2024-10-26 02:37:48








There is beauty everywhere around us. Respecting the elderly and loving young children is a kind of beauty. Mutual humility is a kind of beauty. Helping each other is also a kind of beauty. There is such a beauty in my life.

During the summer vacation, I and my grandmother came to Jiushan on Jixian for a holiday. I have heard that the fruits in the mountains are particularly good. We came to the market early in the morning to buy fruits. There are so many fruits here! There are yellow pears, red apples, and purple plums ... there are so many varieties. We walked to a stall to pick fruits. The stall owner smiled and said to me: "Don't buy my fruit, buy this little girl! She will take the exam tomorrow and let her sell out the fruit early to review her homework!" When a teenage girl guarded a small basket of fruit, there were not many fruits in the corner. The stall owner explained to us with a puzzled expression: "This child is ambitious and can't afford to go to school at home. She sells fruits and earns money to study." My grandma and I were very moved by the stall owner. Grandma took out 50 yuan and gave it to her to buy some school supplies and study hard, but she didn't want to. We were helpless and had to buy all her fruits. The little girl carefully packed the fruit into the bag, weighed it, and said, "My fruit is small and not as good as others. It is cheaper for you, totaling 16 yuan." Grandma handed her 50 yuan and said, " No need to find it. "She turned over all the change in the bag and still couldn't find the money. She blushed and asked us, "Where do you live? I will send you some more fruit tomorrow!" We said, "No, these are enough for us to eat." We left the market and went back to where we lived. At this moment, the little girl said breathlessly: "I just packed up and chased you. Fortunately, I haven't lost you. Now that I know where you live, I will send you fruits tomorrow. "

Early the next morning, as soon as I got up, I saw a bag of water-spirit apples placed on the window sill with a note that read: "I have to go back to the exam, thank you kind people, I must study hard and grow up Change our poor life in the mountains. "It turned out that she hurried a dozen miles to the mountain road to send us fruits specially. Looking at these fruits, I seemed to see that sister's simple smiley face yesterday, as if I heard her happy laughter.

This may be very common. The self-reliance and tenacity of the sister who bought fruit made me unforgettable. This is the thing I remember most.







Ordinary sand contains rich gold; life cultivated in ordinary soil; beautiful moments are bred in ordinary small things. There are so many trivial things in our lives, but they can always tell us many truths in life.

I once saw a piece of news in the newspaper. Aunt Wang, 40, made a living by selling stinky tofu. She had a son who was in college, and her husband couldn't afford it because of a serious illness. The burden of the family was all on Aunt Wang's shoulders. One day, Aunt Wang got up early in the morning to sell stinky tofu as usual. Suddenly, a black wallet leaped into her eyes. She walked over to pick it up and saw that there were more than two thousand yuan in it. This is not a small sum for Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang thought: "The money is enough for me to sell dozens of days of stinky tofu, and my husband's medicine can't afford it anymore. It is just what my son needs. When it comes to money. This money is almost life-saving money for me. "But Aunt Wang thought, this is not my own money. Although the two thousand yuan is very rare for myself, the money may be someone else's. The life-saving money is waiting to be used for emergencies! The lost owner must be very anxious now. Aunt Wang decided to return the money to the original owner. Aunt Wang was selling stinky tofu while inquiring about the news of the lost owner. After two days, Aunt Wang finally found the lost owner, and she happily returned the money to the lost owner. But what I did not expect was that this lost owner not only did not appreciate it, but also said that Aunt Wang paid him a few hundred yuan less. money. Aunt Wang is so dumb to eat Coptis chinensis and can't tell. But fortunately, a well-intentioned person took Aunt Wang's money and didn't justify that he had tried to find the lost owner. He came out and proved that Aunt Wang didn't take the lost owner's penny, which made Aunt Wang restore innocence. Everyone around admired the quality of Aunt Wang's gold collection. At this point, Aunt Wang's stinky tofu business has also become better.

Aunt Wang's quality is not only admired by me, but also made me understand the truth of being honest.

Once, I broke my mother's beloved vase for fun. When I was about to destroy the dead, I suddenly remembered the story of Aunt Wang, and suddenly realized: "Speaking of integrity is the basic moral bottom line of life. I should take the initiative to admit my mistakes and win the understanding of my mother." So I After my mother came back, I voluntarily admitted my mistake with my mother. My mother told me: "Children, integrity is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. You can make me feel very proud of doing this! You must remember to be honest at all times. You ca n’t violate it because of your temporary benefits. My own moral bottom line. "Mother's words kept me in my mind.

