2024-02-07 08:21:05










Teachers'Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.




Seeing my whole education history, I have many teachers. But my favorite teacher is only one. He is Mr Lu. He is my middle Chinese teacher and head teacher. He is about fifty years old. Maybe he works too hard, so his back is a little bent. He always wears a black glasses. He looks amiable but serious in study. He always thinks us before everything. His class is very interesting and full of different kinds of encouraging stories. He is very strict to us in study. But whoever has difficulties, he would help us without hesitation. Sometimes he plays the role of a strict teacher, sometimes he takes the place of a kind father.




My English teacher is has big eyes,small nose,and big mouth .he has long straight black hair My English teacher is thin .he is very kind ,but in class ,he is strict for likes reading books,and she reads English books every morning .My English teacher is he exercise every her eating habits are pretty good,she eats vegetables and fruit every day,for breakfast ,he drink milk ,eat bread and eat doesn't like eating junk food and drinking

This is my English


In the past in the junior middle school time,I believe that everyone has a memorable teacher yourself。I also don't listed outside。 She is my teacher in charge——Miss 's very beautiful and very kind to She has long hair and big eyes and she is metres In the second day, I had a bad illness。So take a week off to the After Miss He knows told I have a good for week later, back to Miss He find I talk to say I teach math, immediately to the mid-term exam, you have been away for a week of Your math foundation and Meet don't understand in class and after class can come to me, also can turn to the math class representative for help, I have a greeting。In what the help of the teacher and theclassrepresentative, mid-term exam I had obvious increase in I never say thank you to the teacher, borrow the composition today say thank I wish the teacher everything goes



In elementary school, there are many teachers impart the knowledge for me, I thank them very much. Want to carefully, in the six years, is now in our best form master -- miss li. Mr Li is a good Chinese teacher, he when our class teacher for three years. He is not high, chubby, and sometimes talking and laughing, eyes narrowed into a crack, very interesting. His talent make the classmates envy, work very serious, very responsible, is tolerance to the classmates. In class, he always make a commitment to class, give us a lecture in fluent mandarin. Have a holiday, miss li gave us a lot of tasks before school, because of too many, can not remember remember. For me is to remember the half of my homework, and the other half did not remember, so there is no complete. On Monday, I carry bag to school happily. Hear students homework, I slip out immediately. Until noon, the teacher found that I hadn't finished his homework. I admit a mistake, and to the teacher should not forget the important tasks, but Mr Li did not angry, just kindly said: "it doesn't matter, fill up, later must pay attention to the method, you can write homework on the book, so as not to forget, to pay attention to!" Since that time, I hardly forget homework. Read a book, miss li often teaches us in class with emotion we usually call human truth, always communicate with your classmates. He knows a lot about us, always considerate of us. Class he has been seriously into the classroom, extracurricular he has been trying to prepare lessons, miss li to give us to change the composition is meticulous, very carefully. He saw a word a word, careful look, he could not, coherence of sentence into a concise concise statement, make I admire! Over the years, Mr Li is the most considerate of me, I know best language fluently, unobstructed, the teaching method is unique, is really a good language teacher, is my favorite teacher in charge!


Teacher, a kind and a great name, is she teach us knowledge, giving us life, another one for us to set up a solid example...

I am flying a kite in the sky, she used his powerful hands to indicate the direction for me; I am the company's a drop of water, is she let me understand the importance of unity; I am the pedestrians in the night, her to to remove the obstacles in front of me... She is the teacher of my class vian.

All say the teacher like our second parents, but I think wang as cordial as my sister, is she gave us warm, the spring the delicate feelings.

The beauty of the dream is complex, the beauty of love is infinite care... In life we can feel the beautiful, like in the warm spring sunshine is bright, like a shooting star in the sky bright, the beautiful is the love between teachers and students.


Her name is mo, we all call her Miss mo. She is beautiful, she has a strand of golden hair, who call she is teaching English? She also has a high nose bridge, the most special is that she has a pair of eyes which can speak, hee hee, amazing!!!! Miss mo eyes how to speak? Listen to me outlining:

Once, English lesson quizzes to test, remind me to Miss mo early class to get the tape recorder. But the assignment a lot in the last lesson, we must to finish class, I just finished writing to a class, Miss mo see no recorder, with her talking eyes looking at me, as if in said to me: "recorder? What's wrong with you?" I mess ran upstairs with a tape recorder.

