2024-07-31 09:21:42




The aging population is going to become a major concern particularly in more developed countries, but this should not be viewed as something threatening to society. It is a blessing for any individual to live a long and healthy life, only that it could indicate that the responsibilities of caring for the elderly in the future may partly fall on the younger generation. The questions refer especially to how the younger generation could provide answers that are able to move society forward, taking into account a number of social and economic effects on the nation as a whole.

As the proportion of older people is steadily increasing, there are doubts over changes regarding the structure of a modern society. A possible change may the distribution of years of expected lifespan on the social scale, now that the family planning program is in fashion. Then, what will this dramatic shift mean for social services, such as health caring and pension on retirement? Overall effects, however, are not clear enough; for instance, how older peoples prolonged lives are to be arranged in the social context? At this point, it is interesting to know how todays younger generation would re-think their roles in society if they might live 100 or more and be in good shape? And should working people in society continue to be retired as usual at 60 and 65 ?


The two charts give information about single-occupant households in England in the year 2011. The bar chart compares figures for occupants' age and gender, and the pie chart shows data about the number of bedrooms in these homes.

Overall, females made up a higher proportion of people living alone than males, and this difference is particularly noticeable in the older age categories. We can also see that the most common number of bedrooms in a single-occupant home was two.

A significant majority of the people aged 65 or over who were living alone in England in 2011 were female. Women made up around 72% of single occupants aged 75 to 84, and 76% of those aged 85 or over. By contrast, among younger adults the figures for males were higher. For example, in the 35-49 age category, men accounted for nearly 65% of people living alone.

In the same year, 35.4% of one-person households in England had two bedrooms, while one-bedroom and three-bedroom homes accounted for 28% and 29.8% of the total. Under 7% of single-occupant homes had four or more bedrooms.


Is it a good idea to control the world's population growth?


1. In modern times, a family with few children, or even with no children at all, is still a happy family.

2. With fewer children in a family, parents spend less time on household chores and concentrate more on their own interests, and their children enjoy better material and educational opportunities than those in bigger families.

3. The most pressing problem created by the rapid increase in population is a shortage of food. At present a large proportion of the existing population is not getting enough of the right kind of food.

4. The rapid rise in world population is creating problems for all countries on earth because there simply aren't enough resources.

5. Both rich and poor countries of the world should take united action to deal with the population explosion. Otherwise, there will be more people fighting for less land and fewer resources, and the future will bring poverty, misery and war to us all.

6. Population increase in developing countries has wiped out the material benefits that they have achieved.

7. Statistics show that where the population rate is high, people's living standards are Jow. This means, people's living conditions cannot improve unless there is a reduction in the increased rate of population.

8. Overpopulation creates a shortage of schools, teachers, hospitals and doctors.

9. Overpopulation causes problems in housing and employment, especially in cities.

10. Just imagine how much better life would be if the world population were cut by half!


1. People in agricultural areas need more children to help them with the work in the fields.

2. Whether to have children or not is a private matter and nobody should interfere with it.

3. It is unfair to blame all the problems on the increase in population. It is those greedy manufacturers and businessmen in developed countries that make the heaviest demands on the world's resources and cause the most pollution.

4. If population control were a must, it should be carried out in developed countries as well because a baby born in USA will use in his lifetime 30 times more of the world's resources than a baby born in India.

5. Children are the most important in life. With fewer children around, life will be dull, meaningless and unhappy. It is incredible for a couple to have no children at all.

6. Children in a family give the parents a sense of responsibihty and pride. They are very important to the stability of a family.

7. Population control does greater harm than we realize. For instance, if the one-child pohcy is still in practice in 100 years, people then will have little idea of kinship~ ties, for most of them will have no brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, or cousins.

8. With the govermnent's family planning policy in operation we now have a generation of "only child" families: most of them are arrogant, selfish, and spoilt.

9. A big family offers children a chance to learn how to cope with and care for other people.

10. Children in big families have the chance to compete with each other, in terms of their manners at home, their study at school, their performance at their place of work, etc. Older children usually have a great influence on the younger one.





An American film actor once said, “Tomorrow is important and precious.”

Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?

题目2: 年轻人数目增多的影响

Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries.


