2023-12-14 04:40:21




April Fool"s Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool"s errands, and fool the unsuspecting.

No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.

The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in1582, in France. New Year"s was celebrated on March25and celebrations lasted until April1st.

When New Year"s Day as changed from March25to January1st in the mid-1560"s by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April1st and those people were called April Fools.


Pranks performed on April Fool"s Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe"s untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate"s alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool"s Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"


April Fool"s Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It"s simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!




april Fool‘s Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool‘s errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.


The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Year‘s was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until april 1st. When New Year‘s Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560‘s by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on april 1st and those people were called april Fools.


Pranks performed on april Fool‘s Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe‘s untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate‘s alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on april Fool‘s Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "april Fool!"


april Fool‘s Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It‘s simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next april Fool!


Each country celebrates april Fool‘s differently. In France, the april Fool‘s is called "april Fishh"

(Poisson d‘avril)。 The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends‘ backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell "Poisson d‘avril!".

每个国家用不同的方式过愚人节。在法国,愚人节被称作“april Fish”。法国人和他们的朋友是这样开玩笑的:把一张裁成鱼形的纸用胶带粘到朋友的后背上,当有人发现的时候,他们就会喊:“Poisson d‘avril!”。

In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is play

ed on you, you are a "noodle". In Scotland, april Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an "april Gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird. The second day in Scotland‘s april Fool‘s is called Taily Day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks. Taily Day‘s gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious "Kick Me" sign.

在英国,只能在早上搞恶作剧。如果你被耍了,那你就是“面条”。在苏格兰,愚人节要持续2天,被耍的人被称为“四月布谷”。苏格兰第二天的愚人节叫做Taily Day,恶作剧主要在别人的屁股上做文章。


in the 16th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools.

each country celebrates april fools' day differently. in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”

in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools' day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “ your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.


 Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong.

  On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother. She smiled to us and said "April fools"!


Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April。 We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong。


On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home。 Then we did some cleaning at home。 At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother。 She smiled to us and said "April fools"!



April Fool's day, also known as the All Fool's day, the west is also USA traditional folk festivals, the festival on April 1st. April Fool's day has been there for hundreds of years, Public opinions are divergent. its origin. An argument that this practice originated in India, "Li Quan Festival". The festival, an annual festival on March 31st that day, regardless of men and women,old and young, can each make fun of each other, the fool fool for entertainment.


At first, the Americans can be cooked any news of the frightful to the ear, but not negative the slightest moral and legal responsibility, the government and the judiciary will not be prosecuted. On the contrary, who fabricated lies the most bizarre, most people believe that fraud, who will receive the laurel crown. This approach to bring a lot of social chaos, thus caused dissatisfaction. Now, people during the holiday season the fool fool has no longer as outrageous, but for the purpose of easy pleasure.


On this day, both casual and elegant bearing of the French, Italians ebullience, or do something every rhythm, serious German, are likely to play tricks, the fool you amuse me, very lively.



in the 16 th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools.


each country celebrates april fools' day differently. in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”


in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools' day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.


in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “ your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.




There are lots of theories surrounding the origins of the day. As we look back in time, many ancient predecessors of April Fool’s Day are found.


The most widespread theory about the origin of April Fool’s Day links the day to the calendar reform in France.


In 1582 France became the first country to switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This meant that the beginning of the year was moved from the end of March 25th and April 1st, various jokes would be played on him. This story might explain why April 1st became the date of the modern holiday.



Each country celebrates April Fools' Day differently. In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!”

In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools' Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.


一、To end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, we‘re going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks. The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year‘s crop before the September rains. On the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. Mrs. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition! Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991. And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. We‘re now going back to the studio.

二、 april fools‘ day is a day to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in france. in the 16 th century, people celebrated new year‘s day from march 25 to april 1.

in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools. each country celebrates april fools‘ day differently.

in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends‘ backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!” in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you.

in scotland, april fools‘ day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.


in the 16th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1。 later, king charles ix changed new year's day to january 1。 but some people who lived in countryside did not the news; they still celebrated new year on april 1, so others laughed at them and called them april fools。




in the 16th century, people celebrated new year‘s day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools.

each country celebrates april fools‘ day differently. in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends‘ backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”

in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools‘ day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.


april fools' day is a day to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in france.

in the 16 th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools.

each country celebrates april fools' day differently. in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”

in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools' day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.


Communication traveled slowly in those days and some people were only informed of the change several years later. Still others, who were more rebellious refused to acknowledge the change and continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration, April 1. These people were labeled "fools" by the general populace, were subject to ridicule and sent on "fool errands," sent invitations to nonexistent parties and had other practical jokes played upon them. The butts of these pranks became known as a "poisson d'avril" or "April fish" because a young naive fish is easily caught. In addition, one common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke.

This harassment evolved over time and a custom of prank-playing continue on the first day of April. This tradition eventually spread elsewhere like to Britain and Scotland in the 18th century and was introduced to the American colonies by the English and the French. Because of this spread to other countries, April Fool's Day has taken on an international flavor with each country celebrating the holiday in its own way.

In Scotland, for instance, April Fool's Day is devoted to spoofs involving the buttocks and as such is called Taily Day. The butts of these jokes are known as April 'Gowk', another name for cuckoo bird. The origins of the "Kick Me" sign can be traced back to the Scottish observance.

