2023-10-15 07:01:50




Dragon Boat Festival,often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival,is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citation needed] It has since been celebrated,in various ways,in other parts of East Asia as well,most notably Korea.

The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear,but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan of the Warring States Period.He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government.The local people,knowing him to be a good man,decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating Qu's body.They also sat on dragon boats,and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.

In the early years of the Chinese Republic,Duan Wu was also celebrated as "Poets' Day",due to Qu Yuan's status as China's first poet of personal renown.

Today,people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.


Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.赛龙舟是我们中华民族一项传统活动

It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.它是在端午节的时候进行的一项活动

People play on the day.人们在那一天比赛划船

boat looks like a dragon.船的样子像龙一样

Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.赛龙舟使得我们十分快乐 让我们充分感受到了传统节日的欢乐

Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.大家在这一天共同竞赛,显示自己的本领,十分热闹。



Dragon boat racing is one of the important activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, is very popular in the south of China, it is the earliest be is a kind of ritual activities of the ancient Yue Ethnic Festival water or the dragon, its origin may have started in the late primitive society.


Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese folk water sports and entertainment projects, has been more than two thousand years, is held in the festival, is a collective rowing competition. Historical records, Dragon Boat Race commemorates the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Thus, dragon boat racing is not only a kind of sports and recreation activities, but also reflect the people's minds the spirit of patriotism and collectivism. Dragon boats vary in size. The game is also set sail at a defined distance, in order to reach the end, has decided to place. Of all ethnic groups in China dragon boat races have different. Han in more than a year held "Dragon Boat Festival", the captain general for 20-30 meters, about 30 per ship seaman.




Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.

It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.People play on the day.boat looks like a dragon.

Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.


Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this event is to commemorate one of ancient China during the great poet - Qu Yuan established.

I am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just the day time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. Dragon-boat race to reach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching Wai was packed, and I saw a gap on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded the past. This position clear at a glance down the entire river.

Dragon-boat race began, each boat is like a arrow, the一个劲forward, every boat is tied to many of the following are dumplings, each step forward, there are people on the boat with a knife to cut rice dumplings thrown into the water the next. Each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: on the 1st minute lead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. Van

Suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a faster boat. At this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand is immediately followed by the rhythm of the : Thunk! Thunk! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho......seems to boost the morale of God , has started drizzling. Really drum! Voice! Cheers! Blast sound! Rain! Sweat! Compatible with the river water!

Dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the FT. Gradually, gradually. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. . . . . . The end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out of control! Two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finish line of the!

Dragon-boat race is a fierce competition ah!


“Dragon boat racing is an indispensable(不可或缺的) part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid(迅速的,急促的) drums(鼓,击鼓), speeding toward their destination.




A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activity in dragon boat festival.

Today, my mother took me out to watch dragon boat races. I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race. When we arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the two sides of the river. We found a place can see the match clearly hardly. The participate sat on the boat look like dragon.

When the signal to start set, everyone on the boat tried their best to make the boat forward. And the people who were watching also cheered them. The air was very lively.


The dragon Boat Day is the festival in China which is celebrated on May 5th in the lunar calendar.We uaually eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day in memory of one hermit named Qu Yuan in Chinese history, who is a poet and is respected because of his loyalty to his country.

There is a long story for the origin of the Dragon Boat Day, to make the long story short, people didn't want any fish to eat Qu Yuan's corpse after he jumped into a river to commit suicide, so they cooked a lot of sticky rice to feed the fish in the river. Referring to the reason for Qu Yuan to commit suicide, it is said, Quan Yuan couldn't do anything when his country was at the point of crisis, the king didn't accept his sincere advice.


Dragon boat race is a traditional culture of our China.The annual Dragon Boat Festival will hold a dragon boat race.

I once went to the Dragon Boat Festival folk culture village to see the Dragon Boat race.

Each boat there are many players,there are also many dragon boat.Dragon boatstopped at the starting line,the players sitting rest at the Dragon Boat festival.

Not long after,only saw a man whistled,all the Dragon Boat fast to the front running,each dragon boat above all a player in front of the drums,for the behind playerscheer,other players in the back raised his oars desperately forward rowing dragon boats.

