2024-02-07 02:03:31


Everybody knows that if we want to be successful, we must work hard. As the saying that practice makes perfect, so only hard work can bring us the result we want.


Most people are easy to get frustrated when they believe that they deserve the return after making effort, however, actually, working hard won't be surely guarantee the result we chase.


But on the process of chasing our dreams, we gain the experience, which will be great helpful of future goal. There is no need to get distressed when we meet setback, because the road to success is not easy, but if we treat these experience as the treasure, then we will be happy all the time.



1. 现在有些单位开始允许员工在家办公

2. 在家办公的好处

3. 这种现象可能产生的影响

在家办公 Working from Home 英语作文范文:

Certain companies, especially some small-scale businesses, start to encourage their staff to work from home or use home as their working base for at least part of the week nowadays. Some offer some forms of remote working support to their work-forces, such as equipping them with laptops and installing broadband, and others pay for the telephone bills for these workers.


This work pattern is popular because it’s clear that there are a number of benefits for these companies. First, it helps retain employees, especially highly- qualified working parents with childcare responsibilities. Second, it brings higher productivity because the employees have fewer interruptions and less commuting time. Last but not least it offers savings on premises and other facilities.


However, there are some potential drawbacks. For one thing, there is difficulty of managing home workers and monitoring their performance and difficulty of maintaining staff development and upgrading skills. For another, it may create a sense of isolation among home workers and it can be harder to maintain team spirit. Therefore, enterprises should weigh the pros and cons before permitting their employees to work at home.



There is a saying that man proposes, goddisposes, which means man plan the things and the rest of the outcome lies inthe luck. This saying reflects the connection between hard-work and luck, whichis though sometimes we have worked so hard, luck occupies great position, theunexpected things happen and refrain us from succeeding. In order to besuccessful, people work so hard, they believe they can achieve their goals, butlacking luck stops them achieving their goals. So working hard doesn’t meanbringing people success directly, they just need to try more times, withoutluck, they still can make their goals. Luck can help people close to success,without hard-work, they can’t be successful. Hard-work and luck make peoplerealize their goals, but without luck, people still can make it by trying moretimes.



In the first years of this century there was a notable difference between people who lived on farms and people who lived in country towns and villages. Outsider city people .... did not understand these differences but the town people and farmers were very sure of them. In general, people in the towns saw people who lived on farms as more apt to be slow-witted,tongue-tied, uncivilized, than themselves and somewhat more docile in spite of their strength.

Farmers saw people who lived in towns as having an easy life and being unlikely to survive in situations calling for fortitude, self-reliance, lifelong hard work. They believed this in spite of the fact that the hours men worked at factories or stores or at any job in town were long,and the wages Iow, and that many houses in town had no running water or flush toilets or electricity. And to a certain extent they were right, for the people in town had Sundays and Wednesday or Saturday afternoons off. and the farmers didn't. The townspeople too were not altogether mistaken, for the country people when they came into town to church were often very stiff and shy and the women were never so pushy and confident as town women in the stores, and the country children who came in to go to High School or Continuation School,though they might get good marks and go on to successful careers later, were hardly ever elected President of the Literary Society, or Class Representative, or given the award as Most Outstanding Student.

Even money did not make much difference; farmers maintained a certain proud and wary reserve that might be seen as diffidence, in the presence of citizens they could buy and sell.


I always hear about my friends’ complaining, they say their income is such low that they can’t not make ends meet. At first, I would pity for them, but in the long run, I find their work is so easy, they just sit in the office from 9 am to 5 pm, they even don’t need to go out for business. While I see another friend, he works so hard, his working hour is very unstable, sometimes he even works until 9 pm. The fact is that he earns the most between my friends. It is true that no pain, no gain, if people want more, they need to pay out more. Comparing to be envy about other people’s great income, we’d better to work hard to realize what we want. There is not short-cut for people to get successful, working hard is the only way.
我总是听到朋友们的抱怨,他们说收入太少了,以至于无法收支平衡。刚开始,我会为他们感到遗憾,但是长期下来,我发现他们的工作很轻松,他们在办公室里朝九晚五地坐着,甚至不需要外出跑业务。然而我看到了另外一个朋友,他很努力工作,工作时间不稳定,有时候甚至于工作到晚上九点。事实上,他是我朋友之中赚得最多的。没有付出,就没有收获, 确实如此,如果人们想要更多,需要付出更多。与其羡慕别人的高收入,不如努力工作来实现我们想要的。成功没有捷径,努力工作是唯一的方法。


Sexism at Work

Recent years see more girl students on the campus than boys, and girls perform as excellently as boys. Some are even superior and receive more praises and honors. Indeed, girls are equal to boys.


