2024-05-12 08:47:20


At the fruit store in our community, a lovely grackle bird is very attractive.

It is about 20 centimeters long and weighs about 150 grams. The feathers of the body were black, shining in the sun, shining like a gentleman in a black suit. The head is yellow, make it look very handsome; Two eyes were like two round black stones, with a long, pointed orange mouth under their eyes. There was a pair of little pink claws, and long curved hooks, like a crescent moon; There are two white stripes on the tail, which are very special.

It is lively and active, and especially imitates human speech! When he is happy, he will use a typical sichuan accent: "myna, myna!" When it is proud, it makes a "choo-choo" sound, which is very loud. When someone touches its cage, it will peck at the man's hand like an arrow. It thinks that others will hog its territory and hurt it! It likes to eat apples and has a high demand for food. If it buys cheap bird food, it would rather die than eat it.

Every time I passed by, I would walk over to admire it and talk to it as if it were a good friend I hadn't seen for a long time. I don't know what I look like in my eyes. When I speak to it, it always says, "are you that?" In my mind, it is the king of birds!

I always have to see a long time, only then in the mother's urging voice to reluctantly leave.


In a beautiful forest, there was a lark in blue and white, and he married himself a name: mei mei. It is proud that it has a different feather from other people, and it has a bad habit of stealing other people's stuff, and the little animals in the forest don't like it.

One day a clever little monkey thought a good idea, it went to the lab had a pill and a bottle of medicine, it USES a very beautiful bottle put pills in the inside, then put the bottle to meimei door.

At night, the beautiful mouth was still itchy, and it was the last straw. It took the knife and immediately cut off the long mouth of the self, but it didn't hurt at all, which made it curious. Meimei thought it would not be long! But the damn mouth was still long and itchy longer than before.

Meimei has no choice but to go to the famous "king of ideas" little monkey to help.

Meimei found the little monkey and said, "brother monkey, please help me! Help me with this mouth!" The little monkey said, "help you, when you promise me that you will not be robbed of anything in the future, or your mouth will be like this!" "I must promise you." The little monkey handed the antidote to beauty.


A sun Ming 睸 Sunday morning, my mother took me to dive climb a mountain, I was very happy. My mother and I took the kettle, put on the sneakers, and started off happily.

Passing through the beautiful park below, we climbed straight up the road, along the road, and there were high and straight nanzhu, dense and dense. The deep blue sky looks very fresh and comfortable.

The next day, when I fed him something to eat, I found that the bird was loud and began to eat. I was very happy. After two days, I gently untied the gauze, the bird's wound has healed completely. The bird was able to swing its wings and jump around in the cage, making a ringing sound, as if to acknowledge my little benediction.

Birds originally belongs to the nature, the teacher speak live birds need to be free in the sky, I decided to let the birds return to nature, I opened the cage and holding out the bird with the hand, tell the bird, you wound has been good, you can go to my mother, to demonstrate the bird wings fly up, still buzzing around a circle to me away, as if to say goodbye to me, I looked at the flying bird, the in the mind happy personality.


The Arbor Day comes, and xiao hong and xiao Ming are ready to work together to plant a tree to protect the environment, green the environment and give the bird a home.

Sunday morning was sunny and they were ready to go. But they don't have small sapling, a person's pocket money is not enough to buy, finally, they passed every one out of 10 yuan pocket money to collect, finally in bought a Chinese parasol trees, flowers and birds market then they carry the prepared kettle, carrying a shovel, quietly on my way to carrying the saplings.

Soon it got dark, they went back home, but was severely criticized, it is because their mom and dad don't understand the ego's son and daughter did a good thing, think they have to go out to play a day. Then, after knowing the ins and downs of things, they praised them well.

Late at night, they dreamt that the plane tree had become a towering tree, with many birds singing and dancing in the trees.


Bird of paradise

I met with my best friend by chance, and I made tea and talked with each other.

The friend told of her going to the zoo, so we started talking about animals. From poultry to mythology, my friend suddenly asked me if I knew a species called the bird of paradise. There are many creatures in the world, but I have never heard of this bird of paradise.

In fact, it is better to be a bird of paradise flying in the sky, in another world, let down the enmity, in the sky of the self only to leave flying. Because the paradise bird understands, the world let it away from the red dust and the noise, give him the right to fly, let him in the situation of solitude and perfect. And the men of the so-called pursuit, interests, life, in front of him, how many people to pursue their own the rights to freedom of peaceful, how many people interests to self theory without pain to extricate themselves, how many people in order to life and lower body, life slave, how many people in order to love will flow tears dry, is not here right now. It is better to be a bird of paradise than to be low in the face of the endless blue sky.

When their lives are over - their bodies and souls are not touched by a little red dust. To keep the high purity and disappear quietly.


One day, I was walking by the road, a gust of wind blowing, an "object" went to the front of me, I bend down to go, carefully looked at the little creatures, in the evening the setting sun is shining on it orange yellow feathers, whole body become golden, like a mythical golden wings bird. A pair of big eyes water, dripping, watchful looking at me, small mouth sharp. On closer inspection, the bird's wings were hurt, the blood dyed its golden feathers, and its tiny wings quivered from time to time.

I gently lifted it, its pointy toe touched my palm, and it tickled me from time to time. I suddenly had a wonderful idea to keep it, waiting for it to be hurt, I was letting it go. To do it, I carried it home in my hands. I have one last line of defense, which is to persuade my mother. I walked to my mother with a very gentle smile. Finally, with my three-inch tongue "surrender" the mother.

I suppose it must be hungry. I poured millet and water into a small box, but it did not eat. I thought the bird was afraid, and I went to one side, and I saw the bird looking around, as if to say, "is there anyone else there? When the bird saw no one, he flew over and ate quickly. When I found the bird had eaten a grain of rice, I looked around. It's so cute!

But in a few days, I became a good partner with it. But a few days later, the wound healed slowly. But in a few days, it can fly...

Wednesday, one day, I arrived at the door, I saw the little bird in to greet me, bird saw me and immediately fly wings, "way to" to me, I do not know the day how is it, become so enthusiastic: it with a sharp mouth gently pecking at my hand; It's always hovering around me...

In the evening, in the setting sun, its light and small body flew to the boundless sky, leaving a beautiful radian in the sky, I couldn't help laughing...