2024-04-17 09:26:52


Dear He Jian,

My name is Wang Jiajia. I study in Xinqi School. I’m twelve years old.

I like English very much, because my English teacher is very kind. My favourite fruit is apple, because it’s sweet and healthy.

My favourite day is Tuesday, we have computer, P.E. and English.

It’s a great day. Tall me about your school, please.

Your pen pal,

Wang Jiajia


Today,I'm very happy,why?Because I'm go to the park with my dad,my mom and my good are play football at the football field and father teaches me how to swim,then we are have a pinic in the park,next I and my best friends are going skating,we play all the afternoon,we are boating in the lake at the eat the dinner at the restaurant in the park,then we go to home.I am very happy this day.


Last year I have been to the Sanya to travel.I was seen the beautiful beach,and I was skined in the sea is very large and it looked blue and I am not good at swimming,so I hadn't to swim for a long Iwent to Wuzhi

e was a forest,so beautiful.I was bought some presons for my uncle and aunt.

At the last,I had to take furry to get to Zhanjiang and took a plane to go home.

What a happy day!


不让父母失望 Don't Let Parents Down

I always want to be the best student, so as to let my parents be proud of me. I never want to let them down. But my parents don't want me to have much pressure. All they want me to do is to do my best and be happy about the things I do. I am so moved. They are the best parents in the world.



The spring girl was walking briskly towards nature, and she was like a wizard with a magic wand in her hand. When she waved the grass, the grass emerged from the mud. With a wave of her spring flowers, she was full of flowers. With a wave of wild flowers, the colorful wildflowers smiled from the grass. The spring girl, like a painter, added colorful colors to the plants and trees. She painted flowers and azaleas red and made them look great. She painted grass and willow trees green and made them more lively. A breeze blew, the trees and flowers were blowing in the wind, and they all laughed. The earth is full of life.

The spring girl walked briskly to the river and woke up the frozen river. The fish swam under the water to the water and breathed fresh air. The hibernating frog also wakes up and sings a happy tune. The swallows flew back from the south and enjoyed the beauty of the place.

The spring girl came to us with a cheerful step, and she helped us to take off the thick sweater and put on light clothes. People walked out of the house, some in the park, some in the countryside, and some on the grass. People grinned.

"The year's plan is in spring" is a good time, we must not miss her. I like spring.











Hi David! my and hejiahui are going to visit animal zoo.

First I bought a hat at the gift shop.Then I watchde birds in Bird Park. I stood neat Mondey Mountain and saw some Mondeys .The monkeys came to me.

Then,hejiahui through Lion land on a train. After that hejiahui brove to Hippo pool in a little. litter on hejiahui was some zebras in zebra zoo.


Came to Li Xiang Park.It’s in shenzhen.You can have picnics.It’s great!You can play football,too.

A:We went to Li Xiang Park.We had a picnic.

B:It’s great!

C:We had a lovely time there.We went to Li Xiang Park.We were there for three days.

D: We Played football too.

E:We walked near the Park and took lots of photos.

F:We saw some bird. They flew very high!They were beautiful. Look at our photos!

Li Xiang Park. Come for one hour、one day or one week. Enjoy the clean land、air and trees.






Mr. Brown comes from America. He is tall. He has big eyes, a big nose , a round face and blond hair. His favorite colors are white and black. He is in a white shirt and black pants. He is an English teacher.




