2024-02-09 06:15:35





《我的偶像——科比》我的偶像——科比 “我并没有把它看作是训练,而是在玩一个自己很喜欢的游戏。对我而言,训练是件快乐的事情,我很享受。”——科比年,科比全家搬回了美国年夏天举行的费城Hill联盟比赛中,科比是发挥最出色的球员,随后进入了劳尔梅里恩高中。劳尔梅里恩高中原本是一支弱旅,但科比到来之后,他们马上成了宾州的超级强队赛季,科比场均贡献31.1分个篮板和5.2次助攻,当选了宾州年度最佳高中球员。杜克、北卡、密歇根等NCAA名校,也都特意派出球探观看科比的比赛年夏天,科比在青训营中获得了MVP,很多NBA球探在观看了他的训练后纷纷表示:这是一个随时可以在NBA比赛上场的成熟球员,他已经准备好进入最高水平的联盟了。当时,科比只有17岁。 不过比起那些耀眼的成绩,科比在训练方面的故事更让人津津乐道。刚回美国时,科比就已经随学校二队训练了。虽然一开始打球时,他连队友喊的口令都听不懂(长期生活在意大利的科比很难理解那些美国俚语),但凭借过人的身体素质和个人能力,科比很快脱颖而出:他可以从后场带球,穿越整个球场,突破所有对手得分;也能迅速发现队友的空档,来一个不看人传球——这是他父亲当年最擅长的招数。科比的表演也引起了校队教练格雷格道纳的注意。26岁的道纳曾在NCAA打过球,是个长于防守的后卫,他决定亲自去检验一下科比的成色。 一个周末下午,校篮球队没有进行训练,空旷的球场上只有科比一个人,他一个人在“斗牛”。身运球过人、交叉步变向突破、空中身上篮……这个13岁少年眼睛里闪烁着亮光,这让道纳教练感到万分奇怪,他怎么会那么兴奋? “嘿,科比,你在和谁斗牛呢?”道纳实在忍不住了,他打断了科比的“个人表演”。 “你好,教练,我在和‘影子敌人’决斗。”小科比擦了擦额头的汗水,略带羞涩地回答。 影子敌人?道纳对这个孩子的兴趣更高了。他脱掉了外套,走上球场,“这样吧,忘记‘影子敌人’,我现在就是你真正的敌人,让我们来一场真正的斗牛吧!” 科比笑了笑,他似乎显得有点胆怯,毕竟面前的那个人是自己的教练,是打过NCAA的高手。可一旦球拿在手里,科比的眼神完全变了,道纳突然感到,眼前的对手绝不是个毛头小子,而是那些在NCAA甚至NBA称霸一时的成名球星。而篮球,也仿佛变成了他身体的一部分。 道纳牢牢贴住科比的上半身,企图以身体优势压制住他,可科比腰部突然向右扭,然后向左横跨两步,马上突破直奔篮下,他





《我的偶像》我的偶像非常多,有科比、易建联、朱芳雨、麦迪等。 先说一说易建联,他是我的偶像。他以前在广东宏远队打球,现在帮助球队连夺三次CBA总冠军。今年CBA,广东和八一进入总决赛,经验丰富的八一队以总比分4比1战胜广东队,得冠军。易建联很伤心,未能帮助球队夺得四连冠。易建联最擅长中投,还特别准。现在他要去美国NBA选秀,他选秀排名排第五,选他的球队是西雅图超音速队。我希望他的选秀排名提高一位,去菲尼克斯太阳队打球,那就好啦!祝他身体健康 万事如意!再谈一谈科比。科比在洛杉矶湖人队打球,科比以前喜欢单打独斗,这赛季不单打独斗,而且他的助攻的数量提高很多他上赛季平均得分34、5分,这赛季平均得分31、5分,平均得分降低了三分。我最喜欢他做一些高难度的动作、扣篮、反身投篮、后仰跳投、中投和三分球。科比有两项惊人的纪录,第一,上赛季湖人对猛龙的比赛中,科比四节拿下81分,这项纪录派第二;第二,这赛季他连续十场比赛超过50分以上,这个纪录排第二名。这赛季的季后赛,湖人被太阳4比1干掉,止步第一轮。祝他一帆风顺 前景美好 身体健康 万事如意! 每一个人都有偶像,每个人的偶像有多有少,但是别影响学习,就行了。千万要记住啊!