However, when they are getting out of the pure schoolyard and venture into the complicated society, they find themselves faced with many things different. Among them is sexism at work.


It begins with the job interview. Though females have made full preparation to cope with the situation, blatant sexism in the selection of staff will make it tough for them to please the interviewer and render him to nod. More vacancies are open only to males. Sometimes, females will be rejected just because of their sex.


When females are lucky enough to be employed by a company, don't you assume that they are regarded as equal to males. I confess that the work they do is equal, however, disappointingly, the pay is not. Women may do no less work but earn much less than men. To make matters worse, they're confronted with great possibility to be fired due to their marriage and pregnancy.Natural features appear to be a burden on women. Besides,women also hold less hope to be promoted. Once women in office may do trivial work such as typing and stenography while nowadays quite a large number of women are qualified for major task and ready for heavy responsibility. Unfortunately, they will barely have chances to display their talent. Eventually, only a few women succeed in winning high positions as well as high salaries. Common situation is that women are reduced to low positions and thus paid "accordingly".


In a society where human rights are strongly emphasized, it's terrible to see sexism demonstrated in almost every aspect of human life. All in all, equality between sexes is badly urged.Everybody, especially the victim of sexism at work, is looking forward to being treated equally.


简 评


More and more people have become aware of the significance of work efficiency. What does work'efficiency mean?First of ali, it means working without any waste of time. A person with efficiency can produce more things in less time. In addition, work efficiency is closely linked with better quality of work results.

Many people are interested in improving their work efficiency because it can bring a lot of benefits both to an individual and to the society.The most obvious benefit of work efficiency is that a person can use the time saved to do a lot of other valuable things.For example, a student who studies with high efficiency can win time to read more books, and to be engaged in more activities. Another benefit is that a person who works efficiently can have more leisure time to enjoy life. He can do whatever he likes to do in his leisure time, such as listening to music,going to movies, shopping, and touring.

High efficiency in work will undoubtedly lead to the great increase of output and the improvement of the quality of products, which will, in turn, contribute to the development and the prosperity of the society.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on the topic Why We Work.Your composition should be based on the following outline given in English.

1.Some people live to work.

2.Other people work to live.

3.Your opinion.

Why We Work

When we live in the world, we all work for some reasons or other. Different people have different attitudes towards work. Some people live to work. They devote themselves to their work. The aim for which they work is to realize the value of life, to promote the development of society and to make more people live a happy life.They make great contributions to society and at the same time they also find pleasure in their work.

On the other hand, other people work to live. They regard work as a way of making a living. The purpose for which they work is to kill time or to make enough money to support themselves and their families. They often regard work as what they have to do. So they can't obtain pleasure and enjoyment from their work. Such people,once they can afford to support themselves and their families, perhaps quit their work.

In my opinion, we shouldn't go to extremes. Since we are members of society, we should do what we can to better the society so that we can live in a more comfortable and more convenient surrounding. Good life is an assurance of smooth work. Only when we realize this can we live happily and work well.


Everybody knows that if we want to be successful, we must work hard. As the saying that practice makes perfect, so only hard work can bring us the result we want. Most people are easy to get frustrated when they believe that they deserve the return after making effort, however, actually, working hard won’t be surely guarantee the result we chase. But on the process of chasing our dreams, we gain the experience, which will be great helpful of future goal. There is no need to get distressed when we meet setback, because the road to success is not easy, but if we treat these experience as the treasure, then we will be happy all the time.


