2024-03-12 07:46:04






今天下午第二节课, 葛 老师拎着一个盒子进了教室。我心想:这样大的包装,一定是新买的内衣吧。这时正好下课了,老师知道我们的好奇心太强了。便叮嘱我们不要围到她桌上弄盒子,下节课打开和大家一起看。这时我想:这一定是贵重的物品,否则老师不会那么珍爱。也许是笔记本电脑吧,记得老师曾介绍过,上海京城公司要为我校捐赠电子白板等先进的教学设备,今天是圣诞节,校园内又彩旗招展……想到这,我心里一阵欣喜。

可是,第三节课我的老爸——数学老师捷足先登,上数学课了。好不容易等到下课。只见 葛 老师提着这个包来到讲台上,让我们猜测里面是什么。坐在前排的同学,带头喊是电脑,哈,他们看到了包装上的字。老师又兴奋地要我们猜大小、颜色,教室立即像炸开了锅,都根据自己见过的笔记本电脑,不停地比划着,七嘴八舌的说着“黑色”、“白色”、“银灰色”。 “我猜是黄色。”老师说笑着说,“还是打开看看吧!”可是这盒子太紧,老师左掰右弄就是打不开,心急的同学嚷着要撕开外包装,老师只好忍痛割爱,撕掉了外包装。这时,露出一个白纸盒,盒子里还有几个整齐排列的小纸盒。也许设计师怕初拿到的人粗心跌伤电脑,才设这么多“防线”的吧。又拆开里面的小包装,这时电脑才显出它的庐山真面目:只有我日记本大,谁也没料到它拥有这么娇小玲珑的身材。浅红色的皮肤粉嘟嘟的。老师介绍说:“ 用它备课、教学方便得很, 以后只要把课件等信息输入电脑,再与教室的这台电视一连接,效果就可以相当于以往阶梯教室的多媒体了。”我们听了都十分激动。



People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I think we remember special gifts we’ve received because these gifts often are part of a special memory for us. It may be a memory of someone special we’ve cared deeply about. He or she may no longer be alive. Or it may be a memory of a special event in our lives. It may even be a memory of the person we once were at some particular moment in our lives.

Gifts from other people can make us feel joy every time we look at them. A gift from our parents, or our husband or wife makes us feel loved each time we see or use it. If we have children, the first gift our child made for us in kindergarten is cherished long after the child has grown up. A family heirloom given to us by a grandparent makes us feel connected to our past. A gift from a good friend is a reminder of all the good times we’ve shared. A memento from a respected colleague of a reminder of a job we worked on successfully together.

Gift may also pinpoint special events in our lives. Gifts given to us as part of our religious heritage, such as First Communion or Chanukkah gifts, remind us of those celebrations. The same is true for gifts given for birthdays and graduations, and for the anniversaries of special days in our lives, like our wedding day.

Gifts can also be a symbol of the person we were at a particular point in our lives. A gift received in childhood may remind us of a passionate hobby that’s now boxed in the attic. A gift received when we left a job may bring to mind the first career we bad, now that we’re on our third or fourth.

The gifts that are important to us are the ones that remind us of family, friends and happy times. They’re a way of surrounding ourselves with our past.