Some people think that international travel makes them prejudiced rather than broad-minded. Give the reason why people cannot benefit from travel and how to improve the understanding of countries you visit.


1, 语法(syntax);

2, 词汇(lexical source);

3, 应题(task response);

4, 连贯性(consistency);





First , energy and other natural resources have become more abundant , not less so , since the book ‘ The Limits to Growth ’ was published by a group of scientists .




Some corpora attempt to cover the language as a whole; others are extremely selective.



每个人都有自己的书写习惯,但是雅思考试毕竟是要给外国人看的,所以大家如果能够在书写习惯上贴近老外,肯定会给人以亲切的卷面印象。比如不要书写得过于密集,以免让人看不清单词,影响理解。也不要写得过于稀疏而让人无法在eye span 范围内看到完整的意群,从而影响考官阅读。字不要写得太大,也不要太小。尽量不要连写以免造成l,r,n,m等混淆不清,造成考官阅卷障碍。







1、According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that 通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___

2、There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: 一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。)

3、Nowadays there is a growing concern over Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to 当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___

4、Nowadays, it is common to Many people like______________ because Besides, 目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____

5、Just like many other things, are preferred by While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider They point that (图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________ ______________,

6、Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and 每种事物都有两面性和________,是没有异议的,包括利和弊

7、For years ______________ had been viewed as But people are taking a fresh look at it _____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它

8、It has stipulated by the government that To this stipulation, many people respond actively because 政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____

9、___________ is a common occurrence in our daily Whatever we do, ______________ can't be _______出现在我们日常生活中是很平常的,无论我们做什么,_______都是不可避免的

10、___________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their _____在人群中已经成为热门话,特别是在年轻人中,激烈的争论无休止







































相比而言,英文在这方面就不是这样,具体的说,大部分英语词都是有着非常确定的意思的,因此,那些在中文里面需要联系上下文才能端倪出的细微差别,也许在英文里面只是另一个单词而已。记住这点,笔者下面所说的也许会对诸位有用,在这里,笔者提供一个方法,就是如果你脑袋中有一个想法的话,仔细想想你到底想精确说的是什么意思。比如,当你想说某一个命题错误的时候,你最好想清楚它到底错在哪里,“illogical, irresponsible, biased, prejudice, fallacy, untrue”这些词之间都有着或大或小的差别,所以主要想看你到底想说的是什么。





The scientists everywhere in the world are looking for the efficient methods to make the air clean and protect it from the pollution by all kinds of industrial harmful waste


We appreciate your words about the relations between our two


The hungry boy ate up everything he could have his hands on from the


The problem arose of how to fairly distribute the world natural





When I stayed in Guangzhou last month, you helped I am grateful for

Tom’s mother died when he was only two years old, so he did not remember

After we left China in 1959, the natural calamities happened one after another for three years in the While we read about it at home, we had been

It looked rain that evening, yet Dad came all the That made us very


I am very grateful for your help to me during my stay in Guangzhou last

Tom did not remember his mother who died when he was only two years

We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that happened one after another for three years after we left China in

It looked rain that evening, yet to our great joy, Dad came all the



I do not suppose he would have loved her if she had been poor when he first knew her, but the gratitude which he felt for the help which he owed to her kindly interest in him easily developed into a sincere (条件关系和多层因果关系的转换)


She came back yesterday from Hong Kong where she had gone shopping after the meeting in (时间顺序的转换)


总体而言,英文篇章,一般都采用直线型的形式,尤其是说明文和议论文,更是一般——具体式的。英语篇章是a writer-responsible pattern, 即作者在篇章中有责任、有义务向读者交代其主旨或目的。为使读者省时高效,英语篇章开门见山,一开头就直接点明段落的主题句 (topic sentence) 或全文的中心思想 (thesis statement), 即亮明作者的观点、态度、看法等;或者以引言开门,即“首先用一个熟悉的事实、观点、故事、引言等开头,然后直接见到作者全文的观点思想”。