I want to set up a flower shop. It’s my ideal work. I think flower is the most beautiful gifts given by nature. And flower is a good way to express one’s affection. Nowadays, sending flowers is more and more popular, to parents, friends, teachers and spouse. So I think this business must be good. Moreover, I like flowers very much and I am familiar various flowers. I will choose different flowers for different people or preference. The most important is that I want to transmit love and happiness by flowers.



Yesterday I went to do some voluntary workin the Guangzhou Museum with my friends. It was a good day. I tried my best tohelp the visitors.

I went to the museum at eight 'o clock.Then I met my friends at the front gate. After that, we started to work. We toldto the visitors how can they get to each areas. We answered the questions foreveryone. We helped them to carry the boxes or bags too. That is really a goodtry for us.

Yesterday I was happy. I learn many things.I will try it again in the future.


They say Make the best of a bad situation . But I believe the bad situation makes the best of you. Even the irritations1 of life can be useful. President Abraham Lincoln showed us how this is so.

One of his cabinet appointees2, Edwin Stanton, frequently found flaws with the president and criticized him ---- sometimes in public. Lincoln seemed to show excessive patience with him. The president was asked why he kept such a man in a high level position.

Lincoln characteristically responded with a story. He told about a time he was visiting with an old farmer. He noticed a big horsefly3 biting the flank4 of the farmer s horse. Lincoln said he reached over to brush the fly away. As he did so, the farmer stopped him and cautioned5, Don t do that, friend. That horsefly is the only thing keeping this old horse moving.

Even life s many irritations and problems have their place. They may cause us to change directions. Or prod6 us to greater achievement. Or keep us moving along when it s easier to go nowhere.

Are you simply making the best of a bad situation, or will it make the best of you?


Scientists find that the hard-working prestigious people live longer than average men and women. Career women are healthier than housewives. Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders. An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. All this es down to one point: work is helpful to health.

Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, away from lonehness and solitude. Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and solitary when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are busy. Many high achievers who love their careers feel they are most happy when they are working hard. Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work, people e into contact with each other. By collective activity, they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss of everything. It affects man spiritually and hence makes him liable to disease.Besides, work gives one the sense of fulfillment and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor snccessfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words.

From the above we can e to the conclusion that the more you work the happier you will be and the more healthy as well.


When we want to achieve something ,we should make our effort and try our best.Of course ,the most important thing is persistance.Many people start with much passions ,but after a while ,they will feel it boring and get depressed for it.Then they suspect themselves and lose heart. All that hinder us to be successful.

So I think I learn a lesson from all kind of instances .I am not sure whether I can hold on my belief,but I try my best.I have set up a goal ,which may be a bit deal,and I won't give up until I finish it ! It's true.

In my opinion,an individual can't complete all the things;an individual can't do well in all the things;an individual can't face all the difficults and solve them pefrectly.A team show its strength in such situations.In a team ,everyone has his advantages and disadvantages,a man could make up for his disadvantages with other people's advantages,so we say "1+1>2",that is to say a team can have much more influences and impacts than a man did.

Third,a idiom says "give makes better than get".Everytime I help a person ,I always have a feeling of satisfaction,which comes from the behavior . I can' tell the feeling,but it's charming .I can't get out of it since I taste the wonderful sense.

Here I share my personal point of view.I don't want to cheat any of you .I just have something to talk. I hope I make progress constantly until I achieve my goals.

I have a dream ! I can realize it someday!


There is a fact that the work of several students graduated from school have nothing to do with one's college major. However, whether the graduates are able to easily accept the situation they faced or not. Ther will be depressed as the knowledge they learned from universities seems to be useless at least in the surface.

The truth is that a lot of people discover they are more interested in the things they are doing now. And the knowledge absorbed in school also have a positive influence for the job.

Time is more worth than gold. What doesn't matter you are doing. It is of the importance you are satisfied with the life you are enjoying.


◆您现在正在阅读的他们的工作(their work)

他们的工作(their work) 他们的工作(their work)Policewoman Yuan Yuan likes helping people. She likes English. She ten elps tourists find their way. She goes to work by motor cycle. Tip;If you enjoy helping peopie, you can work for the police. Wang li is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures. She works in a car factory. She designs cars. She goes to work by car.Tip;If you like diawing and math, you can de an engineer.