2024-08-17 04:54:59


Space Exploration太空探索

In recent years, scientists in many parts of the worldhave pooled their money, time and efforts toresearch the space.

They launch the satellites, establish the spacestations, and even walk on the moon.

Space may hold wonders and mysteries of how theuniverse comes into being, or whether there is lifeon other planets besides Earth.

Space exploration is of great significance.

First of all, through space exploration, we humanbeing may uncover the unknown resources of the universe.

It endows us with knowledge about the origin of life, with which we learn the dangers and makeadventures in science and technology.

Secondly, space exploration also provides a platform for nations to cooperate throughparticipation in joint breakthrough.

Finally, the space technology plays an indispensable role in our daily life, such ascommunication and transportation technology.

In the near future, more nations will get involved in the cause of space exploration.

Some questions having intrigued human throughout the centuries are in the list of solution.


man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years. it has been almost over forty years since man's first landing on the moon. now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. they point out the fact that it cost billions of dollars to carry on the space research, but a little information was brought back.

however, every coin has two sides. there are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. and i agree with those people. many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefited people all over the world. and what's more, scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by mankind.

we believed that it wi!/bring more benefits in the future, which we can not even imagine now. space exploration is a challenge to human beings. that's why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.


almost everyday we may see something in the newspaper or on tv about the latest exciting developments in space exploration. there is an immense pride in our science and technology and a sense of its importance for the welfare of mankind.

not everyone , however, shares this feeling. ever since space research began, it has been criticized as a huge waste of money and other resources, which might be used to help to relieve the suffering of the earth’s starving millions. it has also been felt that the space program might lead to the total destruction of the earth. despite these disadvantages and potential dangers, the advantages are far greater. we have already succeeded in using satellites for communications, weather forecast and oil exploration and with further space research, more problems we are having now can be solved. for instance, with the success of space shuttles and the feasibility of living in other planets, we may solve the population problem on the earth. space projects will also enable us to find a few chemical elements to cure presently incurable diseases.

space exploration contributes not only to the improvement of the quality of human life, but also to our understanding of the interdependence of all beings; and therefore, of the need to take better care of each other.


Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years, It has been almost over forty years since man’ s first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point out the thct that it cost billions of dollars to can3’ on the space research, but a little infrmation was brought back. In addition, the time and money spent on space exploration is too much to calculate.

However, every coin has two sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefitted people all over the world. And what’ s more. scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by the mankind.

We benefited a lot from space exploration. We believed that it will bring more benefits in the future, which perhaps we can not even imagine now’. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That’ s why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.





走近神七  探索太空“五四三二一,发射”承载着13亿人的光荣与梦想,神舟七号一飞冲天,从此太空中第一次有了中国人的身影。看到这里,我的心情无比激动和自豪。“神六”的火焰仿佛还萦于昨日,“神七”已经带着前辈的扬尘奔向穹宇。对于“神六”我的记忆不是很清晰,那时的我只知道有一位叔叔叫杨利伟非常了不起。然而五年后“神七”的出现,却让我有了真实的感受,有了对科学的`敬畏和对太空的向往。从小就爱科学的我一直都在收集有关科学的书,网上寻找资料,让自己的知识更丰富。有时幻想乘着玫瑰色的彩船到太空上去玩一玩。长出飞的翅膀,到广寒宫去看一看;有时又幻想造梯登天,看星星怎样眨眼,太阳是怎样给万物涂上梦幻,想去土星上春耕;木星上种树。这些奇思妙想常常被同学嘲笑,说我老爱天马行空。但如今神七的成功发射让我看见了希望,充满了信心,也更加明白了一个人只要有梦想,并不断地朝着这个目标去努力,就一定会实现。现在的我不再喜欢睡在床上看着天空发呆,而是乐于在浩瀚的书海里遨游,像海绵一样不停地吸收知识。“神七”只是一个开始,以后还会有“神八”、“神九”……的出现,这就需要我们从小打好扎实的基础,长大去超越自己、实现梦想。   北京奥运的成功举办、“神七”的太空遨游,一次又一次向世人展示了我们中国的强大和文明。如今,“XX”世博会的脚步越来越近,作为上海的小主人,我们更要学好本领、以新的姿态为世博添彩,为祖国争光,振兴中国我们责无旁贷。简评:想象丰富,激荡人心。











