2023-12-02 07:44:53


It was already half past eight when Nick got up in morning.

He put on his clothes hurriedly. Then he said,“ bye ” to his mother and went out withouteakfast. He rode on his bike to the school. When he arrived at the school gate, he saw itlocked. He suddenly remembered that it was Sunday and there was no need to go to school at all.


Last Sunday

Last Sunday, I went to see a robot show with my good friend. There were many kinds of robots. They could cook. They could walk and dance. And they could talk with people. Some different robots could play some instruments. Some of them had huge heads. And they looked like humans. I thought they were so cool and I loved them very much. I will be a scientist in the future. Because I can make lots of robots. They can help people do many things. They can do the most unpleasant jobs.


Emma had a very busy Sunday.Let me tell you about it.

Last Sunday,Emma got up early.In the morning,she did homework quickly,beause it was not difficult.In the afternoon,she went swimming with her friend.She had a good time.In the evening,she spent half an hour on TV.After that,she studied for a math test.It took her two hours.She went to bed at about ten o’clock.

This was Emma’s Sunday,it was very busy.How did you spend your Sunday?


Sunday is my favourite day,because I can do whatever I want to do.At 7:00,I wake up naturally,then I wash my face and brush my teeth.After breakfast,I do the rest of my homework.About 9:00,my homework is finished.At this time,I can play with my friends.This is my sunday,what about you?



It was already half past eight when Nick got up in morning.


He put on his clothes hurriedly. Then he said,“ bye ” to his mother and went out without breakfast. He rode on his bike to the school. When he arrived at the school gate, he saw it locked. He suddenly remembered that it was Sunday and there was no need to go to school at all.



Today is is very isn’t at home. My mothermy sistermy little dog and I are at home. We have nothing to do. I sit on the sofa. I want to eat ice-cream. My mom wants to catch a cat. It’s very cute and funny.

This weekend is not happy.


今天星期日(It was Sunday) It was already half past eight when Nick got up in morning. He put on his clothes hurriedly. Then he said “ bye ” to his mother and went out without eakfast. He rode on his bike and whirled to then school. When he arrived at the school gate, he saw it locked. He suddenly remembered that it was Sunday and there was no need to go to school at all.

今天星期日(It was Sunday) It was already half past eight when Nick got up in morning. He put on his clothes hurriedly. Then he said “ bye ” to his mother and went out without eakfast. He rode on his bike and whirled to then school. When he arrived at the school gate, he saw it locked. He suddenly remembered that it was Sunday and there was no need to go to school at all.


Last Sunday

Last Sunday, I went to see a robot show with my good friend. In the past, it was difficult for us to make robots. With the development of technology, everything changes so fast. There are many different kinds of robots in the world. The robots have different shapes and different functions. They can be useful in our daily life. For example, a snake robot will help humans save the people who are under the buildings after an earthquake. What’s more, robots can help us with dangerous, hard and boring jobs and never get bored. So in the future, there will be more robots and people will have less work.


Today is sunday ,I get up early because I want to play sports .I wear my T-shirt and my shorts.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Peter.We are happy .After that ,we eat eadfast .I like drinking milk but he likes drinking juice .At 10:00,I practise playing the chess with my father .Then I eat lunch at 12:00.I will go to study English in the afternoon.Before I go to bed ,I can watch TV with my parents.

This is my Sunday ,I am really very happy .











How to Spend Sundays

Though Sunday is set aside as a day for rest, we ought to devise some .good ways of spending it.

Firstly, we should review what we have learned during the past week. "One will get something new in looking over one's old studies" Is a very wise saying. If we do not fully understand what we have been taught in the week, how can we expect to understand next week's lessons?

Secondly, to increase our knowledge, we should read on Sundays, those books,newspaper and magazines that are not in our regular curriculum. That will do us good.

The two ways of spending Sundays will surely do anyone good if he carries them out faithfully and persistently.







在平时的学习、工作或生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编为大家整理的小学英语作文:My Sunday,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

I’m a lovely girl. My name is Xie Yuxuan. I have a happy Sunday.

Today is a sunny day. In the morning, I get up at nine ten. And I have breakfast at nine thirty. I eat the bread and drink the milk.

I’m very happy today. Why ?Because today is Qian Jiayi’s birthday. I wear new clothes and dance in the garden.

In the afternoon, I have lunch at twelve. I have some rice. And I go to Qian Jiayi’s birthday party at five thirty in the afternoon.

At the party, Qian Jiayi looks so beautiful and she is vey exciting. We are all exciting. We sing the birthday song for her, and eat icecream, drink hot chocolate, we play games and take photos together.

Seven thirty ! Seven thirty ! It is time to go home !

How happy today is !


In the morning, I'm going to the zoo by bike. I want to see the monkeys. Then , I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy a new English book. In the afternoon, I'm going to visit my grandparents with my mom.

It is far, so we are going by bus. In the evening, we are going to watch TV together.

How about you?


at them and they looked at us. oh! my god! they looked at a big map. do they know what were on the map? no? yes? i don't know, but, they could study, really! we know, because we study .they study ,they can know?


Last SundayYesterday was Sunday, I didn’t go to school, but I was busy.In the morning, I got up at eight o’clock, then I ate breakfast. After breakfast, I cleaned my room, it was dirty but it is clean now. In the afternoon, I played badminton with my friends. In the evening, my sister and I ate some cookies, ice cream and drank some juice and milk, but I didn’t like chocolate. After finishing my homework, I watched TV and listened to music.I had a good time last Sunday!