2024-05-25 02:42:04


Last summer vacation, my mother and I went to grandma's home to learn to make dumplings. I got some inspirations in the process of making dumplings, which added some color to my life.

Remember that time, I made dumplings with many difficulties. When you start the bag, you should make the dumpling wrappers well, but the damn dumplings are not too thin, too thin or too round. I was a little restless, and my mother came up to me and asked me to look at her and tell me to be patient, and I nodded and did it again. After a while, I finished the process of making dumplings, and then I made dumplings. This really is a difficult task, I package dumplings stagger, began also gloat, but pack dumpling stuffing I use too much, the two corresponding stuffing I how also can't get up. I kneaded to the right and the filling on the left showed. I kneaded to the left and the filling on the right showed up. I also knead in the middle, unexpectedly "belly" broke. I took a piece of "belly" to make up, the jiaozi is really "the disabled soldier defeated" ah! I took a glance at my mother, and all her dumplings were held up, and there was no feeling of frustration. I thought: forget it, I didn't learn to make dumplings, or give up, it's ok. I walked up to the kitchen door, and I felt a tall body in front of me, looking up, ah -- it was mom! My mother seemed to see through my mind, and said with a strong voice, "how could you? Say give up and give up, don't learn at the beginning!" "No! "I shouted back." I didn't have the talent to learn!" "Ah!" My mother slapped me in the face. My heart was cut like a knife. Before my eyes, I saw a picture of my past overcoming difficulties. I could see my smile, and I thought, nothing is impossible to a willing heart! How did I overcome the difficulty? Because I insist! I went to see my mother's patience. Finally, I did it! It's not very nice, but it's the result of my efforts!

Mother took the dumplings and cooked them. After a while, my mother put the dumplings in front of me. My father and mother praised me, and I was so happy in my heart that it was sweeter than eating honey.

By making dumplings this time, I realized that I must persist in doing anything, not give up halfway, and do everything carefully to have a result. "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart".


Whenever I eat dumplings, I always remember to make dumplings with my father and mother, and I can learn a lot from making dumplings.

It was a rainy day, we didn't go out, mom suggested: let's have a dumpling competition! My dad and I said, "ok!" Mom first made up, rolled out the skin, and dad prepared the material. I declare: "the dumpling competition now begins!" Mother took a piece of face first, then put the stuffing in the middle crust, put the skin on both sides of the combined, while and fold the beautiful decorative pattern, in a short time, a plump dumplings was born. Father and mother's package method is different, he put the face leather together, carefully pinched, pinched out like a flower, really good-looking! As for me, in order to want to win the game, can fluctuate in speed, I put my face on hand, put a filling, both sides face a combined, a dumpling shape, finally I package dumplings, faster than they I win, really happy!

I was looking forward to eating jiaozi, but when my mother came out, all my dumplings were scattered. The mother said, "although you pack fast, but not strong enough, dad, although the bag is slow, but beautiful and firm. For me, I quickly and firmly, because I often pack, practice every day, so familiar, we, too, can not only speed and ignore the details, otherwise, like this pot dumplings, complete."

After listening to mother's words, I understand a truth: people should learn to consolidate the details, first learn the things, then the speed, because practice makes perfect!


I used to think that making dumplings was a simple thing to do, but after I made dumplings today, I don't think so anymore.

Dumpling is I like to eat food, I stood behind the mother intently observe her prepare dumpling stuffing, see mother wash the onion, garlic, celery and cabbage, chopped completes the turnip, and stir the meat and turnip become mixed with hun vegetable collocation.

Today, I am yelling to eat dumplings, so, make dumplings this job naturally fell on grandma's body! I took the initiative to apply for my grandmother's bag, but she taught me first.

My mother picked up the dumpling skin, dipped it in the edge, wrapped it in the middle, folded it in half, rolled it in a circle, and a perfect dumpling came to my eyes. It was a piece of cake, and I was secretly happy. I picked up the dumplings, dipped them in water, put some meat in them, and rolled them around. Yi? How to be like a deflated ball, it is too little; I think I can do it well this time. I picked up another dumpling skin, carefully dipped into the water, and wrapped a lot more than the last. Oh, it's all squeezed out, the hands are sticky, too much. Pissed me off, this time I can be a pissed ball. I summed up the last two experiences, wrapped up a lot of the sink, finally, an intact dumpling came to my eyes, really make my heart beat.

The dumpling did not succeed, but I have already made dumplings very well now! As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. It doesn't matter if we do anything wrong. If we try, we will succeed.


Today is the weekend, grandpa, grandma and aunt, cousin came to my house to be a guest, mother said: we all like to eat jiaozi, in the evening make dumplings to eat. Okay, okay, I'm happy to say.

Mother go to the vegetable market to buy dumpling skin, celery, bean curd, pork, mushroom, Chinese cabbage, etc., after coming home will clean pork and other food, and cut all CaiLiao fine mix together, all preparations were made, and started to make dumplings. I went to the kitchen with my grandmother and aunt to help my mother. Learn to adults' method, I will split the wrappers in the hand first, with the right amount of stuffing, around the dumpling skin with yellow rice wine, reoccupy hand the wrappers from both ends slowly to the extrusion, and so made into a dumpling in my hands. When I was elated, I saw the adults already package five or six, I unwilling to lag behind, trying to rush in, but a fast, not like the bag and the dumplings, ragged, stuffing is not much less, pincer-like device betrayed. However, I had to slow down again and make sure that every dumpling was made. In a few moments we packed all the dumplings, and I wrapped up nine of them, and the grown-ups were full of praise for my dumplings.

