2024-08-05 00:04:51



v 7 As far as I a cncerned, I stand n the side f . 8 First f all, 9 Furtherre, . 10 Thirdl, . 11 Therefre, .

v 【模板二】

v 1 Views/Opinin n (Attitudes twards) var fr persn t persn. 2 Se peple thin that . 3 The hld this pinin because (the thin) .

v 4 Others, hwever, tae a negative / psitive attitude t . (Others, nevertheless, are re pessiistic / ptiistic abut it). 5 Fr their pint f view, . 6 Besides, .

v 7 In pinin/Persnall /Fr pint view /If ased attitude, I a re in favr f . 8 I stand in / hld this attitude /pinin / view because . 9 It’s true that , but it desn’t ean that . 10 Therefre / In a wrd/ In shrt, . 11 Instead, we shuld .

Ⅱ. 现象解释型—句子模板

v 1. 分析原因:

v ⑴ There are an/plent f/ a nuber f/ nuerus reasns explaining/ fr .

v ⑵ The reasns f lie in several aspects .

v ⑶ Man factrs cntribute t .

v ⑷ There are an reasns that an accunt fr .

v ⑸ The reasns fr/wh are as fllws:

v ⑹ There are an reasns fr it, but generall, the ce dwn in three ar nes.

v ⑺ is ainl caused b .

v ⑻ What caused these changes? .

v ⑼ There are an factrs that have stiulated this huge change.

v ⑽ The reasns that caused changes are diverse. On the ne hand, . On the ther hand, .

v ⑾ The rapid grwth f wes uch t .

v 2. 总结归纳 / 说明影响 / 表明作者态度 / 以作者个人为例:

v ⑴ Thrugh the analsis, we can draw a cnclusin that .

v ⑵ In shrt/ In brief, .

v ⑶ T slve the prble f , we .

v ⑷ Fr all the facts given abve, we can see .

v ⑸ Cnsidering all these /Taing all these int cnsideratin/accunt, I believe .

v ⑹ As t/fr e, I believe .

v ⑺ Tae e as an exaple/In wn case, I .

v 【模板一】

v 1 In recent ears, (描写现状或趋势). 2 This has caused a lt f prbles.

v 3 First, (结果1). 4 Fr exaple, (细节,说明结果1). 5 Secnd, (结果2). (细节,说明结果2). 6 Finall, (结果3). (细节,说明结果3).

v 7 Since is such a serius prble, we shuld tae effective easures t . 8 First, we shuld (措施1). 9 Besides, (措施2). 10 And finall, (措施3).

v 【模板二】

v 1 At present/ In recent ears/ Nwadas, (描写现状或趋势). 2 It a seda bece the ain trend when (进一步描述这一现象或观点).

v 3 Three ar eleents/factrs wuld be taen int cnsideratin when (ding sth). 4 First f all, (主要因素1). 5 Mrever, (主要因素2). 6 Last, (主要因素3). 7 Fr their perspective, .

v 8 Everthing has bth psitive and negative aspects, and (这种现象或观点) is f n exceptin. 9 (这种现象或观点的正确性). 10 Hwever, (这种观点或现象的危害性).

Ⅲ. 原因阐释型—句子模板

v 1. 一果多因:

v ⑴ Wh ? Fr ne thing, . Fr anther, .

v ⑵ The answer t this prble invlves an factrs. Fr ne thing, . Fr anther, . Still anther, .

v ⑶ A nuber f factrs, bth phsical and pschlgical affect/bth individual and scial cntribute t .

v ⑷ Anther iprtant factr is .

v ⑸ is als respnsible fr the change/prble.

v ⑹ Certainl, the is nt the sle reasn fr .

v ⑺ The factrs that cntribute t include .

v ⑻ u dn’t have t l ver far t identif the reasn that .

v ⑼ Thans t/ Owing t/Due t/Because f/As a result f .

v 2. 一因多果

v ⑴ It will prduce a prfund/far-reaching effect/ipact n…… .

v ⑵ It invlves se serius cnsequence fr …….

v ⑶ There are a nuber f dreadful cnsequence f…… . Perhaps the st serius/disastrus cnsequence is …….

v ⑷ It a cause/result in/lead t a hst/nuber f prbles.

v ⑸ It leaves/invlves se serius cnsequence f

v ⑹ The iediate result it prduce is…… . And perhaps the st bvius result f is…… .

Ⅲ. 原因阐释型—作文模板

v 1 Nwadas, we ften hear that (提出现象).

2 This phenenn is nt accidental, and there is scial and individual bacgrund.

v 3 Wh ?

4 Fr ne thing, (原因1).

5 Fr anther, (原因2).

6 Fr instance, (举例说明).

7 Fr that,

8 we .

v 9 As far as I a cncerned, I agree that .

10 I thin that (作者本人的观点).

v 第三段或为:9 We shuld tae easures t . 10 First, (措施1). Secnd, (措施2). 11 Finall, (措施3).

