2024-05-22 04:00:21


Today,I'm very happy,why?Because I'm go to the park with my dad,my mom and my good are play football at the football field and father teaches me how to swim,then we are have a pinic in the park,next I and my best friends are going skating,we play all the afternoon,we are boating in the lake at the eat the dinner at the restaurant in the park,then we go to home.I am very happy this day.









① 作文答题纸一般为单线,我们应将单线作为"四线格”中的第三线并以此为基准写,不要把它作为第四线让字母吊在线上。

② 坚决不能在试卷上出现乱涂、乱写、或用修正液覆盖现象——给人一种凌乱的感觉。一旦写错,规范修改,用一条斜线划掉错误单词即可。



There are three people in my family. They’re father, mother and I.

My mother is a Chinese teacher. She is not tall, nor short, just right. She is fat. She likes to eat noodles and vegetables. Her favorite colors are brown and red. She doesn’t like animals. She lets me to learn playing piano. I love her because she is nice and hard-working. She cares for me a lot. She is take cares of grandparents. Sometime my father and my mother fight each other.

My father is a manger. He is thirty-six years old. He is fat and tall. He is good at maths and physics. He cares for me much. Sometimes he buys me stationary. I like my dad.

Now it’s my turn. My name is Tina. I’m eleven years old. I’m not thin, nor fat, just right. I’m tall. I go to Simon English School. I’m in grade four class one. I like to eat french-fries and some friends but I don’t like meat. I can paint. My best friends are Lily and Helen. My favorite colors are black, white, yellow and blue.

Sometime in my family everything is very nice.


My student is Huan wei. She is pink wear glasses.Shelike vegetables; Whisky heart chocolate.

Every time. She helpme. Me wrstling. She help me.

My best friend, I‘s best frived. She like English.

My best friend is really great.

我的'学生是欢伟。 她是粉红色的戴眼镜。她喜欢蔬菜; 威士忌心巧克力。

每次。 她帮我。 我摔跤。 她帮助我。

我最好的朋友,我最好的朋友。 她喜欢英语。



Autumn comes , it gets cooler and cooler. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. You would say autumn is blue and white.

Look ! Birds are flying from the north to the south. The leaves are yellow. Some are hanging on the trees, some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind. Someone would say autumn is yellow.

There are so many fruits in autumn in Xinxing . Pears ,peaches. Mangos, oranges and so on. They're fresh and healthy.(约80字)


Today, my parents have something to do, so they send me to my aunt’s home. This is the first time for me to leave my parents. At first, I am very happy because my aunt gives me so many toys to play, but as the time goes by, I start to miss my parents. I want to cry, I miss home so much. I realize that family is so important to me.





内因是变化的根本,外因是变化的条件,学生是学习的主人,是学习的主体。教学中只有充分调动学生认知的,心理的,生理的,情感的,行为的,价值的等方面的因素参与到学习活动中去,让学生进入一种自主的学习境界,才能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,融自己的主见于主动发展中。面向全体学生,发挥学生主体作用,才能跟上新教材所蕴涵的新理念。为了变学生被动学习为主动参与,把学习主动权交给学生,主要从以下三方面下工夫。 ⑴、创设情境,引人入胜。一年级的学生注意力集中时间短,对于色彩鲜明,动感性强的事物有浓厚的兴趣。课堂上应充分发挥媒体课件的作用,激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,使学生积极思考,主动参与。如:《荷叶圆圆》一课,课的开始,媒体呈现“碧绿的荷塘”的背景图,同时伴随着优美的旋律,一下子把学生带入美丽的大自然的情境中,不一会儿荷塘里跑来一群小伙伴,伴随着青蛙的呱呱叫声,学生的情趣更被这生动活泼的画面所吸引。人人把小手举得高高的,争着把自己的感想告诉大家。有的说,荷叶圆圆的、绿绿的多美啊;有的说,小蜻蜓、小青蛙、小鱼儿多可爱啊;有的说,小蜻蜓展开翅膀的样子多像一架小飞机。学生情绪十分高涨,积极主动参与到学习中来。 ⑵、巧设疑问,激发求知。古人云,学起于思,源于疑。巧妙的疑问,扣人心弦的悬念设置,能激起学生强烈的求知欲,促进学生积极思维,主动参与课堂活动。亚里士多德说过,思维自疑问和惊奇开始。问题是思维的向导,只有把问题设计得巧妙,学生才会积极思考。因此,教师应该在问题的设计上花点心思。如讲《称象》一课,我这样设疑:大象又高又大,能称吗?课文里介绍称象有几种办法?哪种办法好呢?我话音刚落,学生就迫切地寻找答案。教师因势利导,引导学生研读课文,要求把自己知道的答案告诉别人。学生们很认真地研读课文后,答案也就随着诞生了:课文里介绍了三种称象的办法,只有曹冲称象的办法行得通,而且很有创造性。学生在把答案告诉别人的同时,文章的大意也就明白了。整个过程,学生的学习劲头足,兴趣浓。 ⑶体现民主,语言激励。现代教学论认为,教师与学生之间应建立民产、平等、和谐的关系,才能提高学生学习主人翁的`意识。因此,教师应创设情境,重视语言激励,给每一个学生朝代到台上来“试一试”“做做小老师”的机会,采取只要“试一试”就会得到一颗智慧星的激励手段。如:“语文园地大”里的“我会读”这一栏目,要求学生认读“团结、街道、勇敢、尊重”等12个词语,目的是积累词语、巩固生字。教学一开始,教师用充满神秘感的语气说:“同学们,今天老师让你们也来当当小老师,到台上来把你认识的词语带着大家读一读;同时,我们还要比一比,看看哪个小老师当得最好、认识的词语最多,就给他一颗智慧星。”教师的话刚说完,同学们个个像战士一样,进入备战状态。有的借助课后生字表,学习不懂的字;有的悄悄地问老师;有的同桌互相帮忙,目的都是想当一名最出色的小老师。整个课堂学习氛围浓厚,学习效益大大提高。






