2024-05-29 07:26:00
















This year's winter vacation is particularly long, but the longest winter vacation has its end. No, the winter vacation is over, and we have a new semester.


The first day of school is coming. Let's say goodbye to winter vacation. On the first day of school, I met many students on my way to school. I was so happy to wave to these familiar people. A holiday is missing. Although the changes among the students are not big, they can be seen. Students are wearing new clothes, everyone's face is jubilant, it seems that a holiday is gone, students are looking forward to school.


After meeting with my classmates, I walked towards the school together. As soon as I entered the school gate, I was excited when I looked at the familiar appearance inside. Every place in the campus seems to have a scene of our play, full of memories.


We went to the classroom together. The head teacher was sitting leisurely with a bamboo chair, which made us all laugh. Our head teacher has not changed at all. If we can make ourselves more comfortable, we will not just make ourselves comfortable.


On the first day of school, there are so many things we have to do. After registering, we have to prepare for our study this semester, prepare some study supplies, buy some pens, books, erasers and so on. These are all necessary supplies for our study. Therefore, almost every new semester begins, there are many students in the school's learning supplies store.


After my classmates and I came out of the classroom, we went shopping in the shop. So busy the first day of school passed quickly, but for a while, the evening came.


In the evening, my class organized a class meeting under the leadership of the head teacher. There are two themes of the class meeting, one is to say goodbye to holidays, the other is to welcome the new semester with confidence. In this class meeting, everyone in the class will come forward and make a speech. The head teacher also stipulated that we should express our true feelings and encourage ourselves to face the new tomorrow.



In the school when I always look forward to be able to take a quick vacation, so do not have to learn can sleep late. But a holiday will want to go back to school to learn because at home too boring, so I will be looking forward to the end of the holiday in minutes and seconds. Summer vacation for me is the same, not a few days I want to start school and now I finally wait until this day. I am looking forward to some excitement so no bells sounded, I have already got up to meet the arrival of the new semester.

I quickly get up to eat breakfast and then move towards the school. I came to the school after the first reflected in my eyes is that the surface in the wind flying flags. Then I saw a large group of people around the flag.

I think: "sure there is nothing new." So, I also curious to squeeze into the crowd, see a happy report stand in front of the flag. That big, golden "hi newspaper" word is very eye-catching. In the hi newspaper written on the sixth grade students made brilliant achievements. Of which six students won the first prize of Pei Cai junior high school enrollment, five students won the second prize, six students won the third prize. Looking at their results, many parents have issued a "tut" praise sound, said: "These children are too contend for the parents to save twenty-five thousand dollars." Yes! They made the results really great, but also Who thought about their hard work?

On the list of winners, one classmate is my neighbor. She had come to the classroom every day at 7:30 am; every afternoon at 6 pm she came out of the classroom; at night I was asleep, but her house still lit; every Saturday, Sunday morning, When I was lying in the bed did not want to get up, the sound of reading from her home came out. In this six years of primary school, she did not know how much sweat left, spent much effort, only today's results. Really can be described as "a hard work, a harvest" Yeah!

Think of this, I also think of myself, this year, I also on the sixth grade, and I am determined to use them as an example, perseverance, perseverance, hard work, overcome difficulties, pay close attention to every minute, every second, the textbook knowledge All in mind, the teacher's every words engraved in the heart. Learn bad subjects, to catch up; learn a good subject, to a higher level. In this way, in the sixth year of their own junior high school, will achieve good results, addicted to his alma mater, for their parents to live up to their own primary school career left a glorious footprint.

Tinker bell, school bell rang, I recovered from my thoughts. I am determined to start from today, we must learn. So, I quickly ran toward the classroom, began a new study, new course, the new struggle


In the alarm of the urging of me quickly took the bed, then I will be with a happy mood carrying a new bag to wear new clothes to the school rushed to the. But there are always so many unexpected things in life. I walk for a while, the thunder of the thunder of the head suddenly rang up, the sky sunset was dark clouds covered in the air. Raindrops hit my new clothes, the new bag, the vitality and spirit of the I was instantly poured into a poor shed chicken. The first day of school must not be late, so I did not go back to school.

