2023-12-02 08:48:36








































当我刚到大海边的时候,我只是欣赏、游玩大海的妙处,并没有想到要保护环境。可是当我看到海滩上丢弃的空瓶,突然惊醒,好像从梦中刚刚醒来,我想到了海洋 垃圾,人们拥有好的环境,却不加以珍惜,乱扔垃圾,把海洋当成了一个可以装无限垃圾的垃圾堆,有多少海洋生物因为海洋受到污染而死去!有多少珍稀动物因此 而灭绝!尤其是白色污染,那些为人类提供方便而杀死动物们的垃圾袋!

当然,不止是海洋,更多的是陆地。不知道你还记不记得,在今年六·一儿童节的时候,在南山公园,满山都是垃圾!被人们丢弃的易拉罐、饮料瓶、塑料袋……看 一眼都会叫人难以置信。沙漠是怎么来的?还不是人们的乱砍滥伐,在每一个国家几乎都有沙漠,却都不加以阻止,这是多么可怕呀!有错却不加以改正。唉,真可 悲呀!







































1、 尽量多植树,不要浪费纸张。

2、 出门时尽量乘坐公交车,不要开私家车。

3、 每天最多打开电脑一两个小时,不要开太长时间。

4、 在夏天,开空调时如果没有那么热,调温度时可以调高几度,尽量不要开太长时间。

5、 如果家里是开场子的,排放出来的黑烟,一定要经过处理,不要直接排放在空中。





There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and the polluted air does great harm to people’s The polluted water causes diseases and What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind


What kind of environment should be? Ought to be beautiful, but also should be to let people feast for the eyes, but now all of you take a look at the environment, beautiful? Let people feast for the eyes? The answer is

So what should we do? Today, I'll give you some advice to protect the environment, the content is as follows:

We live earth is deteriorating rapidly, did we have to pay attention to their own living environment cause harm to nature, you must not throw sundry, especially those serious pollution of garbage, waste batteries, for example, because the section waste batteries contain heavy metals, if flow to clean the water, it is very much pollution, then try to save trees made items such as paper, pencils, because waste these things is the destruction of the Also try to use less disposable lunch box, chopsticks and plastic bags and other items, so as to avoid unnecessary waste and reduce

There are some tips: walking to closing the master switch, in order to avoid electrical appliances overheating explosion, a waste of money and waste of electricity, save water, to shut the tap when brushing your teeth, wash dish water to rice, rice water to water the flowers, wash water can sweep the floor, so we can reduce some 12 don't hunt wild animals, animal protection is absolutely can't kill, but don't kill the common animals such as frogs, because frogs eat 15000 bugs for us, and most are Some people often don't think that is, the stubborn still, so we should try to eat less wild animals, lead to wild animals, the drop in sales no longer killing of wild

Our forest is called oxygen plant, so to take good care of flowers and plants, not to destroy the city greening, and actively participate But also to cut down trees less, don't waste wood items, because waste these things is to destroy the forest, so be used sparingly, to protect the forests of less and

Use energy-saving lamps to replace the ordinary light bulb, although some expensive but can use less I appeal to you: in our daily actions to protect earth's environment, let our children and grandchildren live in a beautiful environment!








Now, the environment in our hometown is getting worse and worse, the air is no longer so fresh, the water is not so clear. I find this is caused by people's lack of environmental awareness.

One day I was on my way home when suddenly a banana peel flew past me. I turned around and saw that an uncle had eaten the banana and threw it on the ground. I ran past, to the uncle said: "uncle, we should not throw the peel, it will pollute the environment." uncle disapprovingly say: "don't just throw a banana skin, it will pollute the environment?" after I listened to very angry, pick up the banana skin, pointing to say: "if everyone a day away a banana skin, that the earth went into a dumpster?" after the uncle's face turned red, the banana skin and threw it into the trash can out of my hand, and touched my head and said: "ah, now of primary school children can be amazing! We haven't pupil adults have environmental protection consciousness!" I smiled and said, "your excellency has the ability, perhaps the environment is better than our primary school students!" Both my uncle and I went home happily.

