2024-05-27 01:43:07


My name is 七年级下册英语作文. I study in No.2 Middle school.

My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I don't like Maths,it's not easy at all.

I am not good at it.

I am good at Music,so I like it, too.

Do you think so?






I ’m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name’s Gina. She has a good eating habit. For breakfast, she likes milk and eggs. She likes eating chicken, rice, vegetables and salad for lunch. For dinner, she likes fruit. She likes bananas and apples. She doesn’t want to be fat. She is a healthy girl.


I ’m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name’s Gina. For breakfast, she eats milk and eggs. For lunch, she eats chicken, rice, vegetables and salad. But I don’t eat salad for lunch. Gina only eats fruit for dinner. She likes bananas and apples. Gina has a healthy eating habit.


I ’m ZhaoLing. I have a good friend. Her name’s Gina. She has three meals a day. She likes milk and eggs for breakfast. This is healthy food. At lunch, she likes chicken, some rice, vegetables and salad. She doesn ’t like hamburgers. Why? Because she thinks it’s not healthy. She likes fruit very much. So she eats bananas and apples for dinner.

She eats well! What about you?


Spring Festival is a favorite of children a day, I was no This year's Spring Festival, I am particularly pleased that you want to know why? It is better for me to tell you it! Danian Ye because, I must personally against the write affixed to the I hope that you hope that you and so on and so on, until at last the

Couplet looked at the site, as if I saw the prosperity of the motherland, to see if the motherland is in the spring So vibrant, but also to see if the mother's life of the people happy, they are better today for the motherland and At this moment, I can not help Recitation of this couplet from: "The motherland spring, more than the well-being of the " Father then walked over, patted me on the shoulder and said: "You write very well, I had more than " Listening to Dad Dad, I'm sweet, I think: this year's Spring Festival, it can be really


Time is money,which means time is limited and everyone should save to make full use of time:

Firstly,you should make a good maybe have many things to do in a is necessary to make a plan,which help you what time you will do something,which make you do everything in a good

Secondly,do what you have made the is very important to do everything according to your you don't do so,everything that you have planned won't be finished,and you'll put off everything that you'll do

Thirdly,giving up something that you can't do even if you have made every effort,which doesn't mean your failure,because,sometimes,giving up something will make you get more

Fourthly,it is necessary for you to make a scientific time should know you well so that you can arrange time the place you study is noisy,you can make notes and go over what you have the place you study is very peaceful,you can do the most important things,for example,do mathmatics and so

In a word,you will make great progress if you make use of your time









When I see the cartoon, I like to watch the cat machine very much, he has a time machine, he always helps his friend to fine something with time The cartoon makes me think of what would I do if I have a time If I have a time machine, the first thing I want to do is go back to the time when I play with my friend, he now moves to another place, I never say goodbye to him, I want to make it up and say goodbye to The second thing is I want to go back to the time when I shout at my mother, I regret about this all the time, I wish I had a chance to say sorry at that Now I have to face the truth that I will never have time machine, I should cherish the time and thing I own now, be nice to my


I am in Xianchi Railway Middle There are about 40 teachers and 900 students in my It's very large with two small Some small trees and flowers are We enjoy beautiful flowers in spring, summer and They are the places the students like There are two modern teaching buildings and a teaching building in my Our classrooms are large and We feel so happy to study in such comfortable Besides, the teachers in our school are so excellent that they are popular in our Students build a good relationship with I am sure you will like my


There are many funny places in our For example, the football playground, the classroom, the experiment But my favorite place is school’s Our school’s reading-room is very big and After class, you can go inside and pick out one of your favorite book to There are so many books that you don’t know which one you should read

I love And Rowling is my favorite I have read the Harry Potter series so many times but I never get In my opinion, reading books not only broaden my horizon, but also help me to be a better I can learn different things from these When I feel blue, I will go to the school’s In that place, I can forget my trouble when I read my favorite


There are four seasons in the They’re spring, summer, autumn and

Spring is warm and In spring days, everything in our nature is green, so we can go out to release ourselves and breathe the fresh I think it's a good way to enjoy our beautiful

Summer is hot and rainy, but summer is the best season for entertainment, because we can go swimming in the sea and enjoy the beautiful sunshine on the It must be very

Autumn is very cool and comfortable, and it is also the best season for In autumn days, the farmers are busy in their If we had a chance, we could go to the countryside and pick up some fresh fruits and

Winter is very cold and In winter, our world is covered with white snow, so we can either make snowmen or fight with And we can also enjoy the beautiful ice lanterns in But I prefer to go to Sanya during that As it's on Hainan Island, the weather is always so Even in December, I can still enjoy the green palm trees, the beautiful sea, the sunny beach and the blue Maybe I can find endless pleasure


With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past Many things that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality Therefore, our lives will change as well in the Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our Many things can be done Therefore, people will have more time for People can travel the outer space Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the Human beings may live in other Besides, our environment will be much better than now, because some effective measures are taken to protect the Earth is still a beautiful home for


A dream is to a man what wings are to a With a dream in the deep hearts core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth

I have a It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and


May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor’s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let’s go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It’s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

May Day is my favorite day!





i spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.on 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.on 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. all the other days lefti didn’t go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!





