2023-08-06 03:47:25



Dear ,

I’m writing to invite you to .(发出邀请)

There are some points you may want to know about . (活动主题)During ________, we will have lots of activities you are interested in .(活动的具体内容)First, .(活动介绍一)Second, .(活动介绍二)

I believe that you will be very interested in . For one thing/First, ________. For another/Second, ________(受邀人参加的理由)

Since the ________ will begin ________, is it possible ________? I really hope you can come/I’m looking forward to ________.(提出希望)



Dear ,

Thank you very much for/Thanks a lot for/Many thanks for /I’m writing to you about my gratitude for /I’m very grateful to you for .(开门见山地交代感谢原因)

But for/Without your help, .(从反面衬托对方的作用)/It’s very kind of you to .(从正面说明对方的作用)

I hope to have the opportunity to express my gratitude to you/repay your kindness. I will feel very honored and pleased if .(提出回报对方的方式)Would you please let me know ?(希望对方给予回应)Thank you again for what you have done.(再次表达感谢)

Yours sincerely,


Dear ,

I’m so sorry to tell you that .Now, I am writing you this letter to show my deep regret.(就某事道歉)I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for ________(希望得到谅解)

I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. The reason for my delay/absence was/is that . Therefore, .(解释原因)

I wonder if ________.(询问对方能够接受补救方案)

Sincerely yours,


Dear ,

I am very to know that .(写信的原因)I’m looking forward to .(表示期待)

I’m afraid that .(表述提出建议的原因)I’d like to suggest that . First ; then .(提出建议)

I believe this kind of arrangement will .(建议的作用)

Moreover, if , it is necessary for you to .(补充建议)

Wish .(祝愿)

Yours sincerely,


Dear ,

I am .()I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding .(要询问的内容)

First of all, what are ? Secondly, when will ? Thirdly, is ?(要咨询的问题罗列)

I would also like to inquire . Could you be so kind to send me some relevent booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?(附加问题)

Thank you for your kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.(表示感谢)

Yours sincerely,


Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.(表示荣幸)My name is .(自我介绍)The topic of my speech is .(提出演讲主题)

To begin with, many people suggest that .(话题或现象列举)Secondly, . Thirdly, .

What I want to stress is that .(重申主题)For one thing, . For another, . Besides, .(原因或重要性列举)In a word, .()

Thank you for your listening/Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.(称呼语及开场白).


All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes./Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Make sure you’ll come on time and don’t be late.(说明通知对象和注意事项)

Please come and join in it./Everybody is welcome to attend it./I hope you’ll have a nice time here.(重申希望大家参加之情)

That’s all. Thank you.(结束语)

Nowadays, there are more and more in some big cities. It is estimated that .(用具体数据说明某现象)

Why have there been so many ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first reason is that .(原因一)Besides, .(原因二)The third reason is .(原因三)To sum up, the main cause of is due to .(指出主要原因)

It is high time that something should be done. For one thing, .(解决建议一)For another thing, . All these measures will certainly .(解决建议二)

In recent days, there has been a problem , which is becoming more and more serious.(说明问题及其现状)First, . Second, .(进一步阐释现状)

We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ________. For another thing, ________. Finally, ________.(列举解决该问题的)

Personally, I believe that ________/Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ________.(结尾段,指出"我"的信心及理由)

There is a widespread concern over the issue that . But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.(引出话题)

A majority of people think that .(观点一)In their view there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows: In the first place, .(支持观点一的原因一)In the second place, .(支持观点一的原因一)So it goes without saying that .

The other people, however, differ in their opinion on this matter. They hold the idea that .(观点二)In their point of view, on the one hand, ; on the other hand, .(支持观点二的原因)Therefore, there is no doubt that .

As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that . It is not only because , but also because . The more , the more .("我"的观点)

and more beautiful.(解决问题的方法)







Directions: For this part, you’re allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description ofthe picture and then express your views on the importance of reading literature. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

审题:本题的漫画反映的是一个社会现象。在漫画中,老师把一本厚厚的书交给学生,并对他说:“Just think of it as if you’re reading a longtext-message.”结合题目中的写作指令(express your views on theimportance of reading literature),考生可以得出这幅漫画所反映的社会现象:随着新的电子媒体的出现,文学阅读日渐式微。需要提醒考生的是,漫画中的text-message象征着当代层出不穷的新媒体,这里并不需要对其做过于狭隘的理解。


Directions: For this part, you’reallowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with abrief description of the picture and then express your views on the importanceof doing small things before undertaking something big. You should write atleast 120 words but no more than 180 words.