Through this little thing I learned that the environment in my hometown will be better if everyone is protecting the environment. Therefore, we should protect the environment, to know, to protect the environment is to protect ourselves!


Every time the tinkling spring water will click on the keyboard of my heart, it will show a vibrant and colorful nature. The meadow of the soul, full of life; Nature, however, is more applied to the active spring to nourish it.

While human beings are asking for resources from nature, don't forget that the dirty waste water has lost the active spring water and the choking gas has caused nature to lose its cool color. The naked trees are still resentful of the acid rain, and the lovely mountain spring complains that it has no capacity to deal with sewage, yet nature is angry at this moment.

The nature, the aizeng clear, detest evil mother, can't bear to see the gray smog green ocean, the moving mountain spring notes don't have the heart to lose, don't have the heart to one day become human casualties, she used her anger to warn people. The voice of powerlessness has failed to awaken the senses of the human mind, and it is only through sandstorms, hurricanes, and floods to wash away the human brain and the dirt of the mind.

Once nature was so gentle and kind, now she is no longer in style. She abhorred the unconscionable human, the ruthless human, so unscrupulous in the destruction of wild animals, the clearing of the "air cleaner" forest... Nature shed tears, she could not help her own sad, crying, the tears are enough to make the world into a borderless Pacific Ocean. Nature, however, has endured its own emotions, waiting for the awakening of human consciousness and waiting for one day to be able to understand nature.

Yearning that "clear sky a crane cloud top" blue sky, but can not help but in "black cloud pressure city wants to destroy" in lost oneself. The blue sky was unmercifully replaced by the dark clouds. Who wants to see the endless green being replaced by a bunch of stumps, who wants to choke the gas to replace the fresh, fresh air, who wants the noisy mechanical voice to replace the beautiful voice? Who wishes to float the bubbly water of the lake to suppress the sweet notes of the mountain? Nature endows human beings with too many beautiful things. People do not know how to be grateful, but they will repay the kindness, sad, deplorable, pitiful!

The natural world of the mind is the source of my soul. I know what the notes of the mountain spring are, and understand what is green and what is to love nature. I am a tiny guardian of nature, but I can hear the moving notes of the mountain spring, and understand the contentment of "two yellow orioles". As long as there is a love of nature, and the heart of nature, and fear that there is no lively natural oasis for you to play the notes on the keys of your heart.

Expert review:

The study of nature's love and hate is a clever way to relate to the environment of human destruction, and to announce that nature needs our common care. The little author has written the warning of nature to people, and the pen has turned to the nature of the soul, telling us to take care of the environment from me and from now on.

Walk in the forest

"The forest guests don't need wine, the green is drunk", gently I go into the green forest.

I wandered in the woods, misty, white, soft, floating in the air. The trees stood still in the blue sky and greeted the sunshine with open arms. The sun was like a line of golden sand, and through the folds of the branches came in and scattered on the grass. The grass was glittering with dew, and it smelt of grass, flowers, and moist earth. All sorts of countless flowers are racing to get out of the earth, white, red, and yellow, such as the stars twinkle, let the earth in the forest shine a colorful vitality. In the fragrant jungle, I suck the fragrance of flowers and plants, enjoying the sun bathing, I am intoxicated in this infatuated dream.

Listen, the orioles sing, the pigeons cooing, the birds chirp, the magpies chirp, the crows whistle and the whole forest resounds with joy and vitality. Look, the butterflies are dancing in the woods, and welcome every visitor. In the lush forest, I chased and sang with the birds; I play and laugh with the butterfly.

Go into the forest, listen to the brook babbling, the spring tinkling, the leaves sand, the sunlight stream quietly flowing, clear crystal bottom, the happy fish occasionally leap out of the water to greet you happily. The blue water and the blue sky became unusually transparent, clear, and without a trace of dust.

A man is walking in the woods, as he is in a picture. Gently I go out of the forest, not take a leaf, a little flower!


Mother earth supplies us with enough oxygen, water and food. She is a good mother who CARES for her children and loves her children. However, when you look at the waste gas and sewage in the factory, the forests are being cut down, and the garbage in the city smells bad...