  我的偶像天马行空的歌词,不知所云的吐字,再加上潇洒前卫的节奏,这就是他的风格。他的横空出世,在这样一个偶像泛滥,巨星稀缺的娱乐年代,更显得独树一帜。所以,即使被笑讽为“一嘴豆腐”,即使被批评为曲风没有突破,但还是势不可挡地成就了他在亚洲流行乐坛一时无二的风光。他,就是我的偶像——周杰伦。  喜欢你的酷。你那遮住了大半张脸的鸭舌帽,给人以神秘的感觉,你那酷底下的深浅,也常常让人捉摸不透。  更喜欢你的风格。酷爱音乐的你不愿效法音乐前辈,要走出自己的音乐之路,用独特的“R&B”唱法,打开了通向成功的道路。从《威廉古堡》的英式风格到《斗牛》的西班牙风格,再到创立“中国风”,你用六年的时间树立了自己的风格,闭着眼睛一听,就知道是你。同时你的音乐也五花八门,有说唱、有旦腔、有女高音,让人听了不禁为之折服,我们永远也不知道,你下次会给我们带来什么样的惊喜?  喜欢你的勤奋。你患有先天性脊柱炎,一但休息不够或运动过量,脊柱就会疼得厉害。尽管如此,你依旧严格要求自己,一年只给自己放十八天假,有时犯病了,你吃药依旧坚持工作,一天只睡四五小时,付出的辛苦是和你的获得成正比的,你凭借自己的努力,成就了华语乐坛最炙手可热的歌手。  喜欢你的不懈。出道之前,你不过只是一名不起眼的音乐助理,自己写的歌曲屡次被明星退稿,而你却不气馁,更加发奋地工作,出道后的第一张专辑《Jay》一炮打响,并在新人倍出,竞争激烈的娱乐圈大为走红。  中西结合的曲风,另类的作词,结合出完美的周式曲风,使你成为乐坛上的一颗巨星。  爱我所爱,追我明星。周杰伦,祝你一路走好。


1、和你们一样,我也是exo-m的粉丝,他们个个帅气逼人,exo-m是一个朝气蓬勃的天团,出道两个星期,粉丝爆满,他们都是90后。exo-m由六个人组成,有冷峻王子Kris,舞蹈奇才lay,帅气逼人lu han,可爱萌神xiu min,实力主唱Chen,武术天才Tao组成,我认为最帅的两位还是舞蹈奇才lay和帅气逼人lu han,因为张艺兴的坚持打动了我,我记得他在快乐大本营里说过我已经由十个月没回家乡了,三年没和家里一起过年了,一般人做不到这一点,他十七岁开始练习舞蹈,今年21岁,天秤座的他性格内向,当娜姐问他是什么让你坚持下去,他说,我的外公外婆,爸爸妈妈,想让他们看到我的成功,这就是张艺兴,这就是坚持的张艺兴。




有人说他是EXO的灵魂人物因为公司宠他 总把他放在中间


他是夺目的存在 他是主领舞 舞台上的他霸气到令别人不敢直视

但台下的他却又是安静内敛的孩子 SMT台湾站十二人一起90°鞠躬只有他没有完全鞠下去

很多人看到这个说他可真傲慢 可是又有多少人知道他的腰伤有多重 弯下腰是那么困难 尽管这样他一直在强忍

忍到在台上的精彩舞蹈让所有人都看不出来他有腰伤 医生让他住院治疗被他拒绝

他是渴望舞台的 他顶着巨大的压力却一直保持沉默 曾让人一再忘记他也只是个94年的孩子

金钟仁 你的争议声很多 可是就算是这样我也无法不心疼你 无法不爱你


他完美的颜羡煞了多少人 一看到他那天然呆的小表情就完全败下阵来

纯天然的萌物一枚 很多人看到他的第一眼就不自觉得喜欢上了他 一直以为他的年龄接近忙内

实际上他是二哥 完全的逆生长 外表很受其实内心是个攻

喜欢踢足球出一身的汗 拼魔方很快50秒就能搞定很多不了解他的人会说他是花瓶 外表好看什么都不会

可那些人不知道他的baby don't cry唱cry了多少人 他的声线美好地让人哭泣 他喜欢用手捂着胸口唱歌

他说话时喜欢加“完了以后”这样的前缀 他很义气 很照顾弟弟们 喜欢给人带来温暖 鹿晗 清晨的小鹿 你比天使还灿烂耀眼


他是十二人里的leader 他的名字的含义是守护在所有人眼里他是像模范生那样优秀的人 他是那个让人想要依赖的绵队 也是那个在SM当了六年练习生却始终坚持自己梦想的隐忍的孩子

