2024-06-03 08:14:13


The time of flowing water is gone forever, cherish the blooming flowers next to you, and leave cherished memories.

Looking back, the New Year is coming. With the age of thirteen and the approaching fourteen, everything was a surprise and a joy. The world is unpredictable, the moment of possession is ready to leave. The future is clear because the sky needs my color picture.

Growing laughter and tears and life, joy and worry coexist, all taste of the experience. Grow up, learn to fly strong. There are too many pitfalls on the road, seducing the immature one. Despite the light traction, too many peaks need me to climb one by one. The only thing I know is that I know and shout for hope, the wall of tears, the broken brick is the new foundation. Open the heart window, accept the blessing of air, the music of running water, the wind of fog snow. The veins of the winds of association show the markings. To remove the unpleasantness, nod to the head of a sunny flower.

Where is my front? Ask yourself this often. The night looked up at the skirt of the clouds, the veil of the moon, looking for their own ideal constellation. Always confused, no ideal life is gray. Am I going to live forever? No! The destiny never let a person pass through, only, is to seek the beginning of the dream steadfastly, to say goodbye to the former weakness, challenge that xiaowao night's sadness. I need my own wonderful and colorful, to enrich the long journey. Tell yourself that I remember you, go on bravely and proudly, and walk forever.

Perhaps I will never find the lost horizon. But a sleeping rainbow will wake up, and a new beginning will come to an end. Every day, you need to follow the rules and make new breakthroughs. You can't kill the leap of thought with your own hands. The tree of wisdom and jumping, and so on, I shed tears of calm, and gather rich and sweet fruits. The outline of the dream is in the distant horizon, the deep eyes begin to start. "Young ambition is not sad", over the thick clouds of the mountain pass, the bud just for me. Cast away the grey dust, and the water of the lake in my arms.

"My future is not a dream. My future is not a dream, my heart is moving with hope... "No matter how fierce the slaughter ahead, no matter how difficult tomorrow may be, I still pursue the melody of struggle with sincerity and selfless heart. When the fog screen opens slightly, hold the sun in your hand.


Taiwanese singer zhang yu has used "my future is not a dream" to portray a legend of the world. Well, middle school students in the future is filled with unimaginable, hate and anger and the success or failure, in the process of to the future, never magnanimous as the strop road, therefore, my future which is not as beautiful as a dream. In the past and present, in the road to the future, on the road to the future, or on the road of rough or flat or narrow or broad life, fate and time will bring all kinds of temptations or delusions.

Stephen chow is an internationally acclaimed director, actor, producer and screenwriter. Though his success is enviable now, how hard it is to succeed. Parents divorced his childhood family poverty, 7 years old, 18 years old start to acting, but the turning point of his life was in 1988 show the perak pioneer producer Danny lee films, he captured by the 25th Taiwan golden horse award for best actor in a supporting role. From then on, he became famous. That's how he got there. In the course of his future, he kept on moving forward, and finally he succeeded. And I'm still fighting for the future.

The departure of the bird is the search for the next direction, and the fall of the leaves is the beginning of another journey, the end and the beginning. My future, my path, this moment, what is the mark that I will leave behind?

In retrospect, high school should be the most ideal time. Unlike elementary school, which is too fond of play and childish, then all want to sleep in the soft white cloud, wake up with binoculars to look at the earth; And unlike college, many ideas start to come close to reality, and the fantasy has logic and starts to think rationally. I had a lot of dreams in the ideal world of high school, and the illusory illusion that I had today supported me happily through the lonely stage. Not only that, but also changed my understanding of the world, and imagined a way to go.

I want to be a policewoman, because the police are serving the people, protecting the security of the people, and being the personification of justice. Now all I need to do is study hard, exercise and lay a solid foundation for my ideal. On the way to the future, there will be a lot of difficulties, even if they become dusty and covered with my future path, I will try my best to clear out a shortcut to the future. The future is a big ship, and I am the captain of the ship. The ship was sailing on the sea, and it was up to me to decide. Even in the midst of an unprecedented storm and sea monster, I will never yield to failure or failure, and I will go on and on until I reach the destination I have in mind.

I am full of curiosity and reverie about the future, I strive to pursue my future, down-to-earth, one step at a time forward to my future!