My mother loves us and we also love our mother.





I have a robot, my father bought me from the United States. It's called Dr. IQ , it is an intelligent robot and about 1 meter high. It has a round head, the body is silver-gray.

He is a magical robot, he can chat with me, but also play many songs that I like to listen . But his most special is that he can paint a picture, and the paintings are particularly good. Because I also learn to draw, so this was especially pleased.

Sometimes, when I can not draw the human body and landscape, he would teach me how to draw this shape, how to use color, how to draw eyes and mouth, and so on. He solved many problems for me.For that,My painting levels increased a lot .

Therefore, I would like to thank my robot, affectionately thanks!






Last night,I had a beautiful dream.I was very excited that a robot came into my home .I called her Pink because she was wearing a pink dress.

She did all my jobs around the house .She cleaned my house ,mopped the floors ,made my bed ,cooked meals and dealt with my homework .whenever I asked

her,she did everything that she could so well .She never complained about her physical problems and did not need days off .I was very glad that she serviced me all the time in a day .


At New Year's Eve my aunt got me that robot, a monkey robot, almost lifelike.

The first few days we got along just fine. I put three batteries into the device and made it roam about the floor. I moved on my knees to follow the pace of my ,though lifeless, brother. We never got apart. I couldn't even allow others to touch it.

Things became unclear when my robot refused to work. Either through some overuse or certain inevitable clash, my "brother" began to wither and die. Tears stung my eyes. This time I know sometimes there's nothing one can do to save something that must die.



Chinese micro blog has about five years of history. Though it’s very short,the micro blogs in China are popular with young people, especially we students. We students believe that micro blog is very useful, we can do many things by using it. For example, we can get news and information quickly. And we can write our feelings, our sense of life and some small things everyday on it, just like keeping a simple diary in 140 worlds or fewer. We can enjoy or upload photos, videos and music easily. What’s more, we can find or create a hot topic, and then talk about the topic with others online. How interesting!


Lots of my classmates and teachers have micro blogs. I also like using micro blog very much. I often upload my pictures and get some advice from others who can draw well. And it’s also a great way to learn English by using micro blogs. We can try to write three beautiful English sentences and then ask someone to modife them and teach us online.


All in all,there are many advantages of using micro blogs, this can only give a brief introduction. But remember not to spend too much time on the Internet. Let’s surf the web healthily and grow up happily!



long long ago, i want to have lunch with frank liu(classmate) on saturday. we saw few people buy the beef noodle, so we decided to buy that. then we went to the counter and bought two bowls. i was very surprised to see that there were only three small pieces of beef in my noodle and five in frank liu’s. i asked the seller to give us more, but we failed. i asked the seller three times. at last, he gave frank liu two pieces.

i was shocked. then i began to complain about this wick world . i promised that i wouldn’t eat beef noodle any more.

at that time, i had that dream.

yesterday, i went to lunch with frank liu again. this time, we saw no people buy the beef noodle, it was very unusual, and so i bought one. too my surprised, there were more than six big pieces of beef in my noodle. what a lucky day!! i said to myself.

i was very happy, because my dream had come true. but few minutes later, i felt worried again: maybe three days later, there will be three small pieces of beef in the noodle for the second time.





昨天,我和弗兰克·刘去午餐了。这一次,我们看到没有人买牛肉面条,这是非常不寻常的,所以我买了一个。我惊讶,有超过六大块牛肉面条。幸运的一天! !我对自己说。



It was a sunny Sunday,my father and I went on an excursion.We took a bus and walked along the river.There's really a beautiful place!We walked beneath the deep bule sky and breathed the fresh air.And we climbed up the mountain,admired the beautiful sunlight brighten the land.

At noon,my father and I went to a restaurant which is my favourite and had a good lunch.We were so tired that we aet a lot.After a big meal,we went home by bus.The surroundings were beautiful,but I fell asleep after I got on the bus.What's pity!

This is a happy and funny Sunday.



