2024-09-12 00:35:23


Frost is the 18th solar term of the 24 solar The sun's yellow longitude is 210 ° and the festival is held from October 23 to 24 in the Gregorian The gradual cold weather starts from frost, which is the last solar term in autumn, the solar term reflecting the temperature change, the transition from autumn to winter, which means that winter is coming As the saying goes, "frost kills all grasses". After frost, plants gradually lose their vitality and the land is Frost doesn't mean "frost fall", but that the weather is getting colder; frost means frost, and the earth may produce the first frost due to After the frost season, the scene of late autumn is obvious, and the cold air is more and more


After the frost season, the weather gradually became cold and the temperature difference between day and night changed "Frost drop" reflects a sudden drop in temperature, not that entering this solar term will "frost". There is no concept of "frost" in Generally speaking, the first frost in autumn is called "early frost" or "early frost", while the last frost in spring is called "late frost" or "final frost"; the interval from the last frost to the first frost is the frost free "Defrosting" usually occurs between autumn and "Frost" is the expression of cold Since there is frost in frost, autumn frost and spring frost are collectively referred to as


Frost is one of the 24 solar When the sun reaches 210 degrees in the Yellow longitude, it is the frost The gradual cold weather starts from Frost is not frost, but means that the weather is cold and there is frost when it is The earth may have the phenomenon of initial Frost is the solar term reflecting the temperature "The ancient book" 24 solar terms solution "said:" gas and frost, Yin began to It can be seen that "frost" means that the weather is gradually cold and the Yin Qi begins to


"Frost drop" reflects a sudden drop in temperature, not that entering this solar term will "frost". There is no concept of "frost" in Generally speaking, the first frost in autumn is called "early frost" or "early frost", while the last frost in spring is called "late frost" or "final frost"; the interval from the last frost to the first frost is the frost free "Defrosting" usually occurs between autumn and "Frost" is the expression of cold Since there is frost in frost, autumn frost and spring frost are collectively referred to as


The function of spleen and stomach in frost season is often too vigorous, so it's better to eat less, 7 points full is good, "the diet is doubled, and the stomach and intestines are " Temper damage, lack of medium Qi, Qi deficiency It is not suitable to make up for too much, eat less spicy and hot food, such as chili, pepper, barbecue, fried food, , which will hurt the stomach; drink less, especially white wine, because of its "bitter, sweet, pungent, hot and poisonous gas"; eat less food with excessive bitter, cold and salty taste, such as buckwheat, naked oats, green beans, bitter melon, eggplant, bitter vegetables, Douchi, aloe, Persimmon and banana should not be taken if they have cold accumulation, cold abdominal pain, stomachache and cold Especially not with It is not suitable to eat more when the citrus is characterized by severe cold, deficiency of spleen and stomach, loose stools, acid taste of citrus, accumulation of phlegm, and more chronic cough and Oranges, more food and gas consumption, compendium collection: do not take them if they are suffering from Qi deficiency (lymphadenopathy). It is suggested in the seven notes of Yungu that this solar term "do not eat more chicken, which makes people feel uneasy", especially for those who have more dreams and poor sleep quality at


Every year around October 23 of the solar calendar, when the sun reaches 210 degrees of the Yellow longitude, it is the frost in the 24 solar Frost is the last solar term in autumn and the transitional solar term from autumn to In the late autumn, there is a lot of heat dissipation on the ground, and the temperature suddenly drops below 0 ℃. The water vapor in the air condenses directly on the ground or plants to form fine ice needles, some of which become hexagonal frost flowers, white in color and loose in

"The moon makes seventy-two waiting for the solution" said about Frost: in September, the air is solemn and condensed, and the dew knot is "Frost" means that the weather is getting colder and the dew condenses into In ancient China, frost fall was divided into three periods: first, jackals were sacrificed to animals; second, plants and trees were yellow; third, stingers and insects were The jackals began to capture prey, sacrifice animals, sacrifice animals to heaven and repay the original, and pave the square to sacrifice the autumn The leaves on the earth were withered and yellow, and the jellyfish were all immovable in the cave, hanging their heads to enter the hibernation


Every year around October 23 of the solar calendar, when the sun reaches 210 degrees of the Yellow longitude, it is Frost means the weather is colder and the dew condenses into "The moon makes seventy-two waiting for solution": "in September, the air is solemn and condensed, and the dew knot is " At this time, China's Yellow River Basin has appeared white frost, thousands of miles of fertile fields, a silver ice crystal shining, at this time, the leaves are yellow, in the

"The ancient book" 24 solar terms solution "said:" gas and frost, Yin began to It can be seen that "frost" means that the weather is getting colder and frost begins to In meteorology, the first frost in autumn is generally called "early frost" or "early frost", while the last frost in spring is called "late frost" or "final frost". The interval from the last frost to the first frost is the frost free There are also people who call early frost "chrysanthemum frost", because chrysanthemums are in full bloom at this Su Shi, a great literati in the Northern Song Dynasty, has a poem that says, "a thousand trees sweep to make some yellow, and only Hibiscus is fragrant "


Frost is formed by How can water form frost? Lu benzhong, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote in "nangezi Lvsi" that "Posthouse invades the slanting moon, and Xiqiao spends the night " Lu you wrote in "frost moon" that "withered grass, frost and white flowers, new shadow of the cold window and " It shows that frost appears on a clear moon night in There is no cloud in autumn The ground is like uncovering There is a lot of heat dissipation, and the temperature suddenly drops below 0 ℃. A little water vapor on the ground will condense on the stream, bridge, leaves and soil, forming fine ice needles, and some will become hexagonal frost Frost can only be formed on a sunny People say that "strong frost and fierce sun" is the The water vapor in the sky will condense when it is cold, some will rain, some will In the thick autumn, it is not too cold, so it will not snow, but the temperature is much lower than that in summer, so there is less rain and more