2024-07-15 03:59:52


Kindness is an ideal that is easily accessible to all of us.We all know that a small kindness can make our journeys lighter and more enjoyable.Even bringing an instance of kindness to mind can put a smile on your face days or weeks later or perhaps even inspire you to share kindness with another.Though it may seem simple to the point of insignificance,many cultures throughout the world and history have recognized kindness as a powerful virtue.It may be the simplest way to experience and share all the grandest ideals of humanity.We can make the choice to act from the best place within ourselves at any time,while simultaneously recognizing the highest potential in another with the smallest of acts,nourishing the seed of hope in each soul we encounter.

In a way,kindness acts as the oil that makes the engine of our world move more smoothly and with less friction.We can still get where we are going but the ride is more pleasant,and those around us can share in the ideal world that we help to create.We are all fortunate that kindness is limitless in its supply and available to everyone.When we act in ways that confirm our ideals,we make the ideal our reality.Then,instead of affirming the experience of struggle and competition,we can shift our experience to the reality of ease and pleasurable camaraderie with the fellow citizens of the world.

Whether giving way to someone in traffic or letting someone go ahead of us in line,donating money or sharing our homes in a crisis,we actively create a universe of kindness and giving with every choice we make.The smallest gesture can bring a smile to light the shadow of an unpleasant situation or remove tension from a difficult task,but it’s effects can echo and extend far beyond the moment.We can be sure that we will receive a kindness in return,but giving is its own reward.Kindness expands the light within us and reaches out to touch the light in others as well,giving us all a glimpse of the glow that has the power to enlighten our world.



We always stand in the rich place to pity the poor,always lie in the safe place to denounce the evil,always call to stay away from indifference after 50 steps of laughing,always busy calculating the value of life after the blood trace is gone.


As a result,our pitying posture hurts other people's self-esteem.


After every disaster,there are too many people competing to adopt orphans first; when this upsurge passes,there are too many orphans in distress.According to the analysis of psychologists,the adoption of orphans should consider their own economic situation,the family atmosphere should be similar to the original family of children,and the education mode and parents' personality should be suitable for orphans.However,too many people only rely on their own cavity of blood,with enthusiasm in exchange for the division of the family.The children once again face the pain of the broken home,the hurt strikes the weak heart of the innocent children again,and the kindness changes from sweet to bitter.


So,we scalded others' bodies with boiling blood.


The 2008 Olympic Games is our Chinese Olympic Games.The whole country celebrates,the atmosphere is hot,the torch is delivered,the same world,the same dream.However,the disharmonious color also defiled the Olympic red torch and the green olive branch.It is reported that 8-year-old children spent 55 days to complete the "marathon" race to Beijing; 10-year-old children bound their arms and walked in the torrent; 8-year-old girls walked more than 3000 kilometers to the capital Beijing accompanied by their father These behaviors have attracted the attention of Chinese and even the world media,among which there are many foreign media to slander the Chinese Olympic Games.False comments must be resisted,but it is undeniable that this is "abnormal Olympic fever".If we want to hold a rational Olympic Games,we need to support it with rational behaviors.Our enthusiasm shouldn't go crazy from hot passion.


Even when we burn someone's body with hot blood,we also burn someone's mind.


After the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12,2008,we rescued too many lives with the quickest and most united action,and we won the respect of the world.Countless flash lights focused on Sichuan,flashing countless touching stories,but also stabbed the eyes of people in the disaster area.The children who were successfully rescued were lucky,but some reporters,in order to interview them,recalled their painful memories over and over again.The children cried and the adults cried.Some enthusiastic volunteers went to the disaster area without any awareness of disaster relief,although they had a fervent heart,they actually caused chaos to the disaster area.Incorrect rescue actions,imperfect service behaviors and unreasonable comfort and help bring "secondary injury" to the people in the disaster area.We find that kindness has changed from comfort to sword.


The Chinese nation is a nation of perseverance,enthusiasm and kindness.When we survive the floods,the SARS,the split of the motherland and the desecration of the Olympic Games by lawbreakers,we will also survive the devastating Wenchuan earthquake and successfully hold an Olympic Games.