When I was a child, my dream for the future was to wear police uniform and direct traffic in the streets. In a few years, my vision for the future is to pick up the brush and paint the road of the future. In elementary school, my longing for the future is to stand on the stage and spread ideas for students. In high school, my expectation for the future was to write a chapter in my life. And now, my wish for the future is: peace!

In elementary school, teachers often refer to the "opium war", "nanjing massacre", "world war I" and "world war ii" in class. And there is always a serious warning that we "don't forget our national humiliation", and I always have a naive and innocent nod. In high school, studied Chinese history, only really know, is really practical and elementary school teacher's mouth, it is true that China has been enemies reproach, from the bottom of my heart for this drums, grievances also once in the heart germination an evil: one day to wipe out all enemy invaded our country. Now I will say: don't forget the national humiliation, self-improvement!

When we learn the history of the unforgettable memory, the students make fun of each other. When our country is strong, we must be ashamed of it, so that the enemy who has invaded our country has experienced a deep pain... I always smiled. Because I know, both China and other countries, has experienced the baptism of countless wars: originally peaceful society destroyed by war, by the people's efforts to rebuild their homes, but destroyed by war, has set up a new peace, countless loop reciprocating is the so-called peace today, while in China or other countries suffering from war bitter, how can have hope a hard-earned peace 2 destroy again? War is always carried the banner of peace, even today some people waving the flag war all over the world, let the people there were displaced, separation, I condemn those in order to maintain the so-called second war or peace country, we hope most is real peace!

Are we middle school students, what should we do or what can we do in today's situation? We only have to study hard and keep going, "the youth is strong", only our country is strong, can stand in the world, will not be bullied again. What about just saying no? Could the road ahead be solid? Bill Gates, I have no Jackie chan's strength, no wealth, no Shakespeare's literary grace, no authority, Elizabeth more without Einstein's theory of wisdom, but I am glad I have a hands, a heart, only need a pair of hands, willing to pay and a heart to contribute to peace and to maintain peace, go the way of peace.

My future is between nothingness and reality, it is beautiful and wonderful, it leads me to the right path, and this road will also lead me to the future of peace. When I look back on my childhood, I realize that it was a happy time with little regret... .


If only from the scientific point of view, the future will not change, because of what you are doing every action, every change, all have already be decided in the future, including I sit here typing, it is really have decided to, from the day of my birth from human birth and the date of the birth of the universe has been determined.

It's a little bit of a sophistry, but it's a pity, it's a reality, it's rational, objective, rigid, but why can't we use our subjective attitude to change the future. The revolutionary tutor also turned over this mistake: too much emphasis on the law of objective historical development, but ignored the change of subjective attitude. Why can't we use subjectivity to change the objective, break through the bondage, let the future hold in our hands?

As for the so-called future and dream, rolling up in when I was a child, then more is nothing, only fantasy, everyone thought of only as a result, think what, he would be as if all this is a piece of cake, can expect success, the dream is very beautiful, but very young, as the growth of the age, these dreams gradually shrink, finally to drag out an ignoble existence only stay a fate. Such life, most propbably is most people's life, this is the objective, this is the future, but I have to in the preceding two sentences after add a word "you" by a question mark, why don't we can use subjective actively attitude to change all this?

But if people start thinking about the reality of their dreams, they are the first steps to success.

Like me, don't have any talent, even haven't found what I good at something, but at least I still have a dream, even if sometimes feel pressure, fatigue, and even the gaunt, feeling the world against me, even those good things no shrinking, but increasingly more and more realistic. Is this the way I will choose, I choose the future, in addition to resolutely go on, I have no choice but to, maybe one day, he will be destroyed by external pressures, or falling apart from the inside, but at least, that's what I choose.

When it comes to the disappearance of the pursuit, have to talk about my junior high school, my first day, a little passes, is now the third person, can not recall the first and second day of life, just feel like, yesterday is still in elementary school, over the years, has been very ideal and ambition, have experienced self-doubt, inevitable in the still of the night the night the fear of the future, cruel, afraid of the future of the uncertainty of the future, the future disappointment, even time, like a junior high school, a little passes, enter the society, its value and the ability to reduce, unfortunately, everything will be inevitably occur, in fact, all this even more strengthened my ideal, just like humans find themselves small in the universe, disappointed, but in reality, to create a miracle after another.

