2024-10-13 02:48:28

















A new year ,a new start, when I stand on the edge of the a new year, I can't help thinking about my plan of next year. Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I'm quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others. But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While, I will do my best to live up with what I have planned, and the result will prove it.


It is so fantastic that I have so many desires in the Spring Festival of Y2007. It is expectable that I should finish some thing I can do for a significative spring festival.

First of all, I must to finish the winter holiday homework. It is necessary I have to do for improve and consolidate what I have leart last year.

Next,I want to attend a english training for oral english ability. It is ready for studying abroad after graduate from high school or college. Fundamentally, I have chosen a good traning shool. I don't have to wait untill I accumulate the training fee throught the money gifts. joozone.

Then, I will pick up a foreign pen pal who is from the US, and she is going to china to be my guest this year. This is a good chance for my to practise english munication ability. I wish I could get a rapid progress in this way.

Finally,I need to prepare for the Olympic math contest next year. I can't let someone down who always care me.

However I have me plans to get the lunur new year through. I hope all of you guys have your own plans for the new year. may you succeed.


The new year coming!Now,it's the time to make plans for the new year.Here what I will do:

1.I will get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.I'll study better!

2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early good for my health. So I'll get up earlier than usual.

3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. they are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger.

This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.I'll work hard to keep my resolutionsWhat are your plans for the new year?

Whih best wishes for the new year.


Today I had a good time. It was my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to his home to celebrate his birthday. My mother cooked many delicious food and we brought a big birthday cake. We got together to have a big family dinner. We gave grandpa some presents and said, "Happy birthday to you!" In the afternoon we went boating in the park. We enjoyed ourselves, and my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday.


It was Christmas Day yesterday. I had a good time with my friends. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we said"Merry Christmas", we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas sories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said "Happy New Year" to each other. We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the coming year.

昨天是圣诞节,我和我的朋友过得很愉快。我们在学校举办了圣诞晚会,我的许多朋友都来参加晚会。我们互道“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。然后我们讲圣诞故事,如“圣诞老人”等,我们都玩得很开心。当晚会即将结束时,我们互祝“新年快乐”。 我们下决心在即将来临的一年中努力学习,以取得更大的进步。

The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "What's four minus four? Do you know?" "It's zero. That easy." answered I. But Li Hong shook her head and said "It's wrong. It's eight." "Why? That's impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break.


This term our school laid down a new rule about selective court. For the first two weeks, we may sit in as many classes as we like before we decide on which courses to choose. We jumped for joy. The first week I attended classes for four evenings on end and found out that most of the teachers took it serioualy. They were busy in "winning votes" for fear, that later on no one would attend their lectures.

For example, the teacher of Modern Literature of Taiwan said, "Actually the flrst two hours of my lecture were only a prelude. The real contents have not been involved. In the furore, we shall discuss such famous writers as Qiong Yao, Xi Murong, etc, and such famous aetresses as Lin Fengjiao, Lin Qingxia etc. We have lots of vedio-taped films to watch. These are confined only to those who co-major in this court." See, after all, the last sentence the core of everything he said.

The teacher of Appreciation and Critics of Modern Opera said, "We have a variety of contents and the teaching method changable. For instance, l may choose one act from a play and let you perform it in class. If you do a good job, you can put on the play at the school theater festival. Also, we shall arrange for you to watch current plays. The school in charge of the traffic and tickets, Of course, only those who co-major this course are eligible." You see, the most important thing comes at last through twists and turns.


As firecrackers gunsmoke dissipated gradually over the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival vacation days although the weather is very cold, but you can sleep at home. Just this year reunion are only a few people, not to get together, can see is just a few of the junior high school classmate, classmate separate for so long, feelings will light, related only to see at ordinary times. Other all became cold. In the eyes of a friend, before I usually soft touch, as long as in my depth range. Also often help others to their original plan was upset. Later blame himself did not consider stood, lead to their proper things drag drag efficiency is too low. So now, learn to refuse, personal plans in the New Year. The New Year of battle is burning. In the face of the accumulated harvest and lack of work in the past year, I plan to work for half a year at the beginning of the New Year.

