2024-06-04 07:21:41


I want to be a famous writer in the future.I like to write stories for kids.The stories will be short and funny.My teacher said I was good at writing.But I still need to improve my English,too.Then I can write stories in English.So the kids from all over the world can read my stories.


In the future , people will have different life.

Childen won’t go to school , because they will study on the computer. That will be really good.

Humans will not have so many things to do , because there will be robots to do them. Robots are going to be humans’ best friends.

In one hundred years , people will live in the sea or in the space station. We will find out more biological , know more knowledge.

I think they will become a reality.


I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can’t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don’t know what my future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for having enough food to eat and live better; some are achieving every goal that they make; some may live in the poor situation. I don’t know what kind of life I would have in the future. But I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So I will try my best to work hard for a better future life.


I am looking forward to my future life for several reasons. Frist I believe that my life will be more simple. I am going to save money every month, therefore, I will not in difficult in my finance. My hometown is a quiet and beautiful small village. I would like to live back there .I can picture that every day there will be enough time for me to do anything what I want to do. I will be very glad that I can sleep to wake up in nature. I will not need to in a hurry to go to work but take my time to enjoy my morning tea. After that, I will go for a walk along the river with my favorite books.

I will sit by the river, enjoy the view of nature, and read some book. I will write a letter to my friends and family with my greetings at regulate. My house will have a big yard. It will be planted full of flowers. Every day I will spend some time taking care of them. When flowers are in bloom, I will pick some of them and bring them to my friend’s or my children’s door, if the weather is fine. Now I can image that when they open the door and find the flowers, how happy whey will be. I will be happy too, as I will still be useful and bring joy to others. In addition, I will not need to worry about my health. I am used to having good habits.

I ate healthy food. I did not smoke or drink. If I had time, I would take a walk. I will keep these habits forever. Besides, the social groups will get better and better, if I am too old to take care of myself, I think the social group will think about me. My children will take care of me also. In conclusion, as I will have a more simple life, I will not need to worry about my health; I believe that I will have a comfortable and quiet time when I am older.


With rapid progress of science and technology ,our life has changed a lot .I think the school life in the future will be quite different from now.First I think the students will not have to use the text books at school instead ,they will get more knowledge on the Internet.Second they won't have to write their homework instead,they will finish it by sending their teachers emails.

Finally, the teachers will not write anything on the blackboard ,instead they will also use the computers to teach.


Today, with the development of economy, more and more children receive high education. The government has put forward the policy to let children get free education until they go to college. It is a good trend that more kids have the chance to improve themselves, because education decides a person's personality and future career.

In the future, the school will pay more attention to the students' ability and their talents, so more class will be opened to them. They can choose the class that they are interested in. This will happen since middle school, and students learn knowledge with less pressure. They can enjoy the class.


Time flies, the dream is generally twenty years passed. In 20xx, I attended the college entrance examination, admitted to the highest institution in China Peking University. I spent four years studying here, with six years to complete the doctoral student's studies. 28 years old I became a world-class scientist.

I get up every morning, first with a universal key to open the super cabinet. This is my great invention! This key is made of high-tech nano-made, what you want to get what! Open the super cabinet to wear universal clothing, this kind of clothes can adjust the temperature according to weather changes, in the hot summer so that you feel cool, in the cold winter can feel warm as spring. Eat a pill, it is a high nutritional food, to ensure that the body in the day between the whole nutrition. And then drive on the "Shenzhou N" spacecraft to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to work.

On the road, the spacecraft traveling in the wide road over the road on both sides of a novel and unique style of the garden and a green leaves into a tree. Exudes an intoxicating aroma.

"What are you doing? Meal." Mom called me, I was back to God, thinking of the future of me. We must dare to dream, dare to pursue, but also down to earth, lay the foundation, step by step on the peak of knowledge, and then toward this goal tireless struggle!


