园更加美丽吧!


























































As you all know, due to excessive for mankind to nature, has led to a merciless retaliatory nature: hurricanes, rain, storms, floods, drought, pests, heat, forest fires, earthquakes and other disasters enters the room, all over the world due to reasons such as drought the migration of refugees is expected to reach 100 million people by 20xx.

The tragic ecological lesson has already drawn the attention of all countries and all mankind, and the international Olympic committee (ioc) assessment team has visited the city of the Olympic Games and made the improvement of eco-environment an important part of it. Our country attaches great importance to the environmental protection platform, has introduced many policies and regulations to protect the environment, and has carried out a lot of work and activities to protect the environment.

Our country also attaches great importance to protecting the environment of education, "green school creation activity" is one of the important content, the environmental protection and greening work of our school have achieved fruitful results.

We often see many students picking up scraps of paper in every corner of the campus. Use your own hands to protect the beauty of the campus environment. But we still have some shortcomings: there are still scraps of paper and food bags. Still others trampled on the lawn; From time to time, the school's green belt finds deep footprints and even a path.

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, environmental consciousness is the important symbol of modern people. We should establish an era of responsibility. Mind the world, look around, stand on campus. The first is not to litter and litter. Take a few more steps and don't pass through the green belt and trample the green space. "Do not use the good and the small, do not, do not to the evil small but the", from I start, small start, start from the side, from now. Protect mother earth, purify green campus. Make our campus more beautiful!


Today, the earth's environment is red, and the world emits more than 600 million tons a year... By the middle of the next century, a third of the earth's surface is desertification, threatening more than 60 countries... Do you feel the importance of protecting the environment when you see this group of shocking Numbers? Therefore, I propose the following:

One, save water

Don't turn on the faucet when you wash your hands and soap or wash your hands.

The water can be used to water the vegetables and water the flowers.

When water is used, the tap should not be turned on too large.

Second, conserve electricity

Power should be turned off if you do not use such appliances as TV, air conditioning and electric light.

Please turn off the lights when you go out.

Third, save paper

Paper should be used for two sides.

2, used paper should be nailed together as a draft paper.

Don't throw out a few pages of a notebook.

Fourth, save food

Eat not to leave residue.

Don't drop the rice on the floor or on the table.

Don't pour out the uneaten food.

Waste recycling

Send the old batteries back to the recycling station so that the old batteries can continue to be used.

2, the facial mask that USES can be used to wipe furniture, this way not only economy, the furniture that is wiped still can spread the aroma.

As a new era of primary school students, I advocate the students to improve the consciousness of protecting the environment, also suggests the uncles and aunts to join our team to contribute their strength to protect the environment, the well-being of future generations. Because: protect the environment, urgent!


How beautiful our campus is! Spring flowers bloom, summer trees are green, autumn is rich, snow is falling in winter. I have been studying in the campus for six years. In the morning, the bird listens to us, and when the afternoon sun goes home with me, I wave goodbye to the campus. I get along with the campus, and I have a strong relationship with her.

But, on this beautiful campus, there are some man-made problems: the seniors just cleaned up and there was a lot of paper crumbs on the ground. In the toilet, the faucet is weeping in tears. The flowers and trees on the campus are ruined. And there was a lot of paper on the ground that had been discarded, and the ditch was full of garbage. There is a lot of waste of resources like this. This makes the campus very dirty, if you study in this environment, would you? So, I suggested to my classmates:

One: do not carelessly trample the tree, do not pick flowers, do not enter flower bed to play, in the class propagandize to love flowers and plants

The trees.

Two: cherish the resource: the book that the last semester didn't finish can be used to make a sketch book, write with pencil first, use a water pen to write again. Tighten the faucet when the water is finished.

3: do not throw the peel of the peel, want to throw in the trash can, see the rubbish to be cleared in time, see other classmate throw rubbish, want to be fond of words of advice.

4: when the newspaper is in the black sheet in his class, the content that is concerned to protect the environment, cherish the resource.

I hope the students can take my advice and make our campus a better place!

Let's join hands and have a beautiful learning environment.



Nowadays,with more and more serious problem such as the global increasing temperture,the melting ice and the rising sea-levering,people are recognizing the important of developing the low-carbon economic now.

