英语最简单的句子look 精选94句
2023-03-14 15:14:33


2. 我仔细找过了,可是找不着。

3. Ilikeitbecauseit'sakindofimageofthemoderncitythatmakesthemoderncitylooklikelanguage,looklikeletters,looklikeakindofscatteredalphabet,akindofbabble.

4. 精选例句

5. Spelunkerslookatacaveandwonderhowtoexploreitsdeepestreaches.Butphysicistslookatitandwonderhowitgotthereinthefirstplace.

6. 我看起来如何?

7. Thesepenslookgood.

8. Thebigtestfortheshop'snewlookiswhetherit'llboosttakings.

9. Makesureyougetagoodlookattheirfaces.你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。

10. 寻找功能多、适用性强的软件。

11. Peoplewereleavingthecountrysideindrovestolookforworkinthecities.

12. Andlookinguncomfortablemademelookterrible!

13. Helooksforthelonely,thelost,theunloved.

14. Lookatthetime!We'llbelate.

15. to look down your nose at someone →see nose

16. N-SING Look is also a noun. 看

17. Brushherfacelookred.

18. Youlookwornout.

19. 他喜欢在海滨捡贝壳。

20. IlookFootballandbasketballAnddogandcatAndtabletennis

21. N-SING Look is also a noun. 考虑; 研究

22. V-I If you look at a person, situation, or subject from a particular point of view, you judge them or consider them from that point of view. 看待

23. 对这家商店新面貌的最大检验就是它是否能够增加收入。

24. V-T/V-I You can use look to draw attention to a particular situation, person, or thing, for example because you find it very surprising, significant, or annoying. (表达惊奇、重要或讨厌) 瞧 [only imper]

25. N-SING Look is also a noun. 寻找

26. Hemademelookarightidiot.

27. Shedidlookweary.

28. CONVENTION You say look when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important. (用于引起注意) 喂

29. PHRASAL VERB Look out means the same as look. 面朝

30. V-I If you look for something, for example, something that you have lost, you try to find it. 寻找

31. 那些椅子看起来很棒。

32. Ifyouareadog(orlooklikeone)andyou'relookingforaphotographer,looknofurther!

33. Youcanlookattheissuefrommanydifferentangles.你可以从很多不同的角度看这个问题。

34. Fancyflamesforanmoreabstract,funkylook.

35. ButlookwhatIfound.

36. Don'tmakeahurrieddecision,lookroundwellfirst.

37. Yeah.EveryonesaysIlookjustlikehim.

38. HowdoIlook?

39. 我这儿有个目录,你要是有兴趣我就给你找出来。

40. 它们看起来像袋鼠。

41. 寻找腐蚀的痕迹。

42. 猴子看起来像人类。

43. V-I If you are looking for something such as the solution to a problem or a new method, you want it and are trying to obtain it or think of it. 寻求

44. Hedidn'tlookasthoughhehadthemoneytospeculateinshares.

45. 看几点了!我们要迟到了。

46. Hairdresser:Pleasehavealook.

47. INTERJ If you say or shout xxxlook out!xxx to someone, you are warning them that they are in danger. 小心

48. iamlookingformydog我正在寻找我的狗,lookfor强调动作,在找

49. N-SING Look is also a noun. 浏览

50. Nexttimeyougothegym,lookaroundyou.Lookatthepeoplewhoexercise.

51. 你看起来很累。

52. Shelooksverywell.Icouldsmellthatthemilkwasnotfresh.Ittastesgood.Itsoundwell.Ifeelbetternow.

53. Actuallyyoulooksoslim.

54. Butwhenyoulookintothesun,theyalmostlookgreen.

55. 看我看起来多年老!

56. Theylooklikepolicemen.

57. V-I If you look at a subject, problem, or situation, you think about it or study it, so that you know all about it and can perhaps consider what should be done in relation to it. 考虑; 研究

58. 这些钢笔看起来不错。

59. Icanquitebelievetheylookhorrible-xxxbusinesscasualxxxisahideousphraseforahideouslook.

60. Monkeyslooklikemen.

61. Well,lookatthis.

62. Kitchensmaylookmuchastheydid30yearsagobutlivingroomsanddesktopslookremarkablydifferent.

63. Whichfeaturesdoyoulookforwhenchoosingacar?

64. Suchastheyellowdoesnotlooklikethebread(cornmeal)lookgood!

65. Mike:Whatdotheylookfor?

66. V-I If something such as a building or window looks somewhere, it has a view of a particular place. (建筑物、窗户等) 面朝

67. V-I If you look in a particular direction, you direct your eyes in that direction, especially so that you can see what is there or see what something is like. 看

68. Helikedtolookforshellsontheseashore.

69. ButlookatthecollectiveecstasyoftheRomans!

70. look造句

71. 这些草莓看起来很棒。

72. Don'tlookatmelikethat.别这样看着我。

73. Youlooktired.

74. Lookforsoftwarethat'sflexibleenoughforarangeofabilities.

75. Youlookforsecret?

76. 你挑选轿车时要着重哪些特点?

77. Acatmaylookattheking

78. LookhowoldIlook!

79. 他们看起来像警察。

80. I'vegotacataloguesomewhereandI'lllookitoutifyou'reinterested.

81. N-COUNT Look is also a noun. 看

82. V-I If you look at someone in a particular way, you look at them with your expression showing what you are feeling or thinking. (带着某种神情) 看

83. Lookatthetime─it'smuchlaterthanIthought.看看时间吧,比我想象的要晚多了。

84. IfyouwanttoknowthebigculturaldifferencelooknofartherthanSchwartz'sponytailvs.IBM'stypicallook.

85. ILooKyouMotherAndfatherAndgrandmaandgrandpa!

86. We'realltryingtolookgood,andwewantourkidstolookgoodandimpressothers.

87. Theylooklikekangaroos.

88. V-I If you look at a book, newspaper, or magazine, you read it fairly quickly or read part of it. 浏览

89. 他看上去不像有钱做股票投机的。

90. Thesestrawberrieslookwonderful.

91. Thosechairslookfantastic.

92. Youlookpensive.

93. 一批一批的人离开农村到城里找工作。

94. Lookforsignsofcorrosion.