The little things around them all contain a principle of truth. As long as we are good at observing with a pair of eyes that discover beauty, you will feel the true meaning of ordinary little things.



现实中的我们大都是平常人,但殊不知平凡中也会显现出伟大。苏格拉底说:“每个人身上都有太阳,只是要让它发出光来。” 工作是人生中不可或缺的一部门,是餬口的手段,也是寻找快乐的窗口。平凡的人无论处于怎样平凡的工作岗位,手里做着平凡得不能再平凡的小事,都会怀揣责任,全身心投入,把工作做好。





柏拉图说:“征服自己是最大的胜利。积累平凡,就是积累卓越” 让我们首先战胜自己,在平凡的糊口中实现自己不平凡的人生价值。

In the red dust, most people work hard on the road from reality to dream. And most people may not reach the end of success. What they ended up writing was just an ordinary life. But perhaps many people will not understand after a lifetime, in fact, the charm of life lies in this process of running. We enjoy the ordinary, is enjoying the infinite wonderfulness of life.

Most of us in reality are ordinary people, but we do not know that ordinary people will show greatness. Socrates said: "Everyone has the sun on them, just to let it shine." Work is an indispensable part of life, a means of earning a living, and a window to find happiness. Ordinary people, no matter what ordinary job position they are in, do trivial things that can't be more ordinary in their hands, they will bear responsibility and devote themselves to doing their jobs well.

Life is not perfect. Many times, we are not the darlings of life, we have no choice, such as birth, career, etc., so we can only choose ordinary, slowly learn to accept the unchangeable destiny and suffering, so that melancholy becomes strong. Many times, we have many choices, such as laughing or crying, happy or sad, optimistic or pessimistic, so we learn to fight our destiny, find our own value, and find our own life path.

There are many ordinary teachers around us. They are ordinary and real, passionate and straightforward, pragmatic and hardworking. They regard ordinary education as a lifelong career, with spring breeze and spring rain, moisturizing things and heart, spring to autumn, flowers blooming, peach and fragrant fragrance. They "work by sunrise and die by sunset" day after day, year after year, working diligently on the three-foot podium during the day, and tirelessly accompanied by a clear-light keyboard at night. Treat ordinary as a kind of enjoyment, regardless of the gains and losses of fame and fortune, and become a spiritually wealthy person. In it, you will always feel their positive and optimistic attitude, delicate and passionate emotions, and perseverance. Because they deeply understand that happiness is in giving to children, in the ordinary teaching process. They believe that extraordinary things can be achieved in ordinary things.

But ordinary is never mediocre. Ordinary people live in ordinary lives, but are doing extraordinary efforts. Ordinary people treat people with ordinary hearts, know how to conquer their sharp edges, and know their conscience and responsibilities as human beings. The mediocre people are passive, they are uneasy about the ordinary, but because they give up their efforts, they will always be the watchers of the world.

We will not refuse ordinary, but we must stay away from mediocrity and choose perfect. Everyone should regard themselves as an outstanding artist, not a mediocre craftsman, and should always live and work with a normal heart. Only in this way, you have the possibility to go from ordinary to excellence.

Plato said: "Conquering yourself is the greatest victory. Accumulating ordinary means accumulating excellence." Let us first overcome ourselves and realize our extraordinary life value in ordinary life.





有一次星期六,上3l英语课时,老师让我们当堂课就默写一个长达11个字母组成的单词是“nationality”。哦,my dear,不是吧,这时我整个人就像是施了魔法似的,一下子就被定住了。

开始默写了, 可是我什么都没看,脑子里一片空白,我一个字母也没写出来,老师批改了,看到我什么字也没写时大吃一惊。

回到家,吃过晚饭后我就一个人静静地在房间里仔细的琢磨这个单词。又想了20分钟,还是不会默写,就在这时,我看到了放在一旁的语文书,一下子想到了一个方法,这个方法是可以让我在最短的'时间内记住更多的单词。我拿出了一张白纸开始用拼音法来拆分了。我是这样拆分的:na 拿 ti 踢 o哦na 拿 li 立 ti(y )踢“哦!我终于背下来了!”我大声叫道。




······   何雨婷


It was not two or three weeks since the beginning of school. We had an intern teacher in our class. The intern had a golden mushroom head, a fashionable pair of glasses and a small, fresh dress. Anyway, the teacher is cute. So she was affectionately known as the doughnut teacher.