I saw every Dragon Boat color all have differences,similarities of dragon boat is like a dragon,a faucet,a tail,is really beautiful!A dragon boat is dark red,carved with fine patterns.A dragon boat is blue,it also has many beautiful patterns,a beautiful whiteswan carved on a dragon boat,sparkling.A dragon boat is brown,the dragon boat is really different,other dragon boat has a pattern to dress themselves,and the dragon boat a bit patterns are not,just an ordinary dragon boat.This dragon boat made of wood.There is a dragon boat is orange,this dragon boat is made of a little bitpatterns,this point is very delicate,very beautiful!

For a start,the deep red dragon boat ahead.In the second row is that orange yellowdragon boat.But then the brown one dragon boat,I do not know how,as a powerful force with brown,brown dragon boat,dragon boat on the players to rowing the dragon boat,row to the first name,though their boat had arrived first,but they are still not proud,fast rowing dragon boats.How else can not catch up with brown Dragon BoatDragon boat.

Finally,brown dragon boats rushed to the end.Second rushed to the end is that bluedragon boat,third is a deep red dragon,the fourth is orange yellow dragon boat.

This is a wonderful dragon boat race!I like Chinese traditional culture is the Dragon Boat race!


A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activityin dragon boat festival. Today, my mother took me out to watch dragon boatraces. I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race. Whenwe arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the two sides ofthe river. We found a place can see the match clearly hardly. The participatesat on the boat look like dragon.

When the signal to start set, everyone on theboat tried their best to make the boat forward. And the people who werewatching also cheered them. The air was very lively.


The dragon Boat Day is the festival in China which is celebrated on May 5th in the lunar calendar.We uaually eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day in memory of one hermit named Qu Yuan in Chinese history, who is a poet and is respected because of his loyalty to his country.

There is a long story for the origin of the Dragon Boat Day, to make the long story short, people didnt want any fish to eat Qu Yuans corpse after he jumped into a river to commit suicide, so they cooked a lot of sticky rice to feed the fish in the river.

Referring to the reason for Qu Yuan to commit suicide, it is said, Quan Yuan couldnt do anything when his country was at the point of crisis, the king didnt accept his sincere advice.


Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.

It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.

People play on the day.

boat looks like a dragon.

Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.

Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.大家在这一天共同竞赛,显示自己的本领,十分热闹。


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation - the Dragon Boat Festival. On this day, every family is wrapped with delicious zongzi. People are happy and a hundred flowers bloom, but the most exciting thing is to watch the traditional and enthusiastic dragon boat race.

Facing the coolness of summer, the morning light is full of songs, flowers and tourists in Fenhe park. On the wide lake, the water waves are rippling, and more than a dozen dragon boats are ready to sail. A wonderful dragon boat competition is about to be staged!

"Pa" a gunshot, suddenly quiet down, only vaguely heard bursts of gongs and drums in the distance. Then, the Dragon Boat appeared, like an arrow from the string. Here comes the dragon boat. They are like dragons at sea. The long dragon was covered with scales. The raised dragon head is powerful, and the cocked dragon tail points to the blue sky. Two rows of rowers sit neatly on each dragon boat. They wear uniform sportswear and hold the same style of paddles. A man was standing in the bow of the boat, beating drums, gongs and whistles. With the sound of gongs and drums, the short oars fell together neatly and quickly, stirring up snow-white waves. The Dragon Boat fluctuated rhythmically in the waves and moved forward rapidly, just like the dragon sea. It's beautiful, it's spectacular!

The flute sounded and the exciting moment came. All the dragon boats crossed the finish line and were almost indistinguishable. Suddenly, firecrackers roared and fireworks bloomed on the water; The shore was full of gongs and drums and thunderous cheers. People waved, shouted, jumped, and pressed the shutter in their hands, leaving a spectacular scene of the dragon boat race.

The passionate dragon boat race is over, the inspiring sound of gongs and drums is still ringing in my ears, and the scene of struggling to make progress is still flashing in my mind. It composed a hymn of unity, cooperation and enterprising.

I like the peaceful and harmonious Dragon Boat Festival. I like the exciting dragon boat race!

Dragon Boat Race

Today is the fifth day of May, the annual Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is set up in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. On this day, people have folk customs such as eating zongzi and dragon boat racing.

Today, our family came to the river to watch the dragon boat race. The river is crowded with people. I managed to squeeze into the crowded crowd. Standing in the crowd, I really feel the Tang Monk stepping into the flame mountain. When the host announced that last year's champion team red team played, the river suddenly boiled. After a while, all the teams came out, ready for the final preparations and ready to go.

