2023-12-20 07:20:13


Today, my mother and I went to the fruit store to buy fruit. Among the fruits, I like kiwifruit best, because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients, so I like kiwifruit best. We took all kinds of fruits home. I peeled the kiwifruit and bit it gently. Kiwifruit is sour and sweet. Its delicious. There are all kinds of fruits in the supermarket. As long as you want it, it exists; as long as you dont want it, it doesnt exist.


I like banana very much.

banana always grows in the warm area.

its nice to eat, and it is good for our healths.

like us ,monkeys also like to eat bananas.

you can see th is in the zoo.

Im a student.I like eggs and coconut.Because eggs is very good for me .Its very healthy.the coconut is a very sweet .the HauNans coconut is very GREat.I like them.


I like bananas very much.


Bananas usually grow in the warm area. They are very delicious, and they are very good for our health.


Like me, monkeys also like to eat bananas. You can see this in the zoo.


Bananas are my favourite fruit.



In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.

夏天天气很热,我们应该喝更多的水因为热天我们留很多汗,但是我喜欢吃水果。西瓜,苹果核葡萄是我最喜欢的水果,它们含有丰富的水分。有一个说法是:“一天一苹果,医生远离我。” 水果对我们的身体有好处,水果中含有多种维生素。此外,有的人不喜欢喝水,所以他们吃水果代替。我也是他们其中之一。


Do you like fruits?There are all kinds of fruits,such as apples、bananas、peaches、oranges。

Apples are red,and they are sweet。Pears are yellow,they are sweet too。Oranges are orange,they are sour。

I like strawberries the best。Because strawberries are so sweet!They are very delicious!


My favourite fruit is apples.Big apples are very sweet,but small appies are sour.Theyre sweet and tasty.My favourite apples are red and big.They are healthy and good for me.I dont like grapes. Theyre sour.

Do you like my favourite fruit? What about you ?




It is well-known that fruit is good for our health and we should have more. Do you really understand what benefit it brings to us? Let me show you some.
First of all, fruit is good for our skin. Fruit has rich trace elements and vitamin, which can nourish the skin. The makeup is hard to reach its effect. Besides, some fruit have the effect of delaying senescence for the elements their contain. So, eating more fruit can make skin better and look more beautiful.
Secondly, fruit is good for our health. It helps to prevent and treat disease. Fruit is helpful to treat cardiovascular disease, dental ulcer and so on. The people who eat fruit often have less risk to get those diseases.
Last, fruit is delicious. Different fruit have different tastes. Many people like eating it as snacks. For me, eating delicious food can make me feel happy. I often eat apple, pear, banana, litchi and so on. I like them.
To sum up, fruit is really good for us, inside and outside. We should take some in our daily life, but we should not eat excessively.




她是我的Happy Fruit(开心果)。一次学前班放学了,我仍在学校里玩滑梯,直到残阳洒落才恋恋不舍地回家。第二天,老师严肃地告诉大家:“同学们,现在有许多坏人拐卖小朋友,大家放学后不要在学校里玩!”下课后,康盈盈拉着我,走到老师跟前:“老师,李裕玲昨天放学后在学校里玩!”这话像是蝎子一样蛰着我的心,我看到老师正严厉地盯着我,目光如利剑一般,令我生畏。“今后不许这样!”我的脸蓦地被烧红了,像块大木炭。“嗯。”我难以相信,我的朋友竟会“背叛”我。我低着脑袋,竭力想要控制住内心的委屈。老师大步流星地走出了教室。我抬起头来瞪着康盈盈,拳头攥得出奇的紧,心中的怒火如火山般爆发。我“哼”了一声,扭过头去。康盈盈皱着眉头,似乎看出大事不妙,便灵猴似的“嗖”地窜到我跟前,双手并拢,眯着弯月似的眼睛,咧开小嘴,露出洁白如玉的皓齿,说:“大小姐,别生气啦!”我不屑地扭过头去,心里不满地嘀咕:哼,还是好朋友呢,竟敢去告诉老师。现在又想来讨好我,休想!她张开双臂,紧紧地抱着我,用头温柔地蹭着我的脸,深深的酒窝随着甜甜的笑容跳动,“姑奶奶,小人知错!”我可不吃你这套,哼!我用劲挣脱开她的怀抱,阴着脸朝前走了几步。可是,令我意想不到的事发生了,她“通”地跪倒地上,抬起头,眼中噙满了晶莹的泪水,宛如眼中满是清清的泉水,“小姐要是不原谅我,我就去自尽!”她低头拭去“泪花”,似乎已经下了狠心。我再也忍不住了,心想:哎,既然你这么真诚,那我就原谅你吧!我嵌在圆脸蛋上的嘴角微微向上翘起,“扑哧”笑出声来。康盈盈火苗似的跳起来,露出百合花般灿烂的笑容,拍着手:“噢,笑了!”哎,这个开心果!