审题:本题的漫画中有一对父子。儿子说:“Dad, I’m a bit worried about disposing of nuclear waste.”爸爸说:“If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything.”这幅漫画传达的是一个人生道理:想做大事,要先从小事做起。一屋不扫,何以扫天下?如果考生没有从漫画中看出这层意思,也可以结合写作指令(express your views on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big)看出这一点。


Directions: For this part, you’reallowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with abrief description of the picture and then express your views on the importanceof learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words.

审题:在本题的漫画中,一位老师正在教一群小学生乘法表,孩子们却面露疑色,其中一个学生向老师表达了大家心中的疑虑:“No offense, but by the time we’re in the job market, won’t that stuff be outdated?”结合写作指令(express your views on the importance of learning basic skills),考生不难看出这幅漫画意在强调学习基本技能的重要性。








1. 条分缕析


There wasa time when children could relish (欣赏/ 也可以使用appreciate 替换) literature. But childrentoday can enjoy the sounds and action on a TV or computer screen. “So why bother reading?” some ask. The reasonis obvious: It enriches our imagination. When we read apiece of literature, we are living the life of RobinHood or starting an adventure with Tom Sawyer. In addition, literature is the mirror of society,whether it be poetry, drama or fiction. We know thesociety better through literature.

2. 举例论证


Everything is smallbefore it is big. A good example is KFC. In 1930 Colonel Harland Sanders beganserving food to his service station customers in Corbin, a city in Kentucky. He fried chicken in his own kitchen andperfected his secret recipe there. From the small roadside eatery, he went on to build an empire of fast food.

3. 类比论证


Simple as they mayseem, basic skills serve as the first link in the chain of success. Thisis analogous to learning to play basketball. If shooting, dribbling and passing are not mastered,learning advanced skills will become difficult, if notimpossible. A growing body of research has also documented that such basicskills as reading, writing and computing are highlycorrelated with success later in life. A 2012 study surveyed 300 CEOs ofFortune 500 companies and found that 87% attributed part of their success tothe basic skills they learned in primary school.



The good old proverb reminds us that . Indeed, we can learn many things from (引出名言,阐明含义)

First of all, . For example, . Secondly, . Another case is that . Furthermore, .(举例说明理由)

In my opinion, .(自己的观点)In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying . If you understand it and apply it to your study or life, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from (总结)


On October 31st, dozens of children dressed in costumes(节日服装)knock on their neighbors’ doors and yell "Trick or Treat" when the door Pirates and princesses, ghosts and popular heroes of the day all hold bags open to catch the candy or other goodies that the neighbors drop As they give each child a treat the neighbors exclaim over the costumes and try to guess who is under the

Since the 800’s November 1st is a religious holiday known as All Saints’ Day(万圣节). The Mass that was said on this day was called The evening before became known as All Hakkiw e’en, or Like some other American celebrations, its origins lie in both pre-Christian and Christian

October 31 st was the eve of the Celtic(凯尔特人的)new The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts The townspeople baked food all that day and when night fell they dressed up and tried to resemble the souls of the Hoping that the ghosts would leave peacefully before midnight of the new


Today’ school dances and neighborhood parties called "block parties" are popular among young and old More and more adults celebrate They dress up like historical or political figures and go to mmasquerade parties(化妆舞会). In larger cities, costumed children and their parents gather at shopping malls early in the Stores and businesses give parties with games and treats for the

Teenagers enjoy costume dances at their schools and the more outrageous the costume the better!

Certain pranks(恶作剧)such as soaping car windows and tipping over garbage cans are But partying and pranks are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy Some collect money to buy food and medicine for needy children around the






教材文章难度适中,词汇丰富,是非常好的词库。也许有的同学不以为然,那么我们看这个句子:A比B要美得多。如果让你用英语写出这个句子,你能想到的句型有几个?在你想到的句型中,是不是转来转去就那么几句:A is more beautiful than B, 或者A is more beautiful when compared with B , 或者B is not as beautiful as A……这样的句型你会写,还有数万个和你一样的中学生也会写,但是如果你写出:Although A is beautiful, it pales when it is in comparison with B. (虽然A很美,但是与B相比便黯然失色了。) 这样的句子,效果会大不相同。

