2024-07-31 02:39:36



At the coming of the new year, it is also the time for one of the biggesttennis matches, the Australian Open. Since Li Na won her second grand slam here,more Chinese people fall in love with tennis. One of the popular male players,Roger Federer, who is more than 30, but he is still in the top level. The fanshope their hero can enjoy the match and they didn’t expect the next grand slam.But Roger made it happen again. He defeated his great rival, Nadal and wonAustralian Open. The world was cheering for him, and they witnessed this greatman to make his career successful at the old age. If we have dreams, it is nevertoo late to pursue. People always take the age as the excuse, actually, theylack of persistence, which differs them from successful men.

Almost all people work hard for success, but not all people can success.Many people ask how to make success. I think the answer is persistence. The wayto success is full of failure and difficulty. People should never give up whenmeet them. If you give up, you can’t be successful. No matter how hard it is,persistence must be there.

When you were born, you need to face the ups and downs in our life. Forexample, you need to learn to speak, learn to walk, learn to write, learn toread, and so on. Whenever you learn a new thing, you will be always full of joy.But the hardness only you know. Perhaps, you have thought about giving up, butin the end you insist on. In this world, there is no difficult, only those whodo not adhere to. As long as you can hold on, that's not a thing. Perseveranceprevails! This is the eternal law! Come on.

Last night, I watched a tennis game, it was the US open, because there wasa Chinese female player came to the semi-final, so I stayed up to watched thegame. Unluckily, she was injured twice, though she still wanted to finish thegame, her body situation did not allow her to do so. Her insistence moved somany audience, they gave her the biggest applause.

The power of insistence is great, it will help you set free your potentialand keep move on. Just for the players, they will face all kinds of incidencesnow and then, but the will to insist will make them finish the game. Sometimes,people win the game not because of their excellent skills, but their strongwill. Those who can stick on to the final line will win people’s applause.

What’s more, when people insist to finish the game, it is the respect thatthey show to their opponents. Their spirit deserves people’s applause.Insistence is a merit, we should keep it, no matter what we do, we must rememberto insist.

Behind every great achievement in anyone's life lies perseverance. We seethis in every human endeavor. Outstanding sportsmen spend all their timepractising. Their endurance is beyond imagination.

The same is true of businessmen who build up fortunes. What we usually seeare their achievements, but once we go behind the scenes we will find that theyhave put in a lot of continual steady efforts. We all have read of greatmusicians, writers and inventors who have created or discovered breakthroughs inhuman achievement. Invariably they have said that they owe all their success toperseverance. As to college students, quite a big number of then, have becomesuccessful language learners through perseverance, however, a certain group ofthem, just stop half way and their previous efforts turn out to befruitless.

Of all the countless examples the saga of Colonel Saunders is perhaps oneof the most outstanding. The 65-year-old man from Kentucky had a dream to starta chain of fried chicken restaurants all over the world. To realize his dream,he knew that he needed a restaurant owner to go into partnership with him toopen the first restaurant and to fry chicken according to the secret recipe hehad. Colonel Saunders had knocked on 1008 doors before he finally found hispartner. It is doubtful whether many of us would have had the perseverance toknock even a hundred doors.

From the above discussion we can draw a conclusion that success comes toanyone who keeps working perseveringly and lack of perseverance can only resultin frustration and failure.



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly.

2)explain its intended meaning, and

3)give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

Success is always described by the old as something relevant to patience. In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him. Beside him is the subtitle saying that “success means persisting five minutes more than others”. We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up.

It is very true that success derives from persistence, for which there are several reasons. Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts. Secondly, when one is able to insist in stepping towards achievement, he must believe what he dedicates to. This belief is the source of persistence that paves the way to success. Thirdly, just as the saying goes,”Rome was not built in one day”.

To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that “he laughs best who laughs last”. Laughing symbolizes the confidence for success, and confidence always yields patience and insistence. Hence, I firmly believe that if everybody applies what the picture conveys into actual practice, they will surely reap alot.



Nothing can be more exciting than success to a man. But you must face many difficulties before you can succeed. No one can make it easily. And it’s harder for those who are in adverse conditions to succeed.

However,everything has two sides. Just as someone said, in every adversity there lies the seed of an advantage and in every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time. The most important forus is to establish a brief, that is perseverance. The British ex-prime minister Winston Churchill had a motto of "Never, never, never, never give up . Nothing can substitute for hard work. Life is a process of struggle for success.





At the coming of the new year, it is also the time for one of the biggest tennis matches, the Australian Open. Since Li Na won her second grand slam here, more Chinese people fall in love with tennis. One of the popular male players, Roger Federer, who is more than 30, but he is still in the top level. The fans hope their hero can enjoy the match and they didn’t expect the next grand slam. But Roger made it happen again. He defeated his great rival, Nadal and won Australian Open. The world was cheering for him, and they witnessed this great man to make his career successful at the old age. If we have dreams, it is never too late to pursue. People always take the age as the excuse, actually, they lack of persistence, which differs them from successful men.




