2024-07-02 01:28:47


Youth comes only once in a lifetime, therefore, it is important that we should not waste those years inidlenessand bad living.

This is also the time when our memories are best.We are able to learn more during this time than when we become older. During our younger years, we have theenthusiasmto set high goals for ourselves. We also try to overcomeobstacleswhich are placed in our way.

If we realize how precious youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are young as well as when we are older. If we waste our youth, we will spend the rest of our lives wishing we could be young again.


Every year, when the college entrance exam is over, students will be very happy and feel relieved, so they will throw away books to show the hard journey is over and the new chapter has opened. Most young people need to face the college entrance exam. It seems that the years’ hard working is expected to deserve a good result. Before the result comes out, students will celebrate by hanging out all the night, such as go to KTV with their friends. Without the pressure of study, they feel great joy. This is the unforgettable memory for most people. No matter how old they are, they will never forget about the crazy days of youth. The long-term year’s study and fighting for the future with their classmates make their youth become special.



Youth is the most beautiful time to a person. When they are young and beautiful, they can do whatever they want. Some people say that youth is the time deserves us to be wasted, because if we are not crazy for one time, then we will become old soon. I don’t agree with this opinion. During the most beautiful time, we should fight for our future. The things we do will mean so much for us. When we look back on the past days, we will be proud of ourselves. The time that we fight for our dreams deserves to be remembered all the time. This is what youth means to us.




·  听到这个振奋人心的消息,面对着千载难逢的机会,作为光荣的南京人,作为南京的一名学生,我们要赶紧行动起来,和青奥共成长,从现在做起,从自身做起,我们要讲文明,懂礼貌,自觉遵守纪律,热爱集体,爱护公物,努力学习,积极的宣传青奥知识,用我们的实际行动来支持青奥,迎接青奥,参与青奥,为这场即将召开的伟大盛会,贡献上自己的一份气力。

·  申请青奥的成功,对于南京每一个市民来说,无疑有一种冲动,有一种幸福,有一种自豪,有一种疯狂。而对于南京来说,这代表着中国事一个泱泱大国,代表了中国有能力举行这次世界瞩目的`青奥会,代表了中国实力发展的一次飞越,更代表了中国人民团结一心重在参于的精神。

·  我觉得,青奥会就像一个大舞台,需要我们一起专心来参与、重在参与,我们不但可以在这个舞台上展示我们中国运动员坚强的意志和不服输的拼搏精神,我们还可以在这个舞台上展示我们南京漂亮的城市面貌,悠久的城市文化,和我们南京人的自信与毅力,让全世界都知道南京,了解南京,喜爱南京。

·  创办青奥会,首先重视四周的环境,走在这繁华的市井上,你随手扔垃圾时,你的心里可能会想:这么大的街,我丢个垃圾也没人会留意到;再说了,这么大的街,丢垃圾的人多了,多我一个也未几;还有啊,我们不丢垃圾清洁工干什么往呀!有了这些想法,你可能就会心安理得的把垃圾随手扔在地上。那我就要告诉你,你大错特错了。假如你在大街上随手乱扔垃圾,正好被正在中国旅游老外看见了,会给他们留下怎样的影响?他们会怎么想我们中国人?是的,随手丢垃圾的人很多,多你一个也未几,可是少你一个也不少啊!你就非给清洁工们制造点垃圾不可么?听了我这番话,我希看大家都好好想一想!我们是不是都应该以身作则,不要随手乱扔垃圾了,让地面少一点“白色”,让大家的眼中多些茵茵绿草,苍天大树,五彩鲜花。


·  支持青奥,创造未来。让我们从小事做起,我与青奥同在!


Walking on the zebra crossing of youth, running all the way, crazy. Laughter slipped by the ear. The lost beauty is blowing.

At the end of the year, the tickets for the return trip flew all over the sky, like snow. The blood ran down, and the wind couldn't stop it. The earth was frozen, and on the windowsill there were drops of water that had not yet died. Like snowflakes, flying in the wind,I don't know. I don't know. Let the symphony of youth ring and walk in the long ice and snow.

Spring March, the wind was blown into the grass can not help the world's curiosity, quietly, quietly out. Snow and ice in the sun under the caress of submission, the collection of the road to the other side of heaven.The temperature is still a little low, but it can not stop the pace of youth. Walking in the green fields, the earth's fragrance from the nose, there is the smell of grass astringent. Step into the cycle of the new generation.

Cicada once shouted, praying that the sky can come in the hot afternoon some dew. But God seemed indifferent to his expectations. The greater the cicada's cry, the higher the temperature.

The sun is getting weaker, the sky turns overcast, the wind is blowing, and the autumn is the summer. The maple leaf, once green, was red in the blink of an eye, flickering in the wind, like a sea of fire. Leaves will arrive, the quiet mountain road is spread into a thick layer, step on, soft, noNo footprints, only leaves left in the mind "rustling" sound. Everything in this cycle.

Jade bowl of sand, the growth of the road, you and I have the joy of singing and laughing, you and I have experienced a hundred States of life. Do not start with life, not to die for the end, to belong to their own taste of youth in the world.

Let the course of youth not end with regret.

Youth is like an open door, you can't go back when you come out!

The sound of years in the songs of the wind in the crowd Who sighs unknowingly? Sighing at that unknowingly old... "


International Youth Day is a festival sponsored by the United Nations set up. The 1999 UN resolution 54/120, to August 12th of each year as international youth day. The first International Youth Day is on August 12, 20xx.


International Youth Day is the world revolutionary youth anti imperialist, anti militarism, anti World War Memorial day. Its background, is played with black in the world the first imperialist world war, the Social Democratic Party together under the name of protection the bourgeoisie of the motherland, and completely betrayed the interests of the working class is held. The revolutionary youth in 1915 for five years in the Swiss Beijing International Youth Conference, international youth against World War consistent steps, and decided to each of the first Sunday of September as the International Youth day. Since 1915 September the first international youth Memorial held large demonstrations, the Communist Youth movement around the world as the tide surge up. In the anti imperialist war, the anti imperialism and all revolutionary struggle, have shown a significant role of revolutionary youth.


The annual International Youth Day, the United Nations will be held related theme activities.


* China Youth Day is on May 4th every year.