这就是我的朋友康盈盈,一个幽默可爱的Happy Fruit!


In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.


夏天天气很热,我们应该喝更多的水因为热天我们留很多汗,但是我喜欢吃水果。西瓜,苹果核葡萄是我最喜欢的水果,它们含有丰富的水分。有一个说法是:“一天一苹果,医生远离我。” 水果对我们的身体有好处,水果中含有多种维生素。此外,有的人不喜欢喝水,所以他们吃水果代替。我也是他们其中之一。


我最喜欢的水果 My Favorite Fruit 范文1:

I like to eat a variety of fruits, such as watermelon, peaches, strawberries, but my favorite is Apple, because Apple is my favorite color is red, and sweet apple flavors, very tasty. Apple uses a lot, for example stabilize blood sugar, making breathing more smoothly, enhance memory, and Apple is also rich in vitamins, people stay healthy, so I like to eat apples. Do you also liking apples? How do you think?


我最喜欢的水果 My Favorite Fruit 范文2:

Everyone has favorite fruit. My favorite fruit is filled with the purple grape. It is sour. Because I like to eat sour fruit.

She is a vine. The purple coat package in the body. A very beautiful. Like a purple pearls. In the sunshine. The glow of beauty. People have seen.

Dear friends, are you favorite fruit is what? Introduce to me, ok?





As the saying that an apple a day, keeps the doctor away, so apple is good for our health. My mother always puts apple on the table, but I don't eat it a lot. Now I realize the nutrition of apple, so I start to eat an apple every day. It keeps me healthy. I can get enough nutrition, which is the best fruit.


I like eating fruits

I like eating fruits,such as apple,orange,pear,watermelon,banana,mango and so on.I like bnana most,it smells very good and tastes very delicious.Because the fruits is very healthy,so I eat fruits everyday.Do you like fruits?





In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.


My favourite fruit is apples.Big apples are very sweet,but small appies are sour.They're sweet and tasty.My favourite apples are red and big.They are healthy and good for me.I don't like grapes. They're sour.

Do you like my favourite fruit? What about you ?




My Favourite Fruit

Of all the fruits, I like apples best. First it is very beautiful. It is red and round. You can’t help eating it when you see it. Second, it is very sweet. It is really a kind of enjoyment when you taste it. Third, it is said that apples are very good for our health. There is a saying: “One apple a day, keeps a doctor away.” It means that if you have one apple every day, you won’t get any disease. The apple is not only an ordinary kind of fruit, it can also keep you away from disease, so there is no reason to refuse it. Try it and enjoy it!





无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是小编为大家收集的My favourite fruit英语作文100词,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

I like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Apple is red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyone likes it. And it's also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.


Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains the vitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just as saying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.


What's more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. For example, apple milk shake is so popular among people. It's so easy to make. Here is the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put the apples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender. Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in two minutes. Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightful step.



In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon, apple and grape are my most favorites. They are all rich in water. There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Fruits are good to our body. There are many kinds of vitamins in fruits. Besides, some people do not like drinking water, so they can eat fruits instead. I am one of them.





My favorite fruit is apple. It is red and round. It looks beautiful and cute. When eating, it is sweet and crisp. It tastes very good. I love eating it when I was very young. When grow older, I love it more. The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with safety. I hope everyone can be safe all the time, do not like my grandmother. I feel very sad as she passes away. Then I have a special love for apple.

