2024-02-07 04:50:21


As the high school students, when they finish their study, they need to take part in a big exam in June and then when the result comes out, they need to think about their major. Choosing major is really a big decision, because it will decide their future job, even their life. The best choice is to study the things that you are interested in. As the saying Interest is the Best Teacher, so learning with passion can make you move on. If you can't find the suitable major, then you can choose the one that will bring you a promising future. Nowadays, being teacher, doctor or work on something relate with finance are very popular, what's more, the market demandes such talented people a lot. It is easier to find a job with learning these majors.



Before we go to college, the first important choice to make is the major. Most high school students don't have idea about what they want to learn, so they listen to their parents'opinion. Some will regret as they learn the major. The option of major deserves to think twice.
The most important factor is interest. During the four years, learning the specialized knowledge must be with passion, or students will feel lost and waste the precious time to improve themselves. As the saying that interest is the best teacher, a lot of successful persons start their career with their passion. They use what they learn in the college and make a great difference.
For some students, they prefer to choose the major that the market needs. Actually, it is the hot choice, because they still can keep their interest as hobby. When they learn the hot skills, which help them to win opportunity in the job market, they combine the job with their hobby and come up with creative ideas.
The major we choose occupies great importance, but it will not surely decide your future job. When we find the balance between interest and reality, we will succeed someday.


As the high school students, when they finish their study, they need to take part in a big exam in June and then when the result comes out, they need to think about their major. Choosing major is really a big decision, becauseit will decide their future job, even their life. The best choice is to study the things that you are interested in. As the saying Interest is the Best Teacher, so learning with passion can make you move on. If you can’t find the suitable major, then you can choose the one that will bring you a promising future. Nowadays, being teacher, doctor or work on something relate with finance are very popular, what’s more, the market demandes such talented people a lot. It is easier to find a job with learning these majors.


如何选择专业 How to Choose Major英语作文

在平时的学习、工作或糊口中,大家都接触过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编顿的如何选择专业 How to Choose Major英语作文,欢迎阅读,但愿大家能够喜欢。

Choosing a major is very important because it concerns our college life, our career and even our future life. Therefore, we need to choose our major with discretion.


There are several factors we need to consider when choosing major. First, we need to take our interest into consideration. Since our major is relative to our future career, we had better choose a major we love. Second, our plan of career is another factor we need to consider. Before choosing a major, we had better think about what kind of career would like to do in the future. In addition, we should have knowledge of prospects of development about employment market so that we would not encounter too many difficulties in hunting job. Finally, we should take our family finance into account at the same time because some majors need more spending and time.


To sum up, we need to take various factors into consideration when choosing major. And we get some suggestion from our parents, our senior sister or brother and our teachers. Besides, we need to understand the real nature of each major instead of being confused by its surface.



华中科技大学:2010 年到2012 年,学校录取最低分分别比当年一本线高出67 分、81 分、69 分。

华中科技大学招生办老师说,超过一本线70 分左右可以冲一下,超过85 分以上问题应该不大,超过将近100 分专业基本上没有限制了。学校最好的专业是机械工程、电气自动化,这几年都要高出一本分数线100 分左右。

西安交通大学:招生办老师说,今年全省排名4500 名应该问题不大,都可以试一下。超过90 分以上选专业比较有优势,超过70—80 分录取的可能性比较大,但一些好的专业可能不能挑了。

兰州大学:招生办老师说,按照近三年的录取情况,超过一本线30—40 分报兰州大学就比较稳妥了。超过一本线70 分以上选择专业基本上没什么限制了,学校比较好的专业有化工、物理、数学、大气等。


陕西科技大学:招办老师说,高出一本线 10 分以上的学生都有希望。2011 年,最低录取分数高出一本线 5分;2012 年,最低录取分数高出一本线 3.5 分。

学校比较有特色的专业是皮革类、化工类、电气类,超过一本线20 分以上的学生基本上可以自由选择专业了。

浙江工商大学:去年在浙江省的最低录取分数比一本线高出10 分。招生办老师说,理科在浙江排名前23000 比较有希望,从这几年的情况看,高20 分左右的同学可以试试看,但填报专业时选择余地比较小。高出35 分以上希望很大,可以冲一下比较好的专业,比如会计学、金融学、统计学、工商管理学等专业。