But we need more thinking and action,and we need to see things rationally and comprehensively from the perspective of others.Let "the heart of love" go deep into our blood,let us keep the good sweet forever,keep the good fresh,make it not fade,not go bad,not change the taste.



I have read the book "little story and great reason".I have read a story that a little boy and a little girl are orphans.The girl is ill and needs blood transfusion.He and his sister's blood match.The little girl's brother would rather help his sister with blood transfusion.


He asked the doctor,"will I die?" The doctor said,"you can live another hundred years." The boy said,"I'm going to give half my blood to my sister.I'm going to live 50 years old with her." This is the purest side of life.


I want to be a kind person.












A young school teacher had a dream that an angel appeared to him and said,“You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world leader.How will you prepare her so that she will realize her intelligence,grow in confidence,develop both her assertiveness and sensitivity,be open-minded,yet strong in character?”

The young teacher awoke in a cold sweat.It had never occurred to him before——any ONE of his present or future students could be the person described in his dream.Was he preparing them to rise to ANY POSITION to which they may aspire? He thought,“How might my teaching change if I KNEW that one of my students were this person?” He gradually began to formulate a plan in his mind.

This student would need experience as well as instruction.His teaching changed.Every young person who walked through his classroom became,for him,a future world leader.He saw each one,not as they were,but as they could be.He expected the best from his students,yet tempered it with compassion.He taught each one as if the future of the world depended on his instruction.

After many years,a woman he knew rose to a position of world prominence.He realized that she must surely have been the girl described in his dream.Only she was not one of his students,but rather his daughter.For of all the various teachers in her life,her father was the best.

I’ve heard it said that “Children are living messages we send to a time and place we will never see.” But this isn’t simply a parable about an unnamed school teacher.It is a parable about you and me——whether or not we are parents or even teachers.And the story,OUR story,actually begins like this:

“You will be given a child who will grow up to become…” You finish the sentence.If not a world leader,then a superb father? An excellent teacher? A gifted healer? An innovative problem solver? An inspiring artist? A generous philanthropist?

Where and how you will encounter this child is a mystery.But believe that one child’s future may depend upon influence only you can provide,and something remarkable will happen.For no young person will ever be ordinary to you again.And you will never be the same.


I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy.

I think he is a friend of mine.Because he always talk with me.I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.

I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker.He works very hard.So he can’t play with me or my mum for long time.He think work will make him happy because work has many funny.So he always teaches me: don’t think work is a hard thing.

My father has many hobby.For example,he like reading,and he also like play computer game.He use his hobby to realx.He can feel very happy if he work,and also play.

He is a good man,isn’t he?







The moon is an unfriendly place.So there is neither air nor water,nor life of any kind.There is not much variety of acenery either.The sun and stars shine in the black sky and the extreme temperatures break rocks away from the surface of the mountains.

Sound waves can only travel through the air,so the moon is a very silent world.The earth is shining more brightly than the stars.It looks like an immense ball.


as is vividly depicted in the picture,a young man with a suitcase under his arm is stretches his hand to greet himself reflected in the mirror.the most striking feature is his image in the mirror is smiling at him sincerely.there is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.

as is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings,the fact that his smile can be reflected as tenderly as his real smile profoundly indicates that genuineness and cordiality are momentous and fundamental to any one who undertakes great is corporation with the team with great zeal that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty and discouragement,that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the coming success.unless we are genuine to others,we will not be acknowledged,appreciated and respected by the others no better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below.many capable people who always care about his way of thinking will be living a dull,depressing life.only by being genuine to others can they win other people’s trust and can they reward the support,sympathy.

from what have been discussed above,it admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties,it is much better for one to cooperate with others with great zeal it is therefore,necessary that some effective measures are taken to make it work.on the one hand,we should be sensible to encourage ourselves to imagine everyone to be our friends not enemies.on the other hand,it is demanding for us to examine our behaviors to make sure they will not hurt others.however,it is easier said than done.practice is the most important factor.only when you pay attention to it can you make it better sooner or later.