Remember another time, I got an English exam 87 points, Miss mo or with her talking eyes looking at me, as if in said to me: "how do you make of, had got high points! How can it be this time?" I bowed his head like a drowned mouse.

Now you know, Miss mo eyes how to speak. So, what is your teacher? For everyone to listen to.




有一次,老师叫我起来和他进行一次问候语的对话,就只是打几个招呼,问候一下他人而已,很简单。只要听清楚老师说的是什么意思,根据意思来回答就可以了。我就是这个样子去做的。老师还说我做的很好。very good!使我感到了学习英语也不困难。

老师还会自己想一些,有趣、好玩的学习方法,来增加我们的记忆力。在前几天,我们学习了英语26个字母中的5个元音字母,这五个元音字母分别是:A E I O U老师让我们把这五个元音字母写在左手的第一关节上面,大拇指——A,食指——E,中指——I,无名指——O,小拇指—— U,这样老师让我们看着左手上写的五个元音字母,教我们一个一个的读,等我们大家都读熟了以后,老师让我们看着手的另一面,老师随便读一个元音字母,我们就把字母对应的那个手指头伸出来。就这个样子我把这五个元音字母记得牢牢的。

老师还教我们怎样更快的记住单词地方法,用单词的音和意思来记住这个单词。还有教了我们一些字母组合,通过这些字母组合 ,可以很快地读出这些单词的读音,方便极了。



























I want to be a English teacher in the future.Because I can help students with English.

This dream is from one day.In the summer,the weather was hot.The all of students were in the classroom.They were drank juice.The English teacher wasn’t drank somethings.He was taught us English at all time.I thought the English teacher was very great.So I want to be a great English teacher.

I have to study English hard for this dream.How I look for become a English teacher.


I want to be a teacher because I think they are great. If I become a teacher, I will work hard to teach my students. I will work with the children. I love children very much, so I will be happy every day. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. but I will work hard every day, sometimes I will be tired. I can also get more job from my job. I think I will be a good teacher.




I want to be a teacher in the future, because I think teacher is a good job. My teachers are very good. Some of them are gentle, but some of them are not. But I think they all care for students very much. I want to be a good teacher like them. I think I will be strict to my students in the class. But after class, I want to be their friend and help them in study and life. Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young students. I must work hard for my dream.




She is a tall, fat. Her voice is very kind, teaching seriously, the method is proper, is very popular with the students. We all like her.

Whenever a new lesson, the teacher always let us read aloud a song again and again to our analysis of the text, to find, you don't understand place patiently tell everybody, at last let's read the text read new words over and over again. At the next class, practice dictation words, read the text aloud, so learn things don't forget.

Song the teacher taught our class time is not long, but we have established deep feelings between teachers and students. She like to their own children for our care and love.

Recently, there have a classmate is ill in hospital, the school didn't come to class now, song teacher was very worried, want to go to her home, the monitor suggested that the class collective sent her a card and a bunch of flowers, the teacher said, "that's too good, the students should care about each other, love each other". On the card the teacher wrote a great big wish, on behalf of the class "wish you recover at an early date! Go to school at an early date," everyone came up, and sign his name on the card. Let her experience at the disease to her care and warmth of the collective.


Our von teacher is not only tough, but at the time of work is meticulous. Remember once, I work at the guidance place, saw von teacher is low head attentively correcting the homework, and sometimes a smile on her face, and sometimes frowned and see this scene, I thought: may be some students homework done well, some students homework doing errands von teacher a little angry! Von teacher treat work so seriously, so hardworking! Suddenly I feel very ashamed, because I take seriously learning without a teacher. I told myself: must study hard, with excellent grades in return for the responsible teacher.

When I got back to the classroom, he found on the surface of the table just send down the text, I opened to a look, and one of text GongGongZhengZheng comments and the red greets my score, I was thrilled: feng how serious the teacher corrects students' papers, how responsible, she is a worthy of our respect for good teachers.

Von teacher is very knowledgeable, in her class, we are very happy, she is the magical ability let I fell in love with writing, fell in love with the language in this course. I believe that this a Renaissance teacher teach next, our class will get good grades.