内因是变化的根本,外因是变化的条件,学生是学习的主人,是学习的主体。教学中只有充分调动学生认知的,心理的,生理的,情感的,行为的,价值的等方面的因素参与到学习活动中去,让学生进入一种自主的学习境界,才能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,融自己的主见于主动发展中。面向全体学生,发挥学生主体作用,才能跟上新教材所蕴涵的新理念。为了变学生被动学习为主动参与,把学习主动权交给学生,主要从以下三方面下工夫。 ⑴、创设情境,引人入胜。一年级的学生注意力集中时间短,对于色彩鲜明,动感性强的事物有浓厚的兴趣。课堂上应充分发挥媒体课件的作用,激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,使学生积极思考,主动参与。如:《荷叶圆圆》一课,课的开始,媒体呈现“碧绿的荷塘”的背景图,同时伴随着优美的旋律,一下子把学生带入美丽的大自然的情境中,不一会儿荷塘里跑来一群小伙伴,伴随着青蛙的呱呱叫声,学生的情趣更被这生动活泼的画面所吸引。人人把小手举得高高的,争着把自己的感想告诉大家。有的说,荷叶圆圆的、绿绿的多美啊;有的说,小蜻蜓、小青蛙、小鱼儿多可爱啊;有的说,小蜻蜓展开翅膀的样子多像一架小飞机。学生情绪十分高涨,积极主动参与到学习中来。 ⑵、巧设疑问,激发求知。古人云,学起于思,源于疑。巧妙的疑问,扣人心弦的悬念设置,能激起学生强烈的求知欲,促进学生积极思维,主动参与课堂活动。亚里士多德说过,思维自疑问和惊奇开始。问题是思维的向导,只有把问题设计得巧妙,学生才会积极思考。因此,教师应该在问题的设计上花点心思。如讲《称象》一课,我这样设疑:大象又高又大,能称吗?课文里介绍称象有几种办法?哪种办法好呢?我话音刚落,学生就迫切地寻找答案。教师因势利导,引导学生研读课文,要求把自己知道的答案告诉别人。学生们很认真地研读课文后,答案也就随着诞生了:课文里介绍了三种称象的办法,只有曹冲称象的办法行得通,而且很有创造性。学生在把答案告诉别人的同时,文章的大意也就明白了。整个过程,学生的学习劲头足,兴趣浓。 ⑶体现民主,语言激励。现代教学论认为,教师与学生之间应建立民产、平等、和谐的关系,才能提高学生学习主人翁的`意识。因此,教师应创设情境,重视语言激励,给每一个学生朝代到台上来“试一试”“做做小老师”的机会,采取只要“试一试”就会得到一颗智慧星的激励手段。如:“语文园地大”里的“我会读”这一栏目,要求学生认读“团结、街道、勇敢、尊重”等12个词语,目的是积累词语、巩固生字。教学一开始,教师用充满神秘感的语气说:“同学们,今天老师让你们也来当当小老师,到台上来把你认识的词语带着大家读一读;同时,我们还要比一比,看看哪个小老师当得最好、认识的词语最多,就给他一颗智慧星。”教师的话刚说完,同学们个个像战士一样,进入备战状态。有的借助课后生字表,学习不懂的字;有的悄悄地问老师;有的同桌互相帮忙,目的都是想当一名最出色的小老师。整个课堂学习氛围浓厚,学习效益大大提高。




1.My dog 我的狗

I have a dog. My dog's name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years.(简单介绍) DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth.(外观)My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?(表明态度,反问)



2.City 城市

This is Beijing .It’s in the north of china .It’s got fourteen million people .It’s very big .There is a very famous wall in Beijing .The Great Wall.

It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. And there is a famous square in the middle of Beijing it’s beautiful .(There be 句型,需记忆)It’s Tian’an men square .

I like Beijing .I want to go to Beijing one day.(I want to句型,需记忆)





3.My home 我的家

My home is on the first floor. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. I’m a child. I have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, there is bedroom, a closet, an air- conditioner and so on. My closet is green. My bed is blue. I love my bedroom very much.(总分的结构,先写大环境再写小环境)



4.My Classroom 我的教室

My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What color are the fans? (设问句形式好)They are blue. At the corner, there is a shelf, many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much.

This is my classroom, it is very nice.(首尾呼应) I like my classroom very much. Do you have a nice classroom, too?




5.My bedroom 我的小卧室

I have a small bedroom, it's on the third floor in my house. There is a small bed, a nice wardrobe and a small table in my room. The bed is on the left side of the table. The wardrobe is on the right, it is very beautiful. there is a lamp and a clock on the table, the lamp is green, the clock looks like an orange, it’s smart.(注意空间的描述)

My bedroom is small, but it’s very comfortable.






Dear Miss Hu。

My name is Sally, I am 11 years old. I study in JDTC Primary School. My favourite day is Tuesday. We have P.E. and Art. My favourite food is dumplings, because it’s salty and fresh. You are my favourite teacher. You’re tall and beautiful.

Your Student



As the summer vacation comes, I decide to learn swimming, because the weather is so hot, I can make myself cool, what’s more, I want to master another skill and protect myself. Many people lose their lives when they meet the accident in the water, so it is important to learn swimming. I have made up my mind and must finish this task.