Once upon a time,there lived three brothers in a faraway land.Their names were Strong-Arm,Wise-Head and Good-Heart.

Strong-Arm spent all his time very happily running,jumping,throwing spears and swimming.

Wise-Head,too,was very happy.He spent all his time reading,writing,learning and making things with his hands.

Good-Heart was the happiest of all.He spent all his time helping his brothers and cooking their food.

One day they saw a girl on the top branch of a great tree,which no one could ever climb,calling “Help!Help!”

Good-Heart was always ready to help anyone in trouble.So he asked his two brothers for help.

Wise-head thought about the problem.He worked out the height of the tree,made a piece of long string,and tied a stone to one end of it.Then he told Strong-Arm to throw the stone over the highest branch.

Then Wise-Head tied a long thick rope to the string,and pulled the other end of the string until the rope,too,went right over the branch and down again.

So Strong-Arm climbed up the rope,and brought the little girl safely to the ground.

The three brothers all felt wonderfully happy because they had saved the girl.

The girl was actually a fairy.She changed herself into the Queen of the Good Spirits.She had come to teach the brothers a lesson in cooperation.

“Look,”the Queen of the Good Spirits said,“Being only strong or only wise or only good is not enough.The best thing is to be strong and wise and good.”

So the three brothers lived happily all their life,doing things together.


In 2013,a show called Where Are We Going,Dad was popular around China,in the show,five famous stars and dads with their children went to the countryside to experience the life.This is the first time for the audience can look at the celebrities’ children,the kids are so lovely that all the audiences love them.Now a new show which is similar to the mentioned show becomes a new hot topic,but this time,half audience love the stars’ kids,the ones who don’t like them think that the kids are not as lovely as the ones before,even look ugly.So the audience speaks bad words in the Weibo,showing their dislike.

As an outsider,I think it is so cruel to the kids,they are so young and innocent,they don’t know about the world,why should they deserve those vicious words.Imagine if they are your kids,what will you do? People should be mercy to the kids.



P8 One day,a man called Wang Wei was visiting New York.When he got to the hotel,he found his ID card was lost.He was very upset.He looked for it everywhere,but he couldn’t find it.Wang Wei was so worried.What should he do? Of course,he decided to return to the train station.At the lost and found,a young man was waiting for him with his ID card.Wang Wei was so happy!He was so thankful that he bowed (鞠躬) before the man.Wang Wei was so surprised when he looked up again.The man was his former (以前) classmate,and they hadn’t seen each other for five years!

P14 Kangkang and Michael are good friends.They both study in Ren’ai International School.Michael is as brave as Kangkang.But Michael is not as funny as Kangkang because Kangkang often tells jokes to his friends.Michael is as helpful as Kangkang.They are both glad to help others in need (需要).


Tolerance is like water,tolerant poem,tolerance is gold,jade is tolerance; tolerance is a remarkable tolerance,a broad mind,is to accommodate people of things and acceptance; tolerance is a kind of self-cultivation,is a virtue.Tolerance is a kind of moving!

Tolerance is like a calm and gentle water.When you have faults,for others,it can be a sea of broad mind to accommodate you.Whether you are a vessel,or grass,it can in their own gentle,selfless carrying you,holds you,it won’t brood on to you won’t hostile,only silently will carry you forward to the distance.

Tolerance is like a poem of great beauty.When you offend others,it won’t cast you has sharp irony,hurtful indifference and anger,but to give you a meaningful enjoyable poem".It will be the United States,with its underlying philosophy,to opens your heart,unlock your heart and awaken your conscience,to eliminate barriers to each other.It will be your own tolerance and love to warm your heart,so that you secretly admire,heart moved.

Tolerance is like precious gold jade.It is so precious that it will be loved by everyone.If there is a gap on being friends,no matter which one,if you are willing to be tolerant of the "jade" and "gold" to each other,he will feel the warm heart,he will not only let go,be thankful,he will come up with your own heart,my beloved baby back to you.Either side’s displeasure or resentment will turn into a cloud of smoke and wind.