随着时代的发展,我们的生活将会发生许多变化,下面三幅图片所描绘的`情景有可能在未来的生活中变为现实,同学们可结合图片,发挥想象,展望未来的生活,以Life in the future为题,用英文写一篇100词左右的短文(开头语已给出,不计入总词数)。 要求:书写规范,语法正确,语句通顺,主题鲜明。


As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday life. For example, when we are hungry, we dont need to cook in a hurry. Just take some pills, and everything will be OK. When we are free, we can go anywhere by spacecraft. It will be very cheap, just like taking a taxi now. And of course, if we want to see what is like under the sea, just travel down there in a flying object like UFO. Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living there. I think itll be very easy to travel anywhere, not only in our world, but also in space and in the deep sea.


With the development of science and technology,our lives have changed a lot in the past century.Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now.Therefore,our lives will change as well in the future.Our pace of live will greatly speed up,because we will help many machines to finish our work.Many things can be done autonomously.Therefore,people will have more time for fun.People can travel the outer space freely.Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth.Besides,our environment will be much better than now,because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment.Earth is still a beautiful home for human.



What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.

It is hard to detail visions on people’s beautiful life.Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.

Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress.



Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be?

Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday or even live on the moon,and some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there. We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes,which makes the life more convenient. Maybe we will also do some shopping and work at home.

And I'm sure there'll be more educational programmes on the radio or TV or by the Intemet or videophones,so perhaps some children won't need to go to school every day. They'll study at home.

In the future,all electric equipment at home is under the con-trol of computers. People can learn about the situation of the house by working on the computer at the office. No people like doing housework. Maybe each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot what to do-shopping,housework and so on. believe the dream will come true some day.


With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.


I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. No matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.

This is my idea of the future life,what dou you think it?


As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday lives in the future. For example,

As time goes by, there are going to be big changes in our everyday life. For example, when we are hungry, we don't need to cook in a hurry. Just take some pills, and everything will be OK. When we are free, we can go anywhere by spacecraft. It will be very cheap, just like taking a taxi now. And of course, if we want to see what is like under the sea, just travel down there in a flying object like UFO. Maybe there will be a lot of cities and people living there. I think it'll be very easy to travel anywhere, not only in our world, but also in space and in the deep sea.






Life in the Future

With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.


Time flies, the dream is generally twenty years passed. In 20xx, I attended the college entrance examination, admitted to the highest institution in China Peking University. I spent four years studying here, with six years to complete the doctoral student's studies. 28 years old I became a world-class scientist.

I get up every morning, first with a universal key to open the super cabinet. This is my great invention! This key is made of high-tech nano-made, what you want to get what! Open the super cabinet to wear universal clothing, this kind of clothes can adjust the temperature according to weather changes, in the hot summer so that you feel cool, in the cold winter can feel warm as spring. Eat a pill, it is a high nutritional food, to ensure that the body in the day between the whole nutrition. And then drive on the "Shenzhou N" spacecraft to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to work.

On the road, the spacecraft traveling in the wide road over the road on both sides of a novel and unique style of the garden and a green leaves into a tree. Exudes an intoxicating aroma.

"What are you doing? Meal." Mom called me, I was back to God, thinking of the future of me. We must dare to dream, dare to pursue, but also down to earth, lay the foundation, step by step on the peak of knowledge, and then toward this goal tireless struggle!


20 years later, I was 30 years old, and keep a long black beautiful hair, watery eyes, with a rosy skin, slim figure. At this time I have been a well-known astronauts in the vast universe to explore the mysteries of the universe life, recently, I once again travel the universe, explore the mysteries of the universe.

February 17, 20xx, I and my teammates sitting in the magic of the spacecraft in the roaming. After a lot of the planet, we are still safe and sound. Unknowingly we came to a huge black hole, inside the dark, as if to swallow everything like, scared me frightened. The hole has a strong magnetic force to attract our spacecraft, our spacecraft could not bear, was half of the body was destroyed, in this moment, our spacecraft was sucked into the dark "bottomless pit".