Don't listen carefully in class that day, there are two classmates, disrupting classes, are you red-handed. And you are not in the classroom to deal with this matter, but after the class, do you call them separate out of the classroom, can only hear a few voices ChouYan during. Sitting in the classroom we have launched a daydream, a few minutes later, the two students came back, face hangs not dry the tears, but cannot hide eyes of respect. We all went to ask what the teacher told him, but he just shook his head.

Similarly, only this time the hero is me. In class, I imagine the countless times, how the teacher will scold, I how to punish me, how do I call me. I even think it over how to respond to the teacher's question. But when the teacher stood in front of me, really didn't ask, no punishment, no abuse. There are only tolerance, tolerance... I am ashamed for my presumptuous, I have prepared everything rhetoric was so pale and funny... In imperceptible in tears covered my face, and I have been unable to wipe the face of the tears, let it flow in the above.

A few days ago, you didn't come to class, I heard you ill, maybe it was our gas? Although her classmates didn't say anything, but it slightly wrinkled brow and concerned eyes begging to everything.

Sui eldest brother, I really lucky, you are my teacher!



Just entered junior high school, I'm impressed with is the first day of history. Because I met a have never seen a teacher.

Teacher is not high, white, bridge of the nose on a pair of glasses, appear very bookish. When he introduced himself, but also having a unique style, and his mouth is "everyone! Later I'll teach you history!" I'll name of song dynasty ", according to legend is the offspring of the nobility!" Hearing this, the whole class burst into laughter, but my tears are laughing, thinking: really not the kui is a history teacher, introduced with historical literature flavor! After a period of time, what's "I" also between students of charming story! However, teachers in the class action is more "classic"! His hands supporting platform, lean forward, one leg before, and after a leg extension, bobbing speaks a little ancient students back when the analects of Confucius! Then, a class I was spent in laughter. The teacher of humor makes me proud!

The song teacher is different with others, it has the innovation thought! Is usually the teacher taught, don't know which day the teacher let us lessons, the impulse of the song dynasty we complained bitterly, had to go home hard work. And I have to personally make slides. To really take to my lecture that day. But I really have to thank the teacher, is he let me know when the teacher's hard work, but also let me know the happiness of study history, and in the true sense of love history! The teacher's innovation make us into the new heaven and earth! I am proud of this innovative teachers love!


Nancy from fifth grade, my English teacher began to teach me, although she taught my time is not long, but I have had with her feelings.

My English teacher is the office of a big beauty! Arch eyebrows, big eyes, small nose, and a cherry small mouth, red really cute. Like the beautiful girl in the animation and like I dream of lovely angel.

My English teacher concerns not only looks beautiful and students.

Remember at the time of last winter, we are in an English class, English teacher with a smile, wear light down jacket to class, the students absorbed in to listen to and make notes carefully. From class after Mr Hu pull me alone outside, her hand from his pocket two flowers slowly knot, the knot of the outer ring is the shapes of butterflies, and a golden light sparkles among small butterfly, the knot of the outer ring is orange. I was watching the very like, want to, but heart and dare not to think that is give yourself. But it really gave me. I can't believe that, the English teacher said to 6 yuan, she gave me this because she didn't like the other girls see my head head knot: there are other reasons are responsible for my work. I feel she is like my mother, but my mother still send me such a beautiful flower knot! I received this gift fruity, thought must live up to her expectations of me. I can still retains the gift! As teacher's day last month because my family condition is not rich, so I didn't buy CARDS such as gifts to the teacher, but I'll get better grades to repay her, thanked his Alma mater. I also want to wish all the teachers happy teachers' day every year!


The first English class in the first quarter, the door came in a medium height, the young woman with long hair. Next, at 20 s, less than or equal to 1 m 6. This is our English teacher! The man said, "said in front of you, my temper is bad!" A word really put us kills the whole class. The first impression: fierce!

Long time but finding, however, is not actually she said, it's not what we thought.

She teaches English, use a few words of "modern language" from time to time. Although we also often say usually, but spoke from a teacher's mouth, inevitably some surprise, distance suddenly disappeared, kindness increased immediately! Repeatedly emphasize things such as her, she will say: "all emphasized the 10 times", this also nothing important, eventually evolved into 100 times, N times; The progressive to N + 1 times. She gave us the first impression will be eliminated completely.