因此考生们要知道,一种思维是一种文化长期的积淀,它已进入该民族的潜意识,根深蒂固,如果只学语言本身,不会知其所以然,一旦到了使用语言时,汉语思维自然突现,写出Chinglish, 浑然不知。此外,建议考生多背诵和模仿英语经典文章,如《新概念英语》第三册上的文章,笔者认为皆为语言的精华,不但文词优美,每课都是一篇范文,原汁原味,多读这样的文章,一定会有所启发。由此看来,老生常谈而又令人费解的“学会用英语思维”,倒不如换个说法——学会英汉思维转换,即懂得英汉思维的差异,在平时读书的时候去真实地领悟,久而久之,就能写出地道的英文来,至少不会写出那么多的Chinglish。





As a result of /As a consequence of /Because of/Owing to sth /By virtue of sth/On account of+短语

For this reason。

For one reason or another,

For one thing,

On this/that account

The reason why+结果/ that+原因



As a consequence



In contrast,

In contrast to this,







On the other hand,

By/In comparison/contrast


Compared with/to







In addition to sth,

In addition,

What’s more


Contradictory to this,

In support of this,

The evidence for···is,

This is supported by,

To affirm this,


In other words,

That is,

That is to say,


Which means that


Above all,

As a matter of fact,

In particular,




As an illustration,

In particular,

In support of this,

To demonstrate,

To elaborate,

To exemplify,

To highlight,

To illustrate,




Although it is true that,


It may appear that,







On the contrary








All in all,

As a result,

As indicated earlier,

As mentioned,


So we can conclude that ….

In brief/in summary/conclusion

To summarize



Nowadays, the general trend seems to be that more and more young people go to college and receive higher In china alone, for example, about 7 million out of million high school students were accepted by universities in 20XX, while only 35 years ago, only 5% high school students went to This rapid increase of the number of university students, though supported by almost all governments throughout the world, has given rise to doubts among some people who insist that there is close interrelationship betweenthe large number of university graduates and the high unemployment



give rise to doubts (among) 在…中引起质疑

is close interrelationship between (…and…) 在…和…之间有紧密的相互关系。


1 according to the

2 the date lead us to the conclusion

3 the date

4 the tree diagram reveals

5 the figures

6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend

7 the pie graph

8 the graph provides some interesting date

9 the table shows the changes in the number over the period

10 as is shown in the

11 the percentage remained steady

12 the percentage slightly large than that

13 there is not a great deal of difference

14 the graphs show a threefold increase in the number

year by year increased

16 there is an upward trend in the number

17 a considerable increase occurred

18 rate of decrease

19 from this year on, there was a gradual decline reduction in the

a figure

20 be similar the same as

21 there are a lot similarities

22 the difference between X and Y lies


table illustrates the changes in the number the period


bar chart illustrates 该柱状图展示了

graph provides some interesting data


diagram shows (that) 该图向我们展示了

pie graph depicts (that) 该圆形图揭示了

a cure graph which describes the trend


figures/statistics show (that) 数据(字)表明

tree diagram reveals


data/statistics show (that)


the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion


as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the


according to the 根据这些表(数字)

as is shown in the 如表格所示

as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place


from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly it is clear/apparent from the chart


this is a graph which


this table shows the changing proportion of a& b


the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend


this is a column chart 这是个柱型图,描述了

as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation


there is not a great deal of difference


the graphs show a threefold increase in the number


year by year


the situation reached a peak(a high point at) of [%].


the figures/situation bottomed out


the figures reached the bottom/a low point/hit a


a is as much/many as a是b的倍。

a increased a增长了

a increased a增长到

high /low /great /small / 比低高(低)

there is an upward trend in the number 数字呈上升趋势。

a considerable increase/decrease occurred 到发生急剧上升。

rate of decrease slow 从到,下降速率减慢。

from this year on,there was a gradual declined reduction in , reaching a figure


be similar 与相似

be the same 与相同

there are a lot similarities/differences 与之间有许多相似(不同)之处

a has something in common with b a于b有共同之处。

the difference between a and b lies a与b之间的差别在于

(year)witnessed/saw a sharp rise 年急剧上升。


The shared bikes like Mobike and Ofo bring great convenience to You needn’t lock them by simply using your smart They can take you where the subway and bus don’t And they can be left anywhere in public for the next , bad things Some people damage the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, which causes trouble to other my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideas in a short Therefore, bike-sharing companies like Mobike and Ofo need to do For example, those who damage the bike should pay for their Also, because people use their real name to register as a user, it’s a good way to connect to one’s personal the end, what I want to say is to take good care of public