Tolerance makes friendship closer,family affection deeper and society more harmonious.Tolerance,lubrication of each other’s relationship,to eliminate the gap between each other,cleared each other’s concerns,and enhance mutual understanding.So the most noble and good way is tolerance!(Article Reading Network: )

Tolerance is: to reason,to reckless,to generosity,to narrow,to self-restraint,ignorance.

A little more tolerant of others,their own way will be a little wider; less tolerant of others,their own posterior approach will be narrower; can not tolerate others,they may not have a posterior approach.Tolerance is because of love; tolerance is because of understanding; tolerance is because of good.Tolerance is not a deal,tolerance is not sweet,but for the sake of friendly,false display of affection,otherworldly.

Tolerance is not unprincipled weakness.Tolerance should be strict with oneself,broad-minded toward others.Tolerance is not worth forgiving person,is not tolerant of palliative; tolerance,tolerance is indulgent; smart one who is clever.

Easier said than done on human tolerance,? Some people say,"a great man has two hearts,one heart bleeds,another heart is forgiving."".Forgive others,you need to wronged yourself.Everyone knows,in forgiving others,at the same time,his heart is what kind of grievance? You are open-minded,you have to haggle out of the quagmire,your generosity generous again!You know,if you want to forgive others,you must first learn to put down.If really put down,want to open,not only will make yourself better,but also make others relaxed.Only tolerance,friendship can last forever; only tolerance,love can be happy; only tolerance,people and talents can be harmonious.

Man is not a saint,but he has many faults,so life needs mercy.Must not because of brood on life,even words hurt.

It is not difficult to forgive once,but it is difficult to keep a forgiving heart all one’s life.


One foot trampled on the violet,but it left the fragrance on the heel of the man,which is called tolerance.

Life is like the sea,tolerance for boating,rafting in the sea,to know the breadth of the sea; life is like a mountain,tolerance for the path,climbing along the path,to know the height of the mountain; life is like a song,tolerance is a song,and song,to know the beauty of the song.Since I remember,I have known a word: the sky is wider than the sea,and the heart is wider than the sky.If you are patient in one moment of anger,you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.“Heart to heart” is a way to cultivate one‘s mind.

Once,I lied to my friend in good faith,but it was just a white lie,but I didn’t know that my friend was furious with me.I was wronged in my heart!But I had to think about it for a while.In fact,it hurt my friend to do so,so I tried to bear the anger,and finally,we said good.

Imagine -- at that time,if I was also furious with him,the consequences would be unimaginable,both sides would lose,and a precious friendship would be lost.In fact,most of the time,the cause of misunderstanding is not to achieve “heart to heart”,not to think about each other‘s feelings,intolerable each other,resulting in an ugly ending.

When dealing with others,it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with his companions.Some of the injuries are unintentional and some are intentional.However,you should be magnanimous and be able to prop up the boat in the prime minister’s belly.In ancient times,a well-off man loved flowers and grass,and still loved orchids.He planted many orchids in the temple on weekdays and loved them more than before.One day,Gao Jie had to leave the temple for two days because he wanted to go out.Before he left,he specially told his disciples to feed and make flowers and plants well without any mistakes.But unexpectedly,it rained cats and dogs that night,and the wind was strong.All the flowers and plants in the hospital died because they didn‘t move into the house.The disciples gathered at the door,waiting for the master to come back and accept the scolding.After returning to the temple,the monk was heartbroken to see the flowers and plants he had cultivated carefully for many years destroyed,but he did not blame his disciples,Just calmly say,“I didn’t plant orchids to get angry.”

What is it to suppress the anger in his heart,what is it to stop him from getting angry,and what is it to let him face the immediate scene calmly? It is tolerance,which is great tolerance!Learn tolerance,learn to understand others,relax your heart,keep yourself in a good state of mind,and set up a gorgeous sail in life.