第二个资源,基于教材,我们可以向外发散,任何你读过的报英文刊杂志,比如《21st Century》《China Daily》等等,都是很好的资源,还有很多经典的英文电影,英文歌曲也都是丰富的词库,从中可以提炼出非常多的优美的词汇和句子,改造一下,就可以放到我们的文章中,为我们的作文增色不少。


所谓过渡词,就是表示先后顺序的first, second,….at last,表示因果关系的as a result, due to, because of…,表示分述关系的what’s more, furthermore, besides, in addition等等。为什么要使用这样的词汇?原因有二:其一,我们每个人写的文章虽然内容几乎千篇一律,但是每个人的写作风格和逻辑思路不尽相同。怎样在短时间内让阅卷老师进入自己的逻辑体系,快速而精准的判断你的文章呢?过渡词就是一个很好的“向导”,它能够引导阅卷人的思路,让其短时间内对你的文章做出公允的评价;其二,我们列好提纲准备下笔的时候,总有一个先后顺序,总有一个逻辑结构,如何使自己的文章结构清晰,要点明确,中心突出,答案还是过渡词,使用了过渡词,可以规范自己的逻辑思路,让我们在有压力的写作之下能够做到临危不乱,有条不紊,层次清晰,逻辑通畅。


如果一百份试卷里都是清一色的“I think”简单句,那阅卷人读起来将会多么的乏味,乏味至极的阅卷人又如何能给得出高分?所以,我们在写句子的时候,要尽可能的变换句式和结构,让文章富于变化,错落有致。具体地说:中考作文中,我们可以尝试使用更多的复合句,主要是宾语从句,状语从句以及尝试变化语态。例如,08年中考北京卷作文题,以汶川地震为背景描写一个叫做林浩的小英雄的故事以及自身感受。其中有一句细节描写叫做“他救出了自己的同学并步行七小时到达安全地点。”例文给出的句子是“…he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety.” 这句话我们可以改写成为一个从句:saving two of his classmates, Lin Hao walked for seven hours to safety.如果再加上语态的变换,还可以改写成:Being saved from the earthquake, two of Lin Hao’s classmates walked for seven hours to safety with Lin Hao. 这样的变化在作文中能够主动使用的话,一定会增加阅卷人的青睐,从而给你的文章增加获胜的筹码。


在中考作文中,很少有同学能主动写出名人名言为自己的文章画龙点睛。名人名言是精炼浓缩的,富有哲理和智慧的句子,经过数百年人们口耳相传到了今天,足以说明它的凝练和它的魅力。如果在文章中能成功使用合适的名人名言,那将会是怎样一番景象,其实不难想象。比如你在一篇讨论中学生该不该使用手机的文章中用了“Just as the saying goes, ‘every coin has two sides.’”,那效果就相当于一个美国人在汉语水平考试作文里写出了“中国人有句古话叫‘福兮祸之所倚,祸兮福之所伏’”一样的震撼!因此,学会使用名人名言,将会使我们的文章大放异彩。当然了,使用名人名言的前提是我们得记得住一定数量的名言。很多同学在写作的时候没有办法写出漂亮的名言来衬托,这一是因为自己平时积累不够,写不出合适的名人名言,第二是对名人名言没有形成条件反射,联想不到。大家在接下来的文章中不妨可以尝试一下,看看效果如何。
















(1)选用比较有把握的词汇,用恰当的句型写出确切反映内容要求的句子。在熟悉的基础上,鼓励多用高级词汇和结构复杂的复杂句。如表达“为了……”时,可用inorder to do 或 so as todo.也可用sothat引导目的状语从句。


(3)表达限定的内容有困难时,就要想到“AllroadsleadtoRome.”这句话,用变通的方法,以达到“曲径通幽”。如要译“他表哥外强中干”这样一句话,表达起来似乎很难,但我们完全可以通过学过的东西将这句话明白贴切地表达出来:Hiscousinlooks strong but in fact,he is rather weak.

(4)尽量避免使用汉语式的英语。例如要表达“她睡得很迟”,不可写成:Shesleptvery late.应该写成:Shewent tobed verylate.因为“sleeplate”表示“睡懒觉”。又如要表达“他一点都不担心他的英语”,不可写成:Heisnot a little worried abouthisEnglish.实际上意思完全相反,表达成“他非常担心他的英语”了。应该是:Heisnot a bit worried about his English. 或:He isnotworried about his English at all.


