Bicycle Sharing

With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into people's It becomes more and more popular and much news reported At the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very It cansave time for On the other side, its management is not Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very What's more, many people deliberately break it, like throw it to the river or destroy the code above my opinion, we should take a developing view about bicycle It is obviously helpful to human beings as a high-tech The government should introduce relevant provisions toregulate this market to avoid its




Being able to concentrate and focus for sustained periods is a skill that children will need to develop in order to make the most Of their While most children will naturally develop a greater attention span as they grow older and get used to the school environment and expectations, some continue to struggle to focus on a task or an

In this digital age of smart phones and social me a, there are plenty of distractions to tempt the wandering mind where study tasks are From surfing the webpage to instant messaging, constant distractions compete for children's It is not uncommon to witness a child listening to his iPod while doing his With so many potential interruptions, can be difficult for children to stop and focus on the task at

There are some practical and manageable tips teachers and parents can use to help their children focus, complete their task both at school and home and ultimately Initially, setting early expectations is an essential start, such as explaining to children their priorities at school and home and in the The earlier teachers and parents set expectations and establish a routine for studying, the easier it will be to Additionally, managing the number Of distractions that can pull a child's focus away is another,important parents can help their children by insisting that certain responsibilities are met before privileges are That is because young people sometimes have a tendency to proritize short-term needs and wants over longer-term

To conclude, helping children develop self-discipline, effective focus strategies and concentration skills at an early age is a basis for long-term success in high school, college and the professional working Therefore, teachers and parents should put more consideration into the


Task:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills It has always included teaching the next generation how to become law-abiding While some people claim that those ex-prisoners are the best teachers to raise the awareness regarding laws, I believe that other measures are equally

Obviously, ex-prisoners play a vital role in cutting youth This is because those released prisoners have witnessed the horrors happened in the jail and they may also experience some of At the same time, they can share the tears and sorrows they suffered in the jails and the harm they have brought to the victims and their family This is more impressive than the traditional lectures given by By listening to a wide range of real cases in person, young generation will realize the consequence of the irresponsible behavior deeply and discipline themselves strictly in the

Nevertheless, I believe other alternatives should be taken into consideration as It is common for people to have a fear towards criminals, especially those who have committed violent crimes and therefore face-to-face conversation between the young and people with a criminal record might be inappropriate in some By contrast, policemen normally have a good impression among youngsters and they can become the active voice in reducing juvenile Apart from them, parents can certainly be the first to help children learn the differences between right and wrong since they are the people who know their children best in the

In my opinion, it is the responsibility of every member of a society to help the young generation to become good


Climate change has become a worldwide issue in recent The Earth, according to some scientists, is becoming warmer and warmer and this is an alert signal for the future safety of the For these scientists, we must do something to prevent the climate from becoming Meanwhile, there are also scientists who do not think much of the climate change and therefore suggest that we do nothing but find a way to live with For my part, I agree with the second group of

To reverse the climate change is never an easy The widely acknowledged causes of climate change include the automobile gas emissions, factory pollution, deforestation, among If we wish to prevent the climate change, we will have to significantly reduce the use of cars and airplanes, close most of the factories and stop people from cutting This means that, in order to make the Earth become cooler by one or two centigrade degree, our normal life will have to This is a cost most of us would never want to pay, although we have been repeatedly told of the benefits of doing so to the future

Then, in face of climate change, rather than trying to prevent it, we'd better try to find a way to live with For instance, when the hotter climate makes it impossible to grow a certain vegetable in summer, we can grow it earlier than now, store it and then eat it when the weather becomes too Also, we can develop new technologies to grow the vegetable we need even when the climate has Furthermore, when it is necessary, we can make adjustments about our work If the weather has become intolerably hot, we can have a few days off and make up when it gets back to Such flexibilities will help us solve the climate change problem and at the same time will not bring down our

Climate change is not a good thing, but for the time being, I do not think we should take expensive and costly measures to prevent Rather, I believe we should find a way to live with


Task:The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?