内因是变化的根本,外因是变化的条件,学生是学习的主人,是学习的主体。教学中只有充分调动学生认知的,心理的,生理的,情感的,行为的,价值的等方面的因素参与到学习活动中去,让学生进入一种自主的学习境界,才能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,融自己的主见于主动发展中。面向全体学生,发挥学生主体作用,才能跟上新教材所蕴涵的新理念。为了变学生被动学习为主动参与,把学习主动权交给学生,主要从以下三方面下工夫。 ⑴、创设情境,引人入胜。一年级的学生注意力集中时间短,对于色彩鲜明,动感性强的事物有浓厚的兴趣。课堂上应充分发挥媒体课件的作用,激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,使学生积极思考,主动参与。如:《荷叶圆圆》一课,课的开始,媒体呈现“碧绿的荷塘”的背景图,同时伴随着优美的旋律,一下子把学生带入美丽的大自然的情境中,不一会儿荷塘里跑来一群小伙伴,伴随着青蛙的呱呱叫声,学生的情趣更被这生动活泼的画面所吸引。人人把小手举得高高的,争着把自己的感想告诉大家。有的说,荷叶圆圆的、绿绿的多美啊;有的说,小蜻蜓、小青蛙、小鱼儿多可爱啊;有的说,小蜻蜓展开翅膀的样子多像一架小飞机。学生情绪十分高涨,积极主动参与到学习中来。 ⑵、巧设疑问,激发求知。古人云,学起于思,源于疑。巧妙的疑问,扣人心弦的悬念设置,能激起学生强烈的求知欲,促进学生积极思维,主动参与课堂活动。亚里士多德说过,思维自疑问和惊奇开始。问题是思维的向导,只有把问题设计得巧妙,学生才会积极思考。因此,教师应该在问题的设计上花点心思。如讲《称象》一课,我这样设疑:大象又高又大,能称吗?课文里介绍称象有几种办法?哪种办法好呢?我话音刚落,学生就迫切地寻找答案。教师因势利导,引导学生研读课文,要求把自己知道的答案告诉别人。学生们很认真地研读课文后,答案也就随着诞生了:课文里介绍了三种称象的办法,只有曹冲称象的办法行得通,而且很有创造性。学生在把答案告诉别人的同时,文章的大意也就明白了。整个过程,学生的学习劲头足,兴趣浓。 ⑶体现民主,语言激励。现代教学论认为,教师与学生之间应建立民产、平等、和谐的关系,才能提高学生学习主人翁的意识。因此,教师应创设情境,重视语言激励,给每一个学生朝代到台上来“试一试”“做做小老师”的机会,采取只要“试一试”就会得到一颗智慧星的激励手段。如:“语文园地大”里的“我会读”这一栏目,要求学生认读“团结、街道、勇敢、尊重”等12个词语,目的是积累词语、巩固生字。教学一开始,教师用充满神秘感的语气说:“同学们,今天老师让你们也来当当小老师,到台上来把你认识的词语带着大家读一读;同时,我们还要比一比,看看哪个小老师当得最好、认识的词语最多,就给他一颗智慧星。”教师的话刚说完,同学们个个像战士一样,进入备战状态。有的借助课后生字表,学习不懂的字;有的悄悄地问老师;有的同桌互相帮忙,目的都是想当一名最出色的小老师。整个课堂学习氛围浓厚,学习效益大大提高。




Dear Miss Hu,

My name is Kelly. I study in JDTC primary school .I am 11 years old. My favourite day is Friday. We have Chinese ,math, P.E.and English. My favourite food is beef , beacause it is tasty. My favourite teacher is Miss Hu. She is our English teacher. She is funny and active!