Student teacher special different, she doesn't like the teacher in charge, she also not as funny as history teacher, she also not as gentle as Chinese teacher, she is not like a sports teacher's fierce. But she's like our big sister. Give us encouragement when we fail. When we are injured, give us comfort. When we failed in the exam, help us to correct mistakes.

I remember that spring outing, one of my classmates did not have anything, tian teacher gave her snacks and bread to that classmate. Another time, one of his classmates went out to work at noon. Without lunch, the teacher bought him bread and sausage. So I think, it is a happy thing to know Mr. Tian.

Time passed, and in a twinkling, Mr. Tian and we were about to split up. The students prepared all kinds of presents for tian. Of course, Mr. Tian also prepared gifts for us. There was a letter in our present, and the contents were even worse. Everyone cried after reading the letter. Although the teachers and we got together for a few weeks, our friendship was very deep and she made a very deep impression on us.

Now Mr Tian has left our school, but we will not forget the story that Mr Tian left in our class. Until Mr. Tian came back to see us...


In recent days, my family's rats have been overrun, and some of the wooden furniture in my home has been chewed up by them. However, these hair thieves seem to be invisible, to have no shadow, to go, after the bad thing and then slip away. Therefore, our family decided to have a "rodent". Dad took the lead and took the original tool, the stick, to prepare the mouse. Look, the thief finally showed up. The thief's eyes, the thief's brain. When the reckless old man found his prey, he rushed to the scene with the speed of his foot, and raised the stick with all his might. A stick went down, the mouse was safe, poor that stick, but the brute force of his father split in two! Kill the rat first, declare defeat!

Now, my second step is to make my debut! The advanced weapon became the deratization tool. We now sprinkle rat poison on "prey" mice, and we are ready to bait the rat! One day passed and nothing happened. Two days passed and nothing happened. Three days passed and nothing happened... The mice, as if they knew the word, ignored the rat poison. Alas, really "steal the chicken instead of the rice" ah! Kill the rat second, declare defeat!

The mother of wisdom and beauty finally went to war! My mother put a mousetrap in the area of the rat's "base area", and then used my favorite "good riyo" as bait, spread the road along the road, and finally, we hid behind the door and peeped. A deadly mouse, it smell the fragrance of "good friends", have been salivating, eating it, alongside our secret route arrangement, the "end" approach. Only "pa", a mouse dead. A few days later, dozens of mice had gone west. Kill the rat the third stroke, declare success! From then on, my family is peaceful, the world war between man and mouse, also painted a successful end of mankind!


The night. Dark and serene night. A black shadow flashed, a cold light followed, my home computer screen, light. In the middle of the night, a scream broke the silence of the night, and the whole neighborhood was lit up by the sound of this scream.

Who made that scream? Shame on me, that's me.

Who is that shadow? SHH -- the walls have ears.

My mom's been pining for me lately, why? It's not because I'm "hard wing". Recently, I thought of an undetected, don't need any password and the safety instructions can open my house that the solid Windows 7 operating system (think) of the brilliant boot methods - in the operating system interface, press the "F8" key, open the super Administrator user, with super user to create a network of computer Administrator user, after the restart with a new user to the Internet, kill a very dark, after the next pleasure, reoccupy security users open the computer to .

Ha-ha, I have been smug for this method for several days, like cicadas in the tree for a long time.

However, "autumn grasshopper not live long," "out" fire, I soon discovered - I whereabouts mom was weird, in order to further grasp the overall situation, to enter the computer control, I decided to win as Administrator super user. But because my mother was so hard on me these days, I couldn't help but change my plan of action -- the midnight attack. I drank a few cups of coffee at night and couldn't sleep all night, but that's what I wanted to do -- it was midnight.

In the middle of the night, my house, the main battlefield of 911, a light pack of "assassins" In fact, that is me) take the risk, quietly come to the computer, open the security mode, enter the super user password setting interface set the password, hit enter key. I'm glad my parents didn't do it.

"Error instruction, please password set floppy disk!" The words on the screen startled me.

What! ? What's wrong?

When I was in a panic, there was a woman with a disheveled hair behind me, and a red smile on her pale face.

"Sigh," I have a little sense of foreboding, at a glance behind him, behind then cold, then I will send out the screams, scared the mad dog downstairs, "an auf" kept barking.

"Our son is grown up! You know how to play with us... "Said ling zi. "Yeah, yeah, it's fresh." My boss is on board. Oh, my god, dad's here... I was scared.