"Oh ... ..." how my head so painful, I seem to hear someone call me, very difficult to open his eyes, I looked around to see, this is a terrible black hole? Here is simply Yinggeyan dance, Yao Huang Wei purple, flowers ... ... villagers enthusiasm, this black hole technology can be more developed than our earth, the sky flying many advanced wheelless ride, a time tunnel, listen to the villagers said that these Time tunnel can reach the Jurassic era and so on. I took the password, open the black hole of the spacecraft, can not wait to tell my earth compatriots this secret.

20 years later, I created a brilliant page.



The future life

In 2050, the life also not so trouble, it will put down the burden of life. Now, let me give you a future life!

In the morning, o robot wave calls me at the foot of the bed. I reached yawn, changed his clothes. Then, I gargle, brush my teeth, wash face, eat breakfast. After breakfast, the wave from the bag took out a small aircraft, and then getting larger. I walk into, aircraft fly slowly. Do you know where I'm going to? I'm going to take some pictures on the moon!

Ten minutes later, I went to the moon. Wow, the moon has a sea change: beautiful scenery, flowers, everywhere is full of singing away, really stunning, amazing!!!!!! So, I took some beautiful photos.

Sitting on the aircraft to return to earth, I saw the Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, they all have different characteristics.

Back home, I looked at his watch, due to visit for too long, now is at noon, at that time. I opened the "mini super computer", on the Internet to see a lot of affairs of state, let I learned some knowledge.

At night, I lay in bed, the wave work gave me a fan fan fan, I immediately into the sweet dreams


The future of science and technology

In 2050, the transportation is no longer with a large number of people are using exhaust gas of automobile, but 22 invented a new solar green car, the car with both gm, and the price is very cheap, as long as the price of a motorcycle can drive home and as a result, even the poor can afford them.

This kind of car body is solar panels, an arc, the car can color changes over your mood, when you're in a bad mood, color will be red, when you feel better, the color will be green. The back of the car at a breathtaking pace, it installed three rockets accelerator, its speed is faster than supersonic aircraft. But the car so fast will have an accident? Of course not, because the car has a micro robot, every time want to crash, will automatically open the jet device, float the car, and so, to avoid an accident. The top of the car is a propeller,

Want to fly can fly. The wheels of the car also can fold, into a smooth wave plate, plus the jet device, can swim in the sea. This car without control, are all controlled by computer, as long as the place you go on the control panel design, it will send you to the destination, if the distance is very far away, is bored? It doesn't matter, the car in the back there is enough space for you to play, there is also a button, press the button will pop up a table, and there are several buttons on the table, the first open a computer, a second open global satellite TV, the third is a pop up a toy box, open the lamp, the fourth. And a multifunctional bed, sleepy, but lie in bed for a while. Automatically call you to get off to a destination. How about the future of science and technology developed!

The future of science and technology are developed, but we don't work hard won't have developed technology! The classmates, hard for our future!


Look forward to the future

The future seems very far away, but he is tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Stay in a beautiful today, so you will have no future.

Yesterday the time gone, don't stay, do a good job today. Maybe your incomparably glorious yesterday, you will be so obsessed with this brilliant, but I want to tell you, this in the past; Maybe you yesterday was very bad, you will regret, but I also want to tell you, it will past. Yesterday seems to be very close, but that is the past after all. Maybe you should think of, but not obsessed, because you want to do you today!

Today it's in front of you, everything you do will be a thing of the past. You should think carefully, to work on. For yourself, for you in the future, for the dribs and drabs around you. Today, you will be very tired, but you must to face the perfect tomorrow. Are you going to struggle hard work; For the time, for time, full of longing for that tomorrow.

How is tomorrow, no one knows. But we can try to change, to change the status quo. Interpret your beauty, your interpretation of the perfect no deficiency and interpret your dreams and aspirations. Realize the dream of your perseverance, realize the ideal full of obstacles, to achieve...

Forget tomorrow, struggle today, for tomorrow!



We will have developed traffic. People will work and study at home.

