2023-11-21 08:39:42


If you are willing to walk deeper into the woods on the day of frost, you may see such a strange and cruel "ZhouShu" said: "the day of frost jackal sacrifice In a flat space between the trees, the jackal is putting the wild animals he has caught, one by one, neatly in a square, and then howling at the At this time, you must not disturb It's He prayed that the mountain god would tolerate his killing of the weaker


In addition to the unpredictable array, the military parade can also see thrilling equestrian The riders galloped back and forth, making all kinds of amazing patterns on the There are "double yanchuoshui", "withered pine hanging upside down"; there are "Kuixing kicking", "night fork exploring the sea"; there are "collapsing bridge into walking", "stepping on ladder to watch the moon" Most of the ancients chose to crusade against the enemy in The military parade was often the drill before the When it was over, they went straight to the



Today is a special day, is the 24 solar terms of insects, all hibernating animals wake up today. Such as snakes, bears.

I think: big forest should be very busy now!

The snake twisted it the fat body, climb out from the tree hole. The bear? Is dragging its huge body, lazy walked out of the tree.





Insects, it is the third solar term of 24 solar terms.

Every year on March 5 or 6, the sun arrived at longitude 345 degrees Insects awaken icon for the "insects awaken". Insects awaken mean temperatures, heart, awakened dormant in underground insects hibernate. Sting is a hidden meaning. Departure pulled seventy-two hou the, said: "the day of February, everything to shock, shock for ray, yue insects awaken. Insect sting is surprised and ran away." Jin dynasty poet tao yuanming poems said: "to promote Gou with the spring rain, beginning LeiFaDong corner, the sting of each dive, vegetation vertical and horizontal shu." In fact, the insects are hear thunder, the earth rejuvenation, weather warming is the end of hibernation, "surprised and ran away."

惊蛰(jīng zhé),是24节气中的第三个节气。

每年3月5日或6日,太阳到达黄经345度时 惊蛰图示为“惊蛰”。惊蛰的意思是天气回暖,春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠的昆虫。蛰是藏的意思。《月令七十二候集解》中说:“二月节,万物出乎震,震为雷,故曰惊蛰。是蛰虫惊而出走矣。”晋代诗人陶渊明有诗曰:“促春遘(gòu)时雨,始雷发东隅,众蛰各潜骇,草木纵横舒。”实际上,昆虫是听不到雷声的,大地回春,天气变暖才是使它们结束冬眠,“惊而出走”的原因。