If one day, the earth mother and asked, "son, I gave you a blue sky, clear water, lush forests and fertile fields, how do you live? I let the birds and the beasts of the earth and sky in the water fish and shrimp with your company, how do you with their neighbors?"

What can we say, I suppose, besides sighing and silence? Can we tell her that the sky is no longer blue, that the water is no longer clear, that the forest and the wilderness are no more? Can we tell her that we are already in a state of self-reliance because of the indiscriminate killing?

Now, the environmental situation is very serious. Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, and the government has already set clear governance objectives. As every ordinary person in real life, although it is impossible to work directly in environmental protection, we can start from small things and start from me. Gu yanwu once said that the world is going to die and the people are responsible. The historical task of protecting the environment and maintaining ecological balance will fall on our new generation. Students, when you see the water dripping from the faucet, can you close it? When the battery is used up, can you classify and dispose of it instead of throwing it away? Can you consciously avoid using ultra-thin plastic bags when shopping? ......

The small things are very small, but they reflect your strong sense of environmental protection, high moral quality and good psychological quality.

Come to see our campus, our campus is really beautiful, worthy of the title "national green school". You see, the campus is colorful, the flowers are colorful, the smell of attractive flowers in the campus, the rows of trees are also positive growth, a thriving. Listen, the happy little bird is singing the zest and the song, our campus, its paradise; Each of the music is full of new hope, which is not only a drop of the story of the past, but also the sound of the horn.

At our side, however, in our campus, there are some inharmonious factors: every morning after getting up, attentive students can discover, disposable tableware, instant noodles, boxes everywhere on campus, a few students throw litter waste paper. Although the dustbin is just around the corner, we are stingy with our steps. Students want to be a temperamental and cultured person, but these habits have blocked us from going to high level. We are all students, we should all love our campus. So let us work together to make the environment our own, and build a beautiful and harmonious campus.

I believe: as long as we start from ourselves, from the small things, we work together, perseverance, we will be able to make the campus, also leave a clear blue sky for everyone!

Protect the environment, our duty! Let us all take care of nature, love the earth, hand in arm, shoulder to shoulder, heart and heart to cast a green environmental protection, defend the environment, defend the campus, defend our beautiful homeland!

Friends, what are we still hesitating about? Let's go from now on!


我们应该爱护环境,正因为大家不爱护环境,才导致地球姑娘生病。 今天地球姑娘拖着虚弱的身体来到了急诊室,一听说地球姑娘生病了 ,大象大夫风风火火赶到了急诊室,小兔护士急忙把地球姑娘扶到了床上,几天后,大象大夫拖着疲惫的身子从急救室里走了出来,大象大夫摇头叹气的说:“唉,地球姑娘的病情很严重,随时会有生命危险。”太阳妈妈已经焦急的等待很久,看见大象大夫走了出来,急忙走上前询问地球姑娘的病情,大象大夫忧心忡忡说:“它有四大症状:发炎,高烧一直不退;皮肤受损,身体多处有伤;头发也脱落的差不多了;面黄肌瘦,身体状况非常糟糕啊。”太阳妈妈听完大象大夫的话,感到非常惊讶,因为地球姑娘一直很健康,怎么会突然病的这么严重呢?大象大夫气愤的说:“还不是因为人类不爱护环境,才使地球姑娘生病的。” 是啊,地球姑娘生病都是我们人类造成的,我们应该向她说声“对不起”。由于人们大量砍伐树木,造成全球沙漠化日益严重,所以地球姑娘才变的面黄肌瘦,人们到处乱扔垃圾,工业企业里的废水四处横流,废气在空中弥漫,废渣乱堆乱放,汽车尾气的大量排放,使地球姑娘原先绿油油的茂密头发,如今也快脱落完了,到处伤痕累累。 为了让地球姑娘快点恢复健康,大家一起行动起来吧,从我们身边一点一滴的小事做起,不乱扔果皮纸屑,不随地吐痰,不使用一次性用品,将废报纸卖给废品收购站,以重新利用,不乱扔废旧电池,在我们的校园中,有的同学却没有做到这些,而老师却给我们做了很好的榜样。 为了我们明天有一个美好的家园,请爱护我们的地球吧!