The robots will be used everywhere.

People who get serious disease can be treated now .With the development of the world economy people will live better and better .

But environment problems become more serious . Some people think the earth is not suitable for people to live in .

We should look for another planet to live in .


I'm always thinking what our future life would be. I think it must getting more better than now.

In the future , there must have some more advanced vehicles,so depend on these , we can use less time to travel a lot of places.

And school life would be more interesting.

Teacher can teach us more effectively.I'm really looking forward to our future life.


What our life will be like in the future?When I was a little boy,I always asked myself this question.

At that time,I had no idea what Internet was.But now,we use it every day.

We can't live without it.Internet is become so popular and so convenient.

Just forget it.What our life will be like in the future?For example,in ten years.

I think that in ten years our life will be much more colorful,our computer will be much powerful,and we can do almost everything on the internet including seeing a doctor.

What about your future life ?Will you share with me?


I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination.

The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means.

No matter how far we go, it takes only a short time.

With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space.

People may can live in other planets.

The second word is convenient.

Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated.

Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.

This is my idea of the future life,what dou you think it?



We will have developed traffic. People will work and study at home. The robots will be used everywhere. People who get serious disease can be treated now .With the development of the world economy people will live better and better . But environment problems become more serious . Some people think the earth is not suitable for people to live in .We should look for another planet to live in .


Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be?

Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday or even live on the moon,and some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there. We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes,which makes the life more convenient. Maybe we will also do some shopping and work at home.

And I'm sure there'll be more educational programmes on the radio or TV or by the Intemet or videophones,so perhaps some children won't need to go to school every day. They'll study at home.

In the future,all electric equipment at home is under the con-trol of computers. People can learn about the situation of the house by working on the computer at the office. No people like doing housework. Maybe each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot what to do-shopping,housework and so on. believe the dream will come true some day.


With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.




My future will be happy.I already graduated at that time from the university.

I will have a stable work.I will have my family,my husband,and a lovely child.

What will be my future job?

I have many ideals.I want to work as a singer,stands on the stage sings for the people; I want to work as a nurse,cure illness,brings the health for the people; I want to work as a pilot,drives the airplane in the blue sky; I want to work as a gardener,with a little bit sweat irrigation flowers,lets our life forever fill the green.

After growing up.I want to ba a teacher.I will have many students.

Every day I will give many classes to them.I will become a teacher who is always preparing my lessons.

I can certainly be a good teacher in the future.

I will also be a volunteer of my city.I will help a great deal of people.

Do many meaningful things.I will Make contribution to my city and the society.

If I can became an teacher,they are my forever hopes.this will be my future,when a grade teacher's dream.

I will have a bright future.Now I will study hard and make preperation for my future.


With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now.

Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work.

Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely.

Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth.

Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment.

Earth is still a beautiful home for human.


Now our living stytle are getting better and better,about fifty years ago ,most of us can not afford to by cars ,computers and houses and so on.

But onw ,the usually nessary things are exsits in every house,or in the coming ten years at least.

every coin has too sides ,as our living stytle improved ,there are another problems borning.

It is our enviroment.

Our living condition are getting worse and worse.we should take some steps to improve this.


People will be become more and more richer in the future.Everything will change.For example: we didn't go to schoool for study, we only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer. No matter where we want to go, we only have a thought.We can go to other plannets without anyone's help. If we want to buy something,we only press a key,a robbet will help us.I think our life in the future will be more interesting and wonderful.




People will be become more and more richer in the future.Everything will change.For example: we didn't go to schoool for study, we only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer. No matter where we want to go, we only have a thought.We can go to other plannets without anyone's help. If we want to buy something,we only press a key,a robbet will help us.I think our life in the future will be more interesting and wonderful.



I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.


With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.



In the future, I think that I will become a doctor, because I may help many people. At that time, the children will not need to go to school, they study at home on the computer , in my family I will also have the robot,he might help us to do many housework, in the future we will not need money because everything will be free! I like the life in the future.