Make dumplings today although the speed and quality compared to the adults I am a loser, but my heart still very happy, because I understand a truth: everything is more haste, less speed, you can't eat hot bean curd, do everything to down-to-earth, study hard, can succeed.


Today we have a long-expected activity composition -- making dumplings.

Main material crust and fillings is already prepared, we began to make stuffing, first put shredded carrot and pork in a bowl, then cut the Philippines food into petty pleasures in the basin, put two teaspoons of salt, stir well, and then whisk two eggs and a half minutes, stir fresh filling out of the pot.

Then began to package delicious dumplings, the teacher gave us a demonstration, first the left hand holding the wrappers, right index finger touch water wipe on a circle on the wrappers, folded in half, then into a variety of pattern, forming a dumpling.

My first dumpling dumpling was a success, and the second one was successful, and the third one exploded with too much filling.

After a turn, Mr. LAN encouraged everyone to say: you can make full use of your craft and make all kinds of dumplings. Haha, this is what I have been looking forward to for a long time. I have a brainwave, and I immediately pack a boomerang-shaped dumpling, as well as the spaceship type, submarine type and so on, so that I can show my skills. The students also made dumplings of various shapes.

We began to boil the dumplings, looking at the boiling hot water, we carefully put one of the dumplings in the pot, when cooking, we should not let the dumplings stick to the pot. After about 6 or 7 minutes, we can make dumplings with our own hands.

Tasting the dumplings made by oneself, the nose wafts to the fresh taste, the fragrance of the mouth is slippery, can compare with that of the delicacies. I don't want to eat, but a small bite of slowly taste, but not enough.

Through the activity of today, I and the success of the package of various shape of the dumplings, taste their workmanship, although there is no hotel chef to do so well, but exercise his ability, to eat out of a hotel is not hard.


During my five years in elementary school, my mother taught me so many things, such as cleaning the room, washing clothes, sweeping the floor... In these things, I remember most of the time that my mother taught me to make dumplings.

Remember that day, mom walked to say: "tonight we eat jiaozi." As soon as I heard it, I remembered that every time my mother made dumplings, it was delicious. So I said, "I want to learn to make dumplings." Mom said, "ok."

I was sitting in my chair when my mother brought me the noodles and said, "roll the dough first." It's so easy for me to listen to the roll dough. Mother showed me a demonstration and I did it my way. I found it hard to roll out the dough. I picked up the dough and rolled it out, always rolling too slowly, like a snail walking. Mother said, "never mind, e slowly." I followed my mother's words slowly, and soon, a piece of noodles was rolled out by me, but it was square, and my mother rolled it round. "Don't lose heart," she said. "just practice a few more times and you'll roll." I had more confidence in my mother's words.

After rolling out the dough, my mother taught me to make dumplings. As soon as I saw it, I wrapped myself up in confidence, but it was not what I had imagined. I first picked up the skin, put the meat on the surface, and kneaded it, but the skin was broken for a while, and then it was broken, and the dew filled me. I was beginning to lose heart again, and my mother said kindly, "you put too much meat on it, and it's too strong." I picked up another piece of skin, put a little bit of meat properly, and held it gently, just like a dumpling. After a while, the dumplings were cooked, and I tasted delicious!

When my mother taught me to make dumplings, I got it: what I do is simple and difficult to do.


It;s new year;s day in a few days. Every family is preparing for the Spring Festival. My family is no exception. In addition to hygiene and window decoration, we eat dumplings every time we are young, but it;s not easy to eat them, because we make our own dumplings.


20xx is the year of the pig. Of course, we have to eat dumplings filled with pork. So grandma went to buy pork and dumpling skin early. I went to go class in the morning. It was already 12 o;clock when I came back. Grandma said that we had lunch, had a nap and made dumplings in the afternoon! Then I jumped up happily.


At two o;clock in the afternoon, the "battle" of dumplings was officially launched. After we had our hands cleaned and looked free of bacteria, we began to pack. Because I can;t pack, I used noodles to make a dagger while playing. My grandma saw it and put it on the plate with a smile. Then she said to me, "the dumplings you made are put on this plate, and I;ll eat them later." Grandma looked down on the dumplings I made. I was a little lost and slowed down. When dad saw that I didn;t know how to pack, he taught me how to pack. After I read the process, I got a little bit of it. So I wrapped it up the way my father taught me.


I put the dumpling skin on my left hand, scooped a large piece of meat with a spoon and put it on. Press both sides of the dumpling skin, and one dumpling will be wrapped. I confidently showed my dad, "the bag is much better than before," he said.


Hearing this sentence, I continued to draw gourds and ladles just like that, and I wrapped 10 of them in one breath. Then my father said, "how are you? Yes, I can teach you how to use it! " I was very happy, but I didn;t answer him, just nodded. Dumplings seem very simple, but it;s hard to make them in practice, but as long as you master the tips, everything will come naturally.


An hour passed quickly. The dumpling skin was finished. Grandma counted more than 100 dumplings. Looking at the dumplings neatly placed on the plate, I thought to myself, "when the Chinese New Year comes, the whole family will get together happily. Maybe this is the meaning of reunion..."


In my hometown, there is a tradition that every family would keep—making dumplings. We usually make dumplings on the last day of the lunar calendar and eat them on the New Year’s Eve. We roll the dough into pieces and prepare the stuffing. And then we can make dumplings. There is an important thing need to do in this period. That is we usually put coins into some dumplings. Those people who eat the dumping with a coin in it will get the best wishes for the next year. The final step is boiling the dumplings. At this time, all people are waiting for the dumplings. For us, it’s the best New Year’s Eve dinner.






