2023-08-11 04:41:15


this is the second time for mr. brown to visit jinan. during his stay in shandong, he will visit several schools. net week mr. brown will visit some places. first, he will take a train to taian to climb mount tai. then he will go to qufu by bus to visit the temple of confucius. after that, he will return to jinan by bus. then he will fly to qingdao for a visit. there he will stay for some days and give a talk on american english. at last he will take a plane to go back to america from qingdao.


mr. brown comes to shandong for a visit to several schools. he is in jinan now. this is the second time for him to come here. net week he will visit some places. first, he wants to go to taian by train to climb mount tai. then he will visit the temple of confucius in qufu. after he returns to jinan by bus, he will fly to qingdao to stay there for some days. there he will give a talk on american english. after the talk, he will fly back to america and end his visit to china.




为了满足人们日益增长的健身需求,我国政府于 20xx 年将每年的 8 月 8 日定为"全民健身日" .今年的"全 民健身日"即将来临,为了让这项活动更加深入人心,某英文报纸举办了一场征文比赛.现在请你以"Let's Do Sports"为题写一篇短文,向该报投稿.


1. Do you think it is important for everyone to do sports?

2. What sports do you like? Why do you like it/them?

3. Do you often do sports with your friends and parents?

4. How often and how long do you do sports?

5. How do you feel after doing sports?


1. 短文词数 80 左右;

2. 必须包括上述提示内容,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,可适当发挥;

3. 短文中不得出现考生的姓名,校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分.


Let's Do Sports I think it's very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they're not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool. After swimming,I usually feel happy and relaxed. What's more,Ican put more energy into my study. So let's do sports,and we will become stronger and stronger.






Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Wuhu to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practice your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Wuhu.


Chen Quan







Dear classmates:

I'm Li Hua After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day but not spend too much time. They think exercise builds body and can keep them healthy. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective.

On the other hand 30% students believe taking exercise is tiring and it's a waste of time. They say that after having sports they are too excited for a long time to focus on their lessons. And it's possible to be hurt while doing sports.


The Attractive Translators

In general, a person with beautiful face is always thought to be incapable. In China, it has been said that a girl who has the long hair is not that knowledgeable, so in people’s eye, appearance and ability seem to be seperated. While in fact, there are some people break the rule. Every year, people will find some beautiful faces in the forums, these ladies work as the translators and catch the media’s attention. As a translator who is from Foreign Ministry, it means that she is the top students in the college, for there only few person can join the team. These girls are young and beautiful, but the more important thing is that they get the brain. They are doing the most difficulty job and they are the excellent team. I admire these girls so much, they set the good example for me to learn English well.


Who Owes You

When we asks parents for money and for other things, we are so naturally to do it and without thinking too much. If our parents refuse, we will be angry. But the fact is that they don’t owe us, instead, we owes them and most of us don’t know the meaning of gratitude. Don’t take everything from our parents as a necessary.



Spring, people are more busy. As the saying goes: at the spring. You see, in the city's streets, was busy shuttling back and forth to figure, rural land, the farmers are sown the seeds of hope. The walls of the classroom close to the new semester curriculum, books and new books, there are a lot of knowledge of many waiting for us to pick fruit.

I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, to see the new green trees and hear the singing of small Ukrainian. I love spring because it is full of vigor, full of new hope!


山东省高考英语作文素材题1:The Price of Being Famous

When we take a look at the TV show, we can find that the stars are becoming much younger than before. As the saying that to be known as early as possible, so the child star has become the agents’ main target. But being famous at the early age means losing childhood, when they grow up, they need to pay the price.


Many children become famous and then they will out of control when they become adults. Take Justin Bieber for example. He was famous at 16, before 19, he looked like a good boy and got so many fans. But in the following years, he became a bad boy gradually. He beat the journalists, said the dirty words to the media and even drove the car with drinking alcohol.


It is not good for the children to be famous, they should go to school and have a normal childhood. Getting fame too early will make them lose themselves and distorts their view about the value, which also make them have trouble in communicating with other people.


The price of being famous early is such terrible that it is not suitable to let the children get fame.


山东省高考英语作文素材题2:Fitness and Health

Many years ago, the commercial ads about losing weight was such popular, its aim was to show women to lose weight as more as possible, so that they could look as perfect as the stars. But now things have changed, skinny is not what most women what to chase, they look for another new trend, it is fitness and health.


When we look at the Vitoria’s Secret Fashion Show, we are very impressed by the models’ body shape. They look so perfect and healthy. Though they go on a diet, they keep fit as their target instead of being skinny. When we look at these models, they stand for the new trend, which is fitness and healthy.


Today, many stars show off their body shape on their blogs. They are very confident to let others know that they have the beautiful lines of the muscle. For looking fit, they go to the gym and practice so well, finally their body shapes look perfect. People used to chase for skinny, but today keep fit is the trend.


Fitness and health deserve people to chase.


山东省高考英语作文素材题3:Network Civilization

As the invention of the computer, people’s life has been changed greatly, they search the Internet to know more about the world. People like to read the hot news on the Internet, and then share their opinion, but some people use the network to assault other people for the purpose of getting famous. The network civilization should be built.


In order to be famous, some people use the Internet to say some critical words, so other people will pay attention to them, then they will be on the headline of the news. A man whose name on the Internet called Liu Jishou, he likes to make some comment on the picture which there is a girl or boy, then he uses the mean words. The more mean word he uses, the more fans he gains. This situation reflects people’s attitude toward the Internet civilization. Of course, people are interested in gossip, so they are willing to hear the bad words, their curiosity makes promotes the unhealthy network environment.


Internet is the tool for people to communication, people can share the idea and know more about the world, but the network civilization should be on the first place.