Finally rushed to the classroom, looked up, the students are still full of spring breeze, high spirits sitting on the seat, waiting for the bell rang ring. I also quickly sit in their own position. School bell rang then rang up, first came in is on our math class teacher Zhao. I saw her light pace into the classroom, the students also immediately quiet down. Zhao teacher clear his throat, said: "The students, today is your first class after the math class, the following please write your first page of your own this semester of the goal." Teacher's voice Fall, the students are in a bitter thought to brew up, and then solemnly write their own aspirations in the new semester.

The third lesson is a science class, before this lesson also accidentally happened some small regret! Because I do not know today there are science classes, so my mother did not give me a science book. I thought: since I did not have a science book, then read the book for a while! So I could not wait to come up with my beloved "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" read with relish. Is to read the wonderful place, the science teacher is a plate came over. She said to me sternly: "science class is not allowed to read books, the book to me!" I am tears, reluctantly dawdle to the teacher to the teacher. I was so distressed ah! That was the father just bought me from the Internet to buy a new book ah.

I secretly determined that after the class I will be a good performance, for the teacher to leave a good impression, the book again to come back!

This is the first day of school, there are joy, but also regret, and I can not calm the mood for a long time.

memorable first day of school!


Today is September 1st. It’s the first day of a new term. I’m very happy because I’m a student in Chengli Middle School.

The school is very big and beautiful. There are so many teachers and students. They are very friendly. I’m in Class 2, Grade 7. Miss Liu is our head teacher. She teaches us English. She looks very strict. In our first class she told us what we should do and what we shouldn’t do in school.

I like my class, teachers and my classmates.





The first day of my high school life

The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true. I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them. The process of learning is also a growing process.

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life. However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.






The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings。 The passage of time can always give people some special things。

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited。 Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains。 In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true。 I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them。 The process of learning is also a growing process。

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties。 I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life。 However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years。






Monday, Sept. 3 Fine Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year, I was excited as well as worried. I was excited because I am a student of senior middle school now. I was worried because I didn’t quite know about the teachers, students in this school. I was afraid that I couldn’t fit in well. When I got to school, I found everyone was really sweet to me. Teachers were kind and ready to help us. I soon forgot my nervousness. 1 felt at home. At the end of today, I felt no more fear and I believe I will have lots of fun at this new school.



It's the first day of school once again. Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a student. Being a student is not just about attending classes and showing up during examinations. I’m here to be empowered. To gain knowledge is all about empowerment. And wish that someday, I could use that knowledge to make a significant contribution to the society.



How quickly time has flown by! My summer holiday is over.

Our school is much more beautiful than before. The grass in front of the office building is so green. The river beside it is so clean and the trees around it are so tall. Our classroom building has changed a lot. It has become higher and more new than last term.

I come into our classroom. The windows are very new and clean. My classmates and I are interested in the new things in the classroom.

We have come into the third year. We are a little nervous. We're very busy today. We have three new teachers. We all like them. Today just as usual, we have been busy doing everything, but I like life like this. Busy days can make me happy and excited.

This is my first day of school. It is busy but interesting. I like my classroom, my school and I like my first day.








经过了长途跋涉,我有点累了。好好睡了一觉,感觉人还是昏昏的。上课前要先考试,我考得不是很好,虽然我很想分到老外老师的班级,却没能如愿,最后分到了MS Ning的班。因为MS Ning是从中国过来的老师,几个老师中,只有她会讲中文,她告诉我们的名字是

Zhang ning,我想本来应该称MS Zhang的,但是老师叫我们称她MS Ning。老师长得挺秀气,瘦瘦的,还没给我们上课前,我就已经很佩服她了,你想想,从中国过来,不但可以做美国人的老师,还教英语呢,厉害吧!

我们的第一堂英语课很有趣。拿到课本的时候,我有点发蒙了:这么难?但幸好有MS Ning,她帮我们做了翻译。上课的方式也很好,玩了一些游戏,通过这些游戏,也让我们学习了一些口语,不知不觉中一堂课就过去了,一点也不枯燥。希望以后的英语课会更有趣。








i like reading very much. when i was a small girl, i was interested in reading picture books on science and history. at the age of seven, i entered a primary school and began to read more books.

now i am a middle school student. i have many subjects to learn. every day i must finish a lot of homework. i am very busy. but when i have spare time i still want to read some story books. one day my young sister brought me a book xl you j i.i read the book with great interest. i like monkey king very much.