There is such a fable in the "Li Wengong Collection" of Tang Dynasty: Two people passed by the National Malaysia and the horse,and the horse biting the neck of the national horse,making it bleeding,but the national horse is still driving.The horse returned to the home but shaking,the grass is not stained,waiting for the country horse to comfort - close,the horses are recovering,the horses are restored.At first glance,it is very unfortunately anger,and more invalid and weakness of the horse.But I saw the last change of the horse,but I can't help but cheer in the darkness of the country,cheering for the Tolerance spirit of the country,the harmony and cheers brought by tolerance.Tolerance is a silent education.Tolerant eventually will eventually hurt your human feelings or reluctant to go to the Sailing of the Moral Tribunal,accept your conscience: Junma is shaking by the Tolerance of Guoma,but self-blaming.

This silent education will eventually make the conscience of harmful injuries are being called justice,and they will go to our integrity.The story of "" is deeply enlightened.If the prime minister is also a small belly,with Lian Po,you must count,if you have it,I am afraid that Zhao Guo has already been buried by Qin Qin.It is precisely because the prime minister is the broad mind of the country,it is called the education of honest,and he will make him sin.Lian intersession,so that strong Qin has a soldier and does not dare to raise the troops.Tolerance has produced unexpected huge role.The tolerance result is that a person gets wider on the road of life."Only width you can get people" is a famous saying,and it will step by step,and even gradually move.The National Malaysia is tolerate,and the second horse has passed back and moves together.Xiang Yu,who is "Li Pulling Mountain",is lacking tolerance,first,the Qi Qi,Han Ping,and Han Xin,who is good at using soldiers,and finally even the closest "Yather" Van Zeng has been forced,only four sides of Chu song,Wujiang self-cultivation The ending.It can be seen that only the truly tolerance will not be used in all directions,caught in the dilemma.Here,we must learn the practice of the National Malaysia: its tolerance makes the horse,and then use tolerance to comfort the horses,make it a helpless.So in a sense,tolerant others,it is also tolerant,give some space,you will get a blue sky.Let us have this blue sky,with tolerance!The story of the National Malaysia and the horse,should be a mirror in real life,reflect on themselves,understand others.In the increasing development of the market economy,the relationship between people and people will be increasingly nervous,and when there is a "no father and son on the business field"? Once some people have money,status,reputation and other conflicts,some people will discard the tolerance,pick up the knife that "eye is also eye-catching,with tooth",to the opponent.In fact,these people do not know how to be tolerant.Tolerant,it is Gray Vulillan,which makes people to succeed; it is Jun Yan Jinsong,which makes people get more and more conducive.Of course,the tolerance is not a principle tolerance,not to see the accessibility of the object.

The tolerant object must be "horses" rather than "inferior horses",it is some conscience,and it will change the people who have changed,and the evil gangsters,the wicked people who are illegal and chaotic will never be tolerant.The ancient language said: It is a big,which can be high.Let us have toleranceThe soul.After many years,you will find that on the road of life,you have left a intoxicated magnificent scenery.


When I am making mistakes,my parents will never be angry with me.I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me.I learn many things from my parents,they show me how to be a tolerant person.They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make,instead,they will educate me in the gentle way.

Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids,they will be very angry and said the hurting words,making the children feel sad.Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem.People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.



Living life,will get along with others,because every man's cultural level,working life,disposition hobby is different,get along with long,hard to avoid can happen hashing and conflicts,such as brothers quarreled,in-law discord,colleagues dispute,etc.In fact,these contradictions at best only contradictions among the people,as long as there is a open-minded,generous,the tolerance of tolerance,the tolerance of tolerance,should forget to forget,problems will be readily solved,wars will be reduced to settle."The sea is a hundred rivers.Wise words never fade.

To err is human.Treat other people with lenient or intentional harm,have the spring weathering rain,ice release snow melt,the other party will turn to the peach.Tolerance is always a conciliator of human relations.So,live life,when you learn to forgive.

Tolerance,of course,is not the unprincipled generosity of principle; it is not the helplessness and weakness of reality; it is the attitude of "the principle of big things,the small talk of style"; Learning to forgive during the short course of life means that our lives are happier.