Your pen pal,your student,



I like to play computer games so much, every night, I will sleep very late. Then the next day, I will be very tired and can’t focus my attention on my study. I am so annoyed, I need to change my bad habit. So I decide to make some plans. I force myself to sleep before 11 o’clock and play the computer games on weekends. Now it works slowly.




1.Travel to Shanghai

During May day,I went to Shanghai with my family.We all fell in love with it at the moment we saw it.Shanghai is really a beautiful city!There are many tall buildings and trees!There are also many flowers,it makes Shanghai look like a nice garden!If I have oppotunities to visit Shanghai again,I will be very happy!

2.Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progrein work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful.

There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much strewill affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time.

As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much

3.In Memory Of Campus

Our school factory was opend in 1980, it is over 20 years old since it was opened At the beginning of its opening there were only several workers and the product was still si-mp-le. But now the factory is developed into a big one, which has over 100 workers. It produces a lot of products. Such as exercise-books, note books chalks and so on. The products are in good quality and low prices, so they sell well in many areas.

With the development of production, the income is increasing year by year. The factory offers the teachers and students breakfast for free. Every month, we go to the factory to work in turn. In this way, we form good habit of loving work.

4.A Photo of My Family

Look at this photograph of my family. There are five people in it. The tallest one is my father. He is forty-eight years old. My mother is standing beside him. She is not as my father. She is three years younger than my father. Sitting in front of them are my grandparents. My grandfather is that fat one with a pair of glasses. My grandmother is as fat as he. This little one is me. I’m sitting between them. All of us love one anther. I have a happy family.



Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon.

In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.

This morning the typhoon had already left.


Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon and I was so scared of it.After dinner we prepared some candles and lighters in case there was no eletricity.And then we were just sitting in the living room and watching the news about the typhoon.

In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.The trees outside were blowed by the strong wind and batter a lot.The sounds outside was very loud and scary.Sometimes I could hear an ambulance driving by I hope it was not someone hit by an object.

This morning the typhoon had already left.My grandfather and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.Some trees fail down,some cars were damaged and some houses were damaged,too.But my father's car,my house and my family are fine.

Thank god!


There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most.

Not only because it’s the biggest festival in the year, but also because it’s a new beginning that brings hope to people and it’s time for family gathering. Before the festival, people come home no matter where they are. Usually, we have a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve.

And then families sit together and share their lives or planes. Some will play games or hang out to have some fun. On the New Year’s Day, people get up early and say good words to anyone they meet. Children can get lucky money from relatives. In the following days, we will visit relative’s home and bring New Year’s wishes to them.

In short, it’s a time for family gathering and all of us enjoy it.


Class, I went to the Snow was still Then poured out in my mind a question: "What flavor is it snow?" I decided to try So, I Yong Shounie a little snow on the mouth, feeling icy cold, no smell, no flowers, primary composition Mid-Autumn Festival, not as covered as roses have I want to: What little snow you cold? I warm them! I catch them and put hands Yeah! Not a second disappeared, leaving only a small drop of water Where they go? Sure, and I hide and seek!

To school, everywhere is the white one, the snow is still one child to jump from the First of the big brothers and sisters are braving the cold, braving heavy snow snow Behind them there was a curved path, junior high school English composition, we walked convenient, small writing on the National Day is not smooth, but they must be tired, very

Home I've made several small partner, the 60th anniversary of the English composition, went to the yard of snowmen, snowball Hand froze red, do not Until my father told me to go home for dinner, I was reluctant to

After dinner, I learned a Go to bed at nine o'clock, and soon fell In the dream I dreamed has had a heavy snowfall, the children again and I make a snowman, snowball fights, skiing & hellip, Mid-Autumn Festival for the text;, play can be happy!