On night lessons, she will give us freedom, do homework, read a book, don't like math teacher came in and begun to talking, Chinese teacher holding a book to dictation. She always read some can't even read Chinese teacher of philosophy, touching article, sometimes read jokes, even if it is not good to laugh, she will be happy.


Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.








Time flies so fast . I will to be a middle school student . In my class , I have a good teacher . Her name is Zhu Xihui.

She is my math teacher . She is good at math . Many math teachers ask her quastion .One day , Iwent to her office asked her quastion . She explained it for me . Careful and clearly .My math teacher Is my first teacher . The teacher I never forget . I will tell her : I love you ! You are my teacher . I’m very happy !


In my life I have met many people who are really worth mentioning.But perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever known is my English Teacher.

It is his special quality that is always kept in my memory.

For one thing,I was attracked by his wide range of knowledge.I remember that we students always attended his class with great eaherness because his lectures were humourously delivered,and he never failed to give us valuable advice.Nothing seemed difficult to learn after his explanation.

For another,I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us.As he treated us like friends rather than students,we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for advice.

Although it is over a year now since I attended his last class,he is the talk of our old classmates,and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.


In the past in the junior middle school time,I believe that everyone has a memorable teacher yourself。I also don't listed outside。 She is my teacher in charge——Miss He.She's very beautiful and very kind to us. She has long hair and big eyes and she is 1.70 metres tall. In the second day, I had a bad illness。So take a week off to the teacher. After Miss He knows told I have a good for illness.A week later, back to school. Miss He find I talk to say I teach math, immediately to the mid-term exam, you have been away for a week of class. Your math foundation and thin. Meet don't understand in class and after class can come to me, also can turn to the math class representative for help, I have a greeting。In what the help of the teacher and theclassrepresentative, mid-term exam I had obvious increase in math. I never say thank you to the teacher, borrow the composition today say thank you. I wish the teacher everything goes well.



Time flies so fast . I will to be a middle school student . In my class , I have a good teacher . Her name is Zhu Xihui.

She is my math teacher . She is good at math . Many math teachers ask her quastion .One day , Iwent to her office asked her quastion . She explained it for me . Careful and clearly .My math teacher Is my first teacher . The teacher I never forget . I will tell her : I love you ! You are my teacher . I’m very happy !


My English teacher is Mr.he has big eyes,small nose,and big mouth .he has long straight black hair My English teacher is thin .he is very kind ,but in class ,he is strict for ours.he likes reading books,and she reads English books every morning .My English teacher is healthy.Because he exercise every day.And her eating habits are pretty good,she eats vegetables and fruit every day,for breakfast ,he drink milk ,eat bread and eat eggs.he doesn't like eating junk food and drinking coffee.

This is my English teacher.


Time flies so fast . I will to be a middle school student . In my class , I have a good teacher . Her name is Zhu Xihui.

She is my math teacher . She is good at math . Many math teachers ask her quastion .One day , Iwent to her office asked her quastion . She explained it for me . Careful and clearly .My math teacher Is my first teacher . The teacher I never forget . I will tell her : I love you ! You are my teacher . I’m very happy !


In my life I have met many people who are really worth mentioning.But perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever known is my English Teacher.

It is his special quality that is always kept in my memory.

For one thing,I was attracked by his wide range of knowledge.I remember that we students always attended his class with great eaherness because his lectures were humourously delivered,and he never failed to give us valuable advice.Nothing seemed difficult to learn after his explanation.

For another,I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us.As he treated us like friends rather than students,we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for advice.

Although it is over a year now since I attended his last class,he is the talk of our old classmates,and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.


In the past in the junior middle school time,I believe that everyone has a memorable teacher yourself。I also don't listed outside。 She is my teacher in charge——Miss He.She's very beautiful and very kind to us. She has long hair and big eyes and she is 1.70 metres tall. In the second day, I had a bad illness。So take a week off to the teacher. After Miss He knows told I have a good for illness.A week later, back to school. Miss He find I talk to say I teach math, immediately to the mid-term exam, you have been away for a week of class. Your math foundation and thin. Meet don't understand in class and after class can come to me, also can turn to the math class representative for help, I have a greeting。In what the help of the teacher and theclassrepresentative, mid-term exam I had obvious increase in math. I never say thank you to the teacher, borrow the composition today say thank you. I wish the teacher everything goes well.