他有着让人感觉内心温暖踏实的笑容 许多人说他是个有心机的人 其实是因为他考虑事情考虑得多而给人造成的错觉

作为队长他要考虑的事情比其他成员多很多 之前有一次出道的机会却因为公司的计划改变而泡汤

他没有抱怨 继续当练习生 现在他终于带领着EXO实现了他六年的努力

金俊绵 我们为你感到欣慰 请一定带领十一个人好好走下去


他是移动画报 他是教主 是众多少女心中的男神 快本上被谢娜说成“从漫画里走出的人” 他的特技说是召唤会飞的火龙其实应该是可以随时秒妹纸们一脸血

他既是吴大龙又是吴二凡 他二起来无人能敌 在北京SC上下面的妹子一个劲儿得喊“吴亦凡笑一个”

他也全当没听见 开始时他给人的感觉总是冷冷的 后来才发现


Wei Chen (English Name: Vision) is a Chinese pop singer and actor who rose to fame through televised singing competitions.


Wei participated in the 2007 season of Super Boy,a famous national televised singing competition in China, and placed third. In the compitition, Wei's contagious performances and sunny image had won him so much attention.

Wei was born on Feb.22th in 1986. He was grew up in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China. In high school, he started having vocal music and piano lessons and later attended the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. As a professional singers, he also good at piano, guitar, hulusi, guxun.There are 3 people in his family: father, mother and grandmother. His mother was a former singer.

In 2007, after Super Boy,Wei participated in Just the Two of Us with Rujjana Utaiwan from Thailand, and the duo finished in second place.

In 2008, he co-starred in the movie Shi Qi (十七), starring Joan Chen and Sam Chow. In the film, he acts Tian Yi(Chinese:天翊) who is a sunny boy and the friend of the leading man Shi Qi of the film.

In 2009, he filmed the television series Let's Go watch the Meteor Shower (TV series) . In the TV series, Wei acts as Ye Shuo, an expert on computer. Ye is a staid, introverted and he is clear about that who to love and who to hate. In his university, the university of Alistun, a series of romantic stories are happened on Ye and his 3 friends. Ye falls in love with an elder lady who is not approved to a love of a younger man. But his persistence finally win he and the lady a happy ending. On the other side, Ye hates and opposes his brother because of his carelessness to their family. However, they make peace in the end of the story and get more understanding on the importance of family.


Release Title China Pop Song Charts

Peak Weekly Position Song

2007.05.29 "Super Boy Season 1: Wei Chen" —

2007.07.26 "Shao Nian You" —

2008.01.02 "Le Tian Pai" (1st EP) 14 Yi Ge Ren Shui

27 Boys (featuring He Jie)

2008.10.29 "Jia You! Ni You ME!" (with alan) 7 Jia You! Ni You ME!

2008.11.03 "You Ni De Xin Fu" (with Yu Shasha)

My idol

My idol is Leehom Wang(王力宏).He is a talent singer.He can play many instrument.For example,he can play the piano,the violin,the guitar and so on. Also,his songs are very good!Such as "Forever love","Only one","Mary says","the small love in big city","Kiss goodbye"and so on. And he also writes the songs by himself,especially the original lyrics. So many people like him very much. Now,he concentrates on the Chinese music . Of course,he is very handsome.He also have the high academic records. He has many advantage,too.He is a kind man,he is hardly ever angry with other people. So many singers or actors are his friends.When he is making his CD,he even forgets the time and the meals.He is very earnest and gentle.I really take pride in his fans!


I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player inChina. When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and do well in the next game. What’s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well.




He, with short, alert eyes. Although he only in first grade, but his IQ is high school students. He is my idol - real detective conan!

Conan, formerly kudo new one, is a high school student detective. He become a child, because he was at the trade organization is a dark black dress person knocked out, and then be forced to fill the poison, his body becomes. Conan in order to investigate the case, was known as edo conan lived in sichuan xiao LAN (high school) father, Maori small five lang at home. Dr Dai li know conan o's true identity, in order to help him solve crimes, invented hand phenotypic anesthesia needle, the tracker glasses, solar skateboarding, tie voice changer, super ability of football shoes, automatic telescopic condole belt and inflatable football and other high-tech to conan.