Ⅳ. 问题解决型—句子模板

v 1. 提出问题:

v ⑴ Nwadas, with , re and re , which causes serius prble t .

v ⑵ Nwadas, .It has bece such a serius prble which has arused the cncern fr .

v ⑶ Recentl, the prble f has bece increasingl serius in .

v ⑷ Tda, with , a serius scial prble has arisen — .

v ⑸ Tda, re and re peple have realized that has bece a ver serius prble.

v ⑹ Nwadas, there is grwing cncern ver .

v ⑺ Currentl, is being cnsidered a ar prble in .

v 2. 解决问题:

v ⑴ T slve this prble, .

v ⑵ As is nwn t all, there are an was t .

v ⑶ T put an end t this serius prble, in pinin, several easures shuld be taen/adpted b .

v ⑷ Hw can we slve this prble? I thin there are three appraches.

v ⑸ If u want t slve this prble, the fllwing advice a be helpful.

v ⑹ M suggestins t deal with/slve/relieve the prble are as fllws. In the first place, . Secndl . Finall .

v ⑺ At first thught, the prble sees far t invlved (复杂的), but it can certainl be slved when seriusl dealt with.

v Ⅳ. 问题解决型—作文模板

v 1 Nwadas, great iprtance has been attached t (目前的现象及存在的'问题). 2 Man was can cntribute t (要解决的问题), but the fllwing nes a be effective.

v 3 First f all, (方法1). 4 Besides, (方法2). 5 Finall, (方法3).

v 6 In cnclusin/ T su up, the was I have entined abve shuld never be separated fr each ther. 7 (希望).

v 9 Nw let’s tal abut . 10 First f all, u shuld . 11 In additin, . (转至第三个问题) 12 If an further questins ce t u, d nt hesitate t write t e.

v 10 .

v urs,

Ⅴ. 应用型(通知) —作文模板

v 活动通知作文模板:

v Vlunteer Needed

v 1 With the appraching f (活动日) ,

(组织者) is t rganize and is nw recruiting vlunteers.

v 2 This prgra is planned t . 3 It ais t . 4 B participating in the activit, vlunteers can . 5 Vlunteers are expected t . 6 The prgra will be carried ut .

v 7 are needed. 8 Fellw students wh eet the requireents and want t tae part in the activit, please call us at r eail us at .

v 9 Ce and in us!

Ⅴ. 应用型(演讲稿)—作文模板

v 竞赛演讲稿作文模板:

v A Capaign Speech

v 1 , (选择一个合适的称呼。)

v 2 Than u fr . 3 , 4 I a delighted t annunce that . (演讲词常用开场白套语。)

v 5 , I have alwas been cnsidered as . 6 Meanwhile, . 7 . 8 In additin, if I get elected. (层次清楚地陈述自己的优势,突出重点)

v 9 . 10 If elected, I a cnfident that . 11 I will . (工作规划的简要陈述,点到为止)

v 12 Than u ver uch fr ur attentin. (结束语套话)


Ⅴ. 应用型(导游词)—作文模板

v 导游解说词作文模板:

v 1 ,

v 2 Welce t . 3 First f all, I’d lie t intrduce self: I a , It’s hnr t be here with all f u, and I wish u a wnderful trip tda. (表示欢迎,自我介绍,开场白套话。)

v 4 Here is the schedule f the da. 5 is the first place we are ging t visit this rning. 6 Then will be ur destinatin in the afternn. (简要介绍行程安排,无需赘述。) 7 Nw we are n the wa . . . . (用三四句话介绍第一景点的概况,突出重点。)

v 8 That’s the intrductin t . 9 If u have an questins, please dn’t hesitate t as e. (结束语套话)

Ⅵ. 综合叙事型—句子模板

v 1. 表示时间顺序的连接词:

v ⑴ Earl in the rning/In the earl rning

v ⑵ In the iddle f the da/At nn

v ⑶ Late in the afternn/In the late afternn

v ⑷ Far/Deep int the night

v ⑸ In the past; At present,; In the future

v ⑹ First; Secnd; Next; Then; Finall

v ⑺ At first/In the beginning; At last/In the end

v ⑻ Shrtl afterwards/At nce/Iediatel/All f a sudden/Suddenl/Sn

v ⑼ The ent …/As sn as…/The first tie … ; Nt … until…, Next tie …, Befre …, After …, etc.

Ⅵ. 综合叙事型—作文模板

v 1 It is (时间和地点) when (事件) t place. 2 (简单叙述一两句).

v 3 I saw sight. 4 (描写情景,注意描写的顺序). 5 T begin with, . 6 And then, . 7 Eventuall, . 8 As a cnsequence, (结束语).

v 9 In pinin, three factrs cntribute t . 10 First, (原因1). 11 Secnd, (原因2). 11 Last , (原因3). 12 All these led t (结束语).

v 第三段或为以下模式:

v 9 I d believe (个人感受).