Sample answer:

The universal phenomenon of excessive consumption of natural resources actually remains a subject of public interest and The objective of this essay is to outline both the potential problems of this negative tendency and appropriate ways of dealing with

Consuming considerable resources will cause inevitable environmental The low efficiency of resources use in factories may aggravate this One of the best solutions may be encouraging companies to adopt more eco-friendly equipment, making optimal use of Meanwhile, local governments can enact stricter environment-protection standards to normalize the enterprise

In addition, since available natural resources are quite limited on the earth, the overuse of these restricted resources will worsen the shortage of natural materials and lower people’s standard of living It is well-recognized that only a few natural resources can be used directly in our daily For example, the drinkable water accounts for just less than 1% of all the world water Also, to meet the basic needs of people, some alternative materials have been invented when some resources are in a short For instance, artificial cotton, a material which is made from rice straw, has replaced cotton in clothing industry in recent However, the clothes made of artificial cotton are definitely not as comfortable as the natural Wearing these clothes means a lower life quality to some people to some To address this problem, people should develop a more active attitude towards economizing resources, leading a low carbon

To summarize, consuming natural resources at an increasing rate may pose a threat on environment and people’s Business, governments and society should work together to solve these


例题:Staying healthy by playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty to society rather than a habit for personal Do you agree or disagree? 保持健康是个人对于社会的责任,但是,不是使个人受益的良好习惯,是否认同?

范文:Health is to every individual what perfume is to However, people have been pondering, for many years, the significance of maintaining personal health without reaching any definite A popular belief is that personal health only serves the good of the As I see it,optimizing personal health could not only benefit the society,but importantly,conduce to individual life, family harmony and career

Indeed, I have to concede that keeping fit could be of great benefits for a nation and therefore be deemed as the personal obligation to the In other words, As for the country,the increased proportion of wholesome citizens could greatly diminish the consumption in terms of the public medical Also, health indicates good mentality and vigorous It is conceivable that the increase of healthy social citizens can help create immense social value and thus inject new vitality into the further prosperity of a

Nevertheless,every individual could become the beneficiary of keeping fit First, a man with sound physique and mentality succeed better at work,respond better to stress, suffer less depressive mood and achieve more personal Secondly, health could, to a large extent, enable one to brave career enthusiastically and harmonize family For example, many entrepreneurs or super stars usually suffer from various health-related problems due to excessive workload and huge mental It is conceivable that one’s poor health condition will inevitably bring a sea of agonies to the family Last, remaining health enables one to regenerate energy, refresh mind and thus improve the efficiency of work and

In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that keeping fit is not only related to social responsibility but also links to personal happiness, which is more Therefore, embarking on a healthier lifestyle should a lifelong habit for every one of


雅思写作常见话题:Today consumers are facing an increasing amount of advertising from competing To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?


此类雅思写作题目是典型的blended essay的写法,开头结尾相对容易,body paragraphs分为两段展开,按照雅思写作题目提问的先后顺序:首先,第一问可以写广告所带来的诸多benefits,比如:广告让我们更加清晰了解产品特点getting a better understanding of how the products work;成为大多数企业的收入来源sources of revenue;部分广告向人们宣传健康生活方式,让人们生活更加幸福快乐more contented。当然也可以写drawbacks,例如:很多商业广告的虚假宣传误导了消费者消费misleading customers;部分广告内容低俗,对青少年的身心发展不利negative effects on mental health;广告泛滥使广告形象大打折扣contribute to a bad self-image。其次,针对问题提出解决的solutions,这里可以从政府的角度切入,广告利弊兼有,政府应当积极引导,以便广告更好地服务于民众。


First thing first, accept that sending criminals to prison is an effective, if not the only way, to protect Stop thinking in terms of education as "punishment" for a moment and instead think about safeguarding innocent people from incorrigible violent sex offenders, trigger-happy drug dealers, and cold-blooded Education does reduce crimes to some extent; however, it is doubtful if most of them would choose to live a life that is


Since most inmates eventually return to the community, it seems not a bad idea to help them learn a trade and gain skills to make a decent And that is why training programs are often believed to be positive in changing criminal Nevertheless, most statistics tend to tell a different As it is, rather than becoming productive members of society, they turn themselves into more skilled So it is one thing that rehabilitation offers opportunities; it is quite another whether career criminals make good use of their prison In most cases, after serving their terms they continue commiting offences of a more sophisticated