1.Travel to Shanghai

During May day,I went to Shanghai with my family.We all fell in love with it at the moment we saw it.Shanghai is really a beautiful city!There are many tall buildings and trees!There are also many flowers,it makes Shanghai look like a nice garden!If I have oppotunities to visit Shanghai again,I will be very happy!

2.Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progrein work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much strewill affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.

As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much

3.In Memory Of Campus

Our school factory was opend in 1980, it is over 20 years old since it was opened At the beginning of its opening there were only several workers and the product was still si-mp-le. But now the factory is developed into a big one, which has over 100 workers. It produces a lot of products. Such as exercise-books, note books chalks and so on. The products are in good quality and low prices, so they sell well in many areas.

With the development of production, the income is increasing year by year. The factory offers the teachers and students breakfast for free. Every month, we go to the factory to work in turn. In this way, we form good habit of loving work.

4.A Photo of My Family

Look at this photograph of my family. There are five people in it. The tallest one is my father. He is forty-eight years old. My mother is standing beside him. She is not as my father. She is three years younger than my father. Sitting in front of them are my grandparents. My grandfather is that fat one with a pair of glasses. My grandmother is as fat as he. This little one is me. I’m sitting between them. All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .


When I was 4 years old, my mother told me that she was going to have a baby, then I have a sister. At first, I hate my sister, because my mother cares about her all the time, I feel I am ignored. But now, my sister plays with me, I am not lonely any more. She helps me a lot, I love my little sister.


眼保健操 Eye Protection Exercise

In Chinese school, it is the rule that students need to do eye protection exercise during the break time, all the students will do it when they hear the music. The exercise seems not important for me, because I don’t think it works, but my sister tells me that her eyesight is better than her classmate since she takes the eye protection exercise, so I keep the exercise every day.


逛书店 Going to the Bookstore

I like to read books so much, especially the comic books, Japanese comic books are my favorite. When I go to the bookstore, I will hang around and find all kinds of comic books to read. I will spend a day there, stay alone and read the books. Going to the bookstore enriches my casual time, I really enjoy the time there.




Low carbon environmental protection is everyone's responsibility. For us, whether lifestyle portrays a person of low carbon environmental protection. Something which produce, use and consumption, a total of how many carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon can be from a person's food, clothing, shelter, line.

Our side also has a lot of environmental events. Garbage ground was, "mother river" is no longer on the bottom, "mother river" into a "waste of heaven!" Floated rubbish in the river of the water, smelling. Cars on the road to develop, long lines formed by the car can be seen everywhere, make people sick car exhaust gas. Factory waste gas is like one long straight into the sky, let the sky no longer blue, the air is no longer pure and fresh and sweet.

The real low carbon environmental protection for the average person is a kind of attitude to life rather than ability. Just lack of the power of the people. Actually the power of the people can change the future. Usually, we used as long as the water cycle. With the rest of the rice water that clean out rice to water the flowers watering the grass. And the water that clean out rice for flowers and plants is more nutritious than water, so, not only save the water, but also can make plants grow better. Go out shopping, bring their own environmental protection bags, whether free or charge of plastic bags, reduce use; Go out take water cup, reduce the use of disposable cups; Multi-purpose permanent chopsticks, lunch boxes, to avoid the use of disposable tableware as far as possible; Get into the habit of conveniently shut down electrical power supply, avoid the waste of electricity; Try not to use refrigerators, air conditioners, heat can use electric fan or fan etc. Low carbon environmental protection represents a more healthy, more natural, more secure, at the same time is also a kind of low cost, low cost way of life.


Family environment is very important, what family environmental protection small coup in daily life? Now to introduce a few family environmental protection small coup, hope can help to you.

1, chemical agents, please out of the cupboard

Reason: a lot of people in the cupboard filled with harmful products. Insecticidal brake, cleaners, polishes... Are on the "toxic", "dangerous", "warning" or "note" label chemicals. Leak out of these bottles of liquid evaporation in the kitchen, floating in the air, constitutes a huge harm to the health of family children.

Methods: put a warning sign to withdraw products from the cupboard, put in special sealed box, and then replaced with green logo products.

Benefits: make a bedroom more secure, let the children away from pollution.

