2024-09-19 01:10:38





Dear angels in white:




2020, novel coronavirus pneumonia has been raging across the country on the eve of the Spring Festival. People are trying to stay away from the virus, but you are going in the opposite direction, fighting day and night in the front line of the epidemic. For the sake of people's health, we should bring the hope of life to others and leave the danger to ourselves.


You walk in the opposite direction, leaving countless people in tears. I saw your countless touching deeds through the TV news, and shed tears for many times. In my heart, you are the most beautiful angel in white, the killer of disease.


According to the news, Professor Dong zongqi, 86 years old, although you are supposed to live in your old age at home, you are still at the forefront in case of illness. Many people are worried about your body, but you say, "what am I doing for my whole life, not just to save people?"? I am in good physical and mental condition. I can bear it. No problem! "


My father and mother are also medical workers. They didn't have a holiday during the Spring Festival, but I was "placed" in my grandfather's house. I haven't seen them for nearly 10 days. I think they'll call them and wechat videos when they do, but they're always busy and hang up when they can't say a few words. However, I don't blame them, because my father told me that the virus won't have a holiday because of the Spring Festival. They don't have a rest just to get rid of the disease as soon as possible and let us live a normal and happy life!


So, I made an agreement with my grandparents: listen to my father, mother and teacher, stay at home as much as possible, don't go outside, don't visit, study hard, have a rest, and don't cause trouble to the country.


Father, mother and all angels in white, please protect yourself and take good care of yourself!


Wuhan, come on! China, come on!




Come back healthy and safe



"Brilliant starry sky, who is the real hero, ordinary people touched me the most." whenever I hear the lyrics, it reminds me of those lovely and beautiful angels, who are the medical workers fighting in the front line.


This Spring Festival, a different spring festival, a virus with "corolla" broke into our life and became our enemy. A war without gunpowder started like this.


In this battle, the most beautiful people are those angels in white. When the battle trumpet sounded, they gave up their vacation and went all out to do well in the treatment of patients. Regardless of their own life safety, they resolutely chose to go to the battlefield. Did they have any concerns? Yes, they have families, loving parents and lovely children, but they have given up their small family for everyone. What a noble spirit it is! When there was a shortage of medical staff in Wuhan, they signed up to go straight to the front line. I heard from my mother that some of them had already gone to Wuhan for help. These heroes rushed to the battlefield, day and night, fighting with the persistent killer of people's health, coronavirus pneumonia, in a big fight of life and death. How can we not be moved. Come on, Wuhan! With the help of medical workers, you will be able to overcome the disease and regain your health.


The darkness will pass, and we will usher in the dawn. When we wait for the spring to bloom, it is our time to win. We salute the angels who are fighting in the front line. Please protect yourself and come back safely!



This year's Spring Festival is the most worrying Spring Festival I have ever had. As novel coronavirus broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly to China, with the increasing number of confirmed cases and the increasing number of deaths, with the news constantly rolling, most areas were in a predicament of lack of materials, lack of medical care and lack of beds. All the pictures make me sad! I fell into the ice hole like a sudden, the struggle, the helplessness, the panic, there is no place to put!


There is such a picture that I can't help crying and thinking.


A nurse in Henan has been fighting at the forefront of the epidemic since the beginning of the new year, and has not returned home for more than ten days. The 9-year-old daughter brought dumplings to her mother, and she cried "Mom! Mom... " , and his mother in the hospital gate air hug, long time did not leave.


As a child of the same age, if my mother has been working in a dangerous place, if I don't see her for ten and a half days, I can't imagine how much missing and suffering I will have in my heart. It's infinite worry and concern for my mother.


There are tens of thousands of white clad angels who, like this nurse, give up their reunion with their families and fight day and night in the front line during the Spring Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and memory.


I salute the angels in white. In the face of difficulties, regardless of their own safety, they march forward bravely and sacrifice their lives to save people. We can at least hide at home to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are great rebels!


I salute the angels in white. They are not gods. They are just ordinary people. They are also the children of their parents, the parents of their children. Many of them have fallen, even died. They are supported by their inner social responsibility. They are the real heroes in my heart.


I salute the angels in white, their fearlessness, their society




The virus is quiet, we don't know. In the battle between humanity and the epidemic, countless anti-epidemic heroes have emerged: doctors, experts, nurses, and many volunteers. In my heart, there is an admirable anti-epidemic hero-Zhang Dingyu.

In my hands, one after another, almost uninterrupted calls, and my steps are not stopping, and I have not forgotten to send clear and strict instructions to people around me ... This is the hospital of Wuhan Infectious Disease Specialist Hospital-Jinyintan Hospital Zhang Dingyu's first impression. But he has many little-known examples, and the most admired and moved me is the famous story of "Fighting Life and Fighting against the Demon Race".