People always say that if you want to be successful, then you need to never give I agree with The power of insistence is It can bring us to our I have made up my mind to finish the task in the planned At the beginning, I would write my homework once I got home and I finished it quickly without other’s But sometimes my friends came to my house and asked me to join the activity, and I would say yes without When I got home was almost ten o’clock, all I wanted to do was to sleep, but thinking about the homework, then I decided to finish it and refused to leave them another Today’s thing should be done in That’s my My insistence helps me to be an excellent


Every four years, the Olympic Game will catch the world’s attention and the players from all the countries take part in this big First of all, for the great honor, they fight for their Second, they fight for their Many years ago, a female gymnast caught people’s attention, it was not because she was beautiful, instead, she looked much older than the other She was a A lot of people wondered why she did not When the media interviewed her, what she said moved She did this for her young Her son was very sick and she needed the money to keep the long-term She is a great mother, people admire her and they would like to give their hands to Now her boy has recovered, but this mother still insists, because she loves this


Almost all people work hard for success, but not all people can Many people ask how to make I think the answer is The way to success is full of failure and People should never give up when meet If you give up, you can’t be No matter how hard it is, persistence must be


Last night, I watched a tennis game, it was the US open, because there was a Chinese female player came to the semi-final, so I stayed up to watched the Unluckily, she was injured twice, though she still wanted to finish the game, her body situation did not allow her to do Her insistence moved so many audience, they gave her the biggest

The power of insistence is great, it will help you set free your potential and keep move Just for the players, they will face all kinds of incidences now and then, but the will to insist will make them finish the Sometimes, people win the game not because of their excellent skills, but their strong Those who can stick on to the final line will win people’s

What’s more, when people insist to finish the game, it is the respect that they show to their Their spirit deserves people’s Insistence is a merit, we should keep it, no matter what we do, we must remember to


Behind every great achievement in anyone's life lies We see this in every human Outstanding sportsmen spend all their time Their endurance is beyond

The same is true of businessmen who build up What we usually see are their achievements, but once we go behind the scenes we will find that they have put in a lot of continual steady We all have read of great musicians, writers and inventors who have created or discovered breakthroughs in human Invariably they have said that they owe all their success to As to college students, quite a big number of then, have become successful language learners through perseverance, however, a certain group of them, just stop half way and their previous efforts turn out to be

Of all the countless examples the saga of Colonel Saunders is perhaps one of the most The 65-year-old man from Kentucky had a dream to start a chain of fried chicken restaurants all over the To realize his dream, he knew that he needed a restaurant owner to go into partnership with him to open the first restaurant and to fry chicken according to the secret recipe he Colonel Saunders had knocked on 1008 doors before he finally found his It is doubtful whether many of us would have had the perseverance to knock even a hundred

From the above discussion we can draw a conclusion that success comes to anyone who keeps working perseveringly and lack of perseverance can only result in frustration and



We often hear people say, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in them will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people. Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted. Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.

In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people. Furthermore, if we give up, we have non chance of attaining our.


The dream is beautiful, it is the moral nature most beautiful expectation; The dream is the sunlight, it causes the human to move toward steadfastness by the impetuousness, by paces back and forth moves toward firmly, and moves toward successfully.

Each person life will have the innumerable dreams, some forever will not be perhaps realistic, so long as but paid has tried hard, will not regret; But tumbles after these was deliberately bad the dejected person, the dream was forever could also not arrive other shore, has not been assorted with the dream the difference.

In begins school in the first class classroom. Mr./Mrs. Ma Yun introduced for us loses double arm's Brother - Yang the Meng graduated arm. After Yang Meng Hengda Brother loses the double arm, has not given up, he has fallen in love with the sports, in the Paralympic Game seed trials, he failed to be elected. He is very painful, but he thought that his first time tumbles merely, the following road is also very long, therefore his heavy tree confidence, diligently and melted strongly in the same place turned the success, but succeeded the behind, was the countless sweat and the teardrops.

I once had heard a such story: Some team, trained assiduously has been very long, actually did not have to progress little, they even thought to dismiss, therefore trained them has called, said to them: “you know player Tom?”The members shake the head. The training also said that “that you know Mr. Belli?” “knows!”The members replied together. “your person or Tom are not because Tom tumbles again time gave up, but Mr. Belli said unceasingly in the rugged steps to success to oneself: the `success will be certainly will tumble several times, insisted, you may! 'because his insistence, therefore he has become the giant star who the people all know. How on the successful road can not rough? If Lian Zhei could not endure, how to realize the dream?”

The dream is ever does not say abandons, strives for success diligently energetic resistance, if we look like Yang Meng Heng Brother, Brother Liu Wei, remembers Chinese elder sister such, adds on the spiritual which and the intravenous drip tear and the perspiration again in the dream foundation never gives up, but also has is assorted cannot achieve?


Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has set a good example. In 1898, Marie found a new elent in the pitchblende. In order to prove her discovery, she must get it and show it to the world. Then to get the new elent became her dream and goal of her life. After four years hard work and refinent of tons of pitchblende, Marie and her hus-band at last saw the dim blue light of the new elent -- radium. Her dream had come true. There are many other examples. Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are popular with the public, and even the students who enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream-holders.

Hold fast to your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed, but hold on to the end, you ,sill find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come true.



The power of insistence is great, it will help you set free your potential and keep move on. Just for the players, they will face all kinds of incidences now and then, but the will to insist will make them finish the game. Sometimes, people win the game not because of their excellent skills, but their strong will. Those who can stick on to the final line will win people’s applause.


What’s more, when people insist to finish the game, it is the respect that they show to their opponents. Their spirit deserves people’s applause. Insistence is a merit, we should keep it, no matter what we do, we must remember to insist.