There are many ways we can do to reach the loe-carbon economic.Fristly,discovering others fuels which is more clean and more green to instead of the using of carbon.Secondly, we should have the save-energy conscious and do something which we can make,for instance,using the bus ranther than car when you go out,re-use the thing that can be recycle used,reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least,we should plant more trees or other greenplants,in which way we can not only improve the environment,but also can make our home more beauty.

In my opnion, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon economic is everyone must try their best do what they can do for it.Once everyone have the sence of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves ,it will be earlier to reach it.


The beautiful campus is our happy home, also the place where we study and live every day. Its environmental health has a direct impact on us, and school sanitation is an important symbol of civilization. Each of us should take on the responsibility of protecting the class and the school environment. I feel very sad when I see the campus and the waste of waste paper. To this end, I am determined to protect the campus environment from me.

This time, I often can see on the ground in the school to have waste paper, I also actively picked it up, put in the schoolbag. Today, the school put a video about the initiative to pick up the paper, in the video classmates some active picked up at the sight of the paper, some see live as if nothing has occurredly from waste paper, this piece of video, makes me feel protect the campus environment health, rely on personal power is limited, so I want to loudly called for the classmates, from now on, in order to our beautiful campus, we come on! Let us do it together, without destroying a flower, a grass, a wood, not a drop of water, a moment of electricity, no tearing, throwing, spitting, scribbling. See the waste paper, please bend low, pick up, bring out campus, because we not only pick up rubbish, but also pick up moral character.

Students, good campus environment needs you and I to create and maintain. For our beautiful campus, we work together, together we can "hold the hand, step at foot"! More we can learn in beautiful environment, please everybody from me to start, from the small start, together create the beautiful and warm campus. I believe that through our efforts, our school will become more beautiful, cleaner and cleaner.





The campus is like the flowers, the fragrance of the intoxicating, the smell of love. The schoolyard is like rain dew, nourish us, cultivate us; The campus is like a dream, that kind of beautiful, that kind of sweet. I love this garden campus.

"Beautify campus, green campus". Our campus has become green and beautiful. Flowers, small trees, patches of grass, flowerbeds, our campus is full of life and fresh.

"The air is fresh, clean and tidy environment, buildings, surrounded by green trees", who don't want to in such a clean, sanitary, healthy growth of the beautiful campus learning? But for various reasons, our campus environment is being undermined by the bad behavior of some students. Nowadays, in our beautiful campus, there are some uncivilized phenomena, some students randomly throw in the peel of paper, plastic bottles, melon seed shells and so on. Whenever naughty wind these waste, running here and there, tinkling like a child, helpless, we can only watch them on campus "dance", and even some classmates in the scribble on the white wall and the desk carved, and disorderly spit phlegm, and so on. All this, cannot match with our beautiful campus. See these phenomena, how would you feel? Does studying here make everyone happy?


My campus is the most unforgettable place in my whole life, miss my mother similar, I love you great of campus.

My campus front door has me the name of mother school on the door with a southern exposure, in the sun flickering give out light.Again go toward in is a center road, the both sides contain many flowers, beauty pole!It is a toilet in the southeast.At southwest Cape of is a dining room.Agreeable center road's going toward is a teaching building ago.The five planets red flag flaunts aweather before the building in the teaching.The empress of the building is a dormitory.This is the layout of my campus.

In this campus has been concerning my teacher.They are very kind.At I have difficult of time, they win difficult courage for me, I thank them very much.


in order to support beijing to hold the olympic games and protect our environment, an activity was organized by the young league and student\'s union of our school during the week from june 3rd to june 8th. all the students in the senior grades took active part in it. some students cleaned the playground, watered the young trees andflowers, and removed weeds. some students collected waste paper, old books, empty cans and old toys. they had them sorted and sent them to the recycling center.the activity is really instructive. now we all have realized how important protecting the environment is.


I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn't do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.

Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.

The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus.

I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.



During the summer vacation, the school carried out the practice of "the beautiful rivers around the house". I was delighted to learn that I knew I could do my part. My classmates and I organized a team to protect the river, and gave it a resounding name "rainbow group", because the team just seven members, each member is a kind of color, also is our a part of environmental protection. My team and I went to the largest freshwater river in hangzhou, the moat. On our way to the distribution of uncle aunt making propaganda by its own CARDS, pick up garbage around and persuade the uncles, fishing, swimming along the river bank to understand the history and status quo of the moat, condolences to the river beautician - sanitation workers, testing the river water quality, and finally we all gathered together the passion also discusses the protection of the environment, protect the river. Although the event was brief, it was deeply planted in my heart. Our team's handbook for the practice of the subject has not only won the first prize in the school, but also won the third prize in jianggan district. I have also received the honor of the excellent captain and the advanced individual in the school social practice.