After three years of bitter high school, five years, or even longer college, we're "free" in the curse of the school. What's next? We feel confused, but in another ways, our future, and our real master, road, and finally is chosen by ourselves, no matter what way we choose, no excuse to blame someone else, but just a childhood dream, perhaps this time to compromise with reality.

Open the window next to you, and see what you see, the city's few elites, and the small one in the crowd. I should look at reality, after all, today's every move, is the choice of the future, I can read the book of a day, or a day, or sit in front of the computer all day, this is the choice of the future, as for my choice, I have to decide, I am a freely, if I am not satisfied with the society, I will go to change it, or to adapt it, mistakes by myself, glory to enjoy by myself, because, this is my future, my dream.



One day, I had a dream that I had come to the 22nd century, and that life was not what it was now. Never see shops on the street, all goods can be buy on the net, only need to send the phone number and shipping address to a web page, later will be able to received the items we need, especially convenient and quick, don't have to stand in the check-out queues supermarket shopping malls. 22nd century, of course, there is no circulation of paper money, gm is electronic currency, only need to put a similar watch as electronic cash card in consumption over the disk that you need, also don't have to worry about lost, because this is designed according to each person unique fingerprints, can only use their fingerprints to the, even if someone picked up, does not have its own fingerprint is useless.

I forgot to tell you that my future career is an electronic police officer who specializes in capturing all kinds of hackers on the Internet. One time, a bank had an unusual situation, found the hackers on the network monitor, and then called the police. When I get a call, I just need to sit in front of the computer and do a manhunt, and I don't have to go outside to catch a bad guy like the police did before. My computer soon found out the location of the hackers, and lock it, through the use of advanced space conversion technology, through the computer directly to the waves in the criminal's forehead engraved a "criminal" tag, and this tag can be eliminated, only by my computer criminals are impossible to erase. This way, no matter where a criminal, the network system across the country can easily master the trace of him, and the criminals can't go to the mall to buy anything, because as long as he a payment, the computer will lock procedure, the bad guys can't eat, hungry bad people will be initiative, surrendered to police department, no longer do a lot of the police to catch the bad guys.

"Rui rui, get up quickly, it is time to go to school", oh, I opened my eyes to see, it was my mother to wake me up to go to school, really have a wonderful dream! But I believe the future of the world there are countless novelty, our science and technology will make our life more convenient, I want to use knowledge to arm themselves, to learn more skills, so in the future I can give full play to the director of the world. I really look forward to that day!


Go your own way, let others say! In the world, only if we seize our own destiny, we will be fearless and fearless.

Open your palms, and you'll find three obvious curves: lifelines, career lines, and learning lines. Clench your palm, these are in your hands, is my future my way, my future I decide.

In a person's life, every minute is making a choice, so insisting, who can say firmly: "I certainly can." When you make a choice, I hope you can choose. When you standing points, fork in the road, you may recall that at the beginning of why you would be willing to choose to set foot on the journey, and for the journey you give up something, so the fate is in your own hands. Success or failure is controlled by you, no one can control your thinking, so my future is my path, my future my choice.

In ancient times, people knew it. Xi shi, a big beauty, dress up pleasing, the most amazing is that when she was ill, his hand over his chest cough, look so beautiful, admire the beauty of xi shi xi shi, imitating her all, even though his actions attracted a lot of people watching, but the result on the contrary, people showed an aversion, hate what she did, but that again how. She still chose to follow, although she was ridiculed, disliked and belittled, but she ignored the opinions of others and thought she was right. She felt in her bones that she is beautiful, so she still has yet to be known, even more than in the form of a derogatory sense, she doesn't matter, so someone who is in her eyes is not important, the important of their future must choose by yourself, your choice of road, kneeling also to go to the end.

Haizi, a person yearning freedom, not bondage, and have a calm heart, suddenly choose to commit suicide, in the us it's a pity, for a scholar, a few less moving heart of poetry, but haizi himself is got the liberation, from the heart, he doesn't have to pain, without suffering from the body, he in order to free to abandon the whole world, free, to obtain the liberation, get new life, you can say: "the death of haizi's worth?" Can't, because it was his own choice of road, he did not regret it, can't regret it, even if others suffering again sorry, haizi is facing the sea, bloomy spring, walk yourself's road, you will complaint or regret.

My future my way, my future I decide.


