2023-12-27 08:01:17


Reading novels used to be a mainstream enjoyment in the past. However people got more interests in watching movies than reading novels after the movie came into our life. Then people diverge in the question: which is the better enjoyment? For me, reading stories is more joyful and I will give my reasons in the following.


Firstly, I can get more information about the story and the characters in the novels. But a movie needs to display the story in the limited period of time, usually about two hours. Therefore the director have to adopt the important part of the story and abandon the rest parts, but these trivial plots draw more interests from the readers.


The second reason is that I can get more enjoyment from reading novels, especially the procedure of turning the plots into varied images in my brain. That is a real fantastic experience. Although by watching the movies I can get the concrete pictures and amazing sounds, it is different from my ideas and it makes me a little disappointed. Because the movies shows the directors' thoughts and versions about the novels, which do not satisfied me in the whole. Besides, some directors may do some changes and even destroy the real stories, I think.


To sum up, I prefer to reading a novel to watching a movie because I can get more joy, more interested plots, and more fantasy experience from reading novels than watching movies.



i often go to movies with my friend, favorite actor is shi xiaolong.she has a new movie,good‘s a very exciting action movie.mary likes the actor,jin chenwu.she really likes his movie,’s a very successful action movie,but i think it‘s interesting thing∶mary is english,but she likes beijing opera!she often goes to see beijing opera on weekends.mary’s mother likes it,too.


在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是小编精心整理的Jackie Chen’s New Movie英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

It is known to all that Jackie Chen’s movies are full of humor and people enjoy his movies so much. Many kids are crazy about his honorable image of being a policeman, fighting against the bad guys. Jackie Chen is good at designing the fighting scenes, the audience can’t help laughing out when they see the funny way of fighting. Recently, after disappearing from the screen for such a long time, Jackie Chen came back with his new movie. As he gets older, the fans only see his movie every few years, for his body is no longer strong enough to do the big and dangerous action. Jackie’s new movie still keeps his own style, a policeman partners with a funny guy, starting their journey. Jackie finished all his action by his own, which impressed all. This man is professional and deserves to be respected.



在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家整理的关于电影的英语作文My favourite movie,欢迎阅读与收藏。

Everyone has seen the movie, what kind of movies do you like best? My favorite movie is a comedy called "hands up".

During the Anti-Japanese War movie is about a few rural farmers with Japan, wit and will ultimately drive their story, the plot of the story is very lively, interesting, make people laugh from time to time. Remember there is a plot, there are many small Japan make a donkey camel across a bridge with a big box, box containing a Chinese farmers, small Japan put a bomb in the center of the bridge, when the donkey into the center of the bridge, stopped suddenly, and a bubble urine, will bomb out, Japan on the bridge side blank stare.

At another time, a Japanese guy accidentally drop down the river, a man pulls his pants, don't let him fall, results show the red underwear, when he had to climb much red underwear but drew a cow, as a result, the hapless Japan was cattle chase to chase, appearance can be funny.

"Hands up" although there is no other Anti-Japanese War film that bloody scenes, but it's funny and peaceful atmosphere, let a person look again can remember, no matter go where, as long as a mention it let people have a fresh feeling. Readers, have you watched? No see, you can go to have a look at it!






Into the cinema hall, my father called me to find two places to sit down the middle, and at the same time my father gave me a pair of glasses, I curiously ask: "father, what is this for?" Dad said: "this is the 3 d glasses, go to the movies it can present stereo effect, as if the image of you see it's in front of you." Although my father said I don't understand, but think of later look not to know. When the lights went out, the film began, and finally in singing but don't understand, dad said it was to watch, and proved the effect of 3 d, so the inside of the water droplets is to your body, tidbits like fly to your eyes, I stretched out his hand to catch nothing. Your glasses films are fuzzy, hey! It's strange! Today when writing this diary, my father asked what I remember the film inside content, I blankly, then said, "just remember... transformers fight, and the name of the transformers." Dad is startled, but I will steal to smile.




◆您现在正在阅读的我喜欢看电影(I like watching movies)

我喜欢看电影(I like watching movies)I like watching movies,especially comedies.I think the comedies that Zhou Xingchi acted are very nice to watch. because they are very interesting. I also like the action movies that was made by Jackie Chan. because they are so moving.我喜欢看电影,特别是喜剧片,我觉得周星驰演的喜剧片很不错,很值得去看, 因为它们很有趣. 我也很喜欢成龙演的动作片,因为它们很精彩。