2024-08-07 03:14:03


During my five years in elementary school, my mother taught me so many things, such as cleaning the room, washing clothes, sweeping the floor... In these things, I remember most of the time that my mother taught me to make dumplings.

Remember that day, mom walked to say: "tonight we eat jiaozi." As soon as I heard it, I remembered that every time my mother made dumplings, it was delicious. So I said, "I want to learn to make dumplings." Mom said, "ok."

I was sitting in my chair when my mother brought me the noodles and said, "roll the dough first." It's so easy for me to listen to the roll dough. Mother showed me a demonstration and I did it my way. I found it hard to roll out the dough. I picked up the dough and rolled it out, always rolling too slowly, like a snail walking. Mother said, "never mind, e slowly." I followed my mother's words slowly, and soon, a piece of noodles was rolled out by me, but it was square, and my mother rolled it round. "Don't lose heart," she said. "just practice a few more times and you'll roll." I had more confidence in my mother's words.

After rolling out the dough, my mother taught me to make dumplings. As soon as I saw it, I wrapped myself up in confidence, but it was not what I had imagined. I first picked up the skin, put the meat on the surface, and kneaded it, but the skin was broken for a while, and then it was broken, and the dew filled me. I was beginning to lose heart again, and my mother said kindly, "you put too much meat on it, and it's too strong." I picked up another piece of skin, put a little bit of meat properly, and held it gently, just like a dumpling. After a while, the dumplings were cooked, and I tasted delicious!

When my mother taught me to make dumplings, I got it: what I do is simple and difficult to do.


Last Saturday, I heard my mother say that I want to make dumplings. I was interested in eating dumplings. I went to my mother and said, "mom, I love dumplings. Can I learn to make dumplings?" The mother thought for a moment and then said, "yes!"

Get the material ready. I'll be there when mom and I get together. I took out a piece of wrappers, a spoonful of filling, and a pinch on the side, "oh," I cried. "What's the stuffing? The mother came over and said, "you squeezed too much. This piece is to throw, take a new one again, do not knead too vigorously." I said yes, then took out a new piece of dumpling, and put the filling in, and then I gave it a little pinch, "oops!" and I called again. "Why not? Mother said, "add some water on the side." I listened and tried it later, and soon a dumpling was made by me! My mother said, "the filling is not leaking, but the shape is a little... "I looked at the dumplings in my hands and said disappointedly," are they like wonton?" Mother saw that I was about to cry, hurriedly say: "not like, unlike: the first time wrapped up like this, already very good." After hearing this, I was very happy, and sure enough, after more than an hour's effort, the dumplings were better, and soon we had the dumplings wrapped.

Finally, it was waiting for the dumplings, waiting for a few minutes, a plate of delicious dumplings came out, I sandwiched a piece, into the mouth, "how delicious!" I used to eat and I didn't think it tasted so good. This time, it may be the result of my hard work. I am so happy, I said happily, "I learned to make dumplings today, that's great!"



It was snowing very hard last day.I finished my housework.It was snow-ing too hard so l could not go out to play with my friends.I went into the kitchen to see my mom make dumplings as supper.My mom must have been so fatigued because she had worked all day long.So l decided to help her.

I told my mom,"Mom,let me do something for you.”My mom smiled and said,"Yes,of course,my good boy."My mom began to teach me how to make dumplings.First of all,I didn't know how to prevent them from falling apart.After some practice,I was making dumplings faster and faster!We put the dumplings in a pot and boiled them.When my mom opened the pot and wanted to taste,she said,“Oh,my God!"I looked inside the pot.The dumplings that I had made fell apart.I thought I was making them too fast to make them good.Both my mom and I roared.My mom comforted me and said,"They're still lovely because my son made them."


昨天下着很大的雪,我做好了家务。因为雪太大了所以我不能出去和朋友玩,我进厨房,看到妈妈在煮饺子做晚饭。 妈妈一定很累因她已经工作了一天。所以我决定去帮她的忙。

我跟妈妈说,“妈,让我为你做些事吧。"妈妈笑着说道:“当然好呀,我的`好儿子。”妈妈开始教我怎么包饺子。首先,我不知道怎么防止饺子散开。经过了一些练习,我包饺子越来越快!我们把饺子都放进锅里用水煮并且烧开。 当我妈妈打开锅盖并且想尝一下的时候,她叫道:“天哪!”我往锅里面看去,我包的饺子都散开了。我想我是包得太快所以没包出好的饺子来。妈妈大笑,我跟着大笑,她安慰我说:“这依然很棒,因为是我儿子做的!”


The first step is to mix the flour with water. When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. When the wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling. You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. We must chop those things into small pieces. Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.