When the referee gave the order, all the teams set out together. Seven teams took part in the competition. Their dragon boats were arranged in the order of rainbow colors. Some teams advance in accordance with the rhythm of bow commander drum rolling, push desperately, and suddenly take a step ahead; Others are in a hurry and fall at the end. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. The players on the river rowed hard, and the people watching the game along the river were not idle. They kept shouting the slogan of refueling, and the refueling sound became louder and louder. In the cheers of the audience, the players seemed to work harder and have more energy. The commander's drums were deafening, the team members cooperated tacitly, the rhythm was very good, and the morale of each team was high.

As the game draws to a close, it can be said that it has reached the sprint stage. The audience held their breath, hardly breathing, only the drums of the commander on board. The red team still took the lead, and the last purple team began to catch up. At this time, some spectators couldn't help shouting for the purple team, which also made the purple team more confident. Purple team has more than five teams in a row, raising the ranking to second in one breath. Then the referee whistled and the game ended with a whistle. Finally, the red team successfully defended the title, and the purple team won the second place, creating a new record for the team. The audience was boiling again and encouraged the purple team to strive for the first place.

The game is over and time flies. Today I watched a wonderful game and had a happy Dragon Boat Festival.


When the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, ant kingdom held the annual Dragon Boat race. The yellow ants of the yellow team use tree leaves as boats, the blue ants of the blue team use empty wine bottles as boats, and the red ants of the red team use watermelon skins as boats.

Start the game! The ants surrounded the shore like a tricolor dragon, cheering their team. The red team heard it and rowed hard, shouting "one, two, one, two,..." desperately. The ants who supported the yellow team saw that the red team was ahead and shouted, "come on, yellow team, yellow team is the most popular!" The members of the yellow team heard it and rowed hard, rowing, rowing, watching the members work so hard, the captain raised the little yellow flag and said, "come on, surpass them, come on, you are the most popular!" Rowing, the yellow team rowed faster and faster, and finally the yellow team surpassed the red team! The red team can't catch up with the yellow team. As for the blue team, because they use wine bottles as boats, it is very difficult for them to row. They have to circle in the river all the time. The members of the blue team panicked. The captain raised the small blue flag and shouted, "don't panic. As long as we work together, we will be able to reach the end!" They calmed down, adjusted the rhythm and began to move forward slowly. The members of the blue team slowly mastered their skills and gradually became faster.

It's time to sprint. The yellow team won the first place with excellent results, the red team was the second, and the blue team was the last, but they also crossed the finish line smoothly.


Finally, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and the annual Dragon Boat race will begin again.

I saw more than a dozen dragon boats parked on the river. The dragon boats were very exquisite, just like a real dragon on the water. There are blue ones and red ones. The workmanship of the faucet is also very fine. Even each beard of the dragon is clearly divided. It looks like a lifelike dragon from a distance.

After a while, the dragon boat race began.

Just listening to the beep, the dozen dragon boats rowed away as fast as an arrow. Looking from a distance, I thought it was several dragons flying through the water.

All the people on the boat acted in a neat and uniform way, and everyone was sweating.

I saw Xiao Ming beating drums on the red boat. He was very hard. The round big drum was knocked earth shaking by Xiao Ming. Even ten miles away, I could hear the drum ringing into the sky.

People on the blue side of the boat began to row hard. They shouted the slogan of 1, 2, 1. They chased forward bit by bit. They have caught up with the red side. At this time, the red side and the blue side are equal. The finish line is ahead. Which team will win?

At this critical moment, one of the players in the blue side began to row rapidly, and bean sized beads of sweat had been shed on his cheeks, but his efforts turned them into a dark horse and rushed to the finish line.