Ⅶ. 图表型—句子模板

v 1. 图表内容总括性描述:

v ⑴ As can be seen fr the table, great changes have been taing place in .

v ⑵ Fr the abve table it can be seen that .

v ⑶ As it is shwn in the table, .

v ⑷ Accrding t the graph, .

v ⑸ It is clear fr the table that .

v ⑹ The surve/stud shws/suggests that .

v ⑺ Accrding t the figures given in the table .

v ⑻ As u a see fr the diagra, .

v ⑼ The tw charts abve tell us sething abut .

v 2. 图表内容具体数据变化描述:

v ⑴ increase/decrease b …

v 2. increase fr … t

v 3. increase steadil fr …

v 4. There was a ared increase in …

v 5. There has been a rapid increase in …

v 6. an increase f

v 7. decline in …

v 8. fur ties as uch as …

v 9. aunt t

v 10. fall fr … t …

v 11. appear stable

v 12. reach (+数字)

v 13. cntinue t grw

v 14. has been grwing faster and faster since

v 15. less than

v 16. up t

v 17. cpared with

v 18. the nuber f … reains the sae as …

v (3) 分析原因:

v 1. There are an/plent f/ a nuber f/ nuerus reasns explaining/ fr .

v 2. The reasns f lie in several aspects .

v 3. Man factrs cntribute t .

v 4. There are an reasns that a accunt fr .

v 5. The reasns fr/wh are as fllws: .

v 6. There are an reasns fr it, but generall, the ce dwn in three ar nes.

v 7. is ainl caused b .

v 8. What caused these changes? .

v 9. There are an factrs that have stiulated this huge change.

v 10. The reasns that caused changes are diverse. On the ne hand, . On the ther hand, .

v 11. The rapid grwth f . wes uch t .

v (4) 总结归纳 / 说明影响 / 表明作者态度 / 以作者个人为例:

v 1. Thrugh the analsis, we can draw a cnclusin that .

v 2. In shrt/ In brief, .

v 3. T slve the prble f , we .

v 4. Fr all the facts given abve, we can see .

v 5. Cnsidering all these /Taing all these int cnsideratin/accunt, I believe .

v 6. As t/fr e, I believe .

v 7. Tae e as an exaple/In wn case, I .

Ⅶ. 图表型—作文模板

v 1 Accrding t/As shwn in the table/chart/graph, the perid

fr t , increased significant, while____

decreased/ drpped sharpl.

2 There are a huge nuber f reasns behind this

phenenn. /The reasns f the changes lie in several

aspects. 3 First f all, (原因1). 4 Secndl, (原因2). 5

Thirdl, (原因3).

6 All in all, we can see that in the past ears/nths/wees, has/have been rising/drpping ear b ear. 7 We can als expect that (展望发展趋势).

6 Fr the abve discussins, we have enugh reasn t predict what will happen in the near future. 7 The trend described in the table/chart/graph will cntinue fr quite a lng tie (if necessar easures are nt taen).









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My Pen Pal

Let me say something about the

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Dear friends, can you draw the picture?


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We know it is difficult to learn English is very learn English like Listen to the teacher carefully and write the important point dow on my cla Irevise the le cla Iprepare new le oto find out the Iwill listen carefully in also listen to the tape,and eak English with my cla mates in the cla room and on the 's to improve my listening and keep adiary every day to practise my written this,I often read English new apers and magazines to enrich my knowlege on English will learn English well so long as we learn it


Freedom for many children is the coming day when they could improve myself in their own way to use my 24 They can study language by watching film instead of working on boring grammar and multiple Boys and girls can have enough time to do sports to keep health not going on a diet as a result of junk food and a lack of sports caused by too much

Freedom is as simple as my playing piano all night without worrying about disturbing my 14-year-old neighbour who has to go to school the next day for my house is specially

It also could be freedom in my dream that one day, political democracy becomes Freedom in my life is the name of all kindness and

People have common desire under the For mankind, freedom commonly means respect, love, blessing and For some people, freedom is that some day, he can give up his own interests to guarantee others’ It is no wonder that so many people fought for freedom even didn’t hesitate to give up their lives when necessary .

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Today, with the development of technology, people own all kinds of electronic products, mobile phone is very popular, almost everyone has a mobile phone at hand, we even can say that we can’t live without mobile As the phone has become so popular, students are also obsessed about it, high school students use cell phone without letting teachers know it, the reason that the teachers ban them to use mobile phone is that the phone will distract students from I agree with teachers, as a student, I know exactly how the phone affects me in the I always want to check my phone, seeing if there is I can’t focus on my study, all my mind thinking is to check on the I am not saying we should not use mobile phone, I advise that it is better use it when we are not


Half an hour later, we got on the train. on the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached sichuan. there, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.








National Day is commemorated every year by special flag-raising ceremonies. Crowds gathere at Tian'anmen Sqaure in Beijing early morning for this event. It was part of the National Day celebrations for the birthday of the People's Republic of China.

The national flag was first raised over Tian'anmen Square in 1949, marking the birth of New China. And it has been repeated every day since then. The ceremony still attracts the interest of millions of people each y恩平第一范文网ear. Although the flag has meant different things to different people, it now rises over a more confident and prosperous country.

The Chinese capital of Beijing will become a multi-colored beacon of light with spectacular outdoor illuminations to mark the week-long National Day holidays from Oct. 1 to 7.

Along the Chang'an Avenue, the major street in downtown Beijing,lamps and colored lights illuminate the whole street.

At the Tiananmen Square, artificial flower parterres will be decorated with specially designed lighting facilities.