2024-07-20 02:26:27












扬子晚报新媒体部 冯海青


时人论教育,常以“素质”来抨击“应试”,在棍棒苦逼才能成才之“忧”与让孩子自然长大示“爱”之间,在美好的洋理论与残酷的“独木桥”现实之间,家长(2012高考作文)无所适从。其实忧与爱相辅相成。为了让孩子更“优”,我们所要忧的,不仅仅是棍棒教育复燃;更要担忧为素质而素质,以爱为名对孩子骄纵。扬子晚报财经部 徐晓风




路与树的博弈曾让很多南京人忧,但博爱之都最终选择后者。在那场民间与政府的互动中,南京做出了样本。八次绿评会,抱怨、交锋、质询连续上演,所有的忧虑都在诠释着南京人爱树的那份执着,纵然这份执着中含着些许的忧伤与无奈。五年之后,又突然想起那些为地铁搬家的法桐,你们还好吗?扬子晚报南京采访部 陈郁




赵红兵是个老实人,含泪退款的举动是他对内弟一家的交代。相信赵红兵只是凭着对内弟的了解和自身做人的'原则在做这事。一个性情男人以行动诠释对“离去”家人的爱与尊重,却不经意间契合了中国的“信义”之道和西方的契约精神,也戳中了国人的“社会诚信缺失”之痛,推崇与赞誉间隐含的是忧虑和不安。扬子晚报区域新闻部 朱昕磊




小宏伟先天没有肛门,一出生便遭遗弃。3次手术后,他每天还需进行痛苦的灌肠和扩肛,不由让我想起“怜我世人,忧患实多”这句话。13个“爱心妈妈”同样为他忧,但她们的忧转化成了实际的爱。我们很感谢这13个“南京妈妈”金子般的爱,世界多了这点爱,就会少了很多的忧。扬子晚报机动记者部 谷岳飞








PM2.5,这样一个专业术语能够从陌生瞬间走红,终究证明了一个道理:围观改变中国,关注就是力量,事实上它已经成为公众参与环保的一个标志。如今各地政府争相发布PM2.5,大快人心值得称赞。只是这背后究竟是迫于压力还是本着对民众负责的精神出发?是担心还是维护了民众的知情权呢?扬子晚报南京采访部 王娟




扬州为不到市场份额5%的成品房发补贴,其实理由很靠谱,为什么网友反应强烈?这是安居之忧。忧的是,楼市调控能否坚定不移走下去,会不会因对经济利益的追求而放松。让居高不下的房价降下来,让普通人买得起房,这是政府应该付出的关爱。坚持这份爱,百姓岂会再忧?扬子晚报房地产部 王 烨




电信诈骗花样那个多!一会儿电话欠费,一会儿信用卡被盗用,如今又出公安传讯、法院判决之类的谎言,真有人信!最让人忧的是,老年人上当最多。其实这个社会里,老人最需要关爱。这一次警方给力,到境外捣了他们的老窝,大快人心;希望这样雷厉风行的爱,让平安江苏无忧。扬子晚报时政部 于英杰















Forty days of summer vacation in the blink of an eye to the past, summarize the holiday, I's greatest achievement is -- losing weight,

Holidays, my body is a bit fat, but grandma every time come to my house, the first sentence is: "my doll and thin!" I say to grandma "the classmates all say me fat, I want to lose weight!" Grandma said: "what fat reduction? Decreases fatter more." I do not believe, then, I started a vacation "devil training" : appetite is not strict control, meet fragrant rice to eat some more, don't have the appetite of the rice can eat less a bit. Every day to ensure that 1-2 hours of exercise time, table tennis, basketball, football, insist on practice every day, a little take a run in the middle.

I am a man said to do it. Alternate every day in the sun and the wind and rain, wet my clothes back I don't know how many times. Is what I insist to take exercise, a holiday, I again tall, unwanted proud flesh was gone.

Say me this a holiday mood, although my mother and I are over five days, three days big fight,

. But strange strange, in past, my eyes are filled with tears, but now, not only in this way, and sometimes noisy noisy also laughed. It is strange, may be when I grow up, the whole vacation, my life was full of laughter.


Although the colorful summer vacation is over, but I still stay in that happy time.

Books makes me happy. Because mom and dad's work is busy, no time to take me to travel. I could do nothing but stay at home drunk in those beautiful words, from the sixth grade coach book, I seem to see the naughty SuoXi, beautiful mountain rain... I completely intoxicated in it. Here, I learned to be truth. Books make I don't feel lonely in the summer.

Do the housework makes me happy. One day, mom and dad just left, I saw the dirty and messy home, came up with a good idea. I pick up the table first, then brush the bowl. And then with dishcloth wiped the dust off the furniture. Again it is sweeping the floor, after sweeping the ground, I picked up a rag to wipe to again, this brush is also have tips: 1 the brushing is to have the order, a brick a brick to brush, so as not to have wiped. After 2 to wipe before, so as not to step on your brush. 3 sometimes, some things are hard to erase, this is my way. Hands down to the bottom of the chest first, then push to the front leg bow legs, then the hand of dishcloth to push forward, the earth is much more clean. I no longer before the delicate small princess. Today, I feel the happiness of labor.


A hot August, summer vacation I went to the small aunt, sister said: sister what do you think I can swim, you can't swim I how to match with you! Do you want me to teach you swimming sigh? I listen to very excited, that's great! I can learn to swim!