December 29, 2019, Wuhan, fog, cloudy. In the winter season, a chill came to Zhang Dingyu. Before he made a decisive decision, he quickly concentrated the first batch of seven unidentified pneumonia patients in the South China Seafood Market of Wuhan City into the isolation ward, put on protective clothing, went to see the symptoms in person, and analyzed and judged. But the situation was worse than he thought. In the following days, the clock pendulum seemed to be on the acceleration track to Jinyintan Hospital, to Zhang Dingyu, to people known and unknown. The constant transfer of new patients into the hospital is equivalent to the constant "water exchange" of the hospital, which may cause a big disaster without any meticulous attention. In this hurry, Zhang Dingyu's temper became more and more irritable.

At 7:30 in the morning, the staff in the hospital hadn't been to work, you can see the busy figure of Dean Zhang Dingyu. Once someone is careless, he is also very good at scolding people. More and more people have found that Zhang Dingyu, who has been walking like a wind, has slowed down. So he confessed to everyone: "I have gradual freezing disease, and I fell ill two years ago, struggling downstairs, and more afraid of falling." People couldn't help but feel moved by the spirit of being sick.

I admire this anti-epidemic hero very much, not in the air, but in my heart. He suffers from frostbite and may be paralyzed in the future, but he still has a noble quality for the sake of others. Moreover, his wife went to work in another hospital in Wuhan because he was accidentally infected with coronavirus, but he still did not forget his job and responsibilities, did not take care of her too much, but invested a lot of work and could not extricate himself.

Zhang Dingyu, he is an anti-epidemic hero in my heart. He suffers from gradual freezing, but he insists on working. He is brave, strong, and decisive, and is an example for us to learn from.


What is a hero? When the year 2020 does not come, the word "hero" is in my eyes a person holding a large sword and a pistol to charge on the battlefield and fight heroically in the battle. 2020 is coming, and an uninvited guest, "new coronavirus", is also here. When the epidemic came, people were terrified, not just how it was good. It is such a group of people, they always protect our safety and give us comfort, they are medical staff, white angels, they are the anti-epidemic heroes in my heart.

In 2003, when SARS raged, Academician Zhong Nanshan ignored the personal safety and led the medical staff to fight against the epidemic. At the time, he was 67 years old and he resolutely said: "Send the heaviest patient to me." Stay under pressure and fight the epidemic day and night. In 2020, New Crown Pneumonia swept across the country. At the age of 84, he was again in danger and ordered to go to fight against the epidemic. He said to the public "Try not to go to Wuhan", but he has become a retrograde. He is the anti-epidemic hero in my mind!

How many angels in white, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, they always wear white gowns. Regardless of the old, weak, sick and disabled, they take good care of them. Regardless of the severe cold and heat, they stayed in the hospital. They make people happy and make people healthy. How many days they fought on the front line of saving lives and how many nights they fought; how many nights they fought against the sick and the dead. It is the doctor's arm during treatment, the patient's friend during inspection, and the guardian of life during rescue. You serve with a smile, true love, save lives and ignite the wounds, and ignite the fire of life. You are you! Angel in white! They are the anti-epidemic heroes in my heart!

Of course, behind the anti-epidemic, there must be a group of people who are silently devoted. In Shandong, a grandpa wearing a sanitation hat came to the police station and left a paper bag and left. When the police opened the paper bag, there was actually 12,000 yuan in it, and a note that read: "Turn to Wuhan , Cheer for the angel in white, my heart, Donggang Sanitation. "This is Ricky's body, great back, noble soul. There is also Zhang Changxin, a veteran of Suizhou, Hubei, who has carried more than 30 pounds of disinfection barrels for 20 days without an elevator to disinfect the community. The old people with minimum living allowance donated 10,000 yuan without giving their name. Zhang Zhongde, who is fighting at the forefront, is thin and shaped for the fight against the epidemic ... They are all anti-epidemic heroes in my heart!

The epidemic was an order, and the military doctors became retrograde on the dangerous battlefield. 17 years ago, they were the main force against SARS. Seventeen years later, they pressed the red handprint on the challenge book one by one! Wiping off the white clothes, they are the backbone of the family and the children in the eyes of their parents. Putting on white clothes, they are the vanguard soldiers who follow the dispatch of the country at any time, retrograde, and are the anti-epidemic heroes in my mind! Tribute to our anti-epidemic heroes!


Since the beginning of 2020, people have been immersed in the joyous atmosphere of the New Year. In China, new coronaviruses have appeared. The first case of "new coronaviruses" occurred in Wuhan. One person spreads all over the city, and one city spreads to another. This inexhaustible virus made the joyous fun during the Spring Festival. The lively people fell silent, the streets were no longer busy, and the restaurants were no longer open. The store is no longer open, and the whole world feels lack of anger. We responded to the call of the state. We tried to keep ourselves at home as much as possible. We could not go out without going out, in order to prevent virus infection.