一上课,一位很年轻,也很漂亮的英语老师走到教室,高兴地说:“同学们,你们好!I'm miss wang!Nice to meet you!只要你用心学英语,学英语就会是一件很容易的事情!”老师转身在黑板上熟练地写出字母ABCDE这几个字母,老师带领我们读了三四遍后,又让我们自己读。我们大多数同学经常把英语字母读成汉语字母,老师耐心地帮大家慢慢校正过来。老师又强调:“三年级的英语只要大家认真听,用心学,多读多练就能打下很好的英语基础,以后学单词、学句子就简单多了。我告诉大家,以后学单词学句子可能表面上看一点意思也没有,但是英语里有动听的歌曲、有美丽的图画在等着你去欣赏,还有好玩的手工制作,其中有几个手影在等着你们把它们变活!……如果大家配合得好,就能早点学到手影、歌曲、图画!来吧,大家跟我快点学英语吧!”大家听了以后,兴高彩烈地异口同声喊到“好”。






















First impression is the event where one person first encounter another person and forms a mental image about him or her.

First impression is something hard to change if you give some one a bad first impression believe me they will stick on the mental image of yours for quite a long time until they have the opportunity to know you better. This is relatively important when you are going for some interviews either for your scholarship school intakes or job. If you give those interviewer a bad first impression they will give you a very low marks even you are graduated from Harvard or Cambridge with first class honour.

In a nutshell always give people a good impression on you! Take care of your behaviour personal hygienic and dress properly according to the situation and you will be just fine.



The long summer vacation only lasted a few days, and I stayed at home doing nothing. So I decided to call my little buddy to find a summer job. The hot wind blowing in the hot summer was just a few minutes away, and my body began to sweat constantly.

We know that the job is not so easy to imagine now, we saw a lot of the street between the Human Resources Inc, although there are a lot of recruitment information, but many panies do not recruit summer workers only recruit permanent jobs, some for a summer job, too far, screening for so long no one for us at this time, in the fierce sun, we already sweating, but we still insist, finally pays off, we finally found a suitable for our summer jobs, but the pany is so close to our home, we have to walk with long time.

But this pany will also sign the contract through the interview, and I'm excited and excited by my little panion. We don't have any work experience. This is our first interview.

We found that when waiting for the interview, teams have told us about many of the older students, they are like us, finally it was my turn to go to the interview, sitting inside a person, I think he is probably a manager, actually also does not have that what we want to interview the manager asked the plex. A few simple questions, such as you satisfied with the salary, you do not eat the bitter of such problems, interview.

The manager will announce the result when all the interviews are finished. When the manager came out, I was so nervous that I could feel my heart beating fast, and I was relieved when he read my name. I picked up with my little friends, but in fact, we found that most of the candidates were selected.

After a day's training, we will be ready for work in a few days. In fact, the training is only a brief note of attention, the allocation of shifts. When we are hesitant to work in the daytime or night, there are a lot of students chose the night shift, because they feel cool at night than during the day, when the work is not so hot. So we decided to take the night shift.

When I got home, I told my mother that I was going to work on the night shift, and my mother was in a bad mood. She said it was hard work on the night shift and asked if I could hold on. I was full of confidence and said there was no problem, but I got the first day of work, although it was a little cooler than the daytime, but the workshop was quiet and terrible at night.

When I thought it was about daybreak, I took a look at the time before I found out it was less than 12 in the middle of the night. Oh, my God, how long is it? What time does it break?! After midnight we can go to the dining hall, but inside the dish we flattered, see what no appetite, we hurriedly picking a few mouthfuls of rice do not want to eat, it can take a few egg go, or we'll be hungry work.

Although this work looks very easy, is to give the milk packing, but only a few days my fingers began to blister, and at night to sleep during the day, I was in the day is very difficult to sleep, not the spirit of the work at night. I started eating with my little buddy, and just a week after we decided to quit.

Fortunately, that contract at least a week to pay, we just work for a week, or we don’t nothing for this week, when I got the money, the heart is feeling, the money is really not easy, this work was a experience. And I also know how hard it is for my parents to work. I think only by working hard can I find a good job in the future to repay them.