My favorite traditional festival is the Dragon Boat Festival, because I can watch dragon boat races and eat Zongzi with my parents on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival makes me feel happy and surprised every time.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is no exception. It is a sunny day. The father-in-law of the sun hangs brightly in the sky, as if saying, "I want to watch the dragon boat race with you, too." In the afternoon, my parents and I came to Shanghua town to watch the dragon boat race. I thought I could get a good place earlier, but when I got there, it was amazing. The number of people is like the stars in the sky. It took us a long time to get to the front. Look! There are two dragon boats on the water in the distance, like two warships. They are red and yellow respectively. There is a drummer, a helmsman and eight Rowers on each dragon boat. The referee only heard a shot, and the game began. The players rowed desperately. The water splashed everywhere. The splashed water looked good, some like jumping pearls, some like happy elves, and some like dancing little flying dragons. In the middle of the competition, the dragon boat of the red team took the lead temporarily. I began to be a little anxious and prayed silently: come on, yellow team! Yellow team come on... Because yellow is my favorite color, so I hope yellow team can win. Suddenly, the members of the yellow team summoned up their energy and overtook the red team at the last minute.

The game was over and team Huang won. I jumped up with joy.

Dragon boat racing has taught me that we must work together to win everything. I'm looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival next year.


Dragon boat is our traditional culture, dragon boat race. The dragon boat is 9 or 10 meters long. It can seat more than 20 people. There is a seat next to the faucet. There is a person sitting on it. He holds a drum stick in his hand and knocks it every second.

The yellow team and the green team are playing. The exciting game has begun! Neither team shows that they are lagging behind. Of course, the speed is the same. I found that the people on a dragon boat rowed at the same speed as the drum. Gradually, the yellow team came first, but the members of the green team didn't lose heart. Slowly, slowly, the green team caught up again! Even listening to the drums makes people feel nervous, not to mention the rowers? They must be more nervous than us. In this way, the two teams seem to be chasing me. For a while, the yellow team will be the first and the green team will be the first.

I felt that after a while, the game was over. Time passed so fast, I thought. But for those players, the time is long enough. The green team won! I jumped with joy. I suddenly remembered that their rowing speed was consistent with the speed of drums. I seemed stunned. Aren't they tired after such a long race? They must be tired, and they are very tired, but they hold on, hold on. What they can win depends on their strength. They must train very hard at ordinary times.

I want to learn from them the spirit of persistence, patience and perseverance.



Dragon boat racing is an indispensable(不可或缺的) part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid(迅速的,急促的) drums(鼓,击鼓), speeding toward their destination.


Dragon Boat Race

A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activity in dragon boat festival.

Today, my mother took me out to watch dragon boat races. I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race. When we arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the two sides of the river. We found a place can see the match clearly hardly. The participate sat on the boat look like dragon. When the signal to start set, everyone on the boat tried their best to make the boat forward.

And the people who were watching also cheered them. The air was very lively.


The dragon Boat Day is the festival in China which is celebrated on May 5th in the lunar calendar.We uaually eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day in memory of one hermit named Qu Yuan in Chinese history, who is a poet and is respected because of his loyalty to his country.

There is a long story for the origin of the Dragon Boat Day, to make the long story short, people didn't want any fish to eat Qu Yuan's corpse after he jumped into a river to commit suicide, so they cooked a lot of sticky rice to feed the fish in the river.

Referring to the reason for Qu Yuan to commit suicide, it is said, Quan Yuan couldn't do anything when his country was at the point of crisis, the king didn't accept his sincere advice.



Dragon boat racing is our the Chinese nation is a traditional activity.

It is in the Dragon Boat Festival is to perform an activity.People play on the day.boat looks like a dragon.

Dragon Boat Race made us very happy that we are fully felt the joy of traditional festivals.Everyone on this day to contest, display their skills, very lively.


Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this event is to commemorate one of ancient China during the great poet - Qu Yuan established.

I am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just the day time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. Dragon-boat race to reach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching Wai was packed, and I saw a gap on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded the past. This position clear at a glance down the entire river.

Dragon-boat race began, each boat is like a arrow, the一个劲forward, every boat is tied to many of the following are dumplings, each step forward, there are people on the boat with a knife to cut rice dumplings thrown into the water the next. Each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: on the 1st minute lead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. Van

Suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a faster boat. At this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand is immediately followed by the rhythm of the : Thunk! Thunk! Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho......seems to boost the morale of God , has started drizzling. Really drum! Voice! Cheers! Blast sound! Rain! Sweat! Compatible with the river water!

Dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the FT. Gradually, gradually. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. . . . . . The end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out of control! Two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finish line of the!

Dragon-boat race is a fierce competition ah!


“Dragon boat racing is an indispensable(不可或缺的) part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid(迅速的,急促的) drums(鼓,击鼓), speeding toward their destination.