However, some people are still retrograde in the epidemic. They are not afraid of sacrifice. They are fighting on the "front line" of the anti-epidemic. They are fighting hard and risking their lives to fight against the epidemic. They save lives in retrograde and eliminate viruses in adversity. Unfortunately, those who died of the virus continue their lives with others, and some develop vaccines in the laboratory day and night. They are worthy of our memory and praise. Especially the 84-year-old grandfather Zhong Nanshan, who is the anti-epidemic hero in my heart.

Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a top-level expert in respiratory medicine. I still remember that in SARS 17 years ago, he was the first to propose "to send severely ill patients to him." At that time, he was 67 years old, but he has been fighting on the front line. When this year's new coronavirus pneumonia appeared, he went out again. While repeatedly reminding everyone not to go to Wuhan, he went to Wuhan and came to the forefront of the worst epidemic. This spirit is indelible in my heart. . Think about it, how amazing it is that an 84-year-old man can be so tenacious! According to common sense, he has reached the age of hedonics from the age of 60, but he is not at the moment when he is 84 years old. Stopping, trying to save more patients, what a great mind!

After reading the great deeds about Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, and then I look at the praise of the Chinese people, I feel quite deeply. The epidemic is so serious, the situation is so crisis, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan retrograde to the disaster area, regardless of personal safety. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is really great, I really should learn from him, learn his seriousness, learn his bravery, learn his tenacity Learning his heart has great love!

This virus has made many people overwhelmed and frightened, but there are still heroes like Grandpa Zhong Nan who spare their lives to save patients. Their awe of life and selfless dedication touched me. They are a good example for me to learn. The real hero in my heart!


For a long time, due to the impact of the extreme leftist ideology, we basically hold a negative attitude on the role played by the kmt and its army in the war. it seems that the kmt and its military’s actions in the war, didn’t relate the overall situation of anti-japanese war, and even hampered the victory process of sino-japanese war. when the anti-japanese war victory day, the contribution of the patriotic officials always are touched on lightly, people do not know what great battles the kuomintang fought in, what sacrifices the soldiers made , and also cannot know how the political leaders use their talent, courage and uprightness to lead the people to defeat the evil invaders.

in real life, those heroic sacrifice soldiers’ families do not have access to pension. many meritorious patriotic officers and soldiers of the kuomintang has been denied for decades, they do not get duly respect, some of them subjected to undue discrimination and even persecution. we should not forget, the kuomintang anti-japanese patriotic soldiers had defended this piece of our land and fought in bloodshed, had made outstanding contribution for the independence of the chinese nation.



When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is around me, who gives me more love than others. She is my mother, the hero in my heart. My mother isn't great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star. She does nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn a lot.


When I was a baby, she taught me how to walk and how to speak. When I go to school, she helps me solve many problems. She also tells me be kind to others. When I do badly in study, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up. My mother is a teacher, and she is always busy with her work. When she corrects students' homework, she is always very serious. My mother is responsible to all of her students. She cares much about students study and life, and she tries her best to help students in need.


My mother is a loving mother, a qualified teacher, and a real hero in my heart.



When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybe your hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero is around me, who gives me more love than others. She is my mother, the hero in my heart. My mother isn't great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star. She does nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn a lot.

When I was a baby, she taught me how to walk and how to speak. When I go to school, she helps me solve many problems. She also tells me be kind to others. When I do badly in study, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up. My mother is a teacher, and she is always busy with her work. When she corrects students' homework, she is always very serious. My mother is responsible to all of her students. She cares much about students study and life, and she tries her best to help students in need.

My mother is a loving mother, a qualified teacher, and a real hero in my heart.


Of all theChina's medalists, Liu Xiang is the hero of my heart. I will never forget the time when he broke through the finishing line first and won men's 110 meters hurdle final and got a gold metal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Since then, he became a sport star of my heart.

However, things turn bad when he quitted the list from the 110-meters hurdles owing to a foot injury in 2015BeijingOlympic Games. Some people started to blame him and questioned if Liu Xiang can really be a real star. But in my heart, I still believe that my hero will never give up. He not only won the gold metal but also broke the world record. It’s the pride ofChinaand it means that Asian people can also make some achievements in track and field. What’s more, his sportsmanship sets us a good example of human spirit of transcending oneself. As a sportsman, he never gives up, no matter what kind of trouble he comes across. Although he has a foot injury, he overcame it by suffering much pain instead of giving up.

In this summer's London Olympic Games, we saw him again. This time, he brought us more moving than regret. He stumbled to the finishing line with great pain. We can't blame him and he will always be my favorite athlete and my hero.