If you are a passionate youth, have had the interest of literature, vision and pursuit, please use your immature shoulders, back up the rope, start the anchoring, to the literature of the sea! Love what I love, no regrets.

It takes courage to take the first step, but it takes perseverance to walk all the way. It's been a long time. Season rotation, we need to write; We must remain committed to the ebb and flow of the tide. This is the blood of this kind of blood, want to be this persistence, rely on this diligence. But all the hard work, but all the way to sing, we are to use that not the words to build our own literary paradise, we use the voice of the young voice to shout out our own voice.

In this paradise, students can see their deskmates, friends and even brothers sleeping in the upper bunk. You can hear the students' love and hate, sadness and abuse... Here, the students deepened the friendship and contacted the feelings; To be competitive and tolerant; I tasted the taste of failure and the joy of success. There is an expression of sadness and melancholy that is unique to youth, and a desire and pursuit for maturity.

As young people, it should be remembered that youth should be without regret, and youth is fearless. Youth should not be old, youth should be a discharge of hope; Youth should not be wasted, youth should not be depressed; Youth means strength, youth is creating! Let us cry: long live youth!

Now, in the face of dreams, we have to fly hope; In the face of achievements, we still have to pursue. It is a group of trekkers who are destined to be left behind forever, which is always the red sun in front of them. Is a group of diligent cultivator, destined to be left to others will always be harvest, gallop oneself forever is in the hand that bright plowshare.

When the flint is in, the fire will not go out. If there is passion, hope will not go out. If there is hope, the power will not dry up. There is momentum in the future. And youth, with a strong poetic meaning; Youth, emitting a faint fragrance. There is an unforgettable article in youth, and there are also bad chapters. To you who have youth, I will send you a sentence: youth is the morning of life, the dawn of day, cherish your youth, do not give up speaking out of turn, let your youth shine the same splendor. Everyone has experienced youth, and it is believed that there is one in your youth that makes you memorable. But, can you say without hesitation: I have not failed youth! I don't think that's a simple thing.

Now our youth is at hand. So what should we do in this golden age? Is it to drift, to drift, or to race against time, to forge ahead? Whoever has a little mind will choose the latter. Sure, how many fights can a life have? Some people may think: the flower has to reopen the day, the person no longer youth. This is a rare opportunity in my life. Why not have a good time and have a drink today? However, you can think of: the loss of a thousand years old, and then back to a hundred years. Ostrovsky in "how the steel was tempered" this masterpiece have so a words: "life gives us a huge and unlimited noble gift, this is youth: full of power, full of anticipation, volunteer, ambition for knowledge and struggle, full of hope and confidence of youth." Everyone should cherish the youth, because, the youth fades away will not come back, when you regret, has been unable to recover. Youth is short, but also the best. We should also be more aware of the value of youth, and cherish our prime time. As the northern song writer ouyang xiu said, "the envy of the young is just like the rising of the sun."

Many revolutionary ancestors have made great achievements in their youth. When he was a teenager, zhou enlai decided to study for the rise of China. MAO zedong, a young man, has made his own ambitions in hunan first normal university. Five strong men of langya, who bravely jumped down the hill for the revolution... Our revolutionary for the establishment of new China fought with their youth, their we created good conditions, but as middle school students in the new century, we only took the builders in happiness s task, contribute little of their own power, is there any reason to waste time again? Everyone knows that the enchanting rainbow comes from the baptism of rain, and the fruit comes from hard work.

Friends, today we are in the era of competitive and competitive, the former teachers at the helm, after the parents refueling, is the "time and the right people". We must be like sponges, never satisfied with our studies. Facing the challenge, how can we be daunted by setbacks and failures? Let us seize the youth and learn the stormy petrel to fight in all directions; Learn the tall, tall and tall pine to go through the snow. Only in this way can you make a page in your youth history with no regrets. Don't be afraid to lose, youth is never to lose, as long as you work hard, your dream will come true. We are known as the morning sun, and we should have the glow of youth. Youth is short and precious. Please love your youth, don't let it pass too early; Be proud of youth, don't waste time, youth is the most glorious moment of our life!

The classmates, we are young, we sang erupt, let us use the youth hug era, lit with life in the future, to work hard, with regretless youth to write a new chapter in the history of China! Let us release our dreams and fly our youth!