"Xin taixiao, you are too small to see your mother, old niang I already set up a password setting disk in the afternoon, you calculate but mine. You're OUT!

What, who and who! This is nothing new! Computer idiot mother has become a master! My god! Mygod.

The next day, miraculously, it spread all over the Banks of the Banks, the Banks of the Yangtze river and the Yangtze river. What a new thing! You journalists, the cameras are off!

You don't...


Our class is like a lake of blue and beautiful water. Every good thing represents a circle of ripples. Light waves, soft water lines, spread the strings of memory...

The physical education teacher asked for leave, the classroom became the whole class of eight classmates. "Security? "Come!" "The host? "Come!" "Audience? "To -- to --" "singer?" "Come!" "Well, the lights, the sound engineer? The first class of rock 'n' roll will open! I announced with the program. "Wow --" the fluorescent lights were all on, and the audience was screaming. The stars blew kisses at the stage.

Yes, this is the 68-class rock and roll meeting. Come on, come on!

"The first show was sung by the Asian pop king, 'still waters,' to sing a song called tan te! The following audience screamed loudly.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah? "After a song, there were countless flowers and applause.

"Next, the famous singer wei shihao sang the song" can't hurt "! The audience is completely boiling, Shouting: "wei shihao, wei shihao!" I raised my hand to make everyone quiet and the room was silent, only the accompaniment of "hurt" was coming.

The divine comedy, is WeiShiHao deduce impeccable, fans are completely crazy, some applaud, some striking table, some screaming, some simply ran and hugs star, so on this enthusiasm inspired, "WeiXing" again racked up a dolphin sounds, for everybody applause and screams to break out, the audience kept with mobile phones, and the scene was spectacular. There was a noise in the classroom.

Suddenly, security guard wei chaoyang shout loudly: "the Japanese devil son enter a village!" We knew that it was the song that drew the music teacher, quickly turned off the lights, turned off the stereo, the singers and the audience quickly took their seats, and the math class representative immediately came to the stage to draw a picture, listing a question. The teacher's heel was far and near, and stopped at the back door.

"Nothing," the door opened and his fifties music teacher came in and saw we concentrate on appearance, to solve the problem. Look at the ground "guitar" - a few brooms, understood everything, say with smile: "need not installed, I would have heard you open of the concert, singing can't light the divine comedy, sing song music book is also very good!" The students laughed. A few minutes later, a neat "liuyang river" came out of the classroom, replacing the noisy rock concert.

It was a new thing, and the teacher, music, found out that we had a concert, and instead of getting angry, we taught us to sing beautiful melodies. It's really fresh, isn't it?

I found a new composition 5.

A few strange things happened in our class recently: the back of the classroom was always cluttered with brooms. The dumpster that no one wants to pour has been emptied. The clutter on the table was orderly; Paper scraps and plastic bags have disappeared from the classroom floor, and the floor has become clean. All this has aroused my curiosity. Who did the good thing? I and several other students decided to set up a reconnaissance unit to investigate and find out the truth.

Although we have set "ambitious", we can go through more than a week of reconnaissance, still have nothing. In the afternoon, the members of our reconnaissance team held a secret meeting to discuss the countermeasures. "If the broom is messy, it will be neat," said , who has a lot of "ghost ideas". "we'll start with the garbage." "Good!" Everyone agreed and discussed the specific "war" plan.

Monday afternoon, we the classmate of reconnaissance team when we have PE, broom mess, sprinkle a part of the garbage on the ground, ready to all this, we'll wait quietly, "fish" in the groove. After school, we lurked in the classroom to observe the situation. All the students left, the classroom was empty and quiet. After a while, footsteps came up the stairs, and we all pricked up our ears, eyes wide open, and our hearts thumping like a rabbit. Not for a moment, footsteps gradually close, see a classmate came into the classroom, see the messy brooms and garbage, not hesitate to walk over and broom hurriedly picked up first, neat, and bow down, again and again to put the garbage on the ground came up and finally throw away trash can outside. Having done all this, and looking at the mess on the table, there was no room for a table stool to be repaired. Just as he was pleased to see it all ready to leave, several of us suddenly stood up and surrounded him, and the man was a mischievous . It never occurred to him that he had changed so much during this time! When saw us, he was surprised to see us, and he blushed with the praise of our seven best tongues. At last the truth came out, and we were all very happy.

The students of our reconnaissance group discussed it, and decided to write the news on the campus, so that the students could understand his personality and learn his spirit.