2024-06-29 09:05:57


A look at the "fog" are the word, we know that in the boasting the British London. London is famous for its fog and is known as "fog." But I am here to borrow its name only.

This is a small village away from the bustling, every summer in the night surface of a layer of gray mist began to hold on, especially in the month, this layer seems like no fog more beautiful. In the meantime floating like a lonely feeling overflowing heart, is in a dream? But more appropriate than the dream. in reality? But more mysterious than reality. Lazy thinking, let the heart of it! Let the soul in this dream in the swim it!

More wonderful or morning, every window and look, outside a good world of chaos chaos. Then you will feel that the fog has been wearing a window into the straight into the heart flowing in the blood. Often in such a day I can not stand the temptation, the pieces of clothing will be gradually into the magic of this.

Blanking the mountains, retreat the jungle. Do not at the foot of the soil told me that I thought his childhood yearning for the clouds to make the magic to achieve it! Standing in the fog a gust of wind blowing that little water droplets light in your skin, mixed with the fragrance of the fragrance of flowers into your nostrils, a refreshing feeling will penetrate the heart of infiltration of each body The In this fog, those birds who had come out early foraging were not seen at all, and could also be nestled in which branches were alone intoxicated.

Walking in the fog, even a rise, the sky in a dark yellow spots appear, that is hidden behind the sun in the fog, then the fog will begin to fade. Those kind of ghost-like mountain trees began to show the prototype, the birds began to sing and song, insects also began to spend flowers. Everything in the village begins to wake up.

Sitting in the hills, the mountain village has not seen the fog of the shadow. Busy farmer and singing began a day of hard work. However, this time the mountains are still fog, inclusive of the village. The village of a plume of smoke floating in the sky into the fog in the mountains. The kind of misty gas to the village covered with a layer of mysterious veil, people kind of paradise but also so feel.

Stand up, stretch a lazy waist with a fog home, plastic fog are wonderful in the diary.


London is a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames Riverruns through the city from west to the east. So the city has two parts: the South and the North. In the North are important buildings, shops and interesting places.

The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot because the city is near the sea. People say that London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true.

Last year when I was in London, I met one of the thickest fogs in years. You could hardly see your hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on when evening fell, the weather got even worse. The fog was as thick as milk. So the buses and cars stopped.


British capital London is a very bustling city, it is located in the plains of southeast England, across the River Thames. Because it is almost a few days on the next fog, and a long time lingers, so people are known as fog. Dickens's famous novel "Fog orphan" is the story of Oliver in London.

London can be divided into three parts: London City, London and Inner London, of which London City is the city's financial capital and trade center. London is the world's largest international foreign exchange market, the world's largest European dollar market, and has more than 500 banks, is really a world business center!

London is also a world famous cultural city, museums, numerous attractions, which was founded in the 18th century British Museum is very famous, is the world's largest museum, which displays the British, including the world's ancient artifacts, the museum consists of many pavilions, Egyptian Museum of Art, the British Museum, Oriental Museum, Greece, Rome Museum and so on.

Westminster Palace is located in the West Bank of the Thames, built in the year 750, is the world's most nightmare Gothic architecture. It used to be the king's palace, now the seat of the British Parliament. Palace of the southwest of the Victoria Tower, 100 meters high, used to store parliamentary documents and archives, the northeast corner is the famous Big Ben, Big Ben weighs 21 tons, pendulum weighs 305 kilograms.







接待我们的是Diana和Marry,在英国的前几天她们带我们去了Pick you own 的草梅园Marry 是个很好的老人已经72岁了 ,他很和善,每天都会到我家去跟我妈妈聊,而且老太太特能聊!






















大本钟(Big Ben)是伦敦议会大厦的钟楼,有着悠久的历史。它又高又大,四面都有钟,是金色的,分不出正反面。它的顶部是蓝色的,有尖顶,我真的不知道那些人是怎样修出来大本钟上的花纹,它的花纹修得是那样精致。特别漂亮。无论我们走到哪里,都能看到大本钟高高的钟楼。我们还和大本钟合了好几张影,还给它拍了好多好看的照片,在照片里,我还和妈妈把大本钟举起来了呢!

伦敦眼(London Eye)是泰吾士河边的一个超大超大的摩天轮,是20xx年建造的,与大本钟隔岸相望。它转动的速度很慢,转一圈要半个小时,有点过分吧!伦敦眼的每一个车厢像一个大药丸,名字就叫作胶囊,呵呵!!坐在伦敦眼上我们可以看到整条泰吾士河的风光,转到最高处时,就可以看到伦敦的全景啦!