I aspired to be an environmentalist! But only one person can't do it, the people will pick up the flame high, unity is strength. Every bit of small things, every little bit of damage, will affect our lives and can even end of the earth's life, so from now on, we have obligation to protect the environment, to defend our common home!


The other day, I went to liuzhou city with my father and my mother.

The ancient city was guarded by the ancient city walls. From the height of the ancient city, the green fields, the endless meadows, show us the beauty of nature. Walking on the stone path, I took a deep breath, and the fresh air was very comfortable.

As he walked, he introduced me to the history of the ancient city. After a while, baba's hand reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette, lit a fire, and a puff of smoke came out of my father's mouth. I looked at my father in amazement, and saw my father, who was about to throw a cigarette end, rushed up to him and said angrily, "don't throw cigarette butts on your head." My father turned and asked, "why, ich?" I said: "if we all like you, here will become a garbage dump, still have such a green tree limbs, so green grass, so fragrant flowers, fresh air so?"

Dad listened and gave a thumbs-up: "the son was right. Dad was wrong. You're still a green guard!"






One sunny afternoon, I saw a news: in a village far away, more than half a year of drought, many of the villagers in the village and the animals and birds in the home because I haven't drink the water and died of thirst, grain crops tree without charge. The villagers didn't drink water, not to have a meal, haven't the strength to handle animal's body, that the bodies decomposed in hot, dry weather, stinking within the village. Seeing this makes me think of it -- --

Once mom and dad took me to the pingtan island tourism, I went to the seaside see the sea is very cloudy, from time to time to see many dead fish turn over white belly floating on the surface of the water, stinking, the sun hid behind the cloud, as if can't stand it. The water was crystal clear, and the little fish played happily. The sun was beautiful on the water, like a crystal crystal. But because of the environmental damage, the river is polluted.

Many young villagers don't adapt to the living environment of displaced by another way to making a living, with only a few sick people in the village because no ability to leave, just living in the village.

It is said that this is because we are human, environmental requirements, random cut down the trees in nature makes a substantial reduction in forest, has made the ecological balance destruction, receive the punishment of the nature, let the weather turns bad, met a drought, mountain torrent disasters such as organ hair. From these we can think of human beings in the near future when the earth is no longer beautiful and the creatures, including humans, will perish in the near future.



“空气清新,环境整洁,楼房林立,绿树环抱“,谁不希望在这样一个清洁、卫生、美丽的校园里健康成长学习呢?但是种种原因,我们的校园环境正逐渐被一些同学的不良行为所破坏。如今在我们美丽的校园中,出现了一些不文明的现象,有些同学随意乱扔的果皮纸屑、塑料瓶、瓜子壳等。每当淘气的风把这些垃圾抓起,东奔西跑,像个撒欢儿的孩子,我们只能束手无策,看着它们在校园 “翩翩起舞”,甚至有的同学在雪白的墙壁上和课桌上乱涂乱刻乱画、乱吐口痰等等.所有这一切,都跟我们美丽的校园极不相称.看到这些现象大家的感受会怎样呢?在这里学习生活能使大家开心吗?

为了让我们拥有绿树成荫、环境整洁、草地如茵的美丽校园,请大家快快行动起来吧!用自己的双手去保护校园环境的优美。通过广播、黑板报、演讲赛、知识竞赛、开展主题班会等形式,大力宣传保护校园环境的重要性、必要性,形成“实小是我家,美丽靠大家”的好氛围;养成人人从自己做起, 从身边的小事做起。俗话说:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”养成不乱丢垃圾,不乱吐口痰,不乱涂乱画,不肆意践踏草坪,动一动手,弯一弯腰等等好习惯。亲爱的同学们!让我们携起手来,共同努力,给我们自己创造一个优美整洁的学习生活环境吧!!难道这样不好吗?



最新校园卫生作文600字:保护校园环境 我们人人有责







