2023-12-07 05:00:48


Like every young girl, I pay attention to make myself look pretty, because if I get more attention from others, I will be very So I start to follow the models and the movies stars' dressing style, then I find that compare to their skinny bodies, I look like a fat So I have made up my mind to lose As my body is in the growth period, my parents always ask me to eat When they find me start to eat less, they think I am I tell them that I want to look beautiful, then my mother says that I am beautiful in her If I don't eat, I will look I search the The pictures of skinny girls scare me, so I give up losing My annoyance is gone, and I am happy


I'm a middle school I’m upset these days because of my They pay too much attention to my I have to report my test results to them every If I get good grades they will be happy and But if not they will be worried about me, especially my I never want to let her down, but she has made a plan for my I am very disgusted with I don't know what to I know they really love I also know knowledge is important for However, I can't stand they are always making me I'm really expected they can understand


Since I come to college, I feel so excited about the new Before I go to college, I have pictured the wonderful life here, but now I find I have many problems and the campus life is not as wonderful as I I need to adjust my

In high school, in order to inspire students to study hard, teachers always picture the amazing life in college, so most students treat college as the But when they start the new life, they find the difference between dream and For me, I think I could play most of the time, joining parties and making a lot of However, study occupies most of my I have so many lessons to Sometimes I even have class at This makes me feel

But the time to study is not the only annoyance for I feel so frustrated when I lag behind other In the college, I meet classmates from different cities, and some of them have the talents in paining and dance, some studied very So I felt small and faced Now I learn that I should learn from them and don't treat them as Enjoying study comes