The future is like a cloud in the sky, and we, from the day we go to school, begin the long journey of chasing the clouds. Tomorrow is good, but it can be bumpy, but in any case, we are going upstream because of my future.

Standing in three dimensions, I looked at the four dimensional space and looked at the other end of the time, to see if there was a black uniform on the other side of the cloud and I was smiling at me. I can not see clearly, there is only a covered way, if there is no, it is true.

Three dimensional space we laugh at small ants, looking at the 2 d biological awkward walk, high overhead, we feel deeply proud of himself as a three-dimensional creatures, do you not know that in time the mind coordinates in front, we also like an ant, dazed to walk forward, the same, do not know the road to the future ahead is the country lane highways extending in all directions or star-crossed, like to play a don't know the end of the movie.

But even ants have their own dreams, and they work hard on their way to the future, even if they don't know if they have their own breakfast or not.

I this winter or warm winter, ants hid stored food and storing energy to prepare for next year's winter, reserve enough nest this winter I do not know how many lives lost, I reserve of food is knowledge, go in to the future in spool, knowledge is the only energy to provide power. There is no royal road to learning. There is no royal road to learning. The path to knowledge is bitter and lonely. Alone on the lonely road, tasting a light bitter taste, like an ant alone on the moor foraging.

Ants know how to work for the future, let alone us. Cold wind wash away the cruelty of winter, older sisters have been induced by the ten thousand people crowded more pressure, if do not have enough strength, waiting for their will be relentless push down the river, such as a winter snow, one will become famous all bones, no blood in the battlefield. Is rain storm rolls in June, after a flower residue, is like being ravaged the early after the blood, like be open nest, can standing in the wind and rain only a solid foundation of the old tree, the tree is our way to the future.

The road ahead is hard. Qu yuan said: "although the road ahead is far, I will go up and down." Listening to the snore of the roommate, I lay quietly, though I could not see if I was standing in the solemn hall, but I still had to work hard for tomorrow. I can't see the end of the movie, but I still have to work on it. Although it is not clear whether the winter is still warm, but still must strive to accumulate.

I closed my eyes slowly, more and more firmly: "the rain beat the musa lute, the wind and the west window of the wind, the dark wind night rain resistance road, I for the Ming dynasty."

I am walking, walking on the four - dimensional road, towards my future.


My future -- be a girl with wings!

Perhaps every girl's innocent smile shows the pursuit and aspiration of life. Perhaps in the girl's lips, will show the joy and sadness of growth; Perhaps in the girl's serious smile, it reflects the girl's lofty ideal and pursuit. Under the guidance of these dreams, I want to be a girl with wings.

I used to be timid. And in the sunrise, in the face of the sun's care, I am slowly growing, in the quiet pursuit of progress. In growing up, I have encountered difficulties and frustrations, but I did not give up, but learned to brave face, overcome difficulties, try to escape from difficulties.

Remember my growth process, I cried, laughed; I was excited and desperate; I was proud and failed. But I never gave up, I didn't cry, but I looked at the frustration, the more courageous. Because I am a strong girl!

Look back suddenly, high school time, two years hurriedly and pass. These days of wind and rain are full of tears and sweat from me. I also have the laughter and strength of my classmates, and the friendship between me and my teacher. I have received the gift of time, and have been taught by my relatives, friends and teachers. I grew up, healthy and positive. My future may be brighter, maybe still full, but it's enough to support me right. All the way down, I will use the smile to resolve the wind frost, with fortitude to ease the bumpy, toward the ideal brave to run. I want to take out the girl's passion and faith, to meet the great life. I firmly believe that I can be the best I can be under the call of lofty goals!

Sometimes I dream of going back to the past because it is full of wisdom and thinking. Sometimes I dream of the present, because there is hope. Sometimes, I dream to leap to tomorrow, taste the dream realization sweet!

But I know that all beauty comes from today's persistence!

The dream is flint, the spark of the stars; A dream is a spark that ignites the lamp of hope; A dream is a fluorescent light that lights up my path.

I am in the pursuit of growing up, in the pursuit of growth, the glory of the struggle to guide me relentlessly forward. I would like to be a girl with wings, to soar in the vast blue sky, to realize my dream!