In England, jokes are played only in the morning. Fools are called 'gobs' or 'gobby' and the victim of a joke is called a 'noodle.' It was considered back luck to play a practical joke on someone after noon.

In Rome, the holiday is known as Festival of Hilaria, celebrating the resurrection of the god Attis, is on March 25 and is also referred to as "Roman Laughing Day."

In Portugal, April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before lent. In this celebration, many people throw flour at their friends.

The Huli Festival is celebrated on March 31 in India. People play jokes on one another and smear colors on one another celebrating the arrival of Spring.

So, no matter where you happen to be in the world on April 1, don't be surprised if April fools fall playfully upon you.

愚人节或全部愚人节的历史是不确定的,但目前的想法是,它开始围绕1582法国在查理九世的历法改革。公历介绍,与元旦是从3月25日感动 - 4月1日(元旦周),以1月1日。

通信慢慢走在那些日子里,有些人只通知了变化数年后。还有一些人,谁更叛逆拒绝承认变化,继续庆祝前者庆典, 4月1日的最后一天。这些人由一般民众被打成“阿斗” ,是受到嘲笑和发送“愚人”,发出了邀请,不存在当事人和有其他的恶作剧后,他们发挥。这些恶作剧的烟头被称为一个“泊松D'四月”或“四月鱼”,因为一个年轻幼稚的鱼很容易抓到。此外,一个常见的做法是在别人当做笑话的背后勾一个纸鱼。


在苏格兰,例如,愚人节专门对臀部欺骗,因此被称作Taily日。这些笑话的烟头被称为四月的Gowk ,别称咕咕鸟。 “踢我”迹象的起源可以追溯到苏格兰遵守。

在英格兰,笑话只在早上播放。愚人节被称为“采空区”或“ gobby '和笑话的受害者被称为”面条“。它被认为是运气回来后,中午玩恶作剧的人。

在罗马,假日被称为Hilaria的节日,庆祝阿迪斯神的复活,是3月25日,也被称为“罗马笑天。 ”





April 1st afternoon, our Teacher He into the classroom and said: "the classmates, tell you a good news, we go to Mount Huangshan tomorrow afternoon outing! '' we heard, jumped three feet high! But while, some students said:" I don't believe it! "The teacher said with a smile:" you don't the letter! "


Then, we the class the students are noisy, some asked the teacher; "the teacher, we take what car past?" "what time will you come back? ''... The teacher one one answered. But fortunately, some students still don't believe it, the teacher said; and other group of fan teachers would say." we listened to, believe.


After class, teacher fan doesn't come in, teacher Zhang to homework. Ready, is ready to go, Chen Huijie and Zhang and her husband are surrounding them to ask the teacher, we have to ask, can be rather baffling chapter but the teacher asked: "what travel to Mount Huangshan oh? '' we heard, change invariably say:" is Teacher He said! "The teacher said:" he may cheat you! '' we heard, mouth open and then discuss. Suddenly, chapter and the husband was too happy to say: "I know, today is April Fool's Day!"


Oh! This is the fool's day ah!


Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong.

On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother. She smiled to us and said "April fools"!




in the 16th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1。 later, king charles ix changed new year's day to january 1。 but some people who lived in countryside did not the news; they still celebrated new year on april 1, so others laughed at them and called them april fools。




A young blind boy is being tucked into bed by his mother. The mom says "Now Billy, pray really hard tonight and tomorrow, your wish will come true!". Billy says, "Ok,mommy." and goes to sleep. the next morning, Billy wakes up and screams "MOMMY! I'm still blind, my wish didn''t come true!". The mom answered, "I know - April Fools!"



April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.

The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Year's was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Year's Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560's by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.

Pranks performed on April Fool's Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoe's untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"

April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!

Each country celebrates April Fool's differently. In France, the April Fool's is called "April Fish" (Poisson d'Avril). The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs and when some discovers a this trick, they yell "Poisson d'Avril!".

In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a "noodle". In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an "April Gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird. The second day in Scotland's April Fool's is called Taily Day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks. Taily Day's gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious "Kick Me" sign.


Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong.

On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother. She smiled to us and said "April fools"!


In the 16th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools.

each of the country celebrates april fools' day differently. in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”

in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools' day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “ your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.


Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool’s Day, etc. Such phenomenon shows us that the world people are getting close gradually and the world is becoming smaller and smaller as well. Therefore, in my opinion, it’s a normal phenomenon s well as a necessary trend.

First of all, it shows that we Chinese have become much opener rather than clinging to some very old customs, which are opposite our living. Looking back on the history, we can find the answer to why our China was very poor and weak in the 1800’s. Yes, the answer is that we closed ourselves not to let other countries know about us, and this led us to a very hard road on which we suffered many wars that many European countries launched. So I think it is more than necessary to accept other customs instead of closing ourselves. Of course, festivals are just the beginning.

What’s more, the Open and Reform Policy results in this. So I want to say it is a great achievement for the policy. Since we took the policy into practice, our country is developing with a rapid speed. No doubt it is an essential trend.

Last but not the least, we may get closer and closer not only to our home friends but also to many foreigners. We can never feel embarrassed for not knowing the other’s customs and manners. And more misunderstandings can be avoided as well.

To sum up, the trend has its great advantage to a certain extent. However, if we admire the western customs too much, it will be a disadvantage because China is our own country, all of us should enjoy a patriotic heart. Wish in the near future, we can see the situation that westerners are enjoying themselves on the Spring Festival.