2023-09-24 07:44:26














is it going?最近怎么样?

am glad to receive your 很高兴收到你的来信。

am looking forward to receiving your 我期待着你的来信。

you in 提前谢谢你。

wirte to me as soon as 请尽快回信

luck |Best 祝你好运

对…有害do harm to/be harmful to/be detrimental to

对…观点因人而异Views on…vary from person to person

把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…

缓解压力/减轻负担relievestress/ burden


Beloved father and mother:

How do you do!

If you are the water, then I am the small fish in the water; if you are the blue sky, I am the little bird flying in the sky; if you are the sea, I am the coral reef in the

It is very early to tell you what I have said in my I have never had a chance to tell you about it in the middle of the

When I was born, you were afraid of money and sent me to the country's aunt's An aunt to me very well, when I get married daughter, I live very At the age of nine, you sent me to the home of the great man in the city, where I had been suffering for three years because they did not see me as a Three years later, back to you, I think I will be very happy and happy, but

Because I'm not growing up with you, you don't trust me, you know how I want your understanding and trust!

Remember that year, one night, you know that I called the country's aunt, you gave me a meal, looked at the body of blood, I couldn't help crying, but you are screwing my ears, my heart is very painful, more And let me kneel on the floor brick for two or three You too did not understand me, they bear bitter hardships to bring me up, shouldn't I call them?

You know, how I hope to get your understanding!

On that day, the teacher asked to pay the book for twenty When I speak to you, your great response, Dad shouted to me: "tomorrow let your teacher to write a check up, is not really to pay!" your mother is saying: "I ask tomorrow!" you know, you hurt her pure heart ah! The second day, the teacher call you, after confirming you don't apologize to me, but that day for money!

You know how I want to get your trust!

It's the wind! You blow a little faster and wake up your mom and dad's brain! Let them wake up!

Small fish also need freedom, birds need to understand, and coral reefs need trust, isn't it?

Mom and Dad, just ask the wind to tell you what I think!



Your daughter:  ____


20 June 20__

Dear Seaton。

Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous If Id gone alone, I couldnt have seen nearly as much, because I wouldnt have known my way

The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night So I think I was

Ithink the river trip was the best thing of London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to It was all tremendously exciting - a day that I shall never

Thank you for giving me such a great birthday

Yours sincerely,

Linda Chen


Dear He Jian,

My name is Wang I study in Xinqi I’m twelve years I like English very much, because my English teacher is very My favourite fruit is apple, because it’s sweet and My favourite day is Tuesday, we have computer, and It’s a great Tell me about your school,

Your pen pal,







Dear friend,


Hello, I'm your new My name is I'm I'm I live in New


I am a middle school I'm good at It is very My favourite sport is And I am not only a basketball fan but also a good I like My friend and I often sing pop songs


After school, I am interested in getting I have known a lot about China from the Now I am learning I hope I will visit your country one


Please write to me and tell me something about your I am looking forward to hearing from