After ten years, I will be an English teacher of my middle school, be the people I respect the most. I will give my students very lively English classes, tell them study English can be fun. I won’t leave my students much homework so they can have time to play. I will invite them to the English corner, have a talk with foreign friends, so they can speak English, not just read the English. My students will like me, not hide away from me. My student and I can be friends. From now on, I have to work hard to be the perfect English teacher.


My plans in the future When I chose to study further, it is because I want to avoid the job pressure, now three years will pass, I e to my cross road again, at this time, I must make my choice, I can’t avoid the pressure anymore. I have already made my future plan, it has two parts.


One part of my future plan is that I want to be a teacher. This is my career plan, being a teacher is always my dream, I can pass my knowledge to students, I like to talk to them, I want to lead them to the successful road. So now I must pay attention to the recruit message, I should seize every chance to be a teacher.


The other part of my future plan is that I want to travel around the world. Being a teacher can make me have many vacations, so I can make used of these vacations and to carry out my travel plan. I have heard about many interesting foreign things, so I want to go out and have a look at the world.


My future plans are so perfect for me, it needs me to hard work to make it e true.我将来的计划对于我来说是如此的完美,这需要我努力工作来实现。



I always dream of being a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world. Nothing is more important than education to a nation. I'm honored to devote myself to education.


As far as I know, a teacher can be described as a candle. He's very kind-hearted and generous; He's wise and intelligent; He's diligent and hardworking. He has the willingness to help others, so people always speak highly of teachers.


If I could be a teacher, I would be very honorable. After all, my major is English Education. I must take up this career. Now my dream es true, so I will work harder and harder. I believe I can make it.



My life in the future will be

I’m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the I believe I'll bring my family health and my spare time,I'll stay with my 'll travel a lot and do lots of 'll also read as many books as I if the work is busy,I won't give up

I’m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life in the future will be


I imagine a lot about lives in the I think two words can summarize my The first word is In the future, we will have more quickly transportation Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer People may can live in other The second word is Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even Lots of things are fully Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated



As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the

For example,as time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday For example, when we are hungry, we don't need to cook in a Just take some pills, and everything will be When we are free, we can go anywhere by It will be very cheap, just like taking a taxi And of course, if we want to see what is like under the sea, just travel down there in a flying object like Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living I think it'll be very easy to travel anywhere, not only in our world, but also in space and in the deep



Everyone wants to know their future, but nobody knows it. I hope my future will like that. I think I will be an excellent lawyer in the future. I help many people who is in difficulty. I will help the people are in need, no matter they are rich or poor. Then I think I will have a good reputation among the society. In order to have a good body, I will do some exercise every week. My family will be proud of me and always stand behind me. I will work hard to reach my future. Ok, this is the future in my dream. What’ yours?



I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city. As a teacher, I’ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person. In my free time, I’ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird. It makes me happy. During the summer holiday, I’ll go to Italy on vacation. I hear that it's a great place to have fun.



My life in the future will be colorful.

I’m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the university. I believe I'll bring my family health and happiness.In my spare time,I'll stay with my family.We'll travel a lot and do lots of sports.I'll also read as many books as I can.Even if the work is busy,I won't give up studying.

I’m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life in the future will be wonderful.


I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can’t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don’t know what my future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for having enough food to eat and live better; some are achieving every goal that they make; some may live in the poor situation. I don’t know what kind of life I would have in the future. But I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So I will try my best to work hard for a better future life.



I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.



I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children. I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city. As a teacher, I’ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person. In my free time, I’ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird. It makes me happy. During the summer holiday, I’ll go to Italy on vacation. I hear that it's a great place to have fun.



i arnstly hop to lad a halthy and prosprous lif in th futur. judging from my aptitud inclination and prsonality straks, my idal lif will b that of a scintist, rsarching, lcturing, and writing books. as i am from a farming family, i particularly njoy bing clos to arth. if i can afford to liv a pastoral lif in th countrysid, i will fl most blssd. as far as social lif is concrnd, simplicity is what i intnd to pursu, so i rally don't nd too many frinds. all ths will b mr talk if i am idl now. to attain my goal, i must mak a point of training my body and mind. this is a highly comptitiv socity in which vryon is agr to com out on top. that is not only a comptition of physical strngth and mntal powr, but a marathon of patinc, faith, and prsvranc. lif is not all ross, but with what i am bing quippd with by th top tachrs in this lit school, i surly dsrv a promising prospct