One, the graduation exam is coming soon, time is becoming more and more urgent. In order to broaden the study direction, my New Year plan of study mainly revolve around the following three aspects: the first is the study of specialized courses and specialized courses is given priority to with practical courses this semester, I plan to learn course at the same time, actively participate in practice. Secondly, it is important to set the foundation for the test in advance, although it is still early, but I hope that from now on, I will start to dabble and expand my knowledge.

As the saying goes, a New Year should be new. "It's good to speak this word, in this New Year, I have a lot of things want to do: to do work and study well, well, the body exercise, let his body became better, and complete personal problems early, at the same time, this year is also working on a big change, how to grasp on their own wisdom and wit. Come on!!!

This is my preliminary personal annual plan for the first half of this year.


A new year has come. In order to have a fruitful year, I make a plan for it.Firstly, I must study hard as much as possible. After all, study is the most importantfor me. Secondly, I will take more exercises. I always got illness last year.Therefore, I must be healthy this year.

Thirdly, I want to learn swim thisyear. I like swimming very much, because I think it’s cool. I hope I can do it.Finally, I hope happiness is fully filled my home in the new year.













每天,妈妈爸爸都会连绵不断地提起三个字 — 动作慢,妈妈还说我动作慢得连吃饭都慢。可有什么办法呢?我就是这样一个人,据爸爸说就是无可救药了。现在,新的一年到了,我也该纠正这个坏毛病了。其实,说难也并不难,只要我吃饭时不多说话,快快吃饭,一口菜一口饭就好了。至于做作业慢,我想了想,只要做作业时认真仔细,不开小差,不东张西望,完全就能解决。





































就说去年我们家去南岳衡山看雪吧,在网上报了湖南当地的旅行社出团,下了高铁就有导游接,住宿自己在网上选好,吃、住都很满意,价格比在广州报每人省了几百块。尝到甜头的我们。决定今年新年再出行,还要是自助游哦。自助旅游不同于跟团游,吃住行等所有事项都得自己安排。在出行前制定一份完整的旅游计划,既可以省事省钱,还可以避免很多遗憾,何乐而不为呢 ?妈妈让我先制定计划和选点。“组织”考验我的时候到了,我可是要表现好一些哦。因为我们打算去马来西亚旅游。于是乎我通过资料收集知道首先我们确定护照的有效期,定好目的地再上网登录这个国家和地方的领事馆的官网,查询一下自己签证所需的资料(顺便说以声,自己签证便宜很多哦),做好准备工作。再来就是要提前订好酒店,签证好了就上网查定最便宜的机票。确定初步的行程,开始找寻资讯、安排更详细的行程等,出发以后,每天还得张罗生活事宜以及安排参观活动,这都是必要的工作,也都要有计划才能一一完成。




















Spring festival is coming.Before spring festival I'm going to go shopping and buy new clothes. I'm going to buy flowers. I'm going to clean my house.And I am going to see a film with my parents. I hope I can get lots of lucky money.

I will lead a healthy lifestyle by balancing work and leisure, exercising regularly and keeping a healthy diet

. I will spend more time with my families and friends. I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.

I think this spring festival will very happy!what about you?


A new year has come.

In order to have a fruitful year, I make a plan for it. Firstly, I must study hard as much as possible. After all, study is the most important for me. Secondly, I will take more exercises. I always got illness last year. Therefore, I must be healthy this year. Thirdly, I want to learn swim this year. I like swimming very much, because I think it’s cool.

I hope I can do it. Finally, I hope happiness is fully filled my home in the new year.


As the saying goes, "A year's plan starts with spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening." so I make up my mine to make a plan for this whole year. First of all, I have to try my best to learn maths well. It means I have to pass all the maths exam, which is difficult for me. however, in order to take a good place in the senior high school entrance examination, I have to make my plan and achieve it. And then I have to keep the level of my Chinese where it is now. I hope I get go to an excellent high school in September. After the senior high school entrance examination, I will go out for a travel to open my mind and relax. I will try my best to do everything well.