Education is more a romantic option than an effective solution for crime At this point, it must be made clear that the argument is not against education in correctional facilities, considering that most inmates are Rather, the case is concerned about a control policy to strictly supervise specific released prisoners for at least two years to observe what might happen to Here, skeptics claim that, in many cases, prison education produces nothing more than "better-educated criminals", only more That the violent crime wave is raging while most prisons are over-crowded certainly does not reflect a significant decrease in It merely shows the fear and impotence of innocent people in the


The point is that sending criminals to prison is effective, if only by moving them away from the On the other hand, to regard prison education as an effective "punishment" is simply wishful-thinking, in view of relevant evidence that underlies In all events, education provides opportunities, however limited, but it depends on the way those repeat offenders see these opportunities, the rest being pure



advertisement = advertising n 广告

TV commercial n 电视广告

public-service ads = public –interest ads n 公益广告

advertisement campaign n 广告宣传

wise consumers = wise buyers n理性的消费者

censorship of ads n广告审查

wise buying n 理性消费

ads produced by super stars n明星做的广告

makeup ads n化妆品广告

medicine ads n药品广告


Under no circumstances can we uunderestimate the indispensable roles of ads

in our 我们不能忽视广告在生活中的作用。

witty slogan 智慧的宣传语

eye-catching pictures n 精美的图片

exert a subtle influence on v对于 …… 有微妙的影响

…… play the role of educator v 扮演教育者的角色

…… is a significant source of information v是信息的源泉

…… bring huge convenience to consumers v 给消费者带来便利

…… serve the function of entertainment v 有娱乐功能

promote the sales of the relevant products v 提高相关产品的销量

…… is a kind of indispensable industry that create a number of job opportunities and promote the prosperity of relevant industries such as …… 是不可缺少的产业,可以解决就业以及促进相关产业的繁荣例如……


However, we can never ignore the negative influence induced by advertisement 然而,我们不能忽视由于广告引起的弊端。

Many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers 很多的广告公司会雇佣歌手以及明星代言商品。

fake and illegal ads n虚假的非法的广告

…… are full of flowery phrases and empty promises …… 充满了花哨的宣传语以及空洞的承诺。

buy goods without consideration = purchase goods impulsively v冲动购物

endanger the consumers’ interests v 威胁到消费者的利益

impose much pressure upon consumers economically v 增加消费者的经济负担。

consumers are affected by = consumers are influenced by = consumers are swayed by …… v消费者被…… 影响

poorly educated children in the remote rural areas n偏远农村地区的文盲儿童

点评:illiterate = poorly educated adj 没有受到良好教育的。

irrational buyers = unwise buyers n非理性的消费者


strengthen the censorship of counterfeited or illicit ads v 加强对于非法广告和虚假广告的审查力度

Consumers could be away from those detrimental 消费者可以远离有害广告的影响。

Ads stars enhance their lawful awareness and assume more social responsibilities 广告明星应该增强守法意识以及承担更多的社会责任

foster rational consumption habit v培养理性的消费习惯

collect some information of other consumers before buying a product v 在买商品前收集一些信息


题目:Some people think the main benefit of international cooperationis in protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefit is in the world Discuss both views and give your


There is no doubt that international cooperation, from private enterprisesto governments, has become increasingly prevalent (= more popular these years). It is on account of growingly global economy, and it is beneficial for almost every country in the


People firmly believe that the international cooperation is good for environment It is well awarethat every country has its unique way to protect For example, the Dutch do well in disposing of They point out that if their advanced technology can be introduced into the developing countries that are hardly to invent such good technology, not only some countries or groups but also all of the people living on the earth will benefit a Of course, the countries that have invented these technologies will have to suffer from the damage in economy more or


On the other hand, the view taken by other people is that the main advantage of internationalcooperation is in terms of It is true that the imports have been sold everywhere in my To illustrate, a modern car often consistsof different components from various In the meanwhile, some necessary goods are always imported from other However, the competition between local businesses and exoticones is going more


In my opinion, the meritsof international cooperation are in both environment and the Also, people ought to make the best use of international cooperation to solvethe serious worldwide problems such as global