Learning to forgive others is to learn to be kind to yourself.Resentment can only make our hearts live in darkness forever.Tolerance,however,can free our mind and liberate us.


Tolerance is a kind of cultivation,but also a virtue.Tolerance is not a timid thing,but a sea of generosity.Learn to be tolerant.

Tolerance is like water.Forgiveness is to forgive others for their mistakes,not to be resentful,not to be specific,to be generous,to be generous.It is more effective to be forgiving and gentle than to overreact in times of conflict.It is like a clear spring,the money wiped away each other's momentary hostility,calm and sober.

Tolerance is like fire.Because a more generous level of tolerance,not only means not to care about personal gain and loss,but also can use their own love and sincerity to warm the hearts of others.It is rare that the heart is as tolerant as water.The tolerance,the more precious,more touching.Tolerance,can melt each other's heart freeze,more the heat of love into each other's heart.Isn't that kind of tolerance that people need in this competitive era? Choose tolerance,which is to choose love and warmth,and also choose the broad sky of life.

Tolerance is like poetry.Tolerance is a poem of life.To the high level of tolerance,not only in the daily life of the treatment of one thing,but also sublimation is a kind of life attitude.The meaning of tolerance is not limited to the understanding and love between people,but to the inclusion and fraternity of all life between heaven and earth.

Tolerance is a learning.You can be happy to be tolerant of small mistakes and small mistakes.But for gross negligence,big mistakes,think clearly.Tolerance is not a cover-up,it is a help.

Tolerance,of course,should be "discipline and generosity".Forgive yourself easily,it's not tolerance,it's cowardice.To be lenient with others,also to look at the object,to tolerate people who do not cherish tolerance,is to abuse; Tolerance is not forgivable; it is palliative; It is an indulgence to overlook the unforgivable.So,tolerance itself is also a learning.

Because of tolerance,the complicated life becomes pure; Because of tolerance,the monotonous life appears bright.What a beautiful color of life!

Heaven and earth are so broad,but there is something broader than him-hearts.Let us learn to forgive!


Living in such a complex world nobody can avoid making mistakes.Bearing faults in mind can do nothing but harm so we must learn to forgive.

For my birthday Mum bought me a model plane which was so beautiful that I played with it every day.Seeing such a lovely plane Lihua my best friend couldn’t help asking for it.However he couldn’t handle it and the plane got out of his control falling onto the ground and breaking into pieces.Seeing my plane broken I felt so angry that I beat him.Tears in his eyes he ran away saying nothing.

From then on We didn’t play together even avoided meeting each other.But after a few days I felt extremely unhappy without his company.Finally I couldn’t bear it any more and went to Lihua and asked him to forgive me.Only then did I realize the importance of forgiving.

Forgiving others’ faults actually brings happiness to yourself.





Tolerance is not only a kind of accomplishment,more than a kind of virtue.To be tolerant does not mean being so timid,instead of it,it means magnanimous by keeping an open mind.

To be tolerant should own the characters of being strict to yourself and treating others with a heart full of mercy.Easily forgiving yourself is not toleraance and it's weakness instead of it.It also in terms of people to treat others with a heart full of mercy.It's sappiness to tolerate the people who don't treasure the tolerance.It's appeasement to tolerate the people who are not worth tolerating.And it's indulgence to tolerate the unforgivable people.Therefore,the tolerance itself is also a a branch of knowledge.

How wide the world is,but there exists something wider than it----people's heart.Let's learn to own the tolerance.


在每个班级,总会有一些坏学生,他们很活跃,让其他学生烦恼。坏学生不爱学习,他们会干扰其他学生听课,这也让老师们烦恼。坏学生到处都不受欢迎,因此学 生们会远离他们,一些老师甚至放弃他们。但是有一天,在我放学回家的时候,我发现我们班的一个坏学生带有一只猫,他把猫交给一个女人,女人说谢谢他帮助她 找到了猫。我很惊奇,我看到了一个坏学生好的一面。我觉得我应该对坏学生友好点,他们没有那么坏,也许他们只是想要吸引别人的注意。如果我们给他们多点机 会,他们就会是好学生。