First in a series of equipment, I start to do warm-up exercise, but I do not serious, because I can't wait to go. Sister to call my breath, but I dare not, feeling anxious and afraid. Sister said: "the elder sister don't be afraid, as long as can breath, basic can swim". I have heard or made up his mind to do breath exercises. Soon through my efforts I finally can breath. Sister started to teach me first strokes. First of all, let me borrow the floating plate let her come up and draw water with the feet, I left floating plate, slowly began to real swimming, watch sister skilled strokes, I envy her, and then look at your strokes... Alas! But I ain I still very confident, as long as I have a good practice, will be learned



Winter holiday on the second day, the younger brother to go fishing, bait, then took the carrot, I abrupt fantasy: love to eat carrots not pigs? Why don't I go to catch the pig? I think with the approval of the younger brother, so we came to pigsty, ready to "catch" the pig. I come first, and the man near the pig, I put the fishing rod, the pig closed on empty air, twisted bottom left. Let me how to have it all ignore me. Hey, pig also has a temper. To the younger brother, younger brother into pig sty, a fishing rod that pigs ran fast. Eat the carrots. May the pig doesn't like me, like my brother.

How, my fun really, ah, the belly laugh pain but don't blame me.


This year's winter vacation, I do not know is who angered god, children shut up the snow. Until the day, my hometown yancheng, sparking the snow started to fall. The children in the neighborhood and I dozen the snow battle.

We were playing excitedly when dad came back riding a storage battery. I saw, and ran to her daddy, he asked: "dad, what were you up to?" He didn't say anything, smiled, and then quickly take out from behind a new skateboard. I am too agitated almost cried: skateboard! The skateboard! I dream of a skateboard! Dad clearing the field quickly, and I can't wait to open box, take out the skateboard, on the ground, jumped up, want to natural and unrestrained "slip", while the skateboard like make fun of me, it's head, a body twist, threw me a sprawling. I rubbed a bottom, turn up. Look at the others slip up pretty easily, how to get to me here also played a strength? Little thing, I can't believe this is driving you.


With 20 's footsteps, we ushered in the long-awaited winter vacation, in the winter vacation, you must have a lot of fun, I spent my fun is in my grandma's home.

It was New Year's eve night, we came to grandma's home, just sit in the living room, my brother, my cousin and cousin are clamoring for fireworks, firecrackers just cousin bought a big bag. Mother say: "gentle, you and in the past, they also should take good care of them, because, you are a sister." I have the chance to say "good!" Actually, I am more happy than them.

We have to run fast ShangTianTai, can't wait to open the bag, there are a lot a see fireworks, parachute, rainbow cannon, DeLaoShu, Russian turntable and the most rare sand cannon.

I took a few sticks of his brother is my cousin, so that when using a projector lighter to burn, hand. After everything is ready, we can begin to put. "What to put first?" Brother suddenly asked me. I smiled and said: "we play parachute first!" "Good!" They agreed said. The first thing I put "parachute" on the ground, then, lit the fuse, he goes to the side. 1 "sou" see "parachute" flew into the sky, is the "pa" burst, the most interesting: a parachute from the sky. Follow the "DeLaoShu put"! I said. I pass the sweet brother, let him put. She placed the gun on, after carefully lit, ran far cover your ears. "DeLaoShu" immediately began to spread out, around, and also the different colors of light, but then went out for a while. Are playing I sink thinking something, mom came up and said happily: "everybody fireworks together!" "Good!" Obviously they could stand the resistance. In this way, in the night, they take their own fireworks, in walking, dancing happily in the water. I can't help but laugh



new year'daione of important dayfor manpeople in the word during the year.most people spend the new year'sdain hotels.januar1st iconsidered athe new year'day.most companies,shops,school,and government officeare closed during that time.people prepare for new year'dayfrom late december.firt,people spend a few dayto clean their housecompletely.some familiethen put up some new painting from november to be sent in january.the new year'meal ialso prepared from the end of december.during the new year'day,people usualldo not cook and relax at home. on new year'eve,it icommon to have a bag dinner with familmemberor friendat home or in hoteland hear bellwhich informuof the coming new year.on new year'day,people fiest greet each other. some people wear new coatand visit templeto prafor happinesand health theoughout the new year.children are buswith getting the giftfrom their parentand relatives.


fter the preliminareve, people begin preparing for the coming new year. thiicalled "seeing the new year in".

store ownerare busthen aeverybodgoeout to purchase necessitiefor the new year. materialnot onlinclude edible oil, rice, flour, chicken, duck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candieand kindof nuts. what'more, varioudecorations, new clotheand shoefor the children awell agiftfor the elderly, friendand relatives, are all on the list of purchasing.

before the new year comes, the people completelclean the indoorand outdoorof their homeawell atheir clothes, bedclotheand all their utensils.

then people begin decorating their clean roomfeaturing an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. all the door panelwill be pasted with spring festival couplets, highlighting chinese calligraphwith black characteron red paper. the content variefrom house owners' wishefor a bright future to good luck for the new year. also, pictureof the god of doorand wealth will be posted on front doorto ward off evil spiritand welcome peace and abundance.


christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in china. christmas cards become popular with students. people hold christmas parties and exchange christmas girts. a lot or tv and radio programs about christmas are on. meanwhile the spring festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. thus some people wonder whether christmas will replace the spring festival.

this worry is fairly unnecessary. why ? one reason lies that christmas only affects christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. another reason is that christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. by contrast,the spring festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.

i think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the west,a lot of western holidays have been gradually introduced into china. for us chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. for centuries chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. and we will treasure the spring festival forever.