It's the first day of school once Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a Being a student is not just about attending classes and showing up during I’m here to be To gain knowledge is all about And wish that someday, I could use that knowledge to make a significant contribution to the


On the evening of September 2, 20xx, I watched the first lesson of the year with my This year, the theme of this program is "beauty is around", and I am most touched by Zhang Li, the most beautiful

The evening of May 8th, in Heilongjiang, the fourth middle school of Jiamusi city in front of the door, just a group of students preparing to cross the street when a car suddenly rushed out of control, another passenger car parked on the roadside in front and rear end collision, knocked into the bus was about to cross the road of female teachers in nineteen middle school in Jiamusi, Zhang Lili and the Critical moment, this can escape escape Zhang Lili, desperate to save students, but he was involved in the

The most beautiful teacher she has the courage, sacrifice of the noble sentiments, she has a dedication, educating the lofty occupation

This is the most beautiful teacher on the dedication and loyalty of the noble qualities of students, and the heart of love for example the best interpretation of the noble morality, on her body confirms the extraordinary ordinary, common in the high, set an example for all walks of

After reading "the first lesson", after listening to the most beautiful story of a teacher, I would like to sincerely heart to every teacher say; teacher, you have worked hard, I wish you happy every

There are good things around us, but we lack the understanding and understanding of

The beauty of life can be seen As long as we look for it and experience it, we will find that beauty is around

Beauty comes from life, is good at discovering the beauty of life, and is good at getting inspiration from You will feel that many wonderful things in your life are around you, and you will feel that life is rich and colorful!

As far as we are concerned, we have passed the exam, improved grades, improved compositions, and this is It should be happy and should be attributed to the United

If you have eyes that are good for you, life will be given to In fact, read it, and read it with heart, and you will find the beauty is right beside you! Beauty is with


1. Emerging from the picture is a funny but enlightening scene that ….

2. As is abundantly depicted in the above picture, ….

3. From the picture, we can see that…


1. Reportedly the great concern among the public has been aroused by this picture.

2. This picture generates a great concern among the public.

3. The general public's interest has been stimulated by this picture.

4. This picture has stimulated a heated discussion on the WeChat, the most influential social network, these days.

5. People are drawn by the truth disclosed by this picture.

6.The drawing above dramatizes an issue/phenomenon that captures the public imagination/attention.

7.The picture has set in motion a wide-ranging discussion that involves professionals as well as laymen alike.

8.The public is astonished by the uncomfortable/bitter truth revealed/disclosed by this cartoon.

9.The topic reflected in the picture has gone a trending topic on some social media, with many users sharing and commenting recently.

10.The picture has sparked/stimulated/triggered/generated/induced an intense discussion among the general public.

11. This picture has triggered a heated discussion on the Weibo, the most influential social media in china.


1.Simple as the picture is, the author intends to convey much more complicated and profound meaning than what we may sense at the first glance.

2.This simple picture touches a deep cord of the complex social fabric.

3.The drawing truly displays a status quo that is worthy of our attention.

4.We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the problem highlighted by this picture.

5.It is tempting to accept the picture by its simple appearance, but to neglect the profound implication that its author tries to convey.

6.This picture conceals a deeper and far-reaching meaning than it appears to be.

7.This picture gives this kind of social phenomenon the prominence that we are obliged to take it in a proper and prompt manner.

8. It will be a serious mistake to play down the influence of the issue underlined by the above picture.

9. The underlying implication conveyed by the picture needs our special attention and urgent actions.

10. It is easy for the readers to treat the picture only at its face value, while to ignore the profound morals that the author has instilled.







As the proverb says Its easier said than done. Its a truth universally acknowledged that a strong will leads to success. However, many individuals fail to achieve success due to lack of a strong will. There are several reasons attributing to it.

Among all these factors, the most indispensible one is the lack of persistence. Most people keep on saying that theyd like to quit smoking, yet they fail to give it up. Furthermore, those who seldom attach great importance to what they would accomplish cannot succeed. They are unconscious of what matters during the process.

Taking all above-mentioned factors into consideration, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that success needs a strong will and persistence. Awareness of the significance of the matter is critical. Only in this way can we make great progress and eventually achieve success.