I really want to say thanks to you because you not only teach ue a lot of knowledge, but also are concerned about I still remember that you worried about our health last spring, when influenza A spreaded rapidly around the You, my dear teacher, asked us to wash hand and take a bath You also suggested us to open the windows and not go to the place having many You recommended us to drink more water and form a good You came early and back late to spray It was very dear teacher, thanks


Almost every child will complain about their parents It is natural, because when people stay together for a long time, they will start to have But ignore about the unhappy time, our parents love us all the No matter what happen to us, they will stand by our We should be grateful to them and try to understand



My Father

My father is thirty-seven years old. He is strong. He is an engineer. He is very strict. Usually he goes to work by car. Sometimes he goes to work by bus. He likes sports. He likes swimming and playing ping—pang. He likes reading newspaper and books at home. He likes listening to music, too. I like him very much!


This is me

My name is Sun Yinjun. You can call me Jack. I’m a boy. I’m 13. I’m tall and strong. I go to school on foot. I like reading books and singing. My favorite food is fish. It’s tasty. I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. I like them very much. Look, this is me. I’m a happy boy.


My Mother

My mother comes from China. She is an accountant. She lives in Jinan. She is thirty-eight years old. She is older than my father. She is 169cm tall. She is taller than me. My mother likes cooking, drawing pictures and listening to music. Her favourite season is summer, because she likes swimming in summer. I love my mother!


My Hometown

I am from WenZhou. Wenzhou is my hometown. It is very beautiful. There are many buildings, parks, cars and roads. In spring ,it is warm and wet. I can fly kites. In summer, it is hot and wet. I can swim in the swimming pool. In fall, it is cool and dry. I can go hiking. In winter, it is cold and dry. It never snow. I like my hometown very much.


My Family

I have a happy family: my father, my mother and me. My father is a doctor. He is 38.He is tall and strong. He is very active. My mother is a teacher. She is 37.She works in a school. She is kind. She likes reading magazine after dinner. I’m a student. I’m 13. I’m very active. I like reading books on the weekend. I love my family!


My Teacher

I have many teachers. My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a math teacher. She is tall and thin. She has small eyes and a big mouth. She is strict and kind. She likes summer best. Because she likes swimming very much. She often climbs mountains on the weekend. We all like Miss Greenvery much.


The Great Wall is famous all over the world, it is one of the most remarkable symbols of China, it has long history. But as there are more and more people to visit the famous building, it has been damaged to some degree. In order to protect the great building, we should not throw away the rubbish and do not make some marks, so that we can enjoy the great building.


我喜欢唱歌 I Like to Sing

I have a dream, when I grow up, I want to be a singer. Since I saw the TV show Supergirl, I was attracted by their wonderful voices, I want to be one of them, singing the beautiful songs, and let people watch at me. I like singing so much now, I will sing now and then, I can remember many songs. Singing brings me so much happiness.


白雪公主 Snow White

When I was small, I liked to hear my mother telling me a story before I slept, I especially like to hear the snow white. She is a pretty girl, though she meets all kinds of difficulties, she never gave up, at last, she defeats the enemy and wins the prince’s love. Every girl has the dream to become a princess, but the girl like snow white is the prefect princess.




As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places,we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do?How to protect our environmemt ?For example,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags when we go shopping,and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better。“There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well。



There have been many environmental protection problems in recent years . One of the most serious problem is greenhouse gas emissions have caused climate change ,At the same time ,lots of trees have been used and wasted.So our earth is becoming warmer and warmer . .That brings us illnesses and death.

Luckily ,,many countries have done a lot to stop environmental pollution。It's the most important in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion ,on the one hand ,through education we should make people realize that destroying the environment means destroying ourselves,..On the other hand ,we should try to do something to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

In a word .we must develop low-carbon economy......






What is the mother of all resources less and less? Is, of course, we humans excessive spoiling don't cherish, would cause such a serious result. Our earth forest area has reached 600 million hectares, the figure is due to our human previously has important sense to protect the environment, know that if you don't have a good environment, we won't be able to breathe to the light wind gently brushed the grass surface sweet taste. And now? Us that the earth's forest area is still not arrived 6 hectares, this kind of situation, it is because we humans cut down trees and destroying forest without restraint, make almost fell by 1% in each of the forest area in the world, now our protection in the nature of the important consciousness is more and more shallow, don't take care of the objects around, as the forest is less, the first bite of the air we breathe is less and less fresh...

Is not destruction of forest resources, and our mineral resources. It is limited, now our production technology constantly improve, the accelerating speed and shortage of some minerals occurred, even dried up. Until then, we will always stay in the desolate landscape.

In the face of these, can see there are so many resources in we lost too much! We rely on resources too much! All around us, little drops of the resources are in decline, if lost it all, we will how to live! So, let us sincerely treat our mother earth, try to cherish, to cherish. If only use a small plastic bag, it should not be too!

Let us act, to defend the earth!