2, environmental protection enzymes. With a brown sugar + 10 + 3 servings of fruit skin water

Made environmental protection enzyme fermentation after three months, for home to clean the oil: kitchen utensils, sanitary ware, insect repellent, floor and furniture; The bath foam, dandruff hair loss; To take a bath, laundry, wash liquid from bond-slip; Wash dish to keep food fresh decomposition of pesticides, watering the flowers, decomposition of bilge water.

3, washing machine use strong gear than weak file save electricity, and can prolong the life of the washing machine. A short period of time without computer, enabling computer "sleep" mode, the energy consumption can be decreased to 50%. The refrigerator storage of food is not too full, accounting for 80% of the volume of the province electricity. Go ahead close air conditioning, according to each computer can save a year 5 degrees, carbon dioxide 4 accordingly. 8 kg.

Stick to a pen 4, clothes, don't rush to the water, with gas washing stick to a part of the first wash again. Clothes covered in lipstick, can use bubble water or wine with soda water, pour on the clean cloth to dab there is mark, very effective oh! Stick to the gum, can use cotton dipped in vinegar, can send the gum easily cleaned off.


To protect the environment

To protect the environment, it is the duty of us all, it's our responsibility.

Today, I wander aimlessly walking in the park, suddenly I stopped, and found two of six or seven years old children, a man and a woman, a big and a small, looks very handsome. They are holding some fragile rectangular bricks, throw on the ground, very uncivilized.

I saw he said to them: "it's little brother, little sister, you do not civilization, also is very dangerous, and sister together these picked it up and threw it into the trash can over there?" said the point a little bit of yellow and black recycled over there, not to recycle bin.

They nodded, with one voice say yes. Said we picked up and throw pieces into the trash can.

Protect the environment, everyone duty. Let us together to protect the environment, protect our common global village!


Nowadays, all over the world are advocating environmental protection, and there are some disposable bowls, cups and chopsticks, which are said to be convenient and clean, and not troublesome. But how do they know that chopsticks are made of wood, so it's not a waste of wood? Because the forest resources are limited, chopsticks are used to throw away the strange pity. And disposable bowls and cups. Is it not made of wood? When I knew the news, I couldn't help but think of my family's environmental order, I was an environmental protection master.

Then environmental protection is worth a week before, when I come home from school, found the battery often throw away, grandpa was listening to the radio was I found this time, want to stop him away, then think of a way to say to him: "batteries contain a lot of bad things, touched the soil makes the earth a broken; if fell into the water, the consequences are serious, the surrounding most of the water can't drink grandpa heard the news, paused, after he finished the battery to me, I was away. My brother and then comment, he often read book is not thrown away is burned, very pity. Because at first he is his money. I have seen, persuaded him to take the book away, or sell. Sell books are often recyclers uncle pick it up, for his son. In this way, our two people are the hardest to persuade I persuaded, the remaining problems in one fell swoop.


I'm a middle school student. I have recently leamed from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown. There is no doubt that it is good for development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs. most of us stand by the program. however,some of us are worried that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment of the area. I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection. Would you please offer us more information about it?

I'm looking forward to hearing form you.


I went to the ping feng mall, and I was surrounded by garbage. There are a few bins, and people throw rubbish elsewhere, some fruit and paper scraps outside the dustbin. They'd rather be outside than go in. The flower pool side, the road is the place that should not have garbage, often is the place that the rubbish loves to patronize. So as long as there is a piece of garbage on the ground and a group of garbage will be tracked, it will become a "health dead corner". If you go to the ping feng mall, you will smell a pungent odor. You will see some people eating snacks as they walk, finishing off the handthrow and leaving. Some people "love clean", don't want to smell these smelly smell, just throw rubbish into the garbage can, throw in or don't throw in a glance; Some children urinate everywhere, and I'm disgusted that there is also an adult who is also defecating. I thought: this is too uncivilized, it is a violation of our new secret image rights. I was about to stop it, but I didn't stop it for my nose.

I think: we are uncivilized to do this, we do not respect other people's work. So I'm going to stop a few people who litter. A few uncles eat an egg, eat after eat to throw rubbish, I hasten to run over, with crisp and innocent child voice to uncle say: "uncle, teacher say, can't littering garbage." "I picked up the garbage they had thrown away and threw them in the trash. They blushed and said, "thank you, little friend, we'll remember that."