I admire him and respect him exciting life; Admire him of life and death of friends; Admire him with an intelligent mind; Admire him have high-tech; Admire him with the noble character of self-sacrifice...

Although I didn't conan the wit of the mind, not invented by Dr Dai li high-tech, but I also have a good friend, I am proud of you have these good friends. I may not be as the same detective conan, but I still admire him. I try to learn from conan, do your best to become a real detective, because only one dream forever.


Sister has always been my learning model! She not only form good learning habits and behavior habits, in six years of primary school career, she has always maintained a high study harder!

Remember last year, the elder sister faces among the exam, so every time she finished the homework to review.

On a Saturday morning, my sister and I do homework together. Soon finished all my homework, I can not help but be elated. Sister so I glanced around, found that she had already finished my homework, is holding an extracurricular coach book, watching attentively! Oh, forget it, or don't disturb her. After a while, I was bored, went up with the hand gently pull up her skirts, simply said: "elder sister, play with me, ok?" She seemed not to hear me speak, don't change color, still low head carefully review. When I saw that, I am angry straight stamp. "Sister, elder sister is about to graduate, I think you also hope that the elder sister enter a good middle school, is it?" I nodded. "Well, you don't bother sister!" Sister said, and move the line of sight to the book. I have to killjoy sighed, I went to play.

One time in the past, I play tired, just stand on his feet, pacing slowly toward the elder sister are studying hard work. "Elder sister, why are you still learning? When we eat at noon!" But she also don't lift, just put a finger in the mouth, "hiss" after a sound gently with a wave at me. Again after a long time, the elder sister suddenly stood up, and blunt I said with a smile: "I was thinking about a problem, now want to come out at last! Come, we eat together!" Me say that finish, she danced, and to have a meal!

Yes, my sister is such a love of learning, she is always my model of learning.


I will always remember your name, although you not clear Cezanne's style, as Picasso's personality is distinct, high more than wild writing, but your story your painting, accompany I passed one after another season of rebirth. Oh, my idol.

As early as six years ago, I was deeply love you, through your information, know your life, copy of your paintings. It is you that piece of the starry night left a mark in the deep of my heart, a strong called impressionism color make me no words can describe. Dark after the terror of fir trees are beautiful psychedelic, uncharacteristically into the dark of the night - not deep, also does not have the dignified ultramarine blue, just, just a piece of clear and harmonious blue: ink blue, cobalt blue, purple, blue, dark blue, navy, deep and remote blue, lake blue, sky blue, light blue, blue, light blue... The aurora of golden stars shining in the cold, flowing clouds pentium in the beautiful moonlight, brilliant and mysterious. Is such a outstanding works of your completed in psychiatric hospitals, lead me into your world, your heart and your soul.

You are a lonely ICONS. Because of social pressure with reality, you cut off his ear, then those people call you "nuts", you desire for liberation. But even so, you still insist on their own creation, you was born for art.

Appreciate you joyful good painting, I felt he was beyond the one hundred in dialogue with you, you let me feel the elegant and natural and unrestrained of the brush you feel same desire to bright happy mood and a healthy body. The more is, the more you to be like this, but is to sink the cruel reality to turn. You try to avoid any compromise, do not bow to fate, honest for his opponent. But the result? You only the tragedy of the harvest.

"Don't comfort me, useless life cannot remove... sad thing..." On July 29, 1890, you said to dior - so this is your last sentence. Finally you 37 years of pain in our own hands over. Although this means your failure, but at least this time, your fate in your hands! I hope you can see the face of god, kind missionary.

"To it, I take risking his own life, because it and my sanity half collapsed, but it doesn't matter..." This is you in the eyes of feelings. If there is no this affection, you won't end up so off. But if not this affection, you will not be the great and tragic mad artist!

Oh, my idol. Your ideal, you lead me to taste the a and the greatness of a tragedy. You than Cezanne's style is plain, softer than Picasso's personality, more than the high more emotional outpourings of writing. I will always remember your name - van gogh!


Individuals who hold concerts in several countries, has many fans, Liu Huan at the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony, singing the theme song, has been well received. Liu Huan is known as "one of the most popular pop musician.





I have a friend named liuhuan. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize. She loves sports, like hiking fitness. She was a helpful person. Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left. Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles.

