2024-04-19 02:24:21













In order to let us pass a meaningful New Years day, our class organized a celebration of New Years day. It is a great honor for me to support you, as the teacher prepares the various procedures for the get-together. That afternoon, I was dressed up and ready for the party.

The get-together began, the first program was the jiaoziyan erhu solo, he played the extremely wonderful, we all gave him a warm applause. Other students, such as leisika and wang jiaqi, performed in the second show. This program is very touching, this program is mainly about the 5·12 earthquake happened in a touching story. Liu Qianyao teacher, Lv Jiaqi other classmates play a classmate, "rumble", while his Liu Qianyao was a loud noise, the earthquake came, everyone was shocked, I dont know what had happened. Suddenly, the PLA man came and saved his classmates and teachers, and his classmates and teachers were saved. From this earthquake, the teacher told us that "no matter what happened or difficulties, we should unite and help each other so that we can overcome all difficulties." The other students were also in the sea, and they performed other programs.

The party ended successfully. Through this get-together, I am deeply aware of the versatile, cheerful side of our classmates and their positive attitude. I will also learn to perform various programs in the future, so that my life will become rich and colorful, and my mood will become more sunny. This is really a meaningful New Years party!


One day is in the morning, a year of joy in the New Years day, time flies, the day is like a shuttle, New Years day is coming, on Friday afternoon, our class held a celebration New Years party.

This get-together will be an eye-opener for me. The performances of my classmates are rich and wonderful. There are some small things, dancing, singing, erhu... My favorite show is 5 female students performing dance, as they come up to the moment, the host put the colorful bright patches of sa to them, the stage of bright patches of flash, coupled with their actions, see a person dazzling, the audience applause.

Zhou ziqi USES the "invisible wings" of erhu, also good, the beautiful music contains the anticipation, that beautiful melody, let us be infatuated. When she finished, there was a thunderous applause.

Li penghao played the guitar for us, the beautiful music really amazed me, and I was fascinated. Before long, the party was over half of the time, the students almost clap their palms, but still can not express the joy in their hearts.

The students in our class are so versatile, this party will make me want to linger on.


"Ha ha! "Ha ha! The sound of cheers and shouts in the classroom was deafening. It turned out that our class was holding an event to celebrate New Years day.

Early in the morning, we came to the school, the whole school braving the rain to the playground, ready for the first grade to hold the young pioneers ceremony.

After returning to the class, we played four games, including: the position, the bench, the smiling face and the pair. Among them, my favorite game is to grab the bench.

The rule of the game is to draw a circle in the middle of the classroom. Put four benches in the circle, then let the six classmates run around the circle, and finally let the other students sing. After singing, the six classmates can get the seat on the bench first.

Look! The high heaven stone of our class was pushed off the bench by five classmates! Ah!

Ha ha! Thats funny. After a while, it was our turn to play, and we were moving faster and faster, even with our heads. She told us to go there for a while, and then we were to turn round, so that our heads were faint. Ouch! My head is so faint!

Today, I am so happy and excited!


On Monday morning, we held a new years day in class eight in class two.

The first show is a show pony crossing the river. Four of our class students go to the platform to perform. They perform very well, just after the performance, everyone claps their hands. And then there are other programs. My favorite program is a small game. The teacher asked each group to choose two male students and two female students, and a newspaper for four students in each group. Let each group break the newspaper first, four students step on, if each student foot on the foot, the first pass is passed. Then, the newspaper will be folded again to carry out the second - pass game, if the four students foot on the newspaper, the second pass. The first round, the two groups were victorious, the second round three and the four were victorious, so they all gave them a prize. Its a pleasure for everyone to play.

The game is over, the teacher let us see "Beaming with Joy and Grey Wolf - Happy red dragon", watching eating chicken, egg cake, and everyone ate, very happy.

We had a very happy New Years day.


Today, our school is going to carry out the activities of "Barabara" Celebrating the new years day. Everyone in the school is decorating the school.

In the course of physical education, the teacher called us free. I saw a lot of colourful ribbons falling down in my activities, and I asked my classmates to help. They used both hands to help these "poor" colored ribbons and let them return to their home.

In the afternoon, everyone came to the big playground in a neat line. Although the weather was cold, the playground was very busy.

It was not long before the program began. In the two preceding programs they sang their motherland with their sweet and high singing songs. Now, its the turn of a street dance student. All of them were as scary as "ghosts", and I saw my cousin acting on it. They had a wonderful show on the show.

At the time of the award, I heard the cousin performance hip-hop "first prize", really happy for her! At the same time, I also made up my mind, and in the future, I have to work harder in learning or in other aspects to get the first.


在20xx年12月31日星期五下午,在我们班举行了“庆元旦 迎新春”联欢会。














今天,我们迎来了20xx的元旦,我们学校每个班级开展了“欢庆元旦”的联欢会.(我们班是这个主题,不知道别的班是不是) 一打早,装饰班级的同学就早早的回教室了装扮教室了,我们呢,(过了一会)便拿起行李包回班级把行李包房教室外边。(因为我们是寄宿生)吃完饭回到班级,这是,班级还没装饰完,这是韩老师也来了,我们和韩老师一起装饰教室。 ······ 有了老师的帮助,我们明显快多了,不一会,我们边装饰好教室了。 演出开始了,主持人上台后,演出开始了,有小提琴、小品、歌曲······应有尽有。当小提琴开始时,大家都保持安静,每个同学的脸都很平静,仔细看看,却与一丝笑容。演小品时,大家脸上都挂上了兴奋,不一会,就把大家逗得哈哈大笑。唱歌时,大家都仔细倾听······ 元旦晚会终于结束了,在此,祝大家元旦快乐!!!