There are four people in my family, the father who likes watching TV, the mother who is dressed, the sister who plays the computer, the last one is the naughty me.

Father is gentle and loves watching TV. When the wulin wind began, my father didn't leave the TV, I muttered, "dad is such a couch potato."

Her mother was also gentle with large, watery eyes and a cherry mouth, and she was not fat and thin. My mother loves to dress up, and every morning my mother will go out. One time, my mother didn't know where to go and she was dressed up beautifully. I can't help but say: "oh, mother is beautiful!"

Her sister had a black hair and a pair of beautiful eyes, and her sister loved to play with the computer and was excited to see her sister. I remember my sister bought a laptop, my sister didn't leave the computer all day, and my sister was a computer nerd.

My personality is active, my hobby is art, and I am also naughty. On that occasion, my best friend had a birthday, and when I saw the cake, I had an idea in my head. I put some cream on the cake and put it on my good friend's face.

This is my family, this is my happy and happy family!


I live in a harmonious family of three -- my father, my mother, and me.

My family is a family "learning", each member deeply realize the importance of learning, up to the home (dad), director of the secretary (mom), down to the grassroots cadres (himself). Once home, the "director" comrade is checking the information on the Internet to prepare lessons. The "secretary" also wrote articles and reports without stopping. I do my homework on the side desk.

My family rules are not loose! Last time, the leader sent me to go on a business trip (buying salt), I went for half an hour, "secretary" got angry, and after a while, I slowly came back. Got home, mom and dad asked, I called for: "I am on the way back, see a VCD store is put" slamdunk "cartoons, I didn't endure, there to see the 'a'!" Mom and dad didn't give up, and I gave a good gram of my money, and I got a 50 percent discount for my year-end bonus.

My family is a happy family. My father is a netword.he has been surfing the Internet all year long, and he has seen a lot of jokes on the Internet. He often makes his own speeches during meals and laughs at me.

What a happiness to live in such a family!


My father is a farmer, every day in the sun insolates, but he no matter how hard, don't complain to me, blame, what pain are buried in the heart, don't let me know, so a person silently bear.

My mother is a housewife who cleans her home every day and waits for her father to return home.

My brother loves me very much. Every day, no matter how busy he is, he will take time to teach me lessons.

My grandfather was my talisman, and he helped me with everything, for fear that I would receive a small amount of damage.

My position in the home is happy, whenever I feel home atmosphere wrong, I can speak a joke to let everybody burst into laughter, for this, mom and dad is very familiar, also take me as a three-year-old as care for the kids, I am very happy. Whenever I meet what unhappy things, to the house will wipe all light, because dad said: "what happened no matter, want to think you have a warm home, can at any time to the safe haven, because it is your life not lose home."

My family and I are forever tied together, no matter how big the storm is.









I guess the reason this question take this long time to argue is that some guys really want a long holiday, but some guys will prefer going back home in the traditional festival to have meal with their family. So, which one do I prefer?

In fact, although a long holiday sounds attractive, the day for rest is actually the same, I would like the second idea, which is still going on at this moment, because China is a country with a longest history in the world, when we are having holiday with our family in the festival, it's actually a respectful to our history, which is a respectful to our country.

I guessed that would be really important to a cultural country like this.


On May Day my elder brother,grand-mother,aunt and me went shopping, we bought: lollipops, bananas, ice creams, chocolates, milk, apples, peanuts, hot dogs and so on.

On May second it was my birthday. I ate birthday cake and went to XuJiaShan Park.

From May third to May fifth, I watched TV, went cycling, went swimming, took pictures, enjoyed fish and jelly. Sour and sweet pork bolus. Fried eggs with tomatoes. I also watched TV.

There were many sports stars. They were having competition. Mother bought skirt, dress, socks, T-shirt and slippers as my birthday gifts. And we drank some orange juice, apple juice and banana juice. I think I had a wonderful May Day.


In this holiday l was very happy.Why? Because my famliy go to Beijing.We saw Tiananmen.The sky was blue ,Tiananmen was red and yello.It is very nice.Then I played with my mother and father in Xiangshan.In the afteroon we went to Yuanmingyuan.

Look at Yuangmingyuan, I was very sad.In the evering we ate some litto food.

Beijing was very big.I love it very much.