分析:五大提示要点只有第一要点是限定的,考生可以直接翻译。其余四大要点都是半限定的、半开放性的。考生需要根据文章主题的需要联系实际生活进行适当发挥。不同的考生会有不同的答案。这部分既是写作的重点也是难点。考生可用简明的英语写出要点。如:Atschool: keep the classroom clean and tidy. At home : helpparents dosome housework. In public places: obey the traffic rulesdont maketoo much noise . make a contribution to this event: giveoutleaflets to make people understand the importance ofthisactivity.


开头(Introduction):Yangzhouiscreating a National Civilization City. As middle schoolstudents,weshould try our best to become civilized persons.


At school, we should keep our classroom cleanandtidy every day. We shouldnt throw about rubbish.

At home, we should help our parents dosomehousework.

In public places, we shouldnt make much noiseinpublic places. We mustnt cross the road until the trafficlightsturn green.

We can make a contribution to this event bygivingout leaflets to the citizens to make them understand theimportanceof this event and take part in it.

结尾 (conclusion):Iam sure Yangzhou will become a National Civilization Citysoon.


分析:根据文章内容和要求,可以适当调整以上句子的先后顺序。为了使文章连贯自然,表达准确,适当加一些表达并列、递进、因果、转折等关系的连词,然后组成文章,这时如果发现文章词数不够,可把短语变成句子,也可增添一些与表达内容有关的短语或句子。如:表达“在家”,不用“athome”.而用“When we areathome.”如果发现文章词数超过要求,可以将句子变成短语或两句并一句。















Yangzhou is creating a National CivilizationCity.As middle school students, we should try our best tobecomecivilized persons.

First, when we are at school, we should keepourclassroom clean and tidy. And we shouldnt throw aboutrubbish.Second, we should help our parents do some housework athome.Third, we shouldnt make much noise in public places. Besides,wemustnt cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.Whatsmore, we can give out leaflets to the citizens in order tomakethem understand the importance of this event and take partinit.

If everyone makes a contribution to thisevent,Yangzhou will become a National Civilization City soon.


例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.


2. S + be + the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + S + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

主语+ be + the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主语 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc)

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.


Mr. Zhang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.


3. Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education.


4. There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...)

例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.


5. It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...)

例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.


6. There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的...)

例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.


7.An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的优点是...)

例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't create (produce) any pollution.


8. The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...)

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.

The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.


9. So + 形容词 + be + S + that + 句子 (如此...以致于...)

例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.


10. Adj + as + S + be, S + V~~~ (虽然...)

例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不}


11. The + ~er + S + V, the + ~er + S + V

The + more + adj + S + V, the + more + adj + S + V (愈...愈...)

例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make.


The more books we read, the more learned we become.


12. By +V+ing, ~~ can ~~ (通过...,..能够..)

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.


13. ~~~ enable + Object(宾语)+ to + V (..使..能够..)

例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.


14. On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能...)

例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.


15. It is time + S + 过去式 (该是...的时候了)

例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.






写作内容:1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 以约120个词写一篇短文,就“游客可付费在仿造长城上涂写留言”发表你的看法,内容包括:




It is reported that tourists to China’s Great Wall can now leave their mark on a fake wall recently built near the real wall in Badaling if they pay 999 yuan.

In China, many visitors have the hobby of carving graffiti on places of interest, especially on some famous cultural relics. Last year I went to the Great Wall and found many people had left names and ugly words on the Wall, which destroys many historic bricks. In my opinion, such people should feel ashamed of leaving their marks on the great relics which were created by our ancestors.

So personally I quite agree with this brilliant project though it has caused criticism from some people. The Great Wall would be ruined one day if we didn’t take any steps to protect it. The fake wall is a really good idea because it will protect our relics as well as making profits from the project.(124 words)























A. 一个社会现象或社会问题

B. 产生的原因

C. 对社会或生活的影响

D. 如何处理

【实例指导】随着高考的临近,一些高三学生出现各种生理和心理问题。因此,学会适度地自我放松非常重要。请你围绕“Ways to Get Relaxed”这一话题,按照下列要点写一篇不少于120词的英语短文。





With the national college entrance examination drawing near, some students in Senior Three suffer from problems both physically and mentally. The most common ones are learning anxiety and lack of communication and physical exercise, which make them unfocused,unconfident and even commit suicide. So it’s important for us students to find ways to get relaxed. Taking exercise is not only of great benefit to our health but relaxes us a lot.

We can also have a talk with people we trust,for their comfort may relieve us from worries and their experience will help us solve our problems.

Moreover,we can read some inspiring stories so that we are full of confidence to overcome any difficulties we may meet with.

As for me,the best way to relax is just to maintain my sense of humor. For example, sometimes I read jokes and sometimes I treat myself to funny movies.

As we all know,so long as a person is optimistic,there is nothing to be afraid of.


A.有人认为A 是好事



【实例指导】如今校园里早恋的中学生越来越多。有的人认为应该制止,有的人认为没有必要干涉,只要不影响正常学习即可。作为中学生,你如何正确看待这个问题?请你写一篇不少于120词的英语短文来陈述你的观点或看法。参考词汇:早恋(puppy love)

Puppy love is more and more common among high school students nowadays. Concerning this,different people have different opinions.

Some people hold the view that puppy love is not proper for us students because it can lead to many problems. Firstly,it not only influences our spirit but also distracts us from our studies. Then,it also makes our parents and teachers much too worried about us. What’s more,puppy love is a waste of time.

While others hold the opposite opinion about this. They believe that it is nothing if it doesn’t influence the students’study. Meanwhile,the students should make friends with each other.

From my point of view,we should concentrate on our studies because we are at a stage of gaining knowledge. We should pay more attention to our studies,and only by doing so can we have a brighter future.


A. 一个错误的观点

B. 我不同意(理由)


Nowadays more and more students prefer Hollywood films to Chinese patriotic films. Because they think there are no handsome actors or romantic love stories in Chinese patriotic films.

But I cannot agree with those people on that. The reasons are as follows. Firstly,in comparison with foreign films,the Chinese patriotic films tell us the real touching and inspiring stories that happened in China years ago. Secondly,a number of them are also great works. We should get rid of the idea that patriotic films are dull and boring. What’s more,no one can deny the fact that patriotic films have greatly influenced several generations of our Chinese.

In conclusion,I want to say,the outstanding patriotic films are also the record of the Chinese history. We students should not only watch them but also love them.


1. The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with creation or innovation when it comes to the cultivation of individual characteristics. /for the personal growth.

2. A distinctly clear message is revealed in this picture that the spirit of creation seems to underlie almost all human successes, which is also a truth that is universally acknowledged.

3. The author sends us a clear message via this drawing that the spirit of creation underlies all forms of human successes and national development.


1. Put it another way, the adventure spirit is a key ingredient of the modern recipe to success, either for individuals or for a nation.

2. To be sure, without the courage to engage in unknown journey and to embrace unexpected detours or setbacks, we would have no any advance to speak of.

3. Those who stick to independent thinking will not be denied fair returns, favorable positions or even fantastic feats.


1. Due attention to this quality is attached by individuals and even the whole society.

2. People in all walks of life take substantial note of this character.

3. No one would deny that, independence is truly the fundamental attribute of top performers, which separates the high achievers from the rest of the pack.


1. People with spirit of independence cannot only accumulate wealth, but will also establish their career, fit into society, and even attain social status.

2. The key to equation of individual success lies in one’s possession of this quality, a well-accepted fact that is affirmed by one’s focusing on the target and unwavering perseverance.


3. Apple, a great company creating an industrial legend with its series of category-killers, gives out a clear message with its phenomenal business story that innovation powers the engine that generates value. To put it the other way around, Apple would gradually fade out and into nowhere with the absence of innovation in designs.


1. In a sense, this human quality lies at the core of the blueprint to success.

2. In other words, were there no spirit of independence, we would never taste the real happiness of the successful life.


Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the local community. They believe this would benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole.Do you agree or disagree?

Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing the working week to thirty five hours?

It is unquestionable that rising unemployment is one of the most pressing issues in the industrial world. One solution that has been put forward is to cut the working week to a maximum of 35 hours. However, in my view this solution is rather controversial and other solutions need to be found.

It is fairly easy to understand the reasons why this proposal has been made. The reasoning is that if workers are not allowed to work for more than 35 hours weekly, then employers will be forced to engage more staff. There would be at least two advantages to this. Not only would unemployment be reduced, but the working conditions of employees on very long shifts would also be significantly improved. For example, a factory employing 300 manual workers doing 10 hours a day might employ 450 workers.

There is also, however, a strong argument not to implement this proposal. This argument is based on economic competitiveness. If a company was forced to employ more workers to produce the same amount of goods, then its wage bill would rise and its products might become more expensive and less competitive compared to companies with longer working weeks. In this case, it is possible that the company either might become insolvent or it would have to make some employees redundant. As a result, the intended benefit to the personnel would not happen.

In summary, we can see that this is clearly a complex issue as there are significant advantages and disadvantages to the proposal. My own personal view is that it would be better not to introduce the shortened working week because it works only in theory and not in practice.



Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.



As the development of science, people’s medical care has been improved, when people get sick, they can go to the hospital and get the treatment, and then they will recover soon. Today western medicine is people’s first choice, the Chinese medicine is being ignored by more and more people. Compared to western medicine, Chinese medicine has its own advantages. First, Chinese medicine won’t have or have less side effect. Western can work on people’s body soon, but it is true that the side effect is very obvious, such as headache, dizzy and get sick of the food. Chinese medicine takes some time to work, but without side effect. People can recover completely. Second, Chinese medicine pays special attention to the food treatment. It is believed that taking pills will hurt the body, but the food treatment is different, people can adjust their diet to get healthy. Chinese medicine will not out of date.



Fake goods, also known as Shanzhai products, are quite common in China. These products usually have the similar names with the real product, or just exactly the same out-looking with the products. In the remote area, this situation could be worse. The markets are swamped with these fake and poor quality goods. On Taobao, some bad sellers mix up the good and fake products, you can’t even tell the differences between them. Such behavior has harmed greatly to the people’s rights and health. For example, if a consumer buys the fake the cosmetics, she may get allergic. And this may lead to horrible result. What’s worse, the fake goods also exist in the medicine markets. If a patient buys the fake goods by accident, he may lose his life.


The cause of this situation is that some people only care about money making; they don’t know the aftermaths of such behaviors could bring. The local governments do not look into their illegal activities. The consumers’ right must be protected. Only in this way the market can develop healthy and steady. The justice must be done.





Due to the fact that the mental state, we have to keep a balance between the physical and the mental.

这句话中,due to the fact that后面需要接一个句子,而上句中只是一个名词性短语,所以错误。另外,between...and...需要连接两个名词短语,上句中形容词physical和mental后缺少名词性成分。改正为Due to the fact that the mental state plays a significant role, we have to keep a balance between the physical well-being and the mental health.






箴言仿写:Cultivation is to the mind what food is to the body.


上述句子可以概括为A is to B what C is to D.替换ABCD四个名词就可以用来表达“重要性”这一概念。


★ 人生态度——乐观与悲观

A positive attitude is to life what the sun is to the earth.积极的态度对于生活,好比太阳对于地球一样。

★ 谈读书

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.阅读对于思想,好比运动对于身体一样。

★ 赡养父母——家庭

Family is to the people what life is to the individual.家庭对于人类,好比生活对于个人一样。

★ 投诉信

Cleanness is to the canteen what reputation is to the people.清洁对于食堂来说,好比名誉对于人一样。

★ 谈诚信

Honesty is to the people what life is to the creature.诚信对于人来说,好比生命对于人一样。


A+ be+倍数+as many/much as+ B

A+ be+倍数+the amount+ B

A+ be+倍数+what it was+ B


★ 从1999年到20xx年,奢侈品的销售增长了3倍。

①The sale of luxuries doubled from the end of 1999 to 20xx.

②The sale of luxuries increased three times/three-fold from the end of 1999 to 20xx.

③A three-fold increase was seen in the sale of luxuries from the end of 1999 to 20xx.

④There was a three-fold increase in the sale of luxuries from the end of 1999 to 20xx.





★ 故事发生于19世纪末期。那个时候,中国正遭受西方列强的蹂躏。

A: The story happened in the late 19th century.

B: At that time, China was suffering from the invasion of western powers.

→合并为定语从句:The story happened in the late 19th century when China was suffering from the invasion of western powers.



★ 这个问题很复杂。我们花了近两周的时间才把它搞定。

A: The problem was very complicated.

B: It took us nearly two weeks to solve it.

→合并为结果状语从句The problem was so complicated that it took us